1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <inttypes.h>
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <functional>
20 #include <map>
21 #include <set>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <unordered_map>
24 #include <unordered_set>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include <android-base/file.h>
28 #include <android-base/logging.h>
29 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
30 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
31 #include <android-base/strings.h>
33 #include "command.h"
34 #include "event_attr.h"
35 #include "event_type.h"
36 #include "perf_regs.h"
37 #include "record.h"
38 #include "record_file.h"
39 #include "sample_tree.h"
40 #include "thread_tree.h"
41 #include "tracing.h"
42 #include "utils.h"
44 namespace {
46 static std::set<std::string> branch_sort_keys = {
47     "dso_from", "dso_to", "symbol_from", "symbol_to",
48 };
49 struct BranchFromEntry {
50   const MapEntry* map;
51   const Symbol* symbol;
52   uint64_t vaddr_in_file;
53   uint64_t flags;
55   BranchFromEntry()
56       : map(nullptr), symbol(nullptr), vaddr_in_file(0), flags(0) {}
57 };
59 struct SampleEntry {
60   uint64_t time;
61   uint64_t period;
62   // accumuated when appearing in other sample's callchain
63   uint64_t accumulated_period;
64   uint64_t sample_count;
65   pid_t pid;
66   pid_t tid;
67   const char* thread_comm;
68   const MapEntry* map;
69   const Symbol* symbol;
70   uint64_t vaddr_in_file;
71   BranchFromEntry branch_from;
72   // a callchain tree representing all callchains in the sample
73   CallChainRoot<SampleEntry> callchain;
75   SampleEntry(uint64_t time, uint64_t period, uint64_t accumulated_period,
76               uint64_t sample_count, const ThreadEntry* thread,
77               const MapEntry* map, const Symbol* symbol, uint64_t vaddr_in_file)
78       : time(time),
79         period(period),
80         accumulated_period(accumulated_period),
81         sample_count(sample_count),
82         pid(thread->pid),
83         tid(thread->tid),
84         thread_comm(thread->comm),
85         map(map),
86         symbol(symbol),
87         vaddr_in_file(vaddr_in_file) {}
89   // The data member 'callchain' can only move, not copy.
90   SampleEntry(SampleEntry&&) = default;
91   SampleEntry(SampleEntry&) = delete;
93   uint64_t GetPeriod() const {
94     return period;
95   }
96 };
98 struct SampleTree {
99   std::vector<SampleEntry*> samples;
100   uint64_t total_samples;
101   uint64_t total_period;
102   uint64_t total_error_callchains;
103 };
105 BUILD_COMPARE_VALUE_FUNCTION(CompareVaddrInFile, vaddr_in_file);
106 BUILD_DISPLAY_HEX64_FUNCTION(DisplayVaddrInFile, vaddr_in_file);
108 class ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder : public SampleTreeBuilder<SampleEntry, uint64_t> {
109  public:
110   ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder(const SampleComparator<SampleEntry>& sample_comparator,
111                              ThreadTree* thread_tree)
112       : SampleTreeBuilder(sample_comparator),
113         thread_tree_(thread_tree),
114         total_samples_(0),
115         total_period_(0),
116         total_error_callchains_(0) {}
118   void SetFilters(const std::unordered_set<int>& pid_filter,
119                   const std::unordered_set<int>& tid_filter,
120                   const std::unordered_set<std::string>& comm_filter,
121                   const std::unordered_set<std::string>& dso_filter,
122                   const std::unordered_set<std::string>& symbol_filter) {
123     pid_filter_ = pid_filter;
124     tid_filter_ = tid_filter;
125     comm_filter_ = comm_filter;
126     dso_filter_ = dso_filter;
127     symbol_filter_ = symbol_filter;
128   }
130   SampleTree GetSampleTree() {
131     AddCallChainDuplicateInfo();
132     SampleTree sample_tree;
133     sample_tree.samples = GetSamples();
134     sample_tree.total_samples = total_samples_;
135     sample_tree.total_period = total_period_;
136     sample_tree.total_error_callchains = total_error_callchains_;
137     return sample_tree;
138   }
140   virtual void ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(std::shared_ptr<SampleRecord>& r) {
141     return ProcessSampleRecord(*r);
142   }
144   virtual void ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(const SampleRecord& r) {
145     return ProcessSampleRecord(r);
146   }
148  protected:
149   virtual uint64_t GetPeriod(const SampleRecord& r) = 0;
151   SampleEntry* CreateSample(const SampleRecord& r, bool in_kernel,
152                             uint64_t* acc_info) override {
153     const ThreadEntry* thread =
