1 /*
2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "GrDrawingManager.h"
9 #include "GrBackendSemaphore.h"
10 #include "GrContext.h"
11 #include "GrContextPriv.h"
12 #include "GrGpu.h"
13 #include "GrMemoryPool.h"
14 #include "GrOnFlushResourceProvider.h"
15 #include "GrOpList.h"
16 #include "GrRenderTargetContext.h"
17 #include "GrRenderTargetProxy.h"
18 #include "GrResourceAllocator.h"
19 #include "GrResourceProvider.h"
20 #include "GrSoftwarePathRenderer.h"
21 #include "GrSurfaceProxyPriv.h"
22 #include "GrTexture.h"
23 #include "GrTextureContext.h"
24 #include "GrTextureOpList.h"
25 #include "GrTexturePriv.h"
26 #include "GrTextureProxy.h"
27 #include "GrTextureProxyPriv.h"
28 #include "GrTracing.h"
29 #include "SkDeferredDisplayList.h"
30 #include "SkSurface_Gpu.h"
31 #include "SkTTopoSort.h"
32 #include "ccpr/GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer.h"
33 #include "text/GrTextContext.h"
35 GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::OpListDAG(bool explicitlyAllocating,
36                                        GrContextOptions::Enable sortOpLists) {
37     if (GrContextOptions::Enable::kNo == sortOpLists) {
38         fSortOpLists = false;
39     } else if (GrContextOptions::Enable::kYes == sortOpLists) {
40         fSortOpLists = true;
41     } else {
42         // By default we always enable sorting when we're explicitly allocating GPU resources
43         fSortOpLists = explicitlyAllocating;
44     }
45 }
47 GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::~OpListDAG() {}
49 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::gatherIDs(SkSTArray<8, uint32_t, true>* idArray) const {
50     idArray->reset(fOpLists.count());
51     for (int i = 0; i < fOpLists.count(); ++i) {
52         if (fOpLists[i]) {
53             (*idArray)[i] = fOpLists[i]->uniqueID();
54         }
55     }
56 }
58 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::reset() {
59     fOpLists.reset();
60 }
62 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::removeOpList(int index) {
63     if (!fOpLists[index]->unique()) {
64         // TODO: Eventually this should be guaranteed unique: http://skbug.com/7111
65         fOpLists[index]->endFlush();
66     }
68     fOpLists[index] = nullptr;
69 }
71 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::removeOpLists(int startIndex, int stopIndex) {
72     for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
73         if (!fOpLists[i]) {
74             continue;
75         }
76         this->removeOpList(i);
77     }
78 }
80 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::add(sk_sp<GrOpList> opList) {
81     fOpLists.emplace_back(std::move(opList));
82 }
84 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::add(const SkTArray<sk_sp<GrOpList>>& opLists) {
85     fOpLists.push_back_n(opLists.count(), opLists.begin());
86 }
88 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::swap(SkTArray<sk_sp<GrOpList>>* opLists) {
89     SkASSERT(opLists->empty());
90     opLists->swap(fOpLists);
91 }
93 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::prepForFlush() {
94     if (fSortOpLists) {
95         SkDEBUGCODE(bool result =) SkTTopoSort<GrOpList, GrOpList::TopoSortTraits>(&fOpLists);
96         SkASSERT(result);
97     }
99 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
100     // This block checks for any unnecessary splits in the opLists. If two sequential opLists
101     // share the same backing GrSurfaceProxy it means the opList was artificially split.
102     if (fOpLists.count()) {
103         GrRenderTargetOpList* prevOpList = fOpLists[0]->asRenderTargetOpList();
104         for (int i = 1; i < fOpLists.count(); ++i) {
105             GrRenderTargetOpList* curOpList = fOpLists[i]->asRenderTargetOpList();
107             if (prevOpList && curOpList) {
108                 SkASSERT(prevOpList->fTarget.get() != curOpList->fTarget.get());
109             }
111             prevOpList = curOpList;
112         }
113     }
114 #endif
115 }
117 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::closeAll(const GrCaps* caps) {
118     for (int i = 0; i < fOpLists.count(); ++i) {
119         if (fOpLists[i]) {
120             fOpLists[i]->makeClosed(*caps);
121         }
122     }
123 }
125 void GrDrawingManager::OpListDAG::cleanup(const GrCaps* caps) {
126     for (int i = 0; i < fOpLists.count(); ++i) {
127         if (!fOpLists[i]) {
128             continue;
129         }
131         // no opList should receive a new command after this
132         fOpLists[i]->makeClosed(*caps);
134         // We shouldn't need to do this, but it turns out some clients still hold onto opLists
135         // after a cleanup.
