1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3  ~ Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
4  ~
5  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  ~
9  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  ~
11  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  ~ limitations under the License
16  -->
18    <!-- Text size for car -->
19    <dimen name="car_title_size">32sp</dimen>
20    <dimen name="car_title2_size">32sp</dimen>
21    <dimen name="car_headline1_size">45sp</dimen>
22    <dimen name="car_headline2_size">32sp</dimen>
23    <dimen name="car_headline3_size">24sp</dimen>
24    <dimen name="car_headline4_size">20sp</dimen>
25    <dimen name="car_body1_size">32sp</dimen>
26    <dimen name="car_body2_size">28sp</dimen>
27    <dimen name="car_body3_size">26sp</dimen>
28    <dimen name="car_body4_size">24sp</dimen>
29    <!-- car_body5_size is deprecated -->
30    <dimen name="car_body5_size">18sp</dimen>
31    <dimen name="car_label1_size">26sp</dimen>
32    <dimen name="car_label2_size">64sp</dimen>
33    <dimen name="car_action1_size">26sp</dimen>
34    <dimen name="car_action2_size">26sp</dimen>
35    <!-- Paddings -->
36    <dimen name="car_padding_0">4dp</dimen>
37    <dimen name="car_padding_1">8dp</dimen>
38    <dimen name="car_padding_2">16dp</dimen>
39    <dimen name="car_padding_3">24dp</dimen>
40    <dimen name="car_padding_4">32dp</dimen>
41    <dimen name="car_padding_5">64dp</dimen>
42    <dimen name="car_padding_6">96dp</dimen>
44    <!--
45       Note: status bar height and navigation bar heights are defined
46       in frameworks/base/core package and thus will have no effect if
47       set here. See car_product overlay for car specific defaults-->
49    <dimen name="status_bar_icon_drawing_size_dark">36dp</dimen>
50    <dimen name="status_bar_icon_drawing_size">36dp</dimen>
51    <!-- The amount by which to scale up the status bar icons. -->
52    <item name="status_bar_icon_scale_factor" format="float" type="dimen">1.75</item>
54    <dimen name="car_primary_icon_size">@*android:dimen/car_primary_icon_size</dimen>
56    <!--These values represent MIN and MAX for hvac-->
57    <item name="hvac_min_value" format="float" type="dimen">0</item>
58    <item name="hvac_max_value" format="float" type="dimen">126</item>
60    <!-- Largest size an avatar might need to be drawn in the user picker, status bar, or
61         quick settings header -->
62    <dimen name="max_avatar_size">128dp</dimen>
64    <!-- Standard image button size for volume dialog buttons -->
65    <dimen name="volume_button_size">84dp</dimen>
66    <!-- The maximum width allowed for the volume dialog. For auto, we allow this to span a good
67         deal of the screen. This value accounts for the side margins. -->
68    <dimen name="volume_dialog_panel_width">1920dp</dimen>
69    <dimen name="volume_dialog_side_margin">@dimen/side_margin</dimen>
71    <dimen name="volume_dialog_elevation">6dp</dimen>
73    <dimen name="volume_dialog_row_margin_end">@*android:dimen/car_keyline_3</dimen>
75    <dimen name="volume_dialog_row_padding_end">0dp</dimen>
77    <dimen name="line_item_height">128dp</dimen>
78    <dimen name="volume_icon_size">96dp</dimen>
79    <dimen name="side_margin">148dp</dimen>
80    <dimen name="car_keyline_1">24dp</dimen>
81    <dimen name="car_keyline_2">96dp</dimen>
82    <dimen name="car_keyline_3">128dp</dimen>
84    <!-- Car volume dimens. -->
85    <dimen name="car_volume_item_icon_size">@dimen/car_primary_icon_size</dimen>
86    <dimen name="car_volume_item_height">@*android:dimen/car_single_line_list_item_height</dimen>
87    <dimen name="car_volume_item_padding_start">@*android:dimen/car_keyline_1</dimen>
88    <dimen name="car_volume_item_padding_end">@*android:dimen/car_keyline_1</dimen>
89    <dimen name="car_volume_item_seekbar_margin_vertical">@*android:dimen/car_padding_1</dimen>
90    <dimen name="car_volume_item_seekbar_margin_start">@*android:dimen/car_keyline_3</dimen>
91    <dimen name="car_volume_item_seekbar_margin_end">@*android:dimen/car_padding_4</dimen>
92    <dimen name="car_volume_item_seekbar_padding_vertical">@*android:dimen/car_seekbar_padding</dimen>
93    <dimen name="car_volume_item_divider_height">60dp</dimen>
94    <dimen name="car_volume_item_divider_width">1dp</dimen>
95    <dimen name="car_volume_item_divider_margin_end">@*android:dimen/car_padding_4</dimen>
96    <dimen name="car_volume_item_corner_radius">@*android:dimen/car_radius_3</dimen>
98    <!-- Car notification shade-->
99    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_height">10dp</dimen>
100    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_radius">20dp</dimen>
101    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_margin_start">200dp</dimen>
102    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_margin_end">200dp</dimen>
103    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_margin_top">20dp</dimen>
104    <dimen name="notification_shade_handle_bar_margin_bottom">10dp</dimen>