154         thread_tree_->FindThreadOrNew(r.tid_data.pid, r.tid_data.tid);
155     const MapEntry* map =
156         thread_tree_->FindMap(thread, r.ip_data.ip, in_kernel);
157     uint64_t vaddr_in_file;
158     const Symbol* symbol =
159         thread_tree_->FindSymbol(map, r.ip_data.ip, &vaddr_in_file);
160     uint64_t period = GetPeriod(r);
161     *acc_info = period;
162     return InsertSample(std::unique_ptr<SampleEntry>(
163         new SampleEntry(r.time_data.time, period, 0, 1, thread, map, symbol, vaddr_in_file)));
164   }
166   SampleEntry* CreateBranchSample(const SampleRecord& r,
167                                   const BranchStackItemType& item) override {
168     const ThreadEntry* thread =
169         thread_tree_->FindThreadOrNew(r.tid_data.pid, r.tid_data.tid);
170     const MapEntry* from_map = thread_tree_->FindMap(thread, item.from);
171     uint64_t from_vaddr_in_file;
172     const Symbol* from_symbol =
173         thread_tree_->FindSymbol(from_map, item.from, &from_vaddr_in_file);
174     const MapEntry* to_map = thread_tree_->FindMap(thread, item.to);
175     uint64_t to_vaddr_in_file;
176     const Symbol* to_symbol =
177         thread_tree_->FindSymbol(to_map, item.to, &to_vaddr_in_file);
178     std::unique_ptr<SampleEntry> sample(
179         new SampleEntry(r.time_data.time, r.period_data.period, 0, 1, thread,
180                         to_map, to_symbol, to_vaddr_in_file));
181     sample->branch_from.map = from_map;
182     sample->branch_from.symbol = from_symbol;
183     sample->branch_from.vaddr_in_file = from_vaddr_in_file;
184     sample->branch_from.flags = item.flags;
185     return InsertSample(std::move(sample));
186   }
188   SampleEntry* CreateCallChainSample(const ThreadEntry* thread, const SampleEntry* sample,
189                                      uint64_t ip, bool in_kernel,
190                                      const std::vector<SampleEntry*>& callchain,
191                                      const uint64_t& acc_info) override {
192     const MapEntry* map = thread_tree_->FindMap(thread, ip, in_kernel);
193     if (thread_tree_->IsUnknownDso(map->dso)) {
194       // The unwinders can give wrong ip addresses, which can't map to a valid dso. Skip them.
195       total_error_callchains_++;
196       return nullptr;
197     }
198     uint64_t vaddr_in_file;
199     const Symbol* symbol = thread_tree_->FindSymbol(map, ip, &vaddr_in_file);
200     std::unique_ptr<SampleEntry> callchain_sample(new SampleEntry(
201         sample->time, 0, acc_info, 0, thread, map, symbol, vaddr_in_file));
202     callchain_sample->thread_comm = sample->thread_comm;
203     return InsertCallChainSample(std::move(callchain_sample), callchain);
204   }
206   const ThreadEntry* GetThreadOfSample(SampleEntry* sample) override {
207     return thread_tree_->FindThreadOrNew(sample->pid, sample->tid);
208   }
210   uint64_t GetPeriodForCallChain(const uint64_t& acc_info) override {
211     return acc_info;
212   }
214   bool FilterSample(const SampleEntry* sample) override {
215     if (!pid_filter_.empty() &&
216         pid_filter_.find(sample->pid) == pid_filter_.end()) {
217       return false;
218     }
219     if (!tid_filter_.empty() &&
220         tid_filter_.find(sample->tid) == tid_filter_.end()) {
221       return false;
222     }
223     if (!comm_filter_.empty() &&
224         comm_filter_.find(sample->thread_comm) == comm_filter_.end()) {
225       return false;
226     }
227     if (!dso_filter_.empty() &&
228         dso_filter_.find(sample->map->dso->Path()) == dso_filter_.end()) {
229       return false;
230     }
231     if (!symbol_filter_.empty() &&
232         symbol_filter_.find(sample->symbol->DemangledName()) ==
233             symbol_filter_.end()) {
234       return false;
235     }
236     return true;
237   }
239   void UpdateSummary(const SampleEntry* sample) override {
240     total_samples_ += sample->sample_count;
241     total_period_ += sample->period;
242   }
244   void MergeSample(SampleEntry* sample1, SampleEntry* sample2) override {
245     sample1->period += sample2->period;
246     sample1->accumulated_period += sample2->accumulated_period;
247     sample1->sample_count += sample2->sample_count;
248   }
250  private:
251   ThreadTree* thread_tree_;
253   std::unordered_set<int> pid_filter_;
254   std::unordered_set<int> tid_filter_;
255   std::unordered_set<std::string> comm_filter_;
256   std::unordered_set<std::string> dso_filter_;
257   std::unordered_set<std::string> symbol_filter_;
259   uint64_t total_samples_;
260   uint64_t total_period_;
261   uint64_t total_error_callchains_;
262 };
264 // Build sample tree based on event count in each sample.
