1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 package com.android.car.rotary;
18 import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD;
19 import static android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD;
21 import android.graphics.Rect;
22 import android.os.SystemClock;
23 import android.view.View;
24 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
25 import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo;
27 import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
28 import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
29 import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
31 import com.android.car.ui.FocusArea;
32 import com.android.car.ui.FocusParkingView;
34 import java.util.ArrayList;
35 import java.util.Iterator;
36 import java.util.List;
38 /**
39  * A helper class used for finding the next focusable node when the rotary controller is rotated or
40  * nudged.
41  */
42 class Navigator {
44     @NonNull
45     private NodeCopier mNodeCopier = new NodeCopier();
47     @NonNull
48     private final TreeTraverser mTreeTraverser = new TreeTraverser();
50     private final RotaryCache mRotaryCache;
52     private final int mHunLeft;
53     private final int mHunRight;
55     @View.FocusRealDirection
56     private int mHunNudgeDirection;
Navigator(@otaryCache.CacheType int focusHistoryCacheType, int focusHistoryCacheSize, int focusHistoryExpirationTimeMs, @RotaryCache.CacheType int focusAreaHistoryCacheType, int focusAreaHistoryCacheSize, int focusAreaHistoryExpirationTimeMs, @RotaryCache.CacheType int focusWindowCacheType, int focusWindowCacheSize, int focusWindowExpirationTimeMs, int hunLeft, int hunRight, boolean showHunOnBottom)58     Navigator(@RotaryCache.CacheType int focusHistoryCacheType,
59             int focusHistoryCacheSize,
60             int focusHistoryExpirationTimeMs,
61             @RotaryCache.CacheType int focusAreaHistoryCacheType,
62             int focusAreaHistoryCacheSize,
63             int focusAreaHistoryExpirationTimeMs,
64             @RotaryCache.CacheType int focusWindowCacheType,
65             int focusWindowCacheSize,
66             int focusWindowExpirationTimeMs,
67             int hunLeft,
68             int hunRight,
69             boolean showHunOnBottom) {
70         mRotaryCache = new RotaryCache(focusHistoryCacheType,
71                 focusHistoryCacheSize,
72                 focusHistoryExpirationTimeMs,
73                 focusAreaHistoryCacheType,
74                 focusAreaHistoryCacheSize,
75                 focusAreaHistoryExpirationTimeMs,
76                 focusWindowCacheType,
77                 focusWindowCacheSize,
78                 focusWindowExpirationTimeMs);
79         mHunLeft = hunLeft;
80         mHunRight = hunRight;
81         mHunNudgeDirection = showHunOnBottom ? View.FOCUS_DOWN : View.FOCUS_UP;
82     }
84     /** Clears focus area history cache. */
clearFocusAreaHistory()85     void clearFocusAreaHistory() {
86         mRotaryCache.clearFocusAreaHistory();
87     }
89     /** Caches the focused node by focus area and by window. */
saveFocusedNode(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode)90     void saveFocusedNode(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode) {
91         long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
92         AccessibilityNodeInfo focusArea = getAncestorFocusArea(focusedNode);
93         mRotaryCache.saveFocusedNode(focusArea, focusedNode, elapsedRealtime);
94         mRotaryCache.saveWindowFocus(focusedNode, elapsedRealtime);
95         Utils.recycleNode(focusArea);
96     }
98     /**
99      * Returns the most recently focused valid node or {@code null} if there are no valid nodes
100      * saved by {@link #saveFocusedNode}. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
101      */
getMostRecentFocus()102     AccessibilityNodeInfo getMostRecentFocus() {
103         return mRotaryCache.getMostRecentFocus(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
104     }
106     /**
107      * Returns the target focusable for a nudge:
108      * <ol>
109      *     <li>If the HUN is present and the nudge is towards it, a focusable in the HUN is
110      *         returned. See {@link #findHunNudgeTarget} for details.
111      *     <li>Otherwise, a target focus area is chosen, either from the focus area history or by
112      *         choosing the best candidate. See {@link #findNudgeTargetFocusArea} for details.
113      *     <li>Finally a focusable view within the chosen focus area is chosen, either from the
114      *         focus history or by choosing the best candidate.
