1test: add -target flag.
3--- test/run.go
4+++ test/run.go
5@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@ import (
7 var (
8 	verbose        = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose. if set, parallelism is set to 1.")
9 	keep           = flag.Bool("k", false, "keep. keep temporary directory.")
10 	numParallel    = flag.Int("n", runtime.NumCPU(), "number of parallel tests to run")
11 	summary        = flag.Bool("summary", false, "show summary of results")
12 	showSkips      = flag.Bool("show_skips", false, "show skipped tests")
13 	runSkips       = flag.Bool("run_skips", false, "run skipped tests (ignore skip and build tags)")
14-	linkshared     = flag.Bool("linkshared", false, "")
15 	updateErrors   = flag.Bool("update_errors", false, "update error messages in test file based on compiler output")
16 	runoutputLimit = flag.Int("l", defaultRunOutputLimit(), "number of parallel runoutput tests to run")
17+	target         = flag.String("target", "", "if non empty, use 'go_target' to compile test files and 'go_target_exec' to run the binaries")
19 	shard  = flag.Int("shard", 0, "shard index to run. Only applicable if -shards is non-zero.")
20 	shards = flag.Int("shards", 0, "number of shards. If 0, all tests are run. This is used by the continuous build.")
21 )
23 var (
24 	goos, goarch string
26@@ -189,48 +189,49 @@ func goFiles(dir string) []string {
27 	}
28 	sort.Strings(names)
29 	return names
30 }
32 type runCmd func(...string) ([]byte, error)
34 func compileFile(runcmd runCmd, longname string, flags []string) (out []byte, err error) {
35-	cmd := []string{"go", "tool", "compile", "-e"}
36+	cmd := []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "compile", "-e"}
37 	cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
38-	if *linkshared {
39-		cmd = append(cmd, "-dynlink", "-installsuffix=dynlink")
40-	}
41 	cmd = append(cmd, longname)
42 	return runcmd(cmd...)
43 }
45 func compileInDir(runcmd runCmd, dir string, flags []string, names ...string) (out []byte, err error) {
46-	cmd := []string{"go", "tool", "compile", "-e", "-D", ".", "-I", "."}
47+	cmd := []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "compile", "-e", "-D", ".", "-I", "."}
48 	cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
49-	if *linkshared {
50-		cmd = append(cmd, "-dynlink", "-installsuffix=dynlink")
51-	}
52 	for _, name := range names {
53 		cmd = append(cmd, filepath.Join(dir, name))
54 	}
55 	return runcmd(cmd...)
56 }
58 func linkFile(runcmd runCmd, goname string) (err error) {
59 	pfile := strings.Replace(goname, ".go", ".o", -1)
60-	cmd := []string{"go", "tool", "link", "-w", "-o", "a.exe", "-L", "."}
61-	if *linkshared {
62-		cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared", "-installsuffix=dynlink")
63-	}
64-	cmd = append(cmd, pfile)
65-	_, err = runcmd(cmd...)
66+	_, err = runcmd(findGoCmd(), "tool", "link", "-w", "-o", "a.exe", "-L", ".", pfile)
67 	return
68 }
70+func goRun(runcmd runCmd, flags []string, goname string, args ...string) (out []byte, err error) {
71+	cmd := []string{findGoCmd(), "run", goGcflags()}
72+	if len(findExecCmd()) > 0 {
73+		cmd = append(cmd, "-exec")
74+		cmd = append(cmd, findExecCmd()...)
75+	}
76+	cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
77+	cmd = append(cmd, goname)
78+	cmd = append(cmd, args...)
79+	return runcmd(cmd...)
82 // skipError describes why a test was skipped.
83 type skipError string
85 func (s skipError) Error() string { return string(s) }
87 func check(err error) {
88 	if err != nil {
89 		log.Fatal(err)
90@@ -590,18 +591,17 @@ func (t *test) run() {
92 	long := filepath.Join(cwd, t.goFileName())
93 	switch action {
94 	default:
95 		t.err = fmt.Errorf("unimplemented action %q", action)
97 	case "errorcheck":
98 		// TODO(gri) remove need for -C (disable printing of columns in error messages)
99-		cmdline := []string{"go", "tool", "compile", "-C", "-e", "-o", "a.o"}
100-		// No need to add -dynlink even if linkshared if we're just checking for errors...
101+		cmdline := []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "compile", "-C", "-e", "-o", "a.o"}
102 		cmdline = append(cmdline, flags...)
103 		cmdline = append(cmdline, long)
104 		out, err := runcmd(cmdline...)
