1 2# Contributing to Fruit 3 4This file contains various information and documentation for Fruit contributors. 5If you only want to use Fruit, see the [wiki](https://github.com/google/fruit/wiki); 6you can find instructions for building Fruit manually 7[here](https://github.com/google/fruit/wiki/install#building-fruit-manually). 8 9If you actually want to change Fruit itself, that's great! Read on. 10 11### Basics 12 13#### Build systems 14 15Fruit supports two build systems: CMake (configured in `CMakeLists.txt` files) and 16[Bazel](https://www.bazel.io) (configured in `BUILD` files). 17 18This means that when you build/test Fruit code you have a choice of what build system you want to use, 19but also that for larger changes (typically, if you add new files) you might need changes in both 20`CMakeLists.txt` and `BUILD` files, to make sure that Fruit keeps building (and passing its tests) under both build 21systems. 22Both build systems are tested in Travis CI (see below). 23 24Example commands to build a development version of Fruit using CMake (with all assertions enabled) and run the tests: 25 26```bash 27cd $PATH_TO_FRUIT 28mkdir build-debug 29cd build-debug 30cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror -DFRUIT_DEBUG=1 -DFRUIT_EXTRA_DEBUG=1 -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG=1" 31make -j 16 32cd tests 33py.test-3 -n auto 34``` 35 36### Continuous Integration (CI) 37 38Fruit uses Travis CI for continuous integration. You can see the latest CI runs in Travis CI 39[here](https://travis-ci.org/google/fruit/builds). The CI configuration is defined in 40`extras/scripts/travis_yml_generator.py`, that generates a `.travis.yml` file (which must also be checked in, due to the 41way Travis CI is configured). 42 43When editing the `travis_yml_generator.py` script you should also update the `.travis.yml` file (in the same commit) 44by running: 45 46```bash 47cd $PATH_TO_FRUIT 48extras/scripts/travis_yml_generator.py >.travis.yml 49``` 50 51Fruit tests run in Travis CI in various configurations/environments, notably: 52 53* In Linux or OS X 54* In various Ubuntu versions 55* Using GCC or Clang 56* Optionally running under Valgrind 57* Optionally running with ASan/UBSan 58* Using CMake or Bazel 59 60These tests run after every commit in master and for every pull request (as soon as the pull request is sent). 61 62Linux tests run in Docker, using a set of images built for this purpose 63([list of images](https://hub.docker.com/r/polettimarco/fruit-basesystem/tags/)). 64 65If a test fails in Travis CI in some configuration, look at the beginning of the Travis CI Job log for a line such as: 66 67```bash 68export OS=linux; export COMPILER='clang-3.9'; export STL='libstdc++'; export UBUNTU='16.04'; extras/scripts/postsubmit.sh DebugValgrind 69``` 70 71You can then run the same command locally (from your fruit directory) to reproduce the issue. Running this 72`postsubmit.sh` script will run the tests under Docker to ensure repeatability of the results. 73 74For example, even if the failure only happens with an old Ubuntu/GCC version you don't have installed, it will download 75a Docker image containing that old Ubuntu/GCC and then run the tests inside a VM started from that image. 76 77Once `postsubmit.sh` completes, if you want you can attach to the stopped VM used to run the tests by running: 78 79```bash 80docker attach fruit 81``` 82 83This is often very useful to e.g. re-run a compilation manually with additional debug flags. 84 85When running `postsubmit.sh` manually in this way, it will run using the latest changes in your fruit directory, even if 86they aren't staged/committed yet. This allows to do a quicker edit/test cycle. 87 88To speed up the execution of `postsubmit.sh` you can also set the `NJOBS` variable, e.g.: 89 90```bash 91export NJOBS=16; export OS=linux; export COMPILER='clang-3.9'; export STL='libstdc++'; export UBUNTU='16.04'; extras/scripts/postsubmit.sh DebugValgrind 92``` 93 94The default number of jobs (used in Travis CI) is 2. 95 96### How to run Fruit tests on Windows 97 98You can import Fruit in Visual Studio (2017 and later) as a CMake project. You need to set the relevant CMake flags in 99the `CMakeSettings.json` file that Visual Studio will create. 100For example, if you installed Boost in `C:\boost\boost_1_62_0`, you can put this configuration in your 101`CMakeSettings.json`: 102 103 { 104 // See https://go.microsoft.com//fwlink//?linkid=834763 for more information about this file. 105 "configurations": [ 106 { 107 "name": "x86-Debug", 108 "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017", 109 "configurationType": "Debug", 110 "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}", 111 "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DBOOST_DIR=C:\\boost\\boost_1_62_0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DFRUIT_ADDITIONAL_CXX_FLAGS=/Z7", 112 "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal" 113 }, 114 { 115 "name": "x86-Release", 116 "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017", 117 "configurationType": "Release", 118 "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}", 119 "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DBOOST_DIR=C:\\boost\\boost_1_62_0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", 120 "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal" 121 }, 122 { 123 "name": "x64-Debug", 124 "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", 125 "configurationType": "Debug", 126 "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}", 127 "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DBOOST_DIR=C:\\boost\\boost_1_62_0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DFRUIT_ADDITIONAL_CXX_FLAGS=/Z7", 128 "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal" 129 }, 130 { 131 "name": "x64-Release", 132 "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64", 133 "configurationType": "Release", 134 "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}", 135 "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DBOOST_DIR=C:\\boost\\boost_1_62_0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", 136 "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal" 137 } 138 ] 139 } 140 141The `/Z7` flag instructs Visual Studio to use the C7 format for debugging information, which allows Fruit's tests to run in parallel without interfering with each other. 