115      * </ol>
116      * The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
117      *
118      * @param windows    a list of windows to search from
119      * @param sourceNode the current focus
120      * @param direction  nudge direction, must be {@link View#FOCUS_UP}, {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN},
121      *                   {@link View#FOCUS_LEFT}, or {@link View#FOCUS_RIGHT}
122      * @return a view that can take focus (visible, focusable and enabled) within another {@link
123      *         FocusArea}, which is in the given {@code direction} from the current {@link
124      *         FocusArea}, or null if not found
125      */
findNudgeTarget(@onNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, int direction)126     AccessibilityNodeInfo findNudgeTarget(@NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows,
127             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, int direction) {
128         // If the user is trying to nudge to the HUN, search for a focus area in the HUN window.
129         AccessibilityNodeInfo hunNudgeTarget = findHunNudgeTarget(windows, sourceNode, direction);
130         if (hunNudgeTarget != null) {
131             return hunNudgeTarget;
132         }
134         long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
135         AccessibilityNodeInfo currentFocusArea = getAncestorFocusArea(sourceNode);
136         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocusArea =
137                 findNudgeTargetFocusArea(windows, sourceNode, currentFocusArea, direction);
138         Utils.recycleNode(currentFocusArea);
139         if (targetFocusArea == null) {
140             return null;
141         }
143         // Return the recently focused node within the target focus area, if any.
144         AccessibilityNodeInfo cachedFocusedNode =
145                 mRotaryCache.getFocusedNode(targetFocusArea, elapsedRealtime);
146         if (cachedFocusedNode != null) {
147             Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
148             return cachedFocusedNode;
149         }
151         // Make a list of candidate nodes in the target FocusArea.
152         List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> candidateNodes = new ArrayList<>();
153         addFocusDescendants(targetFocusArea, candidateNodes);
155         // Choose the best candidate as the target node.
156         AccessibilityNodeInfo bestCandidate =
157                 chooseBestNudgeCandidate(sourceNode, candidateNodes, direction);
159         Utils.recycleNodes(candidateNodes);
160         Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
161         return bestCandidate;
162     }
164     /**
165      * Returns the target focusable for a nudge to the HUN if the HUN is present and the nudge is
166      * in the right direction. The target focusable is chosen as follows:
167      * <ol>
168      *     <li>The best candidate focus area is chosen. If there aren't any valid candidates, the
169      *         first (only) focus area in the HUN is used. This happens when nudging from a view
170      *         obscured by the HUN.
171      *     <li>The focus history is checked. If one of the focusable views in the chosen focus area
172      *         is in the cache, it's returned.
173      *     <li>Finally the best candidate focusable view in the chosen focus area is selected.
174      *         Again, if there aren't any candidates, the first focusable view is chosen.
175      * </ol>
176      * The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
177      *
178      * @param windows    a list of windows to search from
179      * @param sourceNode the current focus
180      * @param direction  nudge direction, must be {@link View#FOCUS_UP}, {@link View#FOCUS_DOWN},
181      *                   {@link View#FOCUS_LEFT}, or {@link View#FOCUS_RIGHT}
182      * @return a view that can take focus (visible, focusable and enabled) within the HUN, or null
183      *         if the HUN isn't present, the nudge isn't in the direction of the HUN, or the HUN
184      *         contains no views that can take focus
185      */
findHunNudgeTarget(@onNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, int direction)186     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findHunNudgeTarget(@NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows,
187             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, int direction) {
188         if (direction != mHunNudgeDirection) {
189             return null;
190         }
192         // Find the HUN window, if any.
193         AccessibilityWindowInfo hunWindow = null;
194         for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : windows) {
195             if (isHunWindow(window)) {
196                 hunWindow = window;
197                 break;
198             }
199         }
200         if (hunWindow == null) {
201             return null;
202         }
204         // Find the target focus area within the HUN. The HUN may overlap the source node, in which
205         // case the geometric search will fail. The fallback is to use the first (typically only)
206         // focus area.
