1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <map>
21 #include <string>
23 #include <resource_manager/VtsResourceManager.h>
24 #include "component_loader/HalDriverLoader.h"
25 #include "driver_base/DriverBase.h"
26 #include "test/vts/proto/ComponentSpecificationMessage.pb.h"
28 using namespace std;
29 using DriverId = int32_t;
31 namespace android {
32 namespace vts {
34 class VtsHalDriverManager {
35  public:
36   // Constructor where the first argument is the path of a dir which contains
37   // all available interface specification files.
38   VtsHalDriverManager(const string& spec_dir, const int epoch_count,
39                       const string& callback_socket_name,
40                       VtsResourceManager* resource_manager);
42   // Loads the driver library for the target HAL, creates the corresponding
43   // driver instance, assign it a driver id and registers the created driver
44   // instance in hal_driver_map_.
45   // Returns the generated driver id.
46   // Args:
47   //   version_major: int, hal major version, e.g. 1.0 -> 1.
48   //   version_minor: int, hal minor version, e.g. 1.0 -> 0.
49   //
50   DriverId LoadTargetComponent(const string& dll_file_name,
51                                const string& spec_lib_file_path,
52                                const int component_class,
53                                const int component_type,
54                                const int version_major, const int version_minor,
55                                const string& package_name,
56                                const string& component_name,
57                                const string& hw_binder_service_name);
59   // Call the API specified in func_msg with the provided parameter using the
60   // the corresonding driver instance. If func_msg specified the driver_id,
61   // use the driver instance corresponds to driver_id, otherwise, use the
62   // default driver instance (with driver_id = 0).
63   // Returns a string which contians the return results (a text format of the
64   // returned protobuf).
65   // For error cases, returns string "error";
66   // TODO (zhuoyao): use FunctionCallMessage instead of
67   // FunctionSpecificationMessage which contains info such as component name and
68   // driver id.
69   string CallFunction(FunctionCallMessage* func_msg);
71   // Searches hal_driver_map_ for Hidl HAL driver instance with the given
72   // package name, version and component (interface) name. If found, returns
73   // the correponding driver instance, otherwise, creates a new driver instance
74   // with the given info, registers it in hal_driver_map_ and returns the
75   // generated driver instance. This is used by VTS replay test.
76   // Args:
77   //   version_major: int, hal major version, e.g. 1.0 -> 1.
78   //   version_minor: int, hal minor version, e.g. 1.0 -> 0.
79   //
80   DriverId GetDriverIdForHidlHalInterface(const string& package_name,
81                                           const int version_major,
82                                           const int version_minor,
83                                           const string& interface_name,
84                                           const string& hal_service_name);
86   // Verify the return result of a function call matches the expected result.
87   // This is used by VTS replay test.
88   bool VerifyResults(DriverId id,
89                      const FunctionSpecificationMessage& expected_result,
90                      const FunctionSpecificationMessage& actual_result);
92   // Loads the specification message for component with given component info
93   // such as component_class etc. Used to server the ReadSpecification request
94   // from host.
95   // Returns true if load successfully, false otherwise.
96   // Args:
97   //   version_major: int, hal major version, e.g. 1.0 -> 1.
98   //   version_minor: int, hal minor version, e.g. 1.0 -> 0.
99   //
100   bool FindComponentSpecification(const int component_class,
101                                   const int component_type,
102                                   const int version_major,
103                                   const int version_minor,
104                                   const string& package_name,
105                                   const string& component_name,
106                                   ComponentSpecificationMessage* spec_msg);
108   // Returns the specification message for default driver. Used to serve the
109   // ListFunctions request from host.
110   // TODO (zhuoyao): needs to revisit this after supporting multi-hal testing.
111   ComponentSpecificationMessage* GetComponentSpecification();
113   // Used to serve the GetAttribute request from host. Only supported by
114   // conventional HAL.
115   // TODO (zhuoyao): consider deprecate this method.
116   string GetAttribute(FunctionCallMessage* func_msg);
118  private:
119   // Internal method to register a HAL driver in hal_driver_map_.
120   // Returns the driver id of registed driver.
121   DriverId RegisterDriver(std::unique_ptr<DriverBase> driver,
122                           const ComponentSpecificationMessage& spec_msg,
123                           const uint64_t interface_pt);
125   // Internal method to get the HAL driver based on the driver id. Returns
126   // nullptr if no driver instance existes with given id.
127   DriverBase* GetDriverById(const DriverId id);
129   // Internal method to get the registered driver pointer based on driver id.
130   // Returns -1 if no driver instance existes with given id.
131   uint64_t GetDriverPointerById(const DriverId id);
133   // Internal method to get the HAL driver based on FunctionCallMessage.
134   DriverBase* GetDriverWithCallMsg(const FunctionCallMessage& call_msg);
136   // Internal method to find the driver id based on component spec and
137   // (for Hidl HAL) address to the hidl proxy.
138   DriverId FindDriverIdInternal(const ComponentSpecificationMessage& spec_msg,
139                                 const uint64_t interface_pt = 0,
140                                 bool with_interface_pointer = false);
142   // Internal method to process function return results for library.
143   string ProcessFuncResultsForLibrary(FunctionSpecificationMessage* func_msg,
144                                       void* result);
146   // Util method to generate debug message with component info.
147   string GetComponentDebugMsg(const int component_class,
148                               const int component_type, const string& version,
149                               const string& package_name,
150                               const string& component_name);
152   // Recursively preprocess HAL function call arguments that have special types
155   //
156   // @param arg argument for a HAL function call.
157   //
158   // @return true if preprocessing succeeds, false otherwise.
159   bool PreprocessHidlHalFunctionCallArgs(VariableSpecificationMessage* arg);
161   // Recursively set HAL function call return values that have special types
164   //
165   // @param return_val return value for a HAL function call.
166   //
167   // @return true if setting results succeeds, false otherwise.
168   bool SetHidlHalFunctionCallResults(VariableSpecificationMessage* return_val);
170   // ============== attributes ===================
172   // The server socket port # of the agent.
173   const string callback_socket_name_;
174   // A HalDriverLoader instance.
175   HalDriverLoader hal_driver_loader_;
177   // struct that store the driver instance and its corresponding meta info.
178   struct HalDriverInfo {
179     // Spcification for the HAL.
180     ComponentSpecificationMessage spec_msg;
181     // Pointer to the HAL client proxy, used for HIDL HAL only.
182     uint64_t hidl_hal_proxy_pt;
183     // A HAL driver instance.
184     std::unique_ptr<DriverBase> driver;
186     // Constructor for halDriverInfo
HalDriverInfoHalDriverInfo187     HalDriverInfo(const ComponentSpecificationMessage& spec_msg,
188                   const uint64_t interface_pt,
189                   std::unique_ptr<DriverBase> driver)
190         : spec_msg(spec_msg),
191           hidl_hal_proxy_pt(interface_pt),
192           driver(std::move(driver)) {}
193   };
194   // map to keep all the active HAL driver instances and their corresponding
195   // meta info.
196   // TODO(zhuoyao): consider to use unordered_map for performance optimization.
197   map<DriverId, HalDriverInfo> hal_driver_map_;
198   // TODO(zhuoyao): use mutex to protect hal_driver_map_;
200   // Hold onto a resource_manager because some function calls need to reference
201   // resources allocated on the target side.
202   // driver_manager doesn't own resource_manager because driver_manager and
203   // resource_manager are both started by the agent. driver_manager only holds
204   // this pointer because it is easy to call functions in resource_manager.
205   VtsResourceManager* resource_manager_;
206 };
208 }  // namespace vts
209 }  // namespace android