142 143If you don't want to use Boost, you can replace the `-DBOOST_DIR=...` flags above with `-DFRUIT_USES_BOOST=False`. 144 145You can now run CMake within Visual Studio (from the menu: CMake -> Cache -> Generate -> CMakeLists.txt) and build Fruit (from the menu: CMake -> Build All). 146 147You can also run tests, but *only* from the command-line (after building Fruit from Visual Studio), running tests from Visual Studio doesn't work. 148 149To do that, you'll need python3 installed (you can download it [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/)). 150 151You'll also the `pytest` and `pytest-xdist` packages. You can install them with: 152 153 pip install pytest 154 pip install pytest-xdist 155 156To do so: 157 158* Open the Start menu 159* From there, open the "Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017" shell for the chosen architecture. For example, "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017". 160* In Visual Studio, open the Output view (from the menu: View -> Output) and select "CMake" in the "Show output from:" dropdown menu. 161* Scroll to the beginning of that view. You should see two lines starting with "Command line" and "Working directory" respectively. 162* Cd to that working directory in the shell. For example, if the path in the "Working directory" line is `C:\Users\Marco\AppData\Local\CMakeBuild\fa17dda0-4eec-6438-a358-e1253b7e86ff\build\x64-Debug`, you can run `cd "C:\Users\Marco\AppData\Local\CMakeBuild\fa17dda0-4eec-6438-a358-e1253b7e86ff\build\x64-Debug"`. 163* Cd to the "tests" subdirectory ("cd tests"). 164* Then run pytest, e.g. `py.test -n auto`. 165 166### Sending pull requests 167 168If you send a pull request, you should make sure that these CI tests are passing. They will run automatically on your 169pull request as soon as you send it. 170 171As an exception, if the current master also failed the last CI run feel free to send the pull request anyway (you can go 172[here](https://travis-ci.org/google/fruit) to check if that's the case). 173 174If a test fails, see the CI section above for informations on how to reproduce. 175 176You should also make sure that your code: 177 178* Is formatted correctly ([more details here](#code-style)) 179* Has appropriate tests (if your change is user-visible, or if you're introducing new branches that should be tested) 180 181### What to install in order to develop Fruit code 182 183In addition to 184[the compiler you need to install to build Fruit](https://github.com/google/fruit/wiki/install#dependencies), 185when developing Fruit code you might need some of the following software. Note that depending on your change you may or 186may not need all of these; you might want to go ahead without these and then only install additional things if you get 187an error about a missing tool. 188 189* CMake 190* Bazel ([installation instructions](https://www.bazel.io/docs/install.html)) 191* Valgrind 192* Docker 193 194## Useful command for fast edit/rebuild/retest cycles 195 196This command uses Bazel to run the tests (so you need to have it installed in order to use this). 197Bazel has a much more fine-grained picture of what tests depend on what source files, so it will often avoid running 198tests that have passed before when it knows that they will pass (unlike py.test that runs the entire test suite every 199time). This is especially relevant for incremental builds when only test sources have changed (e.g. after adjusting an 200expectation in a test or fixing a bug in the test); there is little difference when changing `src/` or `include/` 201because all tests will be re-run anyway. 202 203```bash 204cd $PATH_TO_FRUIT/extras/bazel_root 205bazel test --test_output=errors \ 206 --test_summary=terse \ 207 //third_party/fruit/... 208``` 209 210## Checking test coverage 211 212Fruit's test suite supports collecting test coverage (only when building with GCC on Linux using CMake). 213Example commands: 214 215```bash 216cd $PATH_TO_FRUIT 217mkdir build-coverage 218cd build-coverage 219CXX=g++-6 cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DFRUIT_ENABLE_COVERAGE=ON 220make -j 10 221(cd tests; py.test-3 -n auto) 222lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --capture --directory . --output-file coverage.info 223lcov --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --remove coverage.info '/usr/include/*' '/tmp/*' -o coverage-filtered.info 224genhtml --no-function-coverage --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --rc genhtml_hi_limit=100 coverage-filtered.info --output-directory html 225google-chrome html/index.html 226``` 227 228The important figures for each file are: 229* Percentage of lines covered 230* Percentage of branches covered 231 232Ideally, they should both be 100%. The `LCOV_EXCL_LINE` and `LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE` markers can be used to mark lines and 233branches (respectively) that can't be covered and therefore should be excluded. 234 235Note that the "percentage of **functions** covered" metric is not meaningful for Fruit, since it considers each 236instantiation of a template function/method as separate (even if they share the same source lines). 237 238## Code style 239 240C++ code in Fruit should be indented using clang-format (a `.clang-format` file is provided in the Fruit root 241directory). You can re-indent all code using this command: 242 243```bash 244$ clang-format -i $(git ls-files | egrep '\.cpp|\.h' ) 245``` 246 247## Reporting vulnerabilities 248 249In case of a security vulnerability in Fruit, please contact [poletti.marco@gmail.com](mailto:poletti.marco@gmail.com) directly instead of using the public issue tracker. 250