207         List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> hunFocusAreas = findFocusAreas(hunWindow);
208         removeEmptyFocusAreas(hunFocusAreas);
209         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocusArea =
210                 chooseBestNudgeCandidate(sourceNode, hunFocusAreas, direction);
211         if (targetFocusArea == null && !hunFocusAreas.isEmpty()) {
212             targetFocusArea = copyNode(hunFocusAreas.get(0));
213         }
214         Utils.recycleNodes(hunFocusAreas);
215         if (targetFocusArea == null) {
216             return null;
217         }
219         // Save nudge history.
220         AccessibilityNodeInfo currentFocusArea = getAncestorFocusArea(sourceNode);
221         long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
222         mRotaryCache.saveTargetFocusArea(
223                 currentFocusArea, targetFocusArea, direction, elapsedRealtime);
225         // Check the cache to see if a node was focused in the HUN.
226         AccessibilityNodeInfo cachedFocusedNode =
227                 mRotaryCache.getFocusedNode(targetFocusArea, elapsedRealtime);
228         if (cachedFocusedNode != null) {
229             Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
230             Utils.recycleNode(currentFocusArea);
231             return cachedFocusedNode;
232         }
234         // Choose the best candidate target node. The HUN may overlap the source node, in which
235         // case the geometric search will fail. The fallback is to use the first focusable node.
236         List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> candidateNodes = new ArrayList<>();
237         addFocusDescendants(targetFocusArea, candidateNodes);
238         AccessibilityNodeInfo bestCandidate =
239                 chooseBestNudgeCandidate(sourceNode, candidateNodes, direction);
240         if (bestCandidate == null && !candidateNodes.isEmpty()) {
241             bestCandidate = copyNode(candidateNodes.get(0));
242         }
243         Utils.recycleNodes(candidateNodes);
244         Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
245         Utils.recycleNode(currentFocusArea);
246         return bestCandidate;
247     }
249     /**
250      * Returns the target focusable for a rotate. The caller is responsible for recycling the node
251      * in the result.
252      *
253      * <p>If {@code skipNode} isn't null, this node will be skipped. This is used when the focus is
254      * inside a scrollable container to avoid moving the focus to the scrollable container itself.
255      *
256      * <p>Limits navigation to focusable views within a scrollable container's viewport, if any.
257      *
258      * @param sourceNode    the current focus
259      * @param skipNode      a node to skip - optional
260      * @param direction     rotate direction, must be {@link View#FOCUS_FORWARD} or {@link
261      *                      View#FOCUS_BACKWARD}
262      * @param rotationCount the number of "ticks" to rotate. Only count nodes that can take focus
263      *                      (visible, focusable and enabled). If {@code skipNode} is encountered, it
264      *                      isn't counted.
265      * @return a FindRotateTargetResult containing a node and a count of the number of times the
266      *         search advanced to another node. The node represents a focusable view in the given
267      *         {@code direction} from the current focus within the same {@link FocusArea}. If the
268      *         first or last view is reached before counting up to {@code rotationCount}, the first
269      *         or last view is returned. However, if there are no views that can take focus in the
270      *         given {@code direction}, {@code null} is returned.
271      */
272     @Nullable
findRotateTarget(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, @Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo skipNode, int direction, int rotationCount)273     FindRotateTargetResult findRotateTarget(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode,
274             @Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo skipNode, int direction, int rotationCount) {
275         int advancedCount = 0;
276         AccessibilityNodeInfo currentFocusArea = getAncestorFocusArea(sourceNode);
277         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode = copyNode(sourceNode);
278         for (int i = 0; i < rotationCount; i++) {
279             AccessibilityNodeInfo nextTargetNode = targetNode.focusSearch(direction);
280             if (skipNode != null && skipNode.equals(nextTargetNode)) {
281                 Utils.recycleNode(nextTargetNode);
282                 nextTargetNode = skipNode.focusSearch(direction);
283             }
284             AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocusArea =
285                     nextTargetNode == null ? null : getAncestorFocusArea(nextTargetNode);
287             // Only advance to nextTargetNode if it's in the same focus area and it isn't a
288             // FocusParkingView. The second condition prevents wrap-around when there is only one
289             // focus area in the window, including when the root node is treated as a focus area.
290             if (nextTargetNode != null && currentFocusArea.equals(targetFocusArea)
291                     && !Utils.isFocusParkingView(nextTargetNode)) {
292                 // If we're navigating through a scrolling view that can scroll in the specified
293                 // direction and the next view is off-screen, don't advance to it. (We'll scroll
294                 // instead.)
