1(Java) 2 3To import the formatter, go to the preferences, section Java > Code Style > 4formatter, then click on import and choose 5development/ide/eclipse/android-formatting.xml 6 7To import the import order, to go into Java > Code Style > Organize Import, 8then click on import and choose development/ide/eclipse/android.importorder 9 10(C++) 11 12To import the include paths, go to Project > Properties > C/C++ General > 13Paths and Symbols, then click on "Includes" and then click on "Import Settings". 14Choose development/ide/eclipse/android-include-paths.xml and hit Finish. 15You will need to re-index for the changes to get picked up (right click project 16in Package Explorer, then Index > Rebuild). 17 18To import the symbols, go to Project > Properties > C/C++ General > 19Paths and Symbols, then click on "Symbols" and then click on "Import Settings". 20Choose development/ide/eclipse/android-symbols.xml and hit Finish. 21You will need to re-index for the changes to get picked up (right click project 22in Package Explorer, then Index > Rebuild). 23 24In addition, you will need to add some include files (no way to import this 25from an XML file) by hand. Go to Project > Properties > C/C++ General > 26Paths and Symbols, then click on "Include Files" and click on "Add". Check 27"Add to all configurations" and "Add to all languages". Repeat for these files: 28 29 ${ProjDirPath}/build/core/combo/include/arch/linux-arm/AndroidConfig.h 30 31If you are having trouble seeing the "Include Files" tab, you will need to 32enable it in the global preference panel under "C/C++" / 33"Property Pages Settings". 34