265 class EventCountSampleTreeBuilder : public ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder {
266  public:
267   EventCountSampleTreeBuilder(const SampleComparator<SampleEntry>& sample_comparator,
268                               ThreadTree* thread_tree)
269       : ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder(sample_comparator, thread_tree) { }
271  protected:
272   uint64_t GetPeriod(const SampleRecord& r) override {
273     return r.period_data.period;
274   }
275 };
277 // Build sample tree based on the time difference between current sample and next sample.
278 class TimestampSampleTreeBuilder : public ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder {
279  public:
280   TimestampSampleTreeBuilder(const SampleComparator<SampleEntry>& sample_comparator,
281                              ThreadTree* thread_tree)
282       : ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder(sample_comparator, thread_tree) { }
284   void ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(std::shared_ptr<SampleRecord>& r) override {
285     pid_t tid = static_cast<pid_t>(r->tid_data.tid);
286     auto it = next_sample_cache_.find(tid);
287     if (it == next_sample_cache_.end()) {
288       next_sample_cache_[tid] = r;
289     } else {
290       std::shared_ptr<SampleRecord> cur = it->second;
291       it->second = r;
292       ProcessSampleRecord(*cur);
293     }
294   }
296  protected:
297   uint64_t GetPeriod(const SampleRecord& r) override {
298     auto it = next_sample_cache_.find(r.tid_data.tid);
299     CHECK(it != next_sample_cache_.end());
300     // Normally the samples are sorted by time, but check here for safety.
301     if (it->second->time_data.time > r.time_data.time) {
302       return it->second->time_data.time - r.time_data.time;
303     }
304     return 1u;
305   }
307  private:
308   std::unordered_map<pid_t, std::shared_ptr<SampleRecord>> next_sample_cache_;
309 };
311 struct SampleTreeBuilderOptions {
312   SampleComparator<SampleEntry> comparator;
313   ThreadTree* thread_tree;
314   std::unordered_set<std::string> comm_filter;
315   std::unordered_set<std::string> dso_filter;
316   std::unordered_set<std::string> symbol_filter;
317   std::unordered_set<int> pid_filter;
318   std::unordered_set<int> tid_filter;
319   bool use_branch_address;
320   bool accumulate_callchain;
321   bool build_callchain;
322   bool use_caller_as_callchain_root;
323   bool trace_offcpu;
325   std::unique_ptr<ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder> CreateSampleTreeBuilder() {
326     std::unique_ptr<ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder> builder;
327     if (trace_offcpu) {
328       builder.reset(new TimestampSampleTreeBuilder(comparator, thread_tree));
329     } else {
330       builder.reset(new EventCountSampleTreeBuilder(comparator, thread_tree));
331     }
332     builder->SetFilters(pid_filter, tid_filter, comm_filter, dso_filter, symbol_filter);
333     builder->SetBranchSampleOption(use_branch_address);
334     builder->SetCallChainSampleOptions(accumulate_callchain, build_callchain,
335                                        use_caller_as_callchain_root);
336     return builder;
337   }
338 };
340 using ReportCmdSampleTreeSorter = SampleTreeSorter<SampleEntry>;
341 using ReportCmdSampleTreeDisplayer =
342     SampleTreeDisplayer<SampleEntry, SampleTree>;
344 using ReportCmdCallgraphDisplayer =
345     CallgraphDisplayer<SampleEntry, CallChainNode<SampleEntry>>;
347 class ReportCmdCallgraphDisplayerWithVaddrInFile
348     : public ReportCmdCallgraphDisplayer {
349  protected:
350   std::string PrintSampleName(const SampleEntry* sample) override {
351     return android::base::StringPrintf("%s [+0x%" PRIx64 "]",
352                                        sample->symbol->DemangledName(),
353                                        sample->vaddr_in_file);
354   }
355 };
357 struct EventAttrWithName {
358   perf_event_attr attr;
359   std::string name;
360 };
362 class ReportCommand : public Command {
363  public:
364   ReportCommand()
365       : Command(
366             "report", "report sampling information in perf.data",
367             // clang-format off
368 "Usage: simpleperf report [options]\n"
369 "The default options are: -i perf.data --sort comm,pid,tid,dso,symbol.\n"
370 "-b    Use the branch-to addresses in sampled take branches instead of the\n"
371 "      instruction addresses. Only valid for perf.data recorded with -b/-j\n"
372 "      option.\n"