295                 Rect nextTargetBounds = new Rect();
296                 nextTargetNode.getBoundsInScreen(nextTargetBounds);
297                 AccessibilityNodeInfo scrollableContainer = findScrollableContainer(targetNode);
298                 AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction scrollAction =
299                         direction == View.FOCUS_FORWARD
300                                 ? ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD
301                                 : ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD;
302                 if (scrollableContainer != null
303                         && scrollableContainer.getActionList().contains(scrollAction)) {
304                     Rect scrollBounds = new Rect();
305                     scrollableContainer.getBoundsInScreen(scrollBounds);
306                     boolean intersects = nextTargetBounds.intersect(scrollBounds);
307                     if (!intersects) {
308                         Utils.recycleNode(nextTargetNode);
309                         Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
310                         break;
311                     }
312                 }
313                 Utils.recycleNode(scrollableContainer);
315                 Utils.recycleNode(targetNode);
316                 Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
317                 targetNode = nextTargetNode;
318                 advancedCount++;
319             } else {
320                 Utils.recycleNode(nextTargetNode);
321                 Utils.recycleNode(targetFocusArea);
322                 break;
323             }
324         }
325         Utils.recycleNode(currentFocusArea);
326         if (sourceNode.equals(targetNode)) {
327             targetNode.recycle();
328             return null;
329         }
330         return new FindRotateTargetResult(targetNode, advancedCount);
331     }
333     /**
334      * Searches the {@code rootNode} and its descendants in depth-first order, and returns the first
335      * focus descendant (a node inside a focus area that can take focus) if any, or returns null if
336      * not found. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
337      */
findFirstFocusDescendant(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode)338     AccessibilityNodeInfo findFirstFocusDescendant(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode) {
339         // First try finding the first focus area and searching forward from the focus area. This
340         // is a quick way to find the first node but it doesn't always work.
341         AccessibilityNodeInfo focusDescendant = findFirstFocus(rootNode);
342         if (focusDescendant != null) {
343             return focusDescendant;
344         }
346         // Fall back to tree traversal.
347         L.w("Falling back to tree traversal");
348         focusDescendant = findDepthFirstFocus(rootNode);
349         if (focusDescendant == null) {
350             L.w("No node can take focus in the current window");
351         }
352         return focusDescendant;
353     }
355     /** Sets a mock Utils instance for testing. */
356     @VisibleForTesting
setNodeCopier(@onNull NodeCopier nodeCopier)357     void setNodeCopier(@NonNull NodeCopier nodeCopier) {
358         mNodeCopier = nodeCopier;
359         mTreeTraverser.setNodeCopier(nodeCopier);
360         mRotaryCache.setNodeCopier(nodeCopier);
361     }
363     /**
364      * Searches all the nodes in the {@code window}, and returns the node representing a {@link
365      * FocusParkingView}, if any, or returns null if not found. The caller is responsible for
366      * recycling the result.
367      */
findFocusParkingView(@onNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window)368     AccessibilityNodeInfo findFocusParkingView(@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
369         AccessibilityNodeInfo root = window.getRoot();
370         if (root == null) {
371             L.e("No root node in " + window);
372             return null;
373         }
374         AccessibilityNodeInfo focusParkingView = findFocusParkingView(root);
375         root.recycle();
376         return focusParkingView;
377     }
379     /**
380      * Searches the {@code node} and its descendants in depth-first order, and returns the node
381      * representing a {@link FocusParkingView}, if any, or returns null if not found. The caller is
382      * responsible for recycling the result.
383      */
findFocusParkingView(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)384     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findFocusParkingView(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
385         return mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSearch(node, /* skipPredicate= */ Utils::isFocusArea,
386                 /* targetPredicate= */ Utils::isFocusParkingView);
387     }
389     /**
390      * Searches the {@code rootNode} and its descendants in depth-first order for the first focus
391      * area, and returns the first node that can take focus in tab order from the focus area.
392      * The return value could be a node inside or outside the first focus area, or null if not
393      * found. The caller is responsible for recycling result.
