1bootstrap_go_package {
2    name: "soong-art",
3    pkgPath: "android/soong/art",
4    deps: [
5        "blueprint",
6        "blueprint-pathtools",
7        "blueprint-proptools",
8        "soong",
9        "soong-android",
10        "soong-apex",
11        "soong-cc",
12    ],
13    srcs: [
14        "art.go",
15        "codegen.go",
16        "makevars.go",
17    ],
18    pluginFor: ["soong_build"],
21art_clang_tidy_errors = [
22    "android-cloexec-dup",
23    "android-cloexec-open",
24    "bugprone-argument-comment",
25    "bugprone-lambda-function-name",
26    "bugprone-unused-raii", // Protect scoped things like MutexLock.
27    "bugprone-unused-return-value",
28    "bugprone-virtual-near-miss",
29    "modernize-use-bool-literals",
30    "modernize-use-nullptr",
31    "modernize-use-using",
32    "performance-faster-string-find",
33    "performance-for-range-copy",
34    "performance-implicit-conversion-in-loop",
35    "performance-noexcept-move-constructor",
36    "performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization",
37    "performance-unnecessary-value-param",
38    "misc-unused-using-decls",
41art_clang_tidy_disabled = [
42    "-google-default-arguments",
43    // We have local stores that are only used for debug checks.
44    "-clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores",
45    // We are OK with some static globals and that they can, in theory, throw.
46    "-cert-err58-cpp",
47    // We have lots of C-style variadic functions, and are OK with them. JNI ensures
48    // that working around this warning would be extra-painful.
49    "-cert-dcl50-cpp",
50    // "Modernization" we don't agree with.
51    "-modernize-use-auto",
52    "-modernize-return-braced-init-list",
53    "-modernize-use-default-member-init",
54    "-modernize-pass-by-value",
57art_global_defaults {
58    // Additional flags are computed by art.go
60    name: "art_defaults",
62    // This is the default visibility for the //art package, but we repeat it
63    // here so that it gets merged with other visibility rules in modules
64    // extending these defaults.
65    visibility: ["//art:__subpackages__"],
67    cflags: [
68        // Base set of cflags used by all things ART.
69        "-fno-rtti",
70        "-ggdb3",
71        "-Wall",
72        "-Werror",
73        "-Wextra",
74        "-Wstrict-aliasing",
75        "-fstrict-aliasing",
76        "-Wunreachable-code",
77        "-Wredundant-decls",
78        "-Wshadow",
79        "-Wunused",
80        "-fvisibility=protected",
82        // Warn about thread safety violations with clang.
83        "-Wthread-safety",
84        // TODO(b/144045034): turn on -Wthread-safety-negative
85        //"-Wthread-safety-negative",
87        // Warn if switch fallthroughs aren't annotated.
88        "-Wimplicit-fallthrough",
90        // Enable float equality warnings.
91        "-Wfloat-equal",
93        // Enable warning of converting ints to void*.
94        "-Wint-to-void-pointer-cast",
96        // Enable warning of wrong unused annotations.
97        "-Wused-but-marked-unused",
99        // Enable warning for deprecated language features.
100        "-Wdeprecated",
102        // Enable warning for unreachable break & return.
103        "-Wunreachable-code-break",
104        "-Wunreachable-code-return",
106        // Disable warning for use of offsetof on non-standard layout type.
107        // We use it to implement OFFSETOF_MEMBER - see macros.h.
108        "-Wno-invalid-offsetof",
110        // Enable inconsistent-missing-override warning. This warning is disabled by default in
111        // Android.
112        "-Winconsistent-missing-override",
114        // Enable thread annotations for std::mutex, etc.