373 "--children    Print the overhead accumulated by appearing in the callchain.\n"
374 "--comms comm1,comm2,...   Report only for selected comms.\n"
375 "--dsos dso1,dso2,...      Report only for selected dsos.\n"
376 "--full-callgraph  Print full call graph. Used with -g option. By default,\n"
377 "                  brief call graph is printed.\n"
378 "-g [callee|caller]    Print call graph. If callee mode is used, the graph\n"
379 "                      shows how functions are called from others. Otherwise,\n"
380 "                      the graph shows how functions call others.\n"
381 "                      Default is caller mode.\n"
382 "-i <file>  Specify path of record file, default is perf.data.\n"
383 "--kallsyms <file>     Set the file to read kernel symbols.\n"
384 "--max-stack <frames>  Set max stack frames shown when printing call graph.\n"
385 "-n         Print the sample count for each item.\n"
386 "--no-demangle         Don't demangle symbol names.\n"
387 "--no-show-ip          Don't show vaddr in file for unknown symbols.\n"
388 "-o report_file_name   Set report file name, default is stdout.\n"
389 "--percent-limit <percent>  Set min percentage shown when printing call graph.\n"
390 "--pids pid1,pid2,...  Report only for selected pids.\n"
391 "--raw-period          Report period count instead of period percentage.\n"
392 "--sort key1,key2,...  Select keys used to sort and print the report. The\n"
393 "                      appearance order of keys decides the order of keys used\n"
394 "                      to sort and print the report.\n"
395 "                      Possible keys include:\n"
396 "                        pid             -- process id\n"
397 "                        tid             -- thread id\n"
398 "                        comm            -- thread name (can be changed during\n"
399 "                                           the lifetime of a thread)\n"
400 "                        dso             -- shared library\n"
401 "                        symbol          -- function name in the shared library\n"
402 "                        vaddr_in_file   -- virtual address in the shared\n"
403 "                                           library\n"
404 "                      Keys can only be used with -b option:\n"
405 "                        dso_from        -- shared library branched from\n"
406 "                        dso_to          -- shared library branched to\n"
407 "                        symbol_from     -- name of function branched from\n"
408 "                        symbol_to       -- name of function branched to\n"
409 "                      The default sort keys are:\n"
410 "                        comm,pid,tid,dso,symbol\n"
411 "--symbols symbol1;symbol2;...    Report only for selected symbols.\n"
412 "--symfs <dir>         Look for files with symbols relative to this directory.\n"
413 "--tids tid1,tid2,...  Report only for selected tids.\n"
414 "--vmlinux <file>      Parse kernel symbols from <file>.\n"
415             // clang-format on
416             ),
417         record_filename_("perf.data"),
418         record_file_arch_(GetBuildArch()),
419         use_branch_address_(false),
420         system_wide_collection_(false),
421         accumulate_callchain_(false),
422         print_callgraph_(false),
423         callgraph_show_callee_(false),
424         callgraph_max_stack_(UINT32_MAX),
425         callgraph_percent_limit_(0),
426         raw_period_(false),
427         brief_callgraph_(true),
428         trace_offcpu_(false),
429         sched_switch_attr_id_(0u) {}
431   bool Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
433  private:
434   bool ParseOptions(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
435   void ReadMetaInfoFromRecordFile();
436   bool ReadEventAttrFromRecordFile();
437   bool ReadFeaturesFromRecordFile();
438   bool ReadSampleTreeFromRecordFile();
439   bool ProcessRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> record);
440   void ProcessSampleRecordInTraceOffCpuMode(std::unique_ptr<Record> record, size_t attr_id);
441   bool ProcessTracingData(const std::vector<char>& data);
442   bool PrintReport();
443   void PrintReportContext(FILE* fp);
445   std::string record_filename_;
446   ArchType record_file_arch_;
447   std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader> record_file_reader_;
448   std::vector<EventAttrWithName> event_attrs_;
449   ThreadTree thread_tree_;
450   // Create a SampleTreeBuilder and SampleTree for each event_attr.
