1 #include "dynamicproto.h"
3 #include "proto/tuningfork.pb.h"
4 #include "proto/tuningfork_clearcut_log.pb.h"
5 #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
6 #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <fstream>
10 #include <numeric>
11 #include <functional>
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include <random>
14 #include <sstream>
16 using namespace google::protobuf;
17 using namespace google::protobuf::io;
19 using ::com::google::tuningfork::FidelityParams;
20 using ::com::google::tuningfork::Annotation;
21 using ::com::google::tuningfork::Settings;
22 using ::com::google::tuningfork::Settings_Histogram;
24 using ::logs::proto::tuningfork::TuningForkLogEvent;
25 using ::logs::proto::tuningfork::TuningForkHistogram;
27 namespace {
29 std::default_random_engine generator;
30 std::uniform_real_distribution<double> zero_one_random_double_dist(0,1);
ZeroToOneRandomDouble()32 double ZeroToOneRandomDouble() {
33   return zero_one_random_double_dist(generator);
34 }
36 std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> int32_dist;
RandInt32()37 int32_t RandInt32() {
38   return int32_dist(generator);
39 }
Usage()41 void Usage() {
42   std::cerr << "Usage: sztool <your_tf_proto_name> <your_settings>\n";
43 }
45 constexpr size_t ERROR = -1;
FieldSize(const FieldDescriptor * fd,bool outputTypes)47 size_t FieldSize(const FieldDescriptor* fd, bool outputTypes) {
48   switch(fd->type()) {
49     case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
50       if(outputTypes)
51         std::cout << fd->name() << " " << fd->type_name() << std::endl;
52       // Do we want this?
53       return 2;
54     case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
55       if(outputTypes)
56         std::cout << fd->name() << " ";
57       dynamicproto::print(fd->enum_type(), std::cerr);
58       if(outputTypes)
59         std::cerr << std::endl;
60       // NB each field is optional, so there is another possibility,
61       //  with the value unknown.
62       return fd->enum_type()->value_count() + 1;
63     default:
64       return ERROR;
65     }
66 }
RandomId()68 string RandomId() {
69   const int ID_LEN = 32;
70   char id[ID_LEN];
71   for(int i=0;i<ID_LEN-1;++i)
72     id[i] = 32+(RandInt32()%90);
73   id[ID_LEN-1]=0;
74   return id;
75 }
77 const string ANNOTATION_MESSAGE_NAME = "Annotation";
78 const string FIDELITYPARAMS_MESSAGE_NAME = "FidelityParams";
NextAnnotation(const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor * > & ann_extensions,std::vector<int> & ann_values)79 void NextAnnotation(const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& ann_extensions,
80                     std::vector<int>& ann_values) {
81   for(int i=0; i<ann_extensions.size(); ++i) {
82     auto fd = ann_extensions[i];
83     if(fd->type()==FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL) {
84       if(ann_values[i]==0) {
85         ann_values[i]++;
86         return;
87       }
88     }
89     else {
90       if(ann_values[i]<fd->enum_type()->value_count()) {
91         ann_values[i]++;
92         return;
93       }
94     }
95     ann_values[i] = 0;
96   }
97 }
99 Annotation
MakeAnnotation(const FileDescriptor * fdesc,const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor * > & ann_extensions,const std::vector<int> & ann_values)100 MakeAnnotation(const FileDescriptor* fdesc,
101                const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& ann_extensions,
102                const std::vector<int>& ann_values) {
103   Annotation a;
104   Message* m = dynamicproto::newMessage(fdesc, ANNOTATION_MESSAGE_NAME);
105   if(m) {
106     const Reflection* r = m->GetReflection();
107     for(int i=0; i<ann_extensions.size(); ++i) {
108       auto fd = ann_extensions[i];
109       if(fd->type()==FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL) {
110         r->SetBool(m, fd, ann_values[i]!=0);
111       }
112       else {
113         // 0 means it's not set
114         if(ann_values[i]>0)
115           r->SetEnumValue(m, fd, ann_values[i]);
116       }
117     }
118     std::string s;
119     m->SerializeToString(&s);
120     a.ParseFromString(s);
121     delete m;
122   }
123   else
124     std::cerr << "Warning, could not find " << ANNOTATION_MESSAGE_NAME
125               << " in " << fdesc->name() << std::endl;
126   return a;
127 }
129 FidelityParams
RandomFidelityParams(const FileDescriptor * fdesc,const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor * > & fpExtensions)130 RandomFidelityParams(const FileDescriptor* fdesc,
131                      const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& fpExtensions) {
132   FidelityParams p;
133   Message* m = dynamicproto::newMessage(fdesc, FIDELITYPARAMS_MESSAGE_NAME);
134   if(m) {
135     const Reflection* r = m->GetReflection();
136     for(int i=0; i<fpExtensions.size(); ++i) {
137       auto fd = fpExtensions[i];
138       switch(fd->type()) {
139         case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
140           r->SetBool(m, fd, RandInt32()%2);
141           break;
142         case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
143           r->SetEnumValue(m, fd,
144                           1 + (RandInt32() % fd->enum_type()->value_count()));
145           break;
146         case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
147           r->SetInt32(m, fd, RandInt32());
148           break;
149         case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
150           r->SetInt64(m, fd, RandInt32());
151           break;
152         case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
153           r->SetString(m, fd, RandomId());
154           break;
155         default:
156           // Ignore the rest
157           break;
158       }
159     }
160     std::string s;
161     m->SerializeToString(&s);
162     p.ParseFromString(s);
163     delete m;
164   }
165   else
166     std::cerr << "Warning, could not find " << FIDELITYPARAMS_MESSAGE_NAME
167               << " in " << fdesc->name() << std::endl;
168   return p;
169 }
171 } // namespace
main(int argc,char * argv[])173 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
175   using namespace std::placeholders;  // for _1, _2, _3...
