1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <getopt.h>
18 #include <inttypes.h>
19 #include <sys/mount.h>
20 #include <sys/stat.h>
21 #include <sys/statvfs.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <sysexits.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <optional>
29 #include <regex>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <vector>
33 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
34 #include <android-base/properties.h>
35 #include <android-base/strings.h>
36 #ifdef __ANDROID__
37 #include <cutils/android_get_control_file.h>
38 #include <fs_mgr.h>
39 #endif
40 #include <jsonpb/jsonpb.h>
41 #include <liblp/builder.h>
42 #include <liblp/liblp.h>
44 #include "dynamic_partitions_device_info.pb.h"
45 using namespace android;
46 using namespace android::fs_mgr;
48 static int usage(int /* argc */, char* argv[], std::ostream& cerr) {
49     cerr << argv[0]
50          << " - command-line tool for dumping Android Logical Partition images.\n"
51             "\n"
52             "Usage:\n"
53             "  "
54          << argv[0]
55          << " [-s <SLOT#>|--slot=<SLOT#>] [-j|--json] [FILE|DEVICE]\n"
56             "\n"
57             "Options:\n"
58             "  -s, --slot=N     Slot number or suffix.\n"
59             "  -j, --json       Print in JSON format.\n"
60             "  -d, --dump-metadata-size\n"
61             "                   Print the space reserved for metadata to stdout\n"
62             "                   in bytes.\n"
63             "  -a, --all        Dump all slots (not available in JSON mode).\n";
64     return EX_USAGE;
65 }
67 static std::string BuildFlagString(const std::vector<std::string>& strings) {
68     return strings.empty() ? "none" : android::base::Join(strings, ",");
69 }
71 static std::string BuildHeaderFlagString(uint32_t flags) {
72     std::vector<std::string> strings;
74     if (flags & LP_HEADER_FLAG_VIRTUAL_AB_DEVICE) {
75         strings.emplace_back("virtual_ab_device");
76         flags &= ~LP_HEADER_FLAG_VIRTUAL_AB_DEVICE;
77     }
79     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(flags) * 8; i++) {
80         if (!(flags & (1U << i))) {
81             continue;
82         }
83         strings.emplace_back("unknown_flag_bit_" + std::to_string(i));
84     }
85     return BuildFlagString(strings);
86 }
88 static std::string BuildAttributeString(uint32_t attrs) {
89     std::vector<std::string> strings;
90     if (attrs & LP_PARTITION_ATTR_READONLY) strings.emplace_back("readonly");
91     if (attrs & LP_PARTITION_ATTR_SLOT_SUFFIXED) strings.emplace_back("slot-suffixed");
92     if (attrs & LP_PARTITION_ATTR_UPDATED) strings.emplace_back("updated");
93     if (attrs & LP_PARTITION_ATTR_DISABLED) strings.emplace_back("disabled");
94     return BuildFlagString(strings);
95 }
97 static std::string BuildGroupFlagString(uint32_t flags) {
98     std::vector<std::string> strings;
99     if (flags & LP_GROUP_SLOT_SUFFIXED) strings.emplace_back("slot-suffixed");
100     return BuildFlagString(strings);
101 }
103 static std::string BuildBlockDeviceFlagString(uint32_t flags) {
104     std::vector<std::string> strings;
105     if (flags & LP_BLOCK_DEVICE_SLOT_SUFFIXED) strings.emplace_back("slot-suffixed");
106     return BuildFlagString(strings);
107 }
109 // Reimplementation of fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix() without reading
110 // kernel commandline.
111 static std::string GetSlotSuffix() {
112     return base::GetProperty("ro.boot.slot_suffix", "");
113 }
115 // Reimplementation of fs_mgr_get_super_partition_name() without reading
116 // kernel commandline. Always return the super partition at current slot.
