1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License
15  */
16 package com.android.voicemail.impl.transcribe;
18 import android.content.Context;
19 import android.net.Uri;
20 import com.android.dialer.common.concurrent.DialerExecutor;
21 import com.android.dialer.common.concurrent.DialerExecutorComponent;
22 import com.android.dialer.compat.android.provider.VoicemailCompat;
23 import com.google.internal.communications.voicemailtranscription.v1.SendTranscriptionFeedbackRequest;
24 import com.google.internal.communications.voicemailtranscription.v1.TranscriptionRating;
25 import com.google.internal.communications.voicemailtranscription.v1.TranscriptionRatingValue;
26 import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
28 /**
29  * Send voicemail transcription rating feedback to the server and record the fact that feedback was
30  * provided in the local database.
31  */
32 public class TranscriptionRatingHelper {
34   /** Callback invoked after the feedback has been recorded locally */
35   public interface SuccessListener {
onRatingSuccess(Uri voicemailUri)36     void onRatingSuccess(Uri voicemailUri);
37   }
39   /** Callback invoked if there was an error recording the feedback */
40   public interface FailureListener {
onRatingFailure(Throwable t)41     void onRatingFailure(Throwable t);
42   }
44   /**
45    * Method for sending a user voicemail transcription feedback rating to the server and recording
46    * the fact that the voicemail was rated in the local database.
47    */
sendRating( Context context, TranscriptionRatingValue ratingValue, Uri voicemailUri, SuccessListener successListener, FailureListener failureListener)48   public static void sendRating(
49       Context context,
50       TranscriptionRatingValue ratingValue,
51       Uri voicemailUri,
52       SuccessListener successListener,
53       FailureListener failureListener) {
54     DialerExecutorComponent.get(context)
55         .dialerExecutorFactory()
56         .createNonUiTaskBuilder(new RatingWorker(context, ratingValue, voicemailUri))
57         .onSuccess(output -> successListener.onRatingSuccess(voicemailUri))
58         .onFailure(e -> failureListener.onRatingFailure(e))
59         .build()
60         .executeParallel(null);
61   }
63   /** Worker class used to record a user's quality rating of a voicemail transcription. */
64   private static class RatingWorker implements DialerExecutor.Worker<Void, Void> {
65     private final Context context;
66     private final TranscriptionRatingValue ratingValue;
67     private final Uri voicemailUri;
RatingWorker(Context context, TranscriptionRatingValue ratingValue, Uri voicemailUri)69     private RatingWorker(Context context, TranscriptionRatingValue ratingValue, Uri voicemailUri) {
70       this.context = context;
71       this.ratingValue = ratingValue;
72       this.voicemailUri = voicemailUri;
73     }
75     @Override
doInBackground(Void input)76     public Void doInBackground(Void input) {
77       // Schedule a task to upload the feedback (requires network connectivity)
78       TranscriptionRatingService.scheduleTask(context, getFeedbackRequest());
80       // Record the fact that the transcription has been rated
81       TranscriptionDbHelper dbHelper = new TranscriptionDbHelper(context, voicemailUri);
82       dbHelper.setTranscriptionState(VoicemailCompat.TRANSCRIPTION_AVAILABLE_AND_RATED);
83       return null;
84     }
getFeedbackRequest()86     private SendTranscriptionFeedbackRequest getFeedbackRequest() {
87       ByteString audioData = TranscriptionUtils.getAudioData(context, voicemailUri);
88       String salt = voicemailUri.toString();
89       String voicemailId = TranscriptionUtils.getFingerprintFor(audioData, salt);
90       TranscriptionRating rating =
91           TranscriptionRating.newBuilder()
92               .setTranscriptionId(voicemailId)
93               .setRatingValue(ratingValue)
94               .build();
95       return SendTranscriptionFeedbackRequest.newBuilder().addRating(rating).build();
96     }
97   }
98 }