451   std::vector<SampleTree> sample_tree_;
452   SampleTreeBuilderOptions sample_tree_builder_options_;
453   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReportCmdSampleTreeBuilder>> sample_tree_builder_;
455   std::unique_ptr<ReportCmdSampleTreeSorter> sample_tree_sorter_;
456   std::unique_ptr<ReportCmdSampleTreeDisplayer> sample_tree_displayer_;
457   bool use_branch_address_;
458   std::string record_cmdline_;
459   bool system_wide_collection_;
460   bool accumulate_callchain_;
461   bool print_callgraph_;
462   bool callgraph_show_callee_;
463   uint32_t callgraph_max_stack_;
464   double callgraph_percent_limit_;
465   bool raw_period_;
466   bool brief_callgraph_;
467   bool trace_offcpu_;
468   size_t sched_switch_attr_id_;
470   std::string report_filename_;
471 };
473 bool ReportCommand::Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
474   // 1. Parse options.
475   if (!ParseOptions(args)) {
476     return false;
477   }
479   // 2. Read record file and build SampleTree.
480   record_file_reader_ = RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(record_filename_);
481   if (record_file_reader_ == nullptr) {
482     return false;
483   }
484   ReadMetaInfoFromRecordFile();
485   if (!ReadEventAttrFromRecordFile()) {
486     return false;
487   }
488   // Read features first to prepare build ids used when building SampleTree.
489   if (!ReadFeaturesFromRecordFile()) {
490     return false;
491   }
492   ScopedCurrentArch scoped_arch(record_file_arch_);
493   if (!ReadSampleTreeFromRecordFile()) {
494     return false;
495   }
497   // 3. Show collected information.
498   if (!PrintReport()) {
499     return false;
500   }
502   return true;
503 }
505 bool ReportCommand::ParseOptions(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
506   bool demangle = true;
507   bool show_ip_for_unknown_symbol = true;
508   std::string vmlinux;
509   bool print_sample_count = false;
510   std::vector<std::string> sort_keys = {"comm", "pid", "tid", "dso", "symbol"};
512   for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
513     if (args[i] == "-b") {
514       use_branch_address_ = true;
515     } else if (args[i] == "--children") {
516       accumulate_callchain_ = true;
517     } else if (args[i] == "--comms" || args[i] == "--dsos") {
518       std::unordered_set<std::string>& filter =
519           (args[i] == "--comms" ? sample_tree_builder_options_.comm_filter
520                                 : sample_tree_builder_options_.dso_filter);
521       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
522         return false;
523       }
524       std::vector<std::string> strs = android::base::Split(args[i], ",");
525       filter.insert(strs.begin(), strs.end());
526     } else if (args[i] == "--full-callgraph") {
527       brief_callgraph_ = false;
528     } else if (args[i] == "-g") {
529       print_callgraph_ = true;
530       accumulate_callchain_ = true;
531       if (i + 1 < args.size() && args[i + 1][0] != '-') {
532         ++i;
533         if (args[i] == "callee") {
534           callgraph_show_callee_ = true;
535         } else if (args[i] == "caller") {
536           callgraph_show_callee_ = false;
537         } else {
538           LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown argument with -g option: " << args[i];
539           return false;
540         }
541       }
542     } else if (args[i] == "-i") {
543       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
544         return false;
545       }
546       record_filename_ = args[i];
548     } else if (args[i] == "--kallsyms") {
549       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
550         return false;
551       }
552       std::string kallsyms;
553       if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(args[i], &kallsyms)) {
554         LOG(ERROR) << "Can't read kernel symbols from " << args[i];
555         return false;
556       }
557       Dso::SetKallsyms(kallsyms);
558     } else if (args[i] == "--max-stack") {
559       if (!GetUintOption(args, &i, &callgraph_max_stack_)) {
560         return false;
561       }
562     } else if (args[i] == "-n") {
563       print_sample_count = true;
565     } else if (args[i] == "--no-demangle") {
566       demangle = false;
567     } else if (args[i] == "--no-show-ip") {
568       show_ip_for_unknown_symbol = false;
569     } else if (args[i] == "-o") {
570       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
571         return false;
572       }
573       report_filename_ = args[i];
574     } else if (args[i] == "--percent-limit") {
575       if (!GetDoubleOption(args, &i, &callgraph_percent_limit_)) {
576         return false;
577       }
578     } else if (args[i] == "--pids" || args[i] == "--tids") {
579       const std::string& option = args[i];
580       std::unordered_set<int>& filter =
581           (option == "--pids" ? sample_tree_builder_options_.pid_filter
582                               : sample_tree_builder_options_.tid_filter);
583       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