177   if(argc!=3) {
178     Usage();
179     return 1;
180   }
181   dynamicproto::init({".", "proto"});
182   auto fdescs = dynamicproto::fileDescriptors(argv[1]);
183   if(fdescs.size()<2) {
184     std::cerr << "The proto file has errors: it must include one import "
185               << "of tuningfork.proto" << std::endl;
186     return -2;
187   }
189   // Get the annotation extensions and count the combinations
190   std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> ann_extensions;
191   dynamicproto::extensionsOf(fdescs.back(), "com.google.tuningfork.Annotation",
192                              ann_extensions);
193   auto enums = dynamicproto::enums(fdescs.back());
194   std::vector<size_t> ann_extensionsSize(ann_extensions.size());
195   std::cout << "Annotation extensions:" << std::endl;
196   std::transform(ann_extensions.begin(), ann_extensions.end(),
197                  ann_extensionsSize.begin(),
198                  std::bind(FieldSize, _1, true));
199   for(auto a: ann_extensionsSize) {
200     if(a==ERROR) {
201       std::cerr << "Bad annotation (only bool and enum are supported)"
202                 << std::endl;
203       return 2;
204     }
205   }
206   size_t nAnnotationCombinations =
207       std::accumulate(ann_extensionsSize.begin(),
208                       ann_extensionsSize.end(),
209                       1,
210                       std::multiplies<size_t>());
211   std::cerr << "Total number of annotation combinations = "
212             << nAnnotationCombinations << std::endl;
214   // FidelityParams extensions
215   std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fpExtensions;
216   dynamicproto::extensionsOf(fdescs.back(),
217                              "com.google.tuningfork.FidelityParams",
218                              fpExtensions);
220   // Get the settings
221   std::string settings_file_name = argv[2];
222   ifstream settings_file(settings_file_name);
223   IstreamInputStream settings_stream(&settings_file);
224   if(!settings_file.good()) {
225     std::cerr << "Bad file: " << argv[2] << std::endl;
226     return 2;
227   }
228   Settings settings;
229   TextFormat::Parse(&settings_stream, &settings);
230   std::cout << "Read settings file " << settings_file_name << " :\n";
231   size_t maxInstrumentationKeys =
232       settings.aggregation_strategy().max_instrumentation_keys();
234   const double fraction_of_annotations_explored = 0.2;
235   // Fill in a clearcut log event and get its size
236   TuningForkLogEvent ev;
237   ev.set_device_id(RandomId());
238   ev.set_apk_id(RandomId());
239   *ev.mutable_fidelityparams() = RandomFidelityParams(fdescs.front(),
240                                                       fpExtensions);
241   ev.set_experiment_id(RandomId());
242   // This assumes we have histogram settings for each instrument key, i.e. not
243   //   relying on defaults
244   int n = settings.histograms_size();
245   int nset = 0;
246   for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
247     std::vector<int> ann_values(ann_extensions.size(),0);
248     const Settings_Histogram& h = settings.histograms(i);
249     for(int c=0;c<nAnnotationCombinations; ++c) {
250       TuningForkHistogram* live_h = ev.add_histograms();
251       live_h->set_instrument_id(i);
252       *live_h->mutable_annotation() = MakeAnnotation(fdescs.front(),
253                                                      ann_extensions,
254                                                      ann_values);
255       NextAnnotation(ann_extensions, ann_values);
256       // Only fill in some of the histograms
257       if(ZeroToOneRandomDouble()<fraction_of_annotations_explored) {
258         for(int i=0; i<h.n_buckets(); ++i)
259           live_h->add_counts(RandInt32());
260         nset++;
261       }
262     }
263   }
264   std::cout << "Assuming " << nset << " histograms are non-zero out of "
265             << n*nAnnotationCombinations << std::endl;
266   const std::string outfname = "clearcut_evt.bin";
267   const std::string dbgoutfname = "clearcut_evt.txt";
268   std::ofstream dbgfout(dbgoutfname);
269   dbgfout << ev.DebugString() << std::endl;
270   std::ofstream fout(outfname);
271   ev.SerializeToOstream(&fout);
272   std::cout << "Wrote example clearcut message to " << outfname << " and "
273             << dbgoutfname <<std::endl;
274   std::stringstream sout;
275   ev.SerializeToOstream(&sout);
276   std::cout << "Example message size = " << sout.str().length() << " bytes"
277             << std::endl;
278   return 0;
279 }