136         // MDB TODO: is this still true?
137         if (!fOpLists[i]->unique()) {
138             // TODO: Eventually this should be guaranteed unique.
139             // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/skia/issues/detail?id=7111
140             fOpLists[i]->endFlush();
141         }
142     }
144     fOpLists.reset();
145 }
147 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
148 GrDrawingManager::GrDrawingManager(GrContext* context,
149                                    const GrPathRendererChain::Options& optionsForPathRendererChain,
150                                    const GrTextContext::Options& optionsForTextContext,
151                                    GrSingleOwner* singleOwner,
152                                    bool explicitlyAllocating,
153                                    GrContextOptions::Enable sortOpLists,
154                                    GrContextOptions::Enable reduceOpListSplitting)
155         : fContext(context)
156         , fOptionsForPathRendererChain(optionsForPathRendererChain)
157         , fOptionsForTextContext(optionsForTextContext)
158         , fSingleOwner(singleOwner)
159         , fAbandoned(false)
160         , fDAG(explicitlyAllocating, sortOpLists)
161         , fTextContext(nullptr)
162         , fPathRendererChain(nullptr)
163         , fSoftwarePathRenderer(nullptr)
164         , fFlushing(false) {
165     if (GrContextOptions::Enable::kNo == reduceOpListSplitting) {
166         fReduceOpListSplitting = false;
167     } else if (GrContextOptions::Enable::kYes == reduceOpListSplitting) {
168         fReduceOpListSplitting = true;
169     } else {
170         // For now, this is only turned on when explicitly enabled. Once mini-flushes are
171         // implemented it should be enabled whenever sorting is enabled.
172         fReduceOpListSplitting = false; // sortOpLists
173     }
174 }
176 void GrDrawingManager::cleanup() {
177     fDAG.cleanup(fContext->contextPriv().caps());
179     fPathRendererChain = nullptr;
180     fSoftwarePathRenderer = nullptr;
182     fOnFlushCBObjects.reset();
183 }
185 GrDrawingManager::~GrDrawingManager() {
186     this->cleanup();
187 }
189 void GrDrawingManager::abandon() {
190     fAbandoned = true;
191     this->cleanup();
192 }
194 void GrDrawingManager::freeGpuResources() {
195     for (int i = fOnFlushCBObjects.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
196         if (!fOnFlushCBObjects[i]->retainOnFreeGpuResources()) {
197             // it's safe to just do this because we're iterating in reverse
198             fOnFlushCBObjects.removeShuffle(i);
199         }
200     }
202     // a path renderer may be holding onto resources
203     fPathRendererChain = nullptr;
204     fSoftwarePathRenderer = nullptr;
205 }
207 // MDB TODO: make use of the 'proxy' parameter.
208 GrSemaphoresSubmitted GrDrawingManager::flush(GrSurfaceProxy*,
209                                               int numSemaphores,
210                                               GrBackendSemaphore backendSemaphores[]) {
211     GR_CREATE_TRACE_MARKER_CONTEXT("GrDrawingManager", "flush", fContext);
213     if (fFlushing || this->wasAbandoned()) {
214         return GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo;
215     }
216     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
218     GrGpu* gpu = fContext->contextPriv().getGpu();
219     if (!gpu) {
220         return GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo; // Can't flush while DDL recording
221     }
222     fFlushing = true;
224     // Semi-usually the GrOpLists are already closed at this point, but sometimes Ganesh
225     // needs to flush mid-draw. In that case, the SkGpuDevice's GrOpLists won't be closed
226     // but need to be flushed anyway. Closing such GrOpLists here will mean new
227     // GrOpLists will be created to replace them if the SkGpuDevice(s) write to them again.