584         return false;
585       }
586       std::vector<std::string> strs = android::base::Split(args[i], ",");
587       for (const auto& s : strs) {
588         int id;
589         if (!android::base::ParseInt(s.c_str(), &id, 0)) {
590           LOG(ERROR) << "invalid id in " << option << " option: " << s;
591           return false;
592         }
593         filter.insert(id);
594       }
595     } else if (args[i] == "--raw-period") {
596       raw_period_ = true;
597     } else if (args[i] == "--sort") {
598       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
599         return false;
600       }
601       sort_keys = android::base::Split(args[i], ",");
602     } else if (args[i] == "--symbols") {
603       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
604         return false;
605       }
606       std::vector<std::string> strs = android::base::Split(args[i], ";");
607       sample_tree_builder_options_.symbol_filter.insert(strs.begin(), strs.end());
608     } else if (args[i] == "--symfs") {
609       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
610         return false;
611       }
612       if (!Dso::SetSymFsDir(args[i])) {
613         return false;
614       }
615     } else if (args[i] == "--vmlinux") {
616       if (!NextArgumentOrError(args, &i)) {
617         return false;
618       }
619       vmlinux = args[i];
620     } else {
621       ReportUnknownOption(args, i);
622       return false;
623     }
624   }
626   Dso::SetDemangle(demangle);
627   if (!vmlinux.empty()) {
628     Dso::SetVmlinux(vmlinux);
629   }
631   if (show_ip_for_unknown_symbol) {
632     thread_tree_.ShowIpForUnknownSymbol();
633   }
635   SampleDisplayer<SampleEntry, SampleTree> displayer;
636   SampleComparator<SampleEntry> comparator;
638   if (accumulate_callchain_) {
639     if (raw_period_) {
640       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Children", DisplayAccumulatedPeriod);
641       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Self", DisplaySelfPeriod);
642     } else {
643       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Children", DisplayAccumulatedOverhead);
644       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Self", DisplaySelfOverhead);
645     }
646   } else {
647     if (raw_period_) {
648       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Overhead", DisplaySelfPeriod);
649     } else {
650       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Overhead", DisplaySelfOverhead);
651     }
652   }
653   if (print_sample_count) {
654     displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Sample", DisplaySampleCount);
655   }
657   for (auto& key : sort_keys) {
658     if (!use_branch_address_ &&
659         branch_sort_keys.find(key) != branch_sort_keys.end()) {
660       LOG(ERROR) << "sort key '" << key << "' can only be used with -b option.";
661       return false;
662     }
663     if (key == "pid") {
664       comparator.AddCompareFunction(ComparePid);
665       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Pid", DisplayPid);
666     } else if (key == "tid") {
667       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareTid);
668       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Tid", DisplayTid);
669     } else if (key == "comm") {
670       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareComm);
671       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Command", DisplayComm);
672     } else if (key == "dso") {
673       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareDso);
674       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Shared Object", DisplayDso);
675     } else if (key == "symbol") {
676       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareSymbol);
677       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Symbol", DisplaySymbol);
678     } else if (key == "vaddr_in_file") {
679       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareVaddrInFile);
680       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("VaddrInFile", DisplayVaddrInFile);
681     } else if (key == "dso_from") {
682       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareDsoFrom);
683       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Source Shared Object", DisplayDsoFrom);
684     } else if (key == "dso_to") {
685       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareDso);
686       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Target Shared Object", DisplayDso);
687     } else if (key == "symbol_from") {
688       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareSymbolFrom);
689       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Source Symbol", DisplaySymbolFrom);
690     } else if (key == "symbol_to") {
691       comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareSymbol);
692       displayer.AddDisplayFunction("Target Symbol", DisplaySymbol);
693     } else {
694       LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown sort key: " << key;
695       return false;
696     }
697   }
698   if (print_callgraph_) {