117 static std::string GetSuperPartitionName(const std::optional<uint32_t>& slot = {}) {
118     std::string super_partition = base::GetProperty("ro.boot.super_partition", "");
119     if (super_partition.empty()) {
121     }
122     if (slot.has_value()) {
123         return super_partition + SlotSuffixForSlotNumber(slot.value());
124     }
125     return super_partition + GetSlotSuffix();
126 }
128 static std::string RemoveSuffix(const std::string& s, const std::string& suffix) {
129     if (base::EndsWith(s, suffix)) {
130         return s.substr(0, s.length() - suffix.length());
131     }
132     return s;
133 }
135 // Merge proto with information from metadata.
136 static bool MergeMetadata(const LpMetadata* metadata,
137                           DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto* proto) {
138     if (!metadata) return false;
139     auto builder = MetadataBuilder::New(*metadata);
140     if (!builder) return false;
142     std::string slot_suffix = GetSlotSuffix();
144     for (const auto& group_name : builder->ListGroups()) {
145         auto group = builder->FindGroup(group_name);
146         if (!group) continue;
147         if (!base::EndsWith(group_name, slot_suffix)) continue;
148         auto group_proto = proto->add_groups();
149         group_proto->set_name(RemoveSuffix(group_name, slot_suffix));
150         group_proto->set_maximum_size(group->maximum_size());
152         for (auto partition : builder->ListPartitionsInGroup(group_name)) {
153             auto partition_name = partition->name();
154             if (!base::EndsWith(partition_name, slot_suffix)) continue;
155             auto partition_proto = proto->add_partitions();
156             partition_proto->set_name(RemoveSuffix(partition_name, slot_suffix));
157             partition_proto->set_group_name(RemoveSuffix(group_name, slot_suffix));
158             partition_proto->set_size(partition->size());
159             partition_proto->set_is_dynamic(true);
160         }
161     }
163     for (const auto& block_device : metadata->block_devices) {
164         std::string name = GetBlockDevicePartitionName(block_device);
165         BlockDeviceInfo info;
166         if (!builder->GetBlockDeviceInfo(name, &info)) {
167             continue;
168         }
169         auto block_device_proto = proto->add_block_devices();
170         block_device_proto->set_name(RemoveSuffix(name, slot_suffix));
171         block_device_proto->set_size(info.size);
172         block_device_proto->set_block_size(info.logical_block_size);
173         block_device_proto->set_alignment(info.alignment);
174         block_device_proto->set_alignment_offset(info.alignment_offset);
175     }
176     return true;
177 }
179 #ifdef __ANDROID__
180 static DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto::Partition* FindPartition(
181         DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto* proto, const std::string& partition) {
182     for (DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto::Partition& p : *proto->mutable_partitions()) {
183         if (p.name() == partition) {
184             return &p;
185         }
186     }
187     return nullptr;
188 }
190 static std::optional<std::string> GetReadonlyPartitionName(const android::fs_mgr::FstabEntry& entry) {
191     // Only report readonly partitions.
192     if ((entry.flags & MS_RDONLY) == 0) return std::nullopt;
193     std::regex regex("/([a-zA-Z_]*)$");
194     std::smatch match;
195     if (!std::regex_match(entry.mount_point, match, regex)) return std::nullopt;
196     // On system-as-root devices, fstab lists / for system partition.
197     std::string partition = match[1];
198     return partition.empty() ? "system" : partition;
199 }
201 static bool MergeFsUsage(DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto* proto,
202                          std::ostream& cerr) {
203     using namespace std::string_literals;
204     Fstab fstab;
205     if (!ReadDefaultFstab(&fstab)) {
206         cerr << "Cannot read fstab\n";
207         return false;
208     }
210     for (const auto& entry : fstab) {
211         auto partition = GetReadonlyPartitionName(entry);
212         if (!partition) {
213             continue;
214         }
216         // system is mounted to "/";
217         const char* mount_point = (entry.mount_point == "/system")
218             ? "/" : entry.mount_point.c_str();
220         struct statvfs vst;
221         if (statvfs(mount_point, &vst) == -1) {
222             continue;
223         }
225         auto partition_proto = FindPartition(proto, *partition);
226         if (partition_proto == nullptr) {
227             partition_proto = proto->add_partitions();
228             partition_proto->set_name(*partition);
229             partition_proto->set_is_dynamic(false);
230         }
231         partition_proto->set_fs_size((uint64_t)vst.f_blocks * vst.f_frsize);
232         if (vst.f_bavail <= vst.f_blocks) {
233             partition_proto->set_fs_used((uint64_t)(vst.f_blocks - vst.f_bavail) * vst.f_frsize);
234         }
235     }
236     return true;
237 }
238 #endif
240 // Print output in JSON format.