105    <dimen name="notification_shade_list_padding_bottom">50dp</dimen>
107    <!-- The alpha for the scrim behind the notification shade. This value is 1 so that the
108     scrim has no transparency. -->
109    <item name="scrim_behind_alpha" format="float" type="dimen">1.0</item>
111    <!-- The width of panel holding the notification card. -->
112    <dimen name="notification_panel_width">522dp</dimen>
114    <!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar-->
115    <dimen name="notification_min_height">192dp</dimen>
117    <!-- Height of a small notification in the status bar which was used before android N -->
118    <dimen name="notification_min_height_legacy">192dp</dimen>
120    <!-- Height of a large notification in the status bar -->
121    <dimen name="notification_max_height">400dp</dimen>
123    <!-- Height of a heads up notification in the status bar for legacy custom views -->
124    <dimen name="notification_max_heads_up_height_legacy">400dp</dimen>
126    <!-- Height of a heads up notification in the status bar -->
127    <dimen name="notification_max_heads_up_height">400dp</dimen>
129    <!-- Height of the status bar header bar -->
130    <dimen name="status_bar_header_height">54dp</dimen>
132    <!-- The height of the divider between the individual notifications. -->
133    <dimen name="notification_divider_height">16dp</dimen>
135    <!-- The height of the divider between the individual notifications when the notification
136         wants it to be increased. This value is the same as notification_divider_height so that
137         the spacing between all notifications will always be the same. -->
138    <dimen name="notification_divider_height_increased">@dimen/notification_divider_height</dimen>
140    <!-- The alpha of the dividing line between child notifications of a notification group. -->
141    <item name="notification_divider_alpha" format="float" type="dimen">1.0</item>
143    <!-- The width of each individual notification card. -->
144    <dimen name="notification_child_width">522dp</dimen>
146    <!-- The top margin of the notification panel. -->
147    <dimen name="notification_panel_margin_top">32dp</dimen>
149    <!-- The bottom margin of the panel that holds the list of notifications. -->
150    <dimen name="notification_panel_margin_bottom">@dimen/notification_divider_height</dimen>
152    <!-- The corner radius of the shadow behind the notification. -->
153    <dimen name="notification_shadow_radius">16dp</dimen>
155    <!-- The amount of space below the notification list. This value is 0 so the list scrolls
156         all the way to the bottom. -->
157    <dimen name="close_handle_underlap">0dp</dimen>
159    <!-- The height of the divider between the individual notifications in a notification group. -->
160    <dimen name="notification_children_container_divider_height">1dp</dimen>
162    <!-- The height of the header for a container containing child notifications. -->
163    <dimen name="notification_children_container_header_height">76dp</dimen>
165    <!-- The top margin for the notification children container in its non-expanded form. This
166         value is smaller than notification_children_container_header_height to bring the first
167         child closer so there is less wasted space. -->
168    <dimen name="notification_children_container_margin_top">68dp</dimen>
170    <!-- dimensions for the car user switcher -->
171    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_name_text_size">@*android:dimen/car_body1_size</dimen>
172    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_image_avatar_size">@*android:dimen/car_large_avatar_size</dimen>
173    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_vertical_spacing_between_users">@*android:dimen/car_padding_5</dimen>
174    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_vertical_spacing_between_name_and_avatar">@*android:dimen/car_padding_4</dimen>
175    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_margin_top">@*android:dimen/car_padding_4</dimen>
177    <dimen name="car_navigation_button_width">64dp</dimen>
178    <dimen name="car_navigation_button_icon_height">44dp</dimen>
179    <dimen name="car_navigation_bar_width">760dp</dimen>
180    <dimen name="car_left_navigation_bar_width">96dp</dimen>
181    <dimen name="car_right_navigation_bar_width">96dp</dimen>
183    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_container_height">420dp</dimen>
184    <!-- This must be the negative of car_user_switcher_container_height for the animation. -->
185    <dimen name="car_user_switcher_container_anim_height">-420dp</dimen>
187    <!-- dimensions for car user switching dialog -->
188    <dimen name="car_fullscreen_user_pod_image_avatar_width">96dp</dimen>
189    <dimen name="car_fullscreen_user_pod_image_avatar_height">96dp</dimen>
190    <dimen name="car_user_switching_dialog_loading_text_margin_top">@*android:dimen/car_padding_4</dimen>
191    <dimen name="car_user_switching_dialog_loading_text_font_size">@*android:dimen/car_body1_size</dimen>