699     bool has_symbol_key = false;
700     bool has_vaddr_in_file_key = false;
701     for (const auto& key : sort_keys) {
702       if (key == "symbol") {
703         has_symbol_key = true;
704       } else if (key == "vaddr_in_file") {
705         has_vaddr_in_file_key = true;
706       }
707     }
708     if (has_symbol_key) {
709       if (has_vaddr_in_file_key) {
710         displayer.AddExclusiveDisplayFunction(
711             ReportCmdCallgraphDisplayerWithVaddrInFile());
712       } else {
713         displayer.AddExclusiveDisplayFunction(ReportCmdCallgraphDisplayer(
714             callgraph_max_stack_, callgraph_percent_limit_, brief_callgraph_));
715       }
716     }
717   }
719   sample_tree_builder_options_.comparator = comparator;
720   sample_tree_builder_options_.thread_tree = &thread_tree_;
722   SampleComparator<SampleEntry> sort_comparator;
723   sort_comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareTotalPeriod);
724   if (print_callgraph_) {
725     sort_comparator.AddCompareFunction(CompareCallGraphDuplicated);
726   }
727   sort_comparator.AddCompareFunction(ComparePeriod);
728   sort_comparator.AddComparator(comparator);
729   sample_tree_sorter_.reset(new ReportCmdSampleTreeSorter(sort_comparator));
730   sample_tree_displayer_.reset(new ReportCmdSampleTreeDisplayer(displayer));
731   return true;
732 }
734 void ReportCommand::ReadMetaInfoFromRecordFile() {
735   auto& meta_info = record_file_reader_->GetMetaInfoFeature();
736   if (auto it = meta_info.find("system_wide_collection"); it != meta_info.end()) {
737     system_wide_collection_ = it->second == "true";
738   }
739   if (auto it = meta_info.find("trace_offcpu"); it != meta_info.end()) {
740     trace_offcpu_ = it->second == "true";
741   }
742 }
744 bool ReportCommand::ReadEventAttrFromRecordFile() {
745   std::vector<EventAttrWithId> attrs = record_file_reader_->AttrSection();
746   for (const auto& attr_with_id : attrs) {
747     EventAttrWithName attr;
748     attr.attr = *attr_with_id.attr;
749     attr.name = GetEventNameByAttr(attr.attr);
750     event_attrs_.push_back(attr);
751   }
752   if (use_branch_address_) {
753     bool has_branch_stack = true;
754     for (const auto& attr : event_attrs_) {
755       if ((attr.attr.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK) == 0) {
756         has_branch_stack = false;
757         break;
758       }
759     }
760     if (!has_branch_stack) {
761       LOG(ERROR) << record_filename_
762                  << " is not recorded with branch stack sampling option.";
763       return false;
764     }
765   }
766   if (trace_offcpu_) {
767     size_t i;
768     for (i = 0; i < event_attrs_.size(); ++i) {
769       if (event_attrs_[i].name == "sched:sched_switch") {
770         break;
771       }
772     }
773     CHECK_NE(i, event_attrs_.size());
774     sched_switch_attr_id_ = i;
775   }
776   return true;
777 }
779 bool ReportCommand::ReadFeaturesFromRecordFile() {
780   record_file_reader_->LoadBuildIdAndFileFeatures(thread_tree_);
782   std::string arch =
783       record_file_reader_->ReadFeatureString(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_ARCH);
784   if (!arch.empty()) {
785     record_file_arch_ = GetArchType(arch);
786     if (record_file_arch_ == ARCH_UNSUPPORTED) {
787       return false;
788     }
789   }
791   std::vector<std::string> cmdline = record_file_reader_->ReadCmdlineFeature();
792   if (!cmdline.empty()) {
793     record_cmdline_ = android::base::Join(cmdline, ' ');
794     if (record_file_reader_->GetMetaInfoFeature().count("system_wide_collection")) {
795       // TODO: the code to detect system wide collection option is fragile, remove
796       // it once we can do cross unwinding.
797       for (size_t i = 0; i < cmdline.size(); i++) {
798         std::string& s = cmdline[i];
799         if (s == "-a") {
800           system_wide_collection_ = true;
801           break;
802         } else if (s == "--call-graph" || s == "--cpu" || s == "-e" ||
803                    s == "-f" || s == "-F" || s == "-j" || s == "-m" ||
804                    s == "-o" || s == "-p" || s == "-t") {
805           i++;
806         } else if (!s.empty() && s[0] != '-') {
807           break;
808         }
809       }
810     }
811   }
812   if (record_file_reader_->HasFeature(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_TRACING_DATA)) {
813     std::vector<char> tracing_data;
814     if (!record_file_reader_->ReadFeatureSection(
815             PerfFileFormat::FEAT_TRACING_DATA, &tracing_data)) {
816       return false;
817     }
818     if (!ProcessTracingData(tracing_data)) {
819       return false;
820     }
821   }
822   return true;
823 }
825 bool ReportCommand::ReadSampleTreeFromRecordFile() {
826   sample_tree_builder_options_.use_branch_address = use_branch_address_;
827   sample_tree_builder_options_.accumulate_callchain = accumulate_callchain_;
828   sample_tree_builder_options_.build_callchain = print_callgraph_;
829   sample_tree_builder_options_.use_caller_as_callchain_root = !callgraph_show_callee_;