228     fDAG.closeAll(fContext->contextPriv().caps());
229     fActiveOpList = nullptr;
231     fDAG.prepForFlush();
232     SkASSERT(SkToBool(fVertexBufferSpace) == SkToBool(fIndexBufferSpace));
233     if (!fVertexBufferSpace) {
234         fVertexBufferSpace.reset(new char[GrBufferAllocPool::kDefaultBufferSize]());
235         fIndexBufferSpace.reset(new char[GrBufferAllocPool::kDefaultBufferSize]());
236     }
238     GrOpFlushState flushState(gpu, fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider(), &fTokenTracker,
239                               fVertexBufferSpace.get(), fIndexBufferSpace.get());
241     GrOnFlushResourceProvider onFlushProvider(this);
242     // TODO: AFAICT the only reason fFlushState is on GrDrawingManager rather than on the
243     // stack here is to preserve the flush tokens.
245     // Prepare any onFlush op lists (e.g. atlases).
246     if (!fOnFlushCBObjects.empty()) {
247         fDAG.gatherIDs(&fFlushingOpListIDs);
249         SkSTArray<4, sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext>> renderTargetContexts;
250         for (GrOnFlushCallbackObject* onFlushCBObject : fOnFlushCBObjects) {
251             onFlushCBObject->preFlush(&onFlushProvider,
252                                       fFlushingOpListIDs.begin(), fFlushingOpListIDs.count(),
253                                       &renderTargetContexts);
254             for (const sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext>& rtc : renderTargetContexts) {
255                 sk_sp<GrRenderTargetOpList> onFlushOpList = sk_ref_sp(rtc->getRTOpList());
256                 if (!onFlushOpList) {
257                     continue;   // Odd - but not a big deal
258                 }
259 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
260                 // OnFlush callbacks are already invoked during flush, and are therefore expected to
261                 // handle resource allocation & usage on their own. (No deferred or lazy proxies!)
262                 onFlushOpList->visitProxies_debugOnly([](GrSurfaceProxy* p) {
263                     SkASSERT(!p->asTextureProxy() || !p->asTextureProxy()->texPriv().isDeferred());
264                     SkASSERT(GrSurfaceProxy::LazyState::kNot == p->lazyInstantiationState());
265                 });
266 #endif
267                 onFlushOpList->makeClosed(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
268                 onFlushOpList->prepare(&flushState);
269                 fOnFlushCBOpLists.push_back(std::move(onFlushOpList));
270             }
271             renderTargetContexts.reset();
272         }
273     }
275 #if 0
276     // Enable this to print out verbose GrOp information
277     for (int i = 0; i < fOpLists.count(); ++i) {
278         SkDEBUGCODE(fOpLists[i]->dump();)
279     }
280 #endif
282     int startIndex, stopIndex;
283     bool flushed = false;
285     {
286         GrResourceAllocator alloc(fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider(),
287                                   flushState.deinstantiateProxyTracker());
288         for (int i = 0; i < fDAG.numOpLists(); ++i) {
289             if (fDAG.opList(i)) {
290                 fDAG.opList(i)->gatherProxyIntervals(&alloc);
291             }
292             alloc.markEndOfOpList(i);
293         }
295         GrResourceAllocator::AssignError error = GrResourceAllocator::AssignError::kNoError;
296         int numOpListsExecuted = 0;
297         while (alloc.assign(&startIndex, &stopIndex, &error)) {
298             if (GrResourceAllocator::AssignError::kFailedProxyInstantiation == error) {
299                 for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
300                     if (fDAG.opList(i) && !fDAG.opList(i)->isFullyInstantiated()) {
301                         // If the backing surface wasn't allocated drop the entire opList.
302                         fDAG.removeOpList(i);
303                     }
304                     if (fDAG.opList(i)) {
305                         fDAG.opList(i)->purgeOpsWithUninstantiatedProxies();
306                     }
307                 }
308             }
310             if (this->executeOpLists(startIndex, stopIndex, &flushState, &numOpListsExecuted)) {
311                 flushed = true;
312             }
313         }
314     }
316 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
317     for (int i = 0; i < fDAG.numOpLists(); ++i) {
318         // If there are any remaining opLists at this point, make sure they will not survive the
319         // flush. Otherwise we need to call endFlush() on them.