105 		if wantError {
106 			if err == nil {
107 				t.err = fmt.Errorf("compilation succeeded unexpectedly\n%s", out)
108 				return
109 			}
110@@ -704,17 +704,17 @@ func (t *test) run() {
111 				}
112 				if strings.Replace(string(out), "\r\n", "\n", -1) != t.expectedOutput() {
113 					t.err = fmt.Errorf("incorrect output\n%s", out)
114 				}
115 			}
116 		}
118 	case "build":
119-		_, err := runcmd("go", "build", goGcflags(), "-o", "a.exe", long)
120+		_, err := runcmd(findGoCmd(), "build", goGcflags(), "-o", "a.exe", long)
121 		if err != nil {
122 			t.err = err
123 		}
125 	case "builddir":
126 		// Build an executable from all the .go and .s files in a subdirectory.
127 		useTmp = true
128 		longdir := filepath.Join(cwd, t.goDirName())
129@@ -730,177 +730,132 @@ func (t *test) run() {
130 			case ".go":
131 				gos = append(gos, file)
132 			case ".s":
133 				asms = append(asms, file)
134 			}
136 		}
137 		var objs []string
138-		cmd := []string{"go", "tool", "compile", "-e", "-D", ".", "-I", ".", "-o", "go.o"}
139+		cmd := []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "compile", "-e", "-D", ".", "-I", ".", "-o", "go.o"}
140 		if len(asms) > 0 {
141 			cmd = append(cmd, "-asmhdr", "go_asm.h")
142 		}
143 		for _, file := range gos {
144 			cmd = append(cmd, filepath.Join(longdir, file.Name()))
145 		}
146 		_, err := runcmd(cmd...)
147 		if err != nil {
148 			t.err = err
149 			break
150 		}
151 		objs = append(objs, "go.o")
152 		if len(asms) > 0 {
153-			cmd = []string{"go", "tool", "asm", "-e", "-I", ".", "-o", "asm.o"}
154+			cmd = []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "asm", "-e", "-I", ".", "-o", "asm.o"}
155 			for _, file := range asms {
156 				cmd = append(cmd, filepath.Join(longdir, file.Name()))
157 			}
158 			_, err = runcmd(cmd...)
159 			if err != nil {
160 				t.err = err
161 				break
162 			}
163 			objs = append(objs, "asm.o")
164 		}
165-		cmd = []string{"go", "tool", "pack", "c", "all.a"}
166+		cmd = []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "pack", "c", "all.a"}
167 		cmd = append(cmd, objs...)
168 		_, err = runcmd(cmd...)
169 		if err != nil {
170 			t.err = err
171 			break
172 		}
173-		cmd = []string{"go", "tool", "link", "all.a"}
174+		cmd = []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "link", "all.a"}
175 		_, err = runcmd(cmd...)
176 		if err != nil {
177 			t.err = err
178 			break
179 		}
181 	case "buildrun": // build binary, then run binary, instead of go run. Useful for timeout tests where failure mode is infinite loop.
182 		// TODO: not supported on NaCl
183 		useTmp = true
184-		cmd := []string{"go", "build", goGcflags(), "-o", "a.exe"}
185-		if *linkshared {
186-			cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared")
187-		}
188+		cmd := []string{findGoCmd(), "build", goGcflags(), "-o", "a.exe"}
189 		longdirgofile := filepath.Join(filepath.Join(cwd, t.dir), t.gofile)
190 		cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
191 		cmd = append(cmd, longdirgofile)
192 		out, err := runcmd(cmd...)
193 		if err != nil {
194 			t.err = err
195 			return
196 		}
197-		cmd = []string{"./a.exe"}
198+		cmd = []string{}
199+		if len(findExecCmd()) > 0 {
200+			cmd = append(cmd, findExecCmd()...)
201+		}
202+		cmd = append(cmd, "./a.exe")
203 		out, err = runcmd(append(cmd, args...)...)
204 		if err != nil {
205 			t.err = err
206 			return
207 		}
209 		if strings.Replace(string(out), "\r\n", "\n", -1) != t.expectedOutput() {
210 			t.err = fmt.Errorf("incorrect output\n%s", out)
211 		}
213 	case "run":
214 		useTmp = false
215-		var out []byte
216-		var err error
217-		if len(flags)+len(args) == 0 && goGcflags() == "" && !*linkshared {
218-			// If we're not using special go command flags,
219-			// skip all the go command machinery.
220-			// This avoids any time the go command would
221-			// spend checking whether, for example, the installed
222-			// package runtime is up to date.
223-			// Because we run lots of trivial test programs,
224-			// the time adds up.