830   sample_tree_builder_options_.trace_offcpu = trace_offcpu_;
832   for (size_t i = 0; i < event_attrs_.size(); ++i) {
833     sample_tree_builder_.push_back(sample_tree_builder_options_.CreateSampleTreeBuilder());
834   }
836   if (!record_file_reader_->ReadDataSection(
837           [this](std::unique_ptr<Record> record) {
838             return ProcessRecord(std::move(record));
839           })) {
840     return false;
841   }
842   for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_tree_builder_.size(); ++i) {
843     sample_tree_.push_back(sample_tree_builder_[i]->GetSampleTree());
844     sample_tree_sorter_->Sort(sample_tree_.back().samples, print_callgraph_);
845   }
846   return true;
847 }
849 bool ReportCommand::ProcessRecord(std::unique_ptr<Record> record) {
850   thread_tree_.Update(*record);
851   if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
852     size_t attr_id = record_file_reader_->GetAttrIndexOfRecord(record.get());
853     if (!trace_offcpu_) {
854       sample_tree_builder_[attr_id]->ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(
855           *static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record.get()));
856     } else {
857       ProcessSampleRecordInTraceOffCpuMode(std::move(record), attr_id);
858     }
859   } else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_TRACING_DATA ||
860              record->type() == SIMPLE_PERF_RECORD_TRACING_DATA) {
861     const auto& r = *static_cast<TracingDataRecord*>(record.get());
862     if (!ProcessTracingData(std::vector<char>(r.data, r.data + r.data_size))) {
863       return false;
864     }
865   }
866   return true;
867 }
870 void ReportCommand::ProcessSampleRecordInTraceOffCpuMode(std::unique_ptr<Record> record,
871                                                          size_t attr_id) {
872   std::shared_ptr<SampleRecord> r(static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record.release()));
873   if (attr_id == sched_switch_attr_id_) {
874     // If this sample belongs to sched_switch event, we should broadcast the offcpu info
875     // to other event types.
876     for (size_t i = 0; i < event_attrs_.size(); ++i) {
877       if (i == sched_switch_attr_id_) {
878         continue;
879       }
880       sample_tree_builder_[i]->ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(r);
881     }
882   } else {
883     sample_tree_builder_[attr_id]->ReportCmdProcessSampleRecord(r);
884   }
885 }
887 bool ReportCommand::ProcessTracingData(const std::vector<char>& data) {
888   Tracing tracing(data);
889   for (auto& attr : event_attrs_) {
890     if (attr.attr.type == PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT) {
891       uint64_t trace_event_id = attr.attr.config;
892       attr.name = tracing.GetTracingEventNameHavingId(trace_event_id);
893     }
894   }
895   return true;
896 }
898 bool ReportCommand::PrintReport() {
899   std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&fclose)> file_handler(nullptr, fclose);
900   FILE* report_fp = stdout;
901   if (!report_filename_.empty()) {
902     report_fp = fopen(report_filename_.c_str(), "w");
903     if (report_fp == nullptr) {
904       PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to open file " << report_filename_;
905       return false;
906     }
907     file_handler.reset(report_fp);
908   }
909   PrintReportContext(report_fp);
910   for (size_t i = 0; i < event_attrs_.size(); ++i) {
911     if (trace_offcpu_ && i == sched_switch_attr_id_) {
912       continue;
913     }
914     if (i != 0) {
915       fprintf(report_fp, "\n");
916     }
917     EventAttrWithName& attr = event_attrs_[i];
918     SampleTree& sample_tree = sample_tree_[i];
919     fprintf(report_fp, "Event: %s (type %u, config %llu)\n", attr.name.c_str(),
920             attr.attr.type, attr.attr.config);
921     fprintf(report_fp, "Samples: %" PRIu64 "\n", sample_tree.total_samples);
922     if (sample_tree.total_error_callchains != 0) {
923       fprintf(report_fp, "Error Callchains: %" PRIu64 ", %f%%\n",
924               sample_tree.total_error_callchains,
925               sample_tree.total_error_callchains * 100.0 / sample_tree.total_samples);
926     }
927     const char* period_prefix = trace_offcpu_ ? "Time in ns" : "Event count";
928     fprintf(report_fp, "%s: %" PRIu64 "\n\n", period_prefix, sample_tree.total_period);
929     sample_tree_displayer_->DisplaySamples(report_fp, sample_tree.samples, &sample_tree);
930   }
931   fflush(report_fp);
932   if (ferror(report_fp) != 0) {
933     PLOG(ERROR) << "print report failed";
934     return false;
935   }
936   return true;
937 }
939 void ReportCommand::PrintReportContext(FILE* report_fp) {
940   if (!record_cmdline_.empty()) {
941     fprintf(report_fp, "Cmdline: %s\n", record_cmdline_.c_str());
942   }
943   fprintf(report_fp, "Arch: %s\n", GetArchString(record_file_arch_).c_str());
944 }
946 }  // namespace
948 void RegisterReportCommand() {
949   RegisterCommand("report",
950                   [] { return std::unique_ptr<Command>(new ReportCommand()); });
951 }