1// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project 2// 3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5// You may obtain a copy of the License at 6// 7// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 8// 9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13// limitations under the License. 14 15// Headers module is in frameworks/av/Android.bp because modules are not allowed 16// to refer to headers in parent directories and the headers live in 17// frameworks/av/include. 18 19ndk_library { 20 name: "libcamera2ndk", 21 symbol_file: "libcamera2ndk.map.txt", 22 first_version: "24", 23 unversioned_until: "current", 24} 25 26ndk_headers { 27 name: "libcamera2ndk_headers", 28 from: "include/camera", 29 to: "camera", 30 srcs: ["include/camera/**/*.h"], 31 license: "NOTICE", 32} 33 34cc_library_shared { 35 name: "libcamera2ndk", 36 srcs: [ 37 "NdkCameraManager.cpp", 38 "NdkCameraMetadata.cpp", 39 "NdkCameraDevice.cpp", 40 "NdkCaptureRequest.cpp", 41 "NdkCameraCaptureSession.cpp", 42 "impl/ACameraManager.cpp", 43 "impl/ACameraMetadata.cpp", 44 "impl/ACameraDevice.cpp", 45 "impl/ACameraCaptureSession.cpp", 46 ], 47 shared_libs: [ 48 "libbinder", 49 "liblog", 50 "libgui", 51 "libutils", 52 "libandroid_runtime", 53 "libcamera_client", 54 "libstagefright_foundation", 55 "libcutils", 56 "libcamera_metadata", 57 "libmediandk", 58 "libnativewindow", 59 ], 60 header_libs: [ 61 "jni_headers", 62 ], 63 cflags: [ 64 "-fvisibility=hidden", 65 "-DEXPORT=__attribute__ ((visibility (\"default\")))", 66 "-Wall", 67 "-Wextra", 68 "-Werror", 69 ], 70 // TODO: jchowdhary@, use header_libs instead b/131165718 71 include_dirs: [ 72 "system/media/private/camera/include", 73 ], 74 export_include_dirs: ["include"], 75 export_shared_lib_headers: [ 76 "libnativewindow", 77 ], 78 version_script: "libcamera2ndk.map.txt", 79} 80 81cc_library_shared { 82 name: "libcamera2ndk_vendor", 83 vendor: true, 84 srcs: [ 85 "ndk_vendor/impl/ACameraDevice.cpp", 86 "ndk_vendor/impl/ACameraManager.cpp", 87 "ndk_vendor/impl/utils.cpp", 88 "impl/ACameraMetadata.cpp", 89 "impl/ACameraCaptureSession.cpp", 90 "NdkCameraMetadata.cpp", 91 "NdkCameraCaptureSession.cpp", 92 "NdkCameraManager.cpp", 93 "NdkCameraDevice.cpp", 94 "NdkCaptureRequest.cpp", 95 ], 96 97 export_include_dirs: ["include"], 98 export_shared_lib_headers: [ 99 "libcutils", 100 ], 101 local_include_dirs: [ 102 ".", 103 "include", 104 "impl", 105 ], 106 cflags: [ 107 "-fvisibility=hidden", 108 "-DEXPORT=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", 109 "-D__ANDROID_VNDK__", 110 ], 111 112 shared_libs: [ 113 "libfmq", 114 "libhidlbase", 115 "libhardware", 116 "libnativewindow", 117 "liblog", 118 "libutils", 119 "libstagefright_foundation", 120 "libcutils", 121 "libcamera_metadata", 122 "libmediandk", 123 "android.frameworks.cameraservice.device@2.0", 124 "android.frameworks.cameraservice.common@2.0", 125 "android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0", 126 "android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.1", 127 ], 128 static_libs: [ 129 "android.hardware.camera.common@1.0-helper", 130 "libarect", 131 ], 132 // TODO: jchowdhary@, use header_libs instead b/131165718 133 include_dirs: [ 134 "system/media/private/camera/include", 135 ], 136 product_variables: { 137 pdk: { 138 enabled: false, 139 }, 140 }, 141} 142 143cc_test { 144 name: "ACameraNdkVendorTest", 145 vendor: true, 146 srcs: [ 147 "ndk_vendor/tests/AImageReaderVendorTest.cpp", 148 "ndk_vendor/tests/ACameraManagerTest.cpp", 149 ], 150 shared_libs: [ 151 "libcamera2ndk_vendor", 152 "libcamera_metadata", 153 "libmediandk", 154 "libnativewindow", 155 "libutils", 156 "libui", 157 "libcutils", 158 "liblog", 159 ], 160 static_libs: [ 161 "android.hardware.camera.common@1.0-helper", 162 ], 163 cflags: [ 164 "-D__ANDROID_VNDK__", 165 ], 166} 167