320         // http://skbug.com/7111
321         SkASSERT(!fDAG.opList(i) || fDAG.opList(i)->unique());
322     }
323 #endif
324     fDAG.reset();
326 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
327     // In non-DDL mode this checks that all the flushed ops have been freed from the memory pool.
328     // When we move to partial flushes this assert will no longer be valid.
329     // In DDL mode this check is somewhat superfluous since the memory for most of the ops/opLists
330     // will be stored in the DDL's GrOpMemoryPools.
331     GrOpMemoryPool* opMemoryPool = fContext->contextPriv().opMemoryPool();
332     opMemoryPool->isEmpty();
333 #endif
335     GrSemaphoresSubmitted result = gpu->finishFlush(numSemaphores, backendSemaphores);
337     flushState.deinstantiateProxyTracker()->deinstantiateAllProxies();
339     // Give the cache a chance to purge resources that become purgeable due to flushing.
340     if (flushed) {
341         fContext->contextPriv().getResourceCache()->purgeAsNeeded();
342     }
343     for (GrOnFlushCallbackObject* onFlushCBObject : fOnFlushCBObjects) {
344         onFlushCBObject->postFlush(fTokenTracker.nextTokenToFlush(), fFlushingOpListIDs.begin(),
345                                    fFlushingOpListIDs.count());
346     }
347     fFlushingOpListIDs.reset();
348     fFlushing = false;
350     return result;
351 }
353 bool GrDrawingManager::executeOpLists(int startIndex, int stopIndex, GrOpFlushState* flushState,
354                                       int* numOpListsExecuted) {
355     SkASSERT(startIndex <= stopIndex && stopIndex <= fDAG.numOpLists());
358     SkDebugf("Flushing opLists: %d to %d out of [%d, %d]\n",
359                             startIndex, stopIndex, 0, fDAG.numOpLists());
360     for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
361         if (fDAG.opList(i)) {
362             fDAG.opList(i)->dump(true);
363         }
364     }
365 #endif
367     GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider();
368     bool anyOpListsExecuted = false;
370     for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
371         if (!fDAG.opList(i)) {
372              continue;
373         }
375         GrOpList* opList = fDAG.opList(i);
377         if (resourceProvider->explicitlyAllocateGPUResources()) {
378             if (!opList->isFullyInstantiated()) {
379                 // If the backing surface wasn't allocated drop the draw of the entire opList.
380                 fDAG.removeOpList(i);
381                 continue;
382             }
383         } else {
384             if (!opList->instantiate(resourceProvider)) {
385                 fDAG.removeOpList(i);
386                 continue;
387             }
388         }
390         // TODO: handle this instantiation via lazy surface proxies?
391         // Instantiate all deferred proxies (being built on worker threads) so we can upload them
392         opList->instantiateDeferredProxies(fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider());
393         opList->prepare(flushState);
394     }
396     // Upload all data to the GPU
397     flushState->preExecuteDraws();
399     // For Vulkan, if we have too many oplists to be flushed we end up allocating a lot of resources
400     // for each command buffer associated with the oplists. If this gets too large we can cause the
401     // devices to go OOM. In practice we usually only hit this case in our tests, but to be safe we
402     // put a cap on the number of oplists we will execute before flushing to the GPU to relieve some
403     // memory pressure.
404     static constexpr int kMaxOpListsBeforeFlush = 100;
406     // Execute the onFlush op lists first, if any.
407     for (sk_sp<GrOpList>& onFlushOpList : fOnFlushCBOpLists) {
408         if (!onFlushOpList->execute(flushState)) {
409             SkDebugf("WARNING: onFlushOpList failed to execute.\n");
410         }
411         SkASSERT(onFlushOpList->unique());
412         onFlushOpList = nullptr;
413         (*numOpListsExecuted)++;
414         if (*numOpListsExecuted >= kMaxOpListsBeforeFlush) {
415             flushState->gpu()->finishFlush(0, nullptr);
416             *numOpListsExecuted = 0;
417         }
418     }
419     fOnFlushCBOpLists.reset();
421     // Execute the normal op lists.