394      */
findFirstFocus(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode)395     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findFirstFocus(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode) {
396         AccessibilityNodeInfo focusArea = findFirstFocusArea(rootNode);
397         if (focusArea == null) {
398             L.w("No FocusArea in the tree");
399             // rootNode is an implicit focus area if no explicit FocusAreas are specified.
400             focusArea = copyNode(rootNode);
401         }
403         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode = focusArea.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
404         AccessibilityNodeInfo firstTarget = copyNode(targetNode);
405         // focusSearch() searches in the active window, which has at least one FocusParkingView. We
406         // need to skip it.
407         while (targetNode != null && Utils.isFocusParkingView(targetNode)) {
408             L.d("Found FocusParkingView, continue focusSearch() ...");
409             AccessibilityNodeInfo nextTargetNode = targetNode.focusSearch(View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
410             targetNode.recycle();
411             targetNode = nextTargetNode;
413             // If we found the same FocusParkingView again, it means all the focusable views in
414             // current window are FocusParkingViews, so we should just return null.
415             if (firstTarget.equals(targetNode)) {
416                 L.w("Stop focusSearch() because there is no view to take focus except "
417                         + "FocusParkingViews");
418                 Utils.recycleNode(targetNode);
419                 targetNode = null;
420                 break;
421             }
422         }
423         Utils.recycleNode(firstTarget);
424         focusArea.recycle();
425         return targetNode;
426     }
428     /**
429      * Searches the given {@code node} and its descendants in depth-first order, and returns the
430      * first {@link FocusArea}, or returns null if not found. The caller is responsible for
431      * recycling the result.
432      */
findFirstFocusArea(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)433     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findFirstFocusArea(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
434         return mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSearch(node, Utils::isFocusArea);
435     }
437     /**
438      * Searches the given {@code node} and its descendants in depth-first order, and returns the
439      * first node that can take focus, or returns null if not found. The caller is responsible for
440      * recycling result.
441      */
findDepthFirstFocus(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)442     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findDepthFirstFocus(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
443         return mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSearch(node, Utils::canTakeFocus);
444     }
446     /**
447      * Returns the target focus area for a nudge in the given {@code direction} from the current
448      * focus, or null if not found. Checks the cache first. If nothing is found in the cache,
449      * returns the best nudge target from among all the candidate focus areas. In all cases, the
450      * nudge back is saved in the cache. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
451      */
findNudgeTargetFocusArea( @onNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo currentFocusArea, int direction)452     private AccessibilityNodeInfo findNudgeTargetFocusArea(
453             @NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows,
454             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo focusedNode,
455             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo currentFocusArea,
456             int direction) {
457         long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
458         // If there is a target focus area in the cache, returns it.
459         AccessibilityNodeInfo cachedTargetFocusArea =
460                 mRotaryCache.getTargetFocusArea(currentFocusArea, direction, elapsedRealtime);
461         if (cachedTargetFocusArea != null && Utils.canHaveFocus(cachedTargetFocusArea)) {
462             // We already got nudge history in the cache. Before nudging back, let's save "nudge
463             // back" history.
464             mRotaryCache.saveTargetFocusArea(
465                     currentFocusArea, cachedTargetFocusArea, direction, elapsedRealtime);
466             return cachedTargetFocusArea;
467         }
468         Utils.recycleNode(cachedTargetFocusArea);
470         // No target focus area in the cache; we need to search the node tree to find it.
471         AccessibilityWindowInfo currentWindow = focusedNode.getWindow();
472         if (currentWindow == null) {
473             L.e("Currently focused window is null");
474             return null;
475         }
477         // Build a list of candidate focus areas, starting with all the other focus areas in the
478         // same window as the current focus area.
479         List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> candidateFocusAreas = findFocusAreas(currentWindow);
480         for (AccessibilityNodeInfo focusArea : candidateFocusAreas) {
481             if (focusArea.equals(currentFocusArea)) {
482                 candidateFocusAreas.remove(focusArea);
483                 focusArea.recycle();
484                 break;
485             }
486         }
488         // Add candidate focus areas in other windows in the given direction.