241 // If successful, this function must write a valid JSON string to "cout" and return 0.
242 static int PrintJson(const LpMetadata* metadata, std::ostream& cout,
243                      std::ostream& cerr) {
244     DynamicPartitionsDeviceInfoProto proto;
246     if (base::GetBoolProperty("ro.boot.dynamic_partitions", false)) {
247         proto.set_enabled(true);
248     }
250     if (base::GetBoolProperty("ro.boot.dynamic_partitions_retrofit", false)) {
251         proto.set_retrofit(true);
252     }
254     if (!MergeMetadata(metadata, &proto)) {
255         cerr << "Warning: Failed to read metadata.\n";
256     }
257 #ifdef __ANDROID__
258     if (!MergeFsUsage(&proto, cerr)) {
259         cerr << "Warning: Failed to read filesystem size and usage.\n";
260     }
261 #endif
263     auto error_or_json = jsonpb::MessageToJsonString(proto);
264     if (!error_or_json.ok()) {
265         cerr << error_or_json.error() << "\n";
266         return EX_SOFTWARE;
267     }
268     cout << *error_or_json;
269     return EX_OK;
270 }
272 static int DumpMetadataSize(const LpMetadata& metadata, std::ostream& cout) {
273     auto super_device = GetMetadataSuperBlockDevice(metadata);
274     uint64_t metadata_size = super_device->first_logical_sector * LP_SECTOR_SIZE;
275     cout << metadata_size << std::endl;
276     return EX_OK;
277 }
279 class FileOrBlockDeviceOpener final : public PartitionOpener {
280 public:
281     android::base::unique_fd Open(const std::string& path, int flags) const override {
282         // Try a local file first.
283         android::base::unique_fd fd;
285 #ifdef __ANDROID__
286         fd.reset(android_get_control_file(path.c_str()));
287         if (fd >= 0) return fd;
288 #endif
289         fd.reset(open(path.c_str(), flags));
290         if (fd >= 0) return fd;
292         return PartitionOpener::Open(path, flags);
293     }
294 };
296 std::optional<std::tuple<std::string, uint64_t>>
297 ParseLinearExtentData(const LpMetadata& pt, const LpMetadataExtent& extent) {
298     if (extent.target_type != LP_TARGET_TYPE_LINEAR) {
299         return std::nullopt;
300     }
301     const auto& block_device = pt.block_devices[extent.target_source];
302     std::string device_name = GetBlockDevicePartitionName(block_device);
303     return std::make_tuple(std::move(device_name), extent.target_data);
304 }
306 static void PrintMetadata(const LpMetadata& pt, std::ostream& cout) {
307     cout << "Metadata version: " << pt.header.major_version << "." << pt.header.minor_version
308          << "\n";
309     cout << "Metadata size: " << (pt.header.header_size + pt.header.tables_size) << " bytes\n";
310     cout << "Metadata max size: " << pt.geometry.metadata_max_size << " bytes\n";
311     cout << "Metadata slot count: " << pt.geometry.metadata_slot_count << "\n";
312     cout << "Header flags: " << BuildHeaderFlagString(pt.header.flags) << "\n";
313     cout << "Partition table:\n";
314     cout << "------------------------\n";
316     std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, const LpMetadataExtent*>> extents;
318     for (const auto& partition : pt.partitions) {
319         std::string name = GetPartitionName(partition);
320         std::string group_name = GetPartitionGroupName(pt.groups[partition.group_index]);
321         cout << "  Name: " << name << "\n";
322         cout << "  Group: " << group_name << "\n";
323         cout << "  Attributes: " << BuildAttributeString(partition.attributes) << "\n";
324         cout << "  Extents:\n";
325         uint64_t first_sector = 0;
326         for (size_t i = 0; i < partition.num_extents; i++) {