422     for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; ++i) {
423         if (!fDAG.opList(i)) {
424             continue;
425         }
427         if (fDAG.opList(i)->execute(flushState)) {
428             anyOpListsExecuted = true;
429         }
430         (*numOpListsExecuted)++;
431         if (*numOpListsExecuted >= kMaxOpListsBeforeFlush) {
432             flushState->gpu()->finishFlush(0, nullptr);
433             *numOpListsExecuted = 0;
434         }
435     }
437     SkASSERT(!flushState->commandBuffer());
438     SkASSERT(fTokenTracker.nextDrawToken() == fTokenTracker.nextTokenToFlush());
440     // We reset the flush state before the OpLists so that the last resources to be freed are those
441     // that are written to in the OpLists. This helps to make sure the most recently used resources
442     // are the last to be purged by the resource cache.
443     flushState->reset();
445     fDAG.removeOpLists(startIndex, stopIndex);
447     return anyOpListsExecuted;
448 }
450 GrSemaphoresSubmitted GrDrawingManager::prepareSurfaceForExternalIO(
451         GrSurfaceProxy* proxy, int numSemaphores, GrBackendSemaphore backendSemaphores[]) {
452     if (this->wasAbandoned()) {
453         return GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo;
454     }
455     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
456     SkASSERT(proxy);
458     GrGpu* gpu = fContext->contextPriv().getGpu();
459     if (!gpu) {
460         return GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo; // Can't flush while DDL recording
461     }
463     GrSemaphoresSubmitted result = GrSemaphoresSubmitted::kNo;
464     if (proxy->priv().hasPendingIO() || numSemaphores) {
465         result = this->flush(proxy, numSemaphores, backendSemaphores);
466     }
468     if (!proxy->instantiate(fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider())) {
469         return result;
470     }
472     GrSurface* surface = proxy->peekSurface();
473     if (auto* rt = surface->asRenderTarget()) {
474         gpu->resolveRenderTarget(rt);
475     }
476     if (auto* tex = surface->asTexture()) {
477         if (tex->texturePriv().mipMapped() == GrMipMapped::kYes &&
478             tex->texturePriv().mipMapsAreDirty()) {
479             gpu->regenerateMipMapLevels(tex);
480         }
481     }
483     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
484     return result;
485 }
487 void GrDrawingManager::addOnFlushCallbackObject(GrOnFlushCallbackObject* onFlushCBObject) {
488     fOnFlushCBObjects.push_back(onFlushCBObject);
489 }
491 void GrDrawingManager::moveOpListsToDDL(SkDeferredDisplayList* ddl) {
492     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
494     // no opList should receive a new command after this
495     fDAG.closeAll(fContext->contextPriv().caps());
496     fActiveOpList = nullptr;
498     fDAG.swap(&ddl->fOpLists);
500     if (fPathRendererChain) {
501         if (auto ccpr = fPathRendererChain->getCoverageCountingPathRenderer()) {
502             ddl->fPendingPaths = ccpr->detachPendingPaths();
503         }
504     }
506     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
507 }
509 void GrDrawingManager::copyOpListsFromDDL(const SkDeferredDisplayList* ddl,
510                                           GrRenderTargetProxy* newDest) {
511     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
513     if (fActiveOpList) {
514         // This is  a temporary fix for the partial-MDB world. In that world we're not
515         // reordering so ops that (in the single opList world) would've just glommed onto the
516         // end of the single opList but referred to a far earlier RT need to appear in their
517         // own opList.
518         fActiveOpList->makeClosed(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
519         fActiveOpList = nullptr;
520     }
522     // Here we jam the proxy that backs the current replay SkSurface into the LazyProxyData.
523     // The lazy proxy that references it (in the copied opLists) will steal its GrTexture.
