1# Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14r"""Create args.
16Defines the create arg parser that holds create specific args.
19import argparse
20import os
22from acloud import errors
23from acloud.create import create_common
24from acloud.internal import constants
25from acloud.internal.lib import utils
28CMD_CREATE = "create"
31# TODO: Add this into main create args once create_cf/gf is deprecated.
32def AddCommonCreateArgs(parser):
33    """Adds arguments common to create parsers.
35    Args:
36        parser: ArgumentParser object, used to parse flags.
37    """
38    parser.add_argument(
39        "--num",
40        type=int,
41        dest="num",
42        required=False,
43        default=1,
44        help="Number of instances to create.")
45    parser.add_argument(
46        "--serial-log-file",
47        type=str,
48        dest="serial_log_file",
49        required=False,
50        help="Path to a *tar.gz file where serial logs will be saved "
51             "when a device fails on boot.")
52    parser.add_argument(
53        "--autoconnect",
54        type=str,
55        nargs="?",
56        const=constants.INS_KEY_VNC,
57        dest="autoconnect",
58        required=False,
59        choices=[constants.INS_KEY_VNC, constants.INS_KEY_ADB,
60                 constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC],
61        help="Determines to establish a tunnel forwarding adb/vnc and "
62             "launch VNC/webrtc. Establish a tunnel forwarding adb and vnc "
63             "then launch vnc if --autoconnect vnc is provided. Establish a "
64             "tunnel forwarding adb if --autoconnect adb is provided. "
65             "Establish a tunnel forwarding adb and auto-launch on the browser "
66             "if --autoconnect webrtc is provided. For local goldfish "
67             "instance, create a window.")
68    parser.add_argument(
69        "--no-autoconnect",
70        action="store_false",
71        dest="autoconnect",
72        required=False,
73        help="Will not automatically create ssh tunnels forwarding adb & vnc "
74             "when instance created.")
75    parser.set_defaults(autoconnect=constants.INS_KEY_VNC)
76    parser.add_argument(
77        "--unlock",
78        action="store_true",
79        dest="unlock_screen",
80        required=False,
81        default=False,
82        help="This can unlock screen after invoke vnc client.")
83    parser.add_argument(
84        "--report-internal-ip",
85        action="store_true",
86        dest="report_internal_ip",
87        required=False,
88        help="Report internal ip of the created instance instead of external "
89             "ip. Using the internal ip is used when connecting from another "
90             "GCE instance.")
91    parser.add_argument(
92        "--network",
93        type=str,
94        dest="network",
95        required=False,
96        help="Set the network the GCE instance will utilize.")
97    parser.add_argument(
98        "--skip-pre-run-check",
99        action="store_true",
100        dest="skip_pre_run_check",
101        required=False,
102        help="Skip the pre-run check.")
103    parser.add_argument(
104        "--boot-timeout",
105        dest="boot_timeout_secs",
106        type=int,
107        required=False,
108        help="The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the AVD to boot.")
109    parser.add_argument(
110        "--wait-for-ins-stable",
111        dest="ins_timeout_secs",
112        type=int,
113        required=False,
114        help="The maximum time in seconds used to wait for the instance boot "
115             "up. The default value to wait for instance up time is 300 secs.")
116    parser.add_argument(
117        "--build-target",
118        type=str,
119        dest="build_target",
120        help="Android build target, e.g. aosp_cf_x86_phone-userdebug, "
121             "or short names: phone, tablet, or tablet_mobile.")
122    parser.add_argument(
123        "--branch",
124        type=str,
125        dest="branch",
126        help="Android branch, e.g. mnc-dev or git_mnc-dev")
127    parser.add_argument(
128        "--build-id",
129        type=str,
130        dest="build_id",
131        help="Android build id, e.g. 2145099, P2804227")
132    parser.add_argument(
133        "--kernel-build-id",
134        type=str,
135        dest="kernel_build_id",
136        required=False,
137        help="Android kernel build id, e.g. 4586590. This is to test a new"
138        " kernel build with a particular Android build (--build-id). If neither"
139        " kernel-branch nor kernel-build-id are specified, the kernel that's"
140        " bundled with the Android build would be used.")
141    parser.add_argument(
142        "--kernel-branch",
143        type=str,
144        dest="kernel_branch",
145        required=False,
146        help="Android kernel build branch name, e.g."
147        " kernel-common-android-4.14. This is to test a new kernel build with a"
148        " particular Android build (--build-id). If specified without"
149        " specifying kernel-build-id, the last green build in the branch will"
150        " be used. If neither kernel-branch nor kernel-build-id are specified,"
151        " the kernel that's bundled with the Android build would be used.")