489         List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> candidateWindows = new ArrayList<>();
490         addWindowsInDirection(windows, currentWindow, candidateWindows, direction);
491         currentWindow.recycle();
492         for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : candidateWindows) {
493             List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> focusAreasInAnotherWindow = findFocusAreas(window);
494             candidateFocusAreas.addAll(focusAreasInAnotherWindow);
495         }
497         // Exclude focus areas that have no descendants to take focus, because once we found a best
498         // candidate focus area, we don't dig into other ones. If it has no descendants to take
499         // focus, the nudge will fail.
500         removeEmptyFocusAreas(candidateFocusAreas);
502         // Choose the best candidate as our target focus area.
503         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetFocusArea =
504                 chooseBestNudgeCandidate(focusedNode, candidateFocusAreas, direction);
505         Utils.recycleNodes(candidateFocusAreas);
507         if (targetFocusArea != null) {
508             // Save nudge history.
509             mRotaryCache.saveTargetFocusArea(
510                     currentFocusArea, targetFocusArea, direction, elapsedRealtime);
511         }
513         return targetFocusArea;
514     }
removeEmptyFocusAreas(@onNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> focusAreas)516     private static void removeEmptyFocusAreas(@NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> focusAreas) {
517         for (Iterator<AccessibilityNodeInfo> iterator = focusAreas.iterator();
518                 iterator.hasNext(); ) {
519             AccessibilityNodeInfo focusArea = iterator.next();
520             if (!Utils.canHaveFocus(focusArea)) {
521                 iterator.remove();
522                 focusArea.recycle();
523             }
524         }
525     }
527     /**
528      * Adds all the {@code windows} in the given {@code direction} of the given {@code source}
529      * window to the given list.
530      */
addWindowsInDirection(@onNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows, @NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo source, @NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> results, int direction)531     private void addWindowsInDirection(@NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows,
532             @NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo source,
533             @NonNull List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> results,
534             int direction) {
535         Rect sourceBounds = new Rect();
536         source.getBoundsInScreen(sourceBounds);
537         Rect destBounds = new Rect();
538         for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : windows) {
539             if (!window.equals(source)) {
540                 window.getBoundsInScreen(destBounds);
542                 // Even if only part of destBounds is in the given direction of sourceBounds, we
543                 // still include it because that part may contain the target focus area.
544                 if (FocusFinder.isPartiallyInDirection(sourceBounds, destBounds, direction)) {
545                     results.add(window);
546                 }
547             }
548         }
549     }
551     /**
552      * Scans the view hierarchy of the given {@code window} looking for focus areas and returns
553      * them. If there are no explicitly declared {@link FocusArea}s, returns the root view. The
554      * caller is responsible for recycling the result.
555      */
556     private @NonNull
findFocusAreas(@onNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window)557     List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> findFocusAreas(@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
558         List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> results = new ArrayList<>();
559         AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode = window.getRoot();
560         if (rootNode != null) {
561             addFocusAreas(rootNode, results);
562             if (results.isEmpty()) {
563                 results.add(copyNode(rootNode));
564             }
565             rootNode.recycle();
566         }
567         return results;
568     }
570     /**
571      * Returns whether the given window is the Heads-up Notification (HUN) window. The HUN window
572      * is identified by the left and right edges. The top and bottom vary depending on whether the
573      * HUN appears at the top or bottom of the screen and on the height of the notification being
574      * displayed so they aren't used.