524     ddl->fLazyProxyData->fReplayDest = newDest;
526     if (ddl->fPendingPaths.size()) {
527         GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer* ccpr = this->getCoverageCountingPathRenderer();
529         ccpr->mergePendingPaths(ddl->fPendingPaths);
530     }
532     fDAG.add(ddl->fOpLists);
534     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
535 }
537 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
538 void GrDrawingManager::validate() const {
539     if (fDAG.sortingOpLists() && fReduceOpListSplitting) {
540         SkASSERT(!fActiveOpList);
541     } else {
542         if (fActiveOpList) {
543             SkASSERT(!fDAG.empty());
544             SkASSERT(!fActiveOpList->isClosed());
545             SkASSERT(fActiveOpList == fDAG.back());
546         }
548         for (int i = 0; i < fDAG.numOpLists(); ++i) {
549             if (fActiveOpList != fDAG.opList(i)) {
550                 SkASSERT(fDAG.opList(i)->isClosed());
551             }
552         }
554         if (!fDAG.empty() && !fDAG.back()->isClosed()) {
555             SkASSERT(fActiveOpList == fDAG.back());
556         }
557     }
558 }
559 #endif
561 sk_sp<GrRenderTargetOpList> GrDrawingManager::newRTOpList(GrRenderTargetProxy* rtp,
562                                                           bool managedOpList) {
563     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
564     SkASSERT(fContext);
566     if (fDAG.sortingOpLists() && fReduceOpListSplitting) {
567         // In this case we need to close all the opLists that rely on the current contents of
568         // 'rtp'. That is bc we're going to update the content of the proxy so they need to be
569         // split in case they use both the old and new content. (This is a bit of an overkill:
570         // they really only need to be split if they ever reference proxy's contents again but
571         // that is hard to predict/handle).
572         if (GrOpList* lastOpList = rtp->getLastOpList()) {
573             lastOpList->closeThoseWhoDependOnMe(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
574         }
575     } else if (fActiveOpList) {
576         // This is  a temporary fix for the partial-MDB world. In that world we're not
577         // reordering so ops that (in the single opList world) would've just glommed onto the
578         // end of the single opList but referred to a far earlier RT need to appear in their
579         // own opList.
580         fActiveOpList->makeClosed(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
581         fActiveOpList = nullptr;
582     }
584     auto resourceProvider = fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider();
586     sk_sp<GrRenderTargetOpList> opList(new GrRenderTargetOpList(
587                                                         resourceProvider,
588                                                         fContext->contextPriv().refOpMemoryPool(),
589                                                         rtp,
590                                                         fContext->contextPriv().getAuditTrail()));
591     SkASSERT(rtp->getLastOpList() == opList.get());
593     if (managedOpList) {
594         fDAG.add(opList);
596         if (!fDAG.sortingOpLists() || !fReduceOpListSplitting) {
597             fActiveOpList = opList.get();
598         }
599     }
601     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
602     return opList;
603 }
605 sk_sp<GrTextureOpList> GrDrawingManager::newTextureOpList(GrTextureProxy* textureProxy) {
606     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
607     SkASSERT(fContext);
609     if (fDAG.sortingOpLists() && fReduceOpListSplitting) {
610         // In this case we need to close all the opLists that rely on the current contents of
611         // 'texture'. That is bc we're going to update the content of the proxy so they need to
612         // be split in case they use both the old and new content. (This is a bit of an
613         // overkill: they really only need to be split if they ever reference proxy's contents
614         // again but that is hard to predict/handle).
615         if (GrOpList* lastOpList = textureProxy->getLastOpList()) {
616             lastOpList->closeThoseWhoDependOnMe(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
617         }
618     } else if (fActiveOpList) {
619         // This is  a temporary fix for the partial-MDB world. In that world we're not
620         // reordering so ops that (in the single opList world) would've just glommed onto the
621         // end of the single opList but referred to a far earlier RT need to appear in their
622         // own opList.
623         fActiveOpList->makeClosed(*fContext->contextPriv().caps());
624         fActiveOpList = nullptr;
625     }
627     sk_sp<GrTextureOpList> opList(new GrTextureOpList(fContext->contextPriv().resourceProvider(),
628                                                       fContext->contextPriv().refOpMemoryPool(),
629                                                       textureProxy,
630                                                       fContext->contextPriv().getAuditTrail()));
632     SkASSERT(textureProxy->getLastOpList() == opList.get());
634     fDAG.add(opList);
635     if (!fDAG.sortingOpLists() || !fReduceOpListSplitting) {
636         fActiveOpList = opList.get();
637     }
639     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate());
640     return opList;
641 }
643 GrTextContext* GrDrawingManager::getTextContext() {
644     if (!fTextContext) {
645         fTextContext = GrTextContext::Make(fOptionsForTextContext);
646     }
648     return fTextContext.get();
649 }
651 /*
652  * This method finds a path renderer that can draw the specified path on
653  * the provided target.