116    ],
118    arch: {
119        x86: {
120            avx2: {
121                cflags: [
122                    "-mavx2",
123                    "-mfma",
124                ],
125            },
126        },
127        x86_64: {
128            avx2: {
129                cflags: [
130                    "-mavx2",
131                    "-mfma",
132                ],
133            },
134        },
135    },
137    target: {
138        android: {
139            cflags: [
140                "-DART_TARGET",
142                // To use oprofile_android --callgraph, uncomment this and recompile with
143                //    mmma -j art
144                // "-fno-omit-frame-pointer",
145                // "-marm",
146                // "-mapcs",
147            ],
148            header_libs: [
149                // We optimize Thread::Current() with a direct TLS access. This requires access to a
150                //  platform specific Bionic header.
151                "bionic_libc_platform_headers",
152            ],
153        },
154        linux: {
155            cflags: [
156                // Enable missing-noreturn only on non-Mac. As lots of things are not implemented for
157                // Apple, it's a pain.
158                "-Wmissing-noreturn",
159            ],
160        },
161        linux_bionic: {
162            header_libs: [
163                // We optimize Thread::Current() with a direct TLS access. This requires access to a
164                //  platform specific Bionic header.
165                "bionic_libc_platform_headers",
166            ],
167            strip: {
168                // Do not strip art libs when building for linux-bionic.
169                // Otherwise we can't get any symbols out of crashes.
170                none: true,
171            },
172        },
173        darwin: {
174            enabled: false,
175        },
176        host: {
177            cflags: [
178                // Bug: 15446488. We don't omit the frame pointer to work around
179                // clang/libunwind bugs that cause SEGVs in run-test-004-ThreadStress.
180                "-fno-omit-frame-pointer",
181                // The build assumes that all our x86/x86_64 hosts (such as buildbots and developer
182                // desktops) support at least sse4.2/popcount. This firstly implies that the ART
183                // runtime binary itself may exploit these features. Secondly, this implies that
184                // the ART runtime passes these feature flags to dex2oat and JIT by calling the
185                // method InstructionSetFeatures::FromCppDefines(). Since invoking dex2oat directly
186                // does not pick up these flags, cross-compiling from a x86/x86_64 host to a
187                // x86/x86_64 target should not be affected.
188                "-msse4.2",
189                "-mpopcnt",
190            ],
191        },
192    },
194    codegen: {
195        arm: {
196            cflags: ["-DART_ENABLE_CODEGEN_arm"],
197        },
198        arm64: {
199            cflags: ["-DART_ENABLE_CODEGEN_arm64"],
200        },
201        x86: {
202            cflags: ["-DART_ENABLE_CODEGEN_x86"],
203        },
204        x86_64: {
205            cflags: ["-DART_ENABLE_CODEGEN_x86_64"],
206        },
207    },
209    tidy_checks: art_clang_tidy_errors + art_clang_tidy_disabled,
210    tidy_checks_as_errors: art_clang_tidy_errors,
212    tidy_flags: [
213        // The static analyzer treats DCHECK as always enabled; we sometimes get
214        // false positives when we use DCHECKs with code that relies on NDEBUG.
215        "-extra-arg=-UNDEBUG",
216        // clang-tidy complains about functions like:
217        // void foo() { CHECK(kIsFooEnabled); /* do foo... */ }
218        // not being marked noreturn if kIsFooEnabled is false.
219        "-extra-arg=-Wno-missing-noreturn",
220        // Because tidy doesn't like our flow checks for compile-time configuration and thinks that
221        // the following code is dead (it is, but not for all configurations), disable unreachable
222        // code detection in Clang for tidy builds. It is still on for regular build steps, so we
223        // will still get the "real" errors.
224        "-extra-arg=-Wno-unreachable-code",
225    ],
228art_debug_defaults {
229    name: "art_debug_defaults",
230    visibility: ["//art:__subpackages__"],
231    cflags: [
233        "-DVIXL_DEBUG",
234        "-UNDEBUG",
235    ],
236    asflags: [
237        "-UNDEBUG",
238    ],
239    target: {
240        // This has to be duplicated for android and host to make sure it
241        // comes after the -Wframe-larger-than warnings inserted by art.go
242        // target-specific properties
243        android: {
244            cflags: ["-Wno-frame-larger-than="],
245        },
246        host: {
247            cflags: ["-Wno-frame-larger-than="],
248        },
249    },