1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3    Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
5    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7    You may obtain a copy of the License at
9         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15    limitations under the License.
19    <!-- Whether quick settings should be the root settings activity or not. -->
20    <bool name="config_is_quick_settings_root">false</bool>
21    <!-- Whether to show the launcher icon for settings home or not. -->
22    <bool name="config_enable_home_settings_icon">true</bool>
23    <!-- Whether to show the launcher icon for quick settings or not. -->
24    <bool name="config_enable_quick_settings_icon">false</bool>
25    <!-- Whether system_update_settings should be shown or not. -->
26    <bool name="config_show_system_update_settings">true</bool>
27    <!-- Whether Wi-Fi Mac address should be shown or not. -->
28    <bool name="config_show_wifi_mac_address">true</bool>
29    <!-- Whether to show regulatory info or not. -->
30    <bool name="config_show_regulatory_info">true</bool>
31    <!-- Whether premium SMS should be shown or not. -->
32    <bool name="config_show_premium_sms">true</bool>
33    <!-- Whether exit button in settings' root action bar should be shown or not -->
34    <bool name="config_show_settings_root_exit_icon">true</bool>
35    <!--
36        Array of bluetooth device major classes that should be used for unbonded
37        device filter.
39        The values of the device major classes can be found in
40        android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass. If the array is empty, the device
41        filter will return all unbonded devices.
43        Example usage:
44        <integer-array name="config_unbonded_device_filter_whitelist">
45            <item>0x0200</item>
46        </integer-array>
48        This filter would only return unbonded devices which correspond to the
49        major class for PHONE.
50    -->
51    <integer-array name="config_unbonded_device_filter_whitelist"/>
52    <!--
53        Array of keys that should be used for determining how audio attribute
54        usage should be mapped to ringtone uris.
56        The values of the keys can be found in android.media.AudioAttributes.
57        The number of items in this array must equal the number of items in
58        config_ringtone_uri_map_value, and the usages are mapped to the ringtone
59        uri based on positions in the array. The lowest rank usage (based on the
60        order in car_volume_items.xml) in each audio group (in Car service's
61        car_volume_groups.xml) will be used to sound for a given volume group's
62        slider.
64        If empty, all ringtones will default to the default ringtone uri.
66        TODO(b/144382611): Instead of mapping by usage, we should map by audio
67        group so as to make it clearer to define the sound to be played with a
68        given slider.
69    -->
70    <integer-array name="config_ringtone_audio_attribute_usages_map_key">
71        <item>5</item>
72        <item>4</item>
73    </integer-array>
74    <!--
75        Array of values that should be used to determine how audio attribute
76        usage should be mapped to ringtone uris.
78        The values should be uri strings that can be parsed into Uri. The number
79        of items in this array must equal the number of items in
80        config_ringtone_audio_attributes_map_key, and the ringtone uris are
81        mapped to the audio attributes based on positions in the array.
83        If empty, all ringtones will default to the default ringtone uri.
84    -->
85    <string-array name="config_ringtone_uri_map_value">
86        <item>content://settings/system/notification_sound</item>
87        <item>content://settings/system/alarm_alert</item>
88    </string-array>
89    <!-- Whether all preferences should always ignore UX Restrictions -->
90    <bool name="config_always_ignore_ux_restrictions">false</bool>
91    <!-- Array of Preference Keys that ignore UX Restrictions -->
92    <string-array name="config_ignore_ux_restrictions">
93        <item>@string/pk_display_settings_entry</item>
94        <item>@string/pk_brightness_level</item>
95        <item>@string/pk_sound_settings_entry</item>
96        <item>@string/pk_volume_settings</item>
97        <item>@string/pk_network_and_internet_entry</item>
98        <item>@string/pk_wifi_settings_entry</item>
99        <item>@string/pk_bluetooth_settings_entry</item>
100        <item>@string/pk_bluetooth_paired_devices</item>
101    </string-array>
103    <!-- The component which listens for the enabling of developer options. -->
104    <string name="config_dev_options_module" translatable="false">com.android.car.developeroptions/.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsDashboardActivity</string>
106    <!-- Settings intelligence package name -->
107    <string name="config_settingsintelligence_package_name" translatable="false">
108        com.android.settings.intelligence
109    </string>