654  * Due to its expense, the software path renderer has split out so it can
655  * can be individually allowed/disallowed via the "allowSW" boolean.
656  */
657 GrPathRenderer* GrDrawingManager::getPathRenderer(const GrPathRenderer::CanDrawPathArgs& args,
658                                                   bool allowSW,
659                                                   GrPathRendererChain::DrawType drawType,
660                                                   GrPathRenderer::StencilSupport* stencilSupport) {
662     if (!fPathRendererChain) {
663         fPathRendererChain.reset(new GrPathRendererChain(fContext, fOptionsForPathRendererChain));
664     }
666     GrPathRenderer* pr = fPathRendererChain->getPathRenderer(args, drawType, stencilSupport);
667     if (!pr && allowSW) {
668         auto swPR = this->getSoftwarePathRenderer();
669         if (GrPathRenderer::CanDrawPath::kNo != swPR->canDrawPath(args)) {
670             pr = swPR;
671         }
672     }
674     return pr;
675 }
677 GrPathRenderer* GrDrawingManager::getSoftwarePathRenderer() {
678     if (!fSoftwarePathRenderer) {
679         fSoftwarePathRenderer.reset(
680                 new GrSoftwarePathRenderer(fContext->contextPriv().proxyProvider(),
681                                            fOptionsForPathRendererChain.fAllowPathMaskCaching));
682     }
683     return fSoftwarePathRenderer.get();
684 }
686 GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer* GrDrawingManager::getCoverageCountingPathRenderer() {
687     if (!fPathRendererChain) {
688         fPathRendererChain.reset(new GrPathRendererChain(fContext, fOptionsForPathRendererChain));
689     }
690     return fPathRendererChain->getCoverageCountingPathRenderer();
691 }
693 void GrDrawingManager::flushIfNecessary() {
694     GrResourceCache* resourceCache = fContext->contextPriv().getResourceCache();
695     if (resourceCache && resourceCache->requestsFlush()) {
696         this->flush(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
697         resourceCache->purgeAsNeeded();
698     }
699 }
701 sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> GrDrawingManager::makeRenderTargetContext(
702                                                             sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> sProxy,
703                                                             sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace,
704                                                             const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps,
705                                                             bool managedOpList) {
706     if (this->wasAbandoned() || !sProxy->asRenderTargetProxy()) {
707         return nullptr;
708     }
710     // SkSurface catches bad color space usage at creation. This check handles anything that slips
711     // by, including internal usage.
712     if (!SkSurface_Gpu::Valid(fContext->contextPriv().caps(), sProxy->config(), colorSpace.get())) {
713         SkDEBUGFAIL("Invalid config and colorspace combination");
714         return nullptr;
715     }
717     sk_sp<GrRenderTargetProxy> rtp(sk_ref_sp(sProxy->asRenderTargetProxy()));
719     return sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext>(new GrRenderTargetContext(
720                                                         fContext, this, std::move(rtp),
721                                                         std::move(colorSpace),
722                                                         surfaceProps,
723                                                         fContext->contextPriv().getAuditTrail(),
724                                                         fSingleOwner, managedOpList));
725 }
727 sk_sp<GrTextureContext> GrDrawingManager::makeTextureContext(sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> sProxy,
728                                                              sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace) {
729     if (this->wasAbandoned() || !sProxy->asTextureProxy()) {
730         return nullptr;
731     }
733     // SkSurface catches bad color space usage at creation. This check handles anything that slips
734     // by, including internal usage.
735     if (!SkSurface_Gpu::Valid(fContext->contextPriv().caps(), sProxy->config(), colorSpace.get())) {
736         SkDEBUGFAIL("Invalid config and colorspace combination");
737         return nullptr;
738     }
740     // GrTextureRenderTargets should always be using a GrRenderTargetContext
741     SkASSERT(!sProxy->asRenderTargetProxy());
743     sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> textureProxy(sk_ref_sp(sProxy->asTextureProxy()));
745     return sk_sp<GrTextureContext>(new GrTextureContext(fContext, this, std::move(textureProxy),
746                                                         std::move(colorSpace),
747                                                         fContext->contextPriv().getAuditTrail(),
748                                                         fSingleOwner));
749 }