575      */
isHunWindow(@onNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window)576     boolean isHunWindow(@NonNull AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
577         if (window.getType() != AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM) {
578             return false;
579         }
580         Rect bounds = new Rect();
581         window.getBoundsInScreen(bounds);
582         return bounds.left == mHunLeft && bounds.right == mHunRight;
583     }
585     /**
586      * Searches from the given node up through its ancestors to the containing focus area, looking
587      * for a node that's marked as horizontally or vertically scrollable. Returns a copy of the
588      * first such node or null if none is found. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
589      */
590     @Nullable
findScrollableContainer(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)591     AccessibilityNodeInfo findScrollableContainer(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
592         return mTreeTraverser.findNodeOrAncestor(node, /* stopPredicate= */ Utils::isFocusArea,
593                 /* targetPredicate= */ Utils::isScrollableContainer);
594     }
596     /**
597      * Returns the previous node in Tab order before {@code referenceNode} within
598      * {@code containerNode} or null if none. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
599      */
600     @Nullable
findPreviousFocusableDescendant( @onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode)601     static AccessibilityNodeInfo findPreviousFocusableDescendant(
602             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode,
603             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode) {
604         return findFocusableDescendantInDirection(containerNode, referenceNode,
605                 View.FOCUS_BACKWARD);
606     }
608     /**
609      * Returns the next node after {@code referenceNode} in Tab order within {@code containerNode}
610      * or null if none. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
611      */
612     @Nullable
findNextFocusableDescendant( @onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode)613     static AccessibilityNodeInfo findNextFocusableDescendant(
614             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode,
615             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode) {
616         return findFocusableDescendantInDirection(containerNode, referenceNode, View.FOCUS_FORWARD);
617     }
619     /**
620      * Returns the previous node before {@code referenceNode} in Tab order or the next node after
621      * {@code referenceNode} in Tab order, depending on {@code direction}. The search is limited to
622      * descendants of {@code containerNode}. Returns null if there are no focusable descendants in
623      * the given direction. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
624      *
625      * @param containerNode the node with descendants
626      * @param referenceNode a descendant of {@code containerNode} to start from
627      * @param direction {@link View#FOCUS_FORWARD} or {@link View#FOCUS_BACKWARD}
628      * @return the node before or after {@code referenceNode} or null if none
629      */
630     @Nullable
findFocusableDescendantInDirection( @onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode, int direction)631     static AccessibilityNodeInfo findFocusableDescendantInDirection(
632             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo containerNode,
633             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo referenceNode,
634             int direction) {
635         AccessibilityNodeInfo targetNode = referenceNode.focusSearch(direction);
636         if (targetNode == null
637                 || targetNode.equals(containerNode)
638                 || !Utils.canTakeFocus(targetNode)
639                 || !Utils.isDescendant(containerNode, targetNode)) {
640             Utils.recycleNode(targetNode);
641             return null;
642         }
643         if (targetNode.equals(referenceNode)) {
644             L.w((direction == View.FOCUS_FORWARD ? "Next" : "Previous")
645                     + " node is the same node: " + referenceNode);
646             Utils.recycleNode(targetNode);
647             return null;
648         }
649         return targetNode;
650     }
652     /**
653      * Returns the first descendant of {@code node} which can take focus. The nodes are searched in
654      * in depth-first order, not including {@code node} itself. If no descendant can take focus,
655      * null is returned. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
656      */
657     @Nullable
findFirstFocusableDescendant(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)658     AccessibilityNodeInfo findFirstFocusableDescendant(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
659         return mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSearch(node,
660                 candidateNode -> candidateNode != node && Utils.canTakeFocus(candidateNode));
661     }
663     /**
664      * Returns the last descendant of {@code node} which can take focus. The nodes are searched in
665      * reverse depth-first order, not including {@code node} itself. If no descendant can take
666      * focus, null is returned. The caller is responsible for recycling the result.
667      */
668     @Nullable
findLastFocusableDescendant(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)669     AccessibilityNodeInfo findLastFocusableDescendant(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
670         return mTreeTraverser.reverseDepthFirstSearch(node,
671                 candidateNode -> candidateNode != node && Utils.canTakeFocus(candidateNode));
672     }
674     /**
675      * Scans descendants of the given {@code rootNode} looking for focus areas and adds them to the
676      * given list. It doesn't scan inside focus areas since nested focus areas aren't allowed. The
677      * caller is responsible for recycling added nodes.
678      *
679      * @param rootNode the root to start scanning from
680      * @param results  a list of focus areas to add to
681      */
addFocusAreas(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode, @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> results)682     private void addFocusAreas(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode,
683             @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> results) {
684         mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSelect(rootNode, Utils::isFocusArea, results);
685     }
687     /**
688      * Adds the given {@code node} and all its focus descendants (nodes that can take focus) to the
689      * given list. The caller is responsible for recycling added nodes.
690      */
addFocusDescendants(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node, @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> results)691     private void addFocusDescendants(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node,
692             @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> results) {
693         mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSelect(node, Utils::canTakeFocus, results);
694     }
696     /**
697      * Returns a copy of the best candidate from among the given {@code candidates} for a nudge
698      * from {@code sourceNode} in the given {@code direction}. Returns null if none of the {@code
699      * candidates} are in the given {@code direction}. The caller is responsible for recycling the
700      * result.