327             const LpMetadataExtent& extent = pt.extents[partition.first_extent_index + i];
328             cout << "    " << first_sector << " .. " << (first_sector + extent.num_sectors - 1)
329                  << " ";
330             first_sector += extent.num_sectors;
331             if (extent.target_type == LP_TARGET_TYPE_LINEAR) {
332                 const auto& block_device = pt.block_devices[extent.target_source];
333                 std::string device_name = GetBlockDevicePartitionName(block_device);
334                 cout << "linear " << device_name.c_str() << " " << extent.target_data;
335             } else if (extent.target_type == LP_TARGET_TYPE_ZERO) {
336                 cout << "zero";
337             }
338             extents.push_back(std::make_tuple(name, &extent));
339             cout << "\n";
340         }
341         cout << "------------------------\n";
342     }
344     std::sort(extents.begin(), extents.end(), [&](const auto& x, const auto& y) {
345         auto x_data = ParseLinearExtentData(pt, *std::get<1>(x));
346         auto y_data = ParseLinearExtentData(pt, *std::get<1>(y));
347         return x_data < y_data;
348     });
350     cout << "Super partition layout:\n";
351     cout << "------------------------\n";
352     for (auto&& [name, extent] : extents) {
353         auto data = ParseLinearExtentData(pt, *extent);
354         if (!data) continue;
355         auto&& [block_device, offset] = *data;
356         cout << block_device << ": " << offset << " .. " << (offset + extent->num_sectors)
357              << ": " << name << " (" << extent->num_sectors << " sectors)\n";
358     }
359     cout << "------------------------\n";
361     cout << "Block device table:\n";
362     cout << "------------------------\n";
363     for (const auto& block_device : pt.block_devices) {
364         std::string partition_name = GetBlockDevicePartitionName(block_device);
365         cout << "  Partition name: " << partition_name << "\n";
366         cout << "  First sector: " << block_device.first_logical_sector << "\n";
367         cout << "  Size: " << block_device.size << " bytes\n";
368         cout << "  Flags: " << BuildBlockDeviceFlagString(block_device.flags) << "\n";
369         cout << "------------------------\n";
370     }
372     cout << "Group table:\n";
373     cout << "------------------------\n";
374     for (const auto& group : pt.groups) {
375         std::string group_name = GetPartitionGroupName(group);
376         cout << "  Name: " << group_name << "\n";
377         cout << "  Maximum size: " << group.maximum_size << " bytes\n";
378         cout << "  Flags: " << BuildGroupFlagString(group.flags) << "\n";
379         cout << "------------------------\n";
380     }
381 }
383 static std::unique_ptr<LpMetadata> ReadDeviceOrFile(const std::string& path, uint32_t slot) {
384     if (IsEmptySuperImage(path)) {
385         return ReadFromImageFile(path);
386     }
387     return ReadMetadata(path, slot);
388 }
390 int LpdumpMain(int argc, char* argv[], std::ostream& cout, std::ostream& cerr) {
391     // clang-format off
392     struct option options[] = {
393         { "all", no_argument, nullptr, 'a' },
394         { "slot", required_argument, nullptr, 's' },
395         { "help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h' },
396         { "json", no_argument, nullptr, 'j' },
397         { "dump-metadata-size", no_argument, nullptr, 'd' },
398         { "is-super-empty", no_argument, nullptr, 'e' },
399         { nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0 },
400     };
401     // clang-format on
403     // Allow this function to be invoked by lpdumpd multiple times.
