1syntax = "proto2";
3package com.google.tuningfork;
5// Passed by the user to tuning fork at initialization.
6message Settings {
7  message Histogram {
8    optional int32 instrument_key = 1;
9    optional float bucket_min = 2;
10    optional float bucket_max = 3;
11    optional int32 n_buckets = 4;
12  }
13  message AggregationStrategy {
14    enum Submission {
15      TIME_BASED = 1;
16      TICK_BASED = 2;
17    }
18    optional Submission method = 1;
19    optional int32 intervalms_or_count = 2;
20    optional int32 max_instrumentation_keys = 3;
21    repeated int32 annotation_enum_size = 4;
22  }
23  optional AggregationStrategy aggregation_strategy = 1;
24  repeated Histogram histograms = 2;