701      *
702      * @param candidates could be a list of {@link FocusArea}s, or a list of focusable views
703      */
chooseBestNudgeCandidate( @onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode, @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> candidates, int direction)704     private AccessibilityNodeInfo chooseBestNudgeCandidate(
705             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo sourceNode,
706             @NonNull List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> candidates,
707             int direction) {
708         if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
709             return null;
710         }
711         Rect sourceBounds = new Rect();
712         sourceNode.getBoundsInScreen(sourceBounds);
714         AccessibilityNodeInfo bestNode = null;
715         Rect bestBounds = new Rect();
717         Rect candidateBounds = new Rect();
718         for (AccessibilityNodeInfo candidate : candidates) {
719             if (isCandidate(sourceBounds, candidate, direction)) {
720                 candidate.getBoundsInScreen(candidateBounds);
721                 if (bestNode == null || FocusFinder.isBetterCandidate(
722                         direction, sourceBounds, candidateBounds, bestBounds)) {
723                     bestNode = candidate;
724                     bestBounds.set(candidateBounds);
725                 }
726             }
727         }
728         return copyNode(bestNode);
729     }
731     /**
732      * Returns whether the given {@code node} is a candidate from {@code sourceBounds} to the given
733      * {@code direction}. To be a candidate, the node or one of its descendants must be able to take
734      * focus and must be considered a candidate by {@link FocusFinder#isCandidate}.
735      */
isCandidate(@onNull Rect sourceBounds, @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node, int direction)736     private boolean isCandidate(@NonNull Rect sourceBounds,
737             @NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node,
738             int direction) {
739         AccessibilityNodeInfo candidate = mTreeTraverser.depthFirstSearch(node, candidateNode -> {
740             // First check if the node can take focus.
741             if (!Utils.canTakeFocus(candidateNode)) {
742                 return false;
743             }
744             // The node represents a focusable view in the FocusArea, so check the geometry.
745             Rect candidateBounds = new Rect();
746             candidateNode.getBoundsInScreen(candidateBounds);
747             return FocusFinder.isCandidate(sourceBounds, candidateBounds, direction);
748         });
749         if (candidate == null) {
750             return false;
751         }
752         candidate.recycle();
753         return true;
754     }
copyNode(@ullable AccessibilityNodeInfo node)756     private AccessibilityNodeInfo copyNode(@Nullable AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
757         return mNodeCopier.copy(node);
758     }
760     /**
761      * Finds the closest ancestor focus area of the given {@code node}. If the given {@code node}
762      * is a focus area, returns it; if there are no explicitly declared {@link FocusArea}s among the
763      * ancestors of this view, returns the root view. The caller is responsible for recycling the
764      * result.
765      */
766     @NonNull
getAncestorFocusArea(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node)767     private AccessibilityNodeInfo getAncestorFocusArea(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node) {
768         TreeTraverser.NodePredicate isFocusAreaOrRoot = candidateNode -> {
769             if (Utils.isFocusArea(candidateNode)) {
770                 // The candidateNode is a focus area.
771                 return true;
772             }
773             AccessibilityNodeInfo parent = candidateNode.getParent();
774             if (parent == null) {
775                 // The candidateNode is the root node.
776                 return true;
777             }
778             parent.recycle();
779             return false;
780         };
781         AccessibilityNodeInfo result = mTreeTraverser.findNodeOrAncestor(node, isFocusAreaOrRoot);
782         if (!Utils.isFocusArea(result)) {
783             L.w("Couldn't find ancestor focus area for given node: " + node);
784         }
785         return result;
786     }
788     /** Result from {@link #findRotateTarget}. */
789     static class FindRotateTargetResult {
790         @NonNull final AccessibilityNodeInfo node;
791         final int advancedCount;
FindRotateTargetResult(@onNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node, int advancedCount)793         FindRotateTargetResult(@NonNull AccessibilityNodeInfo node, int advancedCount) {
794             this.node = node;
795             this.advancedCount = advancedCount;
796         }
797     }
798 }