404     optind = 1;
406     int rv;
407     int index;
408     bool json = false;
409     bool dump_metadata_size = false;
410     bool dump_all = false;
411     std::optional<uint32_t> slot;
412     while ((rv = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "s:jhde", options, &index)) != -1) {
413         switch (rv) {
414             case 'a':
415                 dump_all = true;
416                 break;
417             case 'h':
418                 usage(argc, argv, cout);
419                 return EX_OK;
420             case 's': {
421                 uint32_t slot_arg;
422                 if (android::base::ParseUint(optarg, &slot_arg)) {
423                     slot = slot_arg;
424                 } else {
425                     slot = SlotNumberForSlotSuffix(optarg);
426                 }
427                 break;
428             }
429             case 'e':
430                 // This is ignored, we now derive whether it's empty automatically.
431                 break;
432             case 'd':
433                 dump_metadata_size = true;
434                 break;
435             case 'j':
436                 json = true;
437                 break;
438             case '?':
439             case ':':
440                 return usage(argc, argv, cerr);
441         }
442     }
444     if (dump_all) {
445         if (slot.has_value()) {
446             cerr << "Cannot specify both --all and --slot.\n";
447             return usage(argc, argv, cerr);
448         }
449         if (json) {
450             cerr << "Cannot specify both --all and --json.\n";
451             return usage(argc, argv, cerr);
452         }
454         // When dumping everything always start from the first slot.
455         slot = 0;
456     }
458 #ifdef __ANDROID__
459     // Use the current slot as a default for A/B devices.
460     auto current_slot_suffix = GetSlotSuffix();
461     if (!slot.has_value() && !current_slot_suffix.empty()) {
462         slot = SlotNumberForSlotSuffix(current_slot_suffix);
463     }
464 #endif
466     // If we still haven't determined a slot yet, use the first one.
467     if (!slot.has_value()) {
468         slot = 0;
469     }
471     // Determine the path to the super partition (or image). If an explicit
472     // path is given, we use it for everything. Otherwise, we will infer it
473     // at the time we need to read metadata.
474     std::string super_path;
475     bool override_super_name = (optind < argc);
476     if (override_super_name) {
477         super_path = argv[optind++];
478     } else {
479 #ifdef __ANDROID__
480         super_path = GetSuperPartitionName(slot);
481 #else
482         cerr << "Must specify a super partition image.\n";
483         return usage(argc, argv, cerr);
484 #endif
485     }
487     auto pt = ReadDeviceOrFile(super_path, slot.value());
489     // --json option doesn't require metadata to be present.
490     if (json) {
491         return PrintJson(pt.get(), cout, cerr);
492     }
494     if (!pt) {
495         cerr << "Failed to read metadata.\n";
496         return EX_NOINPUT;
497     }
499     if (dump_metadata_size) {
500         return DumpMetadataSize(*pt.get(), cout);
501     }
503     // When running on the device, we can check the slot count. Otherwise we
504     // use the # of metadata slots. (There is an extra slot we don't want to
505     // dump because it is currently unused.)
506 #ifdef __ANDROID__
507     uint32_t num_slots = current_slot_suffix.empty() ? 1 : 2;
508     if (dump_all && num_slots > 1) {
509         cout << "Current slot: " << current_slot_suffix << "\n";
510     }
511 #else
512     uint32_t num_slots = pt->geometry.metadata_slot_count;
513 #endif
514     // Empty images only have one slot.
515     if (IsEmptySuperImage(super_path)) {
516         num_slots = 1;
517     }
519     if (num_slots > 1) {
520         cout << "Slot " << slot.value() << ":\n";
521     }
522     PrintMetadata(*pt.get(), cout);
524     if (dump_all) {
525         for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_slots; i++) {
526             if (!override_super_name) {
527                 super_path = GetSuperPartitionName(i);
528             }
530             pt = ReadDeviceOrFile(super_path, i);
531             if (!pt) {
532                 continue;
533             }
535             cout << "\nSlot " << i << ":\n";
536             PrintMetadata(*pt.get(), cout);
537         }
538     }
539     return EX_OK;
540 }
542 int LpdumpMain(int argc, char* argv[]) {
543     return LpdumpMain(argc, argv, std::cout, std::cerr);
544 }