225-			pkg := filepath.Join(t.tempDir, "pkg.a")
226-			if _, err := runcmd("go", "tool", "compile", "-o", pkg, t.goFileName()); err != nil {
227-				t.err = err
228-				return
229-			}
230-			exe := filepath.Join(t.tempDir, "test.exe")
231-			cmd := []string{"go", "tool", "link", "-s", "-w"}
232-			cmd = append(cmd, "-o", exe, pkg)
233-			if _, err := runcmd(cmd...); err != nil {
234-				t.err = err
235-				return
236-			}
237-			out, err = runcmd(append([]string{exe}, args...)...)
238-		} else {
239-			cmd := []string{"go", "run", goGcflags()}
240-			if *linkshared {
241-				cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared")
242-			}
243-			cmd = append(cmd, flags...)
244-			cmd = append(cmd, t.goFileName())
245-			out, err = runcmd(append(cmd, args...)...)
246-		}
247+		out, err := goRun(runcmd, flags, t.goFileName(), args...)
248 		if err != nil {
249 			t.err = err
250 			return
251 		}
252 		if strings.Replace(string(out), "\r\n", "\n", -1) != t.expectedOutput() {
253 			t.err = fmt.Errorf("incorrect output\n%s", out)
254 		}
256 	case "runoutput":
257 		rungatec <- true
258 		defer func() {
259 			<-rungatec
260 		}()
261 		useTmp = false
262-		cmd := []string{"go", "run", goGcflags()}
263-		if *linkshared {
264-			cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared")
265-		}
266-		cmd = append(cmd, t.goFileName())
267-		out, err := runcmd(append(cmd, args...)...)
268+		out, err := goRun(runcmd, nil, t.goFileName(), args...)
269 		if err != nil {
270 			t.err = err
271 			return
272 		}
273 		tfile := filepath.Join(t.tempDir, "tmp__.go")
274 		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tfile, out, 0666); err != nil {
275 			t.err = fmt.Errorf("write tempfile:%s", err)
276 			return
277 		}
278-		cmd = []string{"go", "run", goGcflags()}
279-		if *linkshared {
280-			cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared")
281-		}
282-		cmd = append(cmd, tfile)
283-		out, err = runcmd(cmd...)
284+		out, err = goRun(runcmd, nil, tfile)
285 		if err != nil {
286 			t.err = err
287 			return
288 		}
289 		if string(out) != t.expectedOutput() {
290 			t.err = fmt.Errorf("incorrect output\n%s", out)
291 		}
293 	case "errorcheckoutput":
294 		useTmp = false
295-		cmd := []string{"go", "run", goGcflags()}
296-		if *linkshared {
297-			cmd = append(cmd, "-linkshared")
298-		}
299-		cmd = append(cmd, t.goFileName())
300-		out, err := runcmd(append(cmd, args...)...)
301+		out, err := goRun(runcmd, nil, t.goFileName(), args...)
302 		if err != nil {
303 			t.err = err
304 			return
305 		}
306 		tfile := filepath.Join(t.tempDir, "tmp__.go")
307 		err = ioutil.WriteFile(tfile, out, 0666)
308 		if err != nil {
309 			t.err = fmt.Errorf("write tempfile:%s", err)
310 			return
311 		}
312-		cmdline := []string{"go", "tool", "compile", "-e", "-o", "a.o"}
313+		cmdline := []string{findGoCmd(), "tool", "compile", "-e", "-o", "a.o"}
314 		cmdline = append(cmdline, flags...)
315 		cmdline = append(cmdline, tfile)
316 		out, err = runcmd(cmdline...)
317 		if wantError {
318 			if err == nil {
319 				t.err = fmt.Errorf("compilation succeeded unexpectedly\n%s", out)
320 				return
321 			}
322@@ -917,26 +872,37 @@ func (t *test) run() {
324 var execCmd []string
326 func findExecCmd() []string {
327 	if execCmd != nil {
328 		return execCmd
329 	}
330 	execCmd = []string{} // avoid work the second time
331+	if *target != "" {
332+		execCmd = []string{"go_" + *target + "_exec"}
333+		return execCmd
334+	}
335 	if goos == runtime.GOOS && goarch == runtime.GOARCH {
336 		return execCmd
337 	}
338 	path, err := exec.LookPath(fmt.Sprintf("go_%s_%s_exec", goos, goarch))
339 	if err == nil {
340 		execCmd = []string{path}
341 	}
342 	return execCmd
343 }
345+func findGoCmd() string {
346+	if *target != "" {
347+		return "go_" + *target
348+	}
349+	return "go"
352 func (t *test) String() string {
353 	return filepath.Join(t.dir, t.gofile)
354 }
356 func (t *test) makeTempDir() {
357 	var err error
358 	t.tempDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "")
359 	check(err)