152    parser.add_argument(
153        "--kernel-build-target",
154        type=str,
155        dest="kernel_build_target",
156        default="kernel",
157        help="Kernel build target, specify if different from 'kernel'")
158    parser.add_argument(
159        "--system-branch",
160        type=str,
161        dest="system_branch",
162        help="'cuttlefish only' Branch to consume the system image (system.img) "
163        "from, will default to what is defined by --branch. "
164        "That feature allows to (automatically) test various combinations "
165        "of vendor.img (CF, e.g.) and system images (GSI, e.g.). ",
166        required=False)
167    parser.add_argument(
168        "--system-build-id",
169        type=str,
170        dest="system_build_id",
171        help="'cuttlefish only' System image build id, e.g. 2145099, P2804227",
172        required=False)
173    parser.add_argument(
174        "--system-build-target",
175        type=str,
176        dest="system_build_target",
177        help="'cuttlefish only' System image build target, specify if different "
178        "from --build-target",
179        required=False)
180    # TODO(146314062): Remove --multi-stage-launch after infra don't use this
181    # args.
182    parser.add_argument(
183        "--multi-stage-launch",
184        dest="multi_stage_launch",
185        action="store_true",
186        required=False,
187        default=True,
188        help="Enable the multi-stage cuttlefish launch.")
189    parser.add_argument(
190        "--no-multi-stage-launch",
191        dest="multi_stage_launch",
192        action="store_false",
193        required=False,
194        default=None,
195        help="Disable the multi-stage cuttlefish launch.")
196    parser.add_argument(
197        "--no-pull-log",
198        dest="no_pull_log",
199        action="store_true",
200        required=False,
201        default=None,
202        help="Disable auto download logs when AVD booting up failed.")
203    # TODO(147335651): Add gpu in user config.
204    # TODO(147335651): Support "--gpu" without giving any value.
205    parser.add_argument(
206        "--gpu",
207        type=str,
208        dest="gpu",
209        required=False,
210        default=None,
211        help="GPU accelerator to use if any. e.g. nvidia-tesla-k80.")
213    # TODO(b/118439885): Old arg formats to support transition, delete when
214    # transistion is done.
215    parser.add_argument(
216        "--serial_log_file",
217        type=str,
218        dest="serial_log_file",
219        required=False,
220        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
221    parser.add_argument(
222        "--build_id",
223        type=str,
224        dest="build_id",
225        required=False,
226        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
227    parser.add_argument(
228        "--build_target",
229        type=str,
230        dest="build_target",
231        required=False,
232        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
233    parser.add_argument(
234        "--system_branch",
235        type=str,
236        dest="system_branch",
237        required=False,
238        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
239    parser.add_argument(
240        "--system_build_id",
241        type=str,
242        dest="system_build_id",
243        required=False,
244        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
245    parser.add_argument(
246        "--system_build_target",
247        type=str,
248        dest="system_build_target",
249        required=False,
250        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
251    parser.add_argument(
252        "--kernel_build_id",
253        type=str,
254        dest="kernel_build_id",
255        required=False,
256        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
257    parser.add_argument(
258        "--kernel_branch",
259        type=str,
260        dest="kernel_branch",
261        required=False,
262        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
263    parser.add_argument(
264        "--kernel_build_target",
265        type=str,
266        dest="kernel_build_target",
267        default="kernel",
268        help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
271def GetCreateArgParser(subparser):
272    """Return the create arg parser.
274    Args:
275       subparser: argparse.ArgumentParser that is attached to main acloud cmd.
277    Returns:
278        argparse.ArgumentParser with create options defined.
279    """
280    create_parser = subparser.add_parser(CMD_CREATE)
281    create_parser.required = False
282    create_parser.set_defaults(which=CMD_CREATE)
283    # Use default=0 to distinguish remote instance or local. The instance type
284    # will be remote if arg --local-instance is not provided.
285    create_parser.add_argument(
286        "--local-instance",
287        type=int,
288        const=1,
289        nargs="?",
290        dest="local_instance",
291        required=False,
292        help="Create a local AVD instance with the option to specify the local "
293             "instance ID (primarily for infra usage).")
294    create_parser.add_argument(
295        "--adb-port", "-p",
296        type=int,
297        default=None,
298        dest="adb_port",
299        required=False,
300        help="Specify port for adb forwarding.")
301    create_parser.add_argument(
302        "--avd-type",
303        type=str,
304        dest="avd_type",
305        default=constants.TYPE_CF,
306        choices=[constants.TYPE_GCE, constants.TYPE_CF, constants.TYPE_GF, constants.TYPE_CHEEPS],
307        help="Android Virtual Device type (default %s)." % constants.TYPE_CF)
308    create_parser.add_argument(
309        "--flavor",
310        type=str,
311        dest="flavor",
312        help="The device flavor of the AVD (default %s)." % constants.FLAVOR_PHONE)
313    create_parser.add_argument(
314        "--local-image",
315        type=str,
316        dest="local_image",
317        nargs="?",
318        default="",
319        required=False,
320        help="Use the locally built image for the AVD. Look for the image "
321        "artifact in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no args value is provided."
322        "e.g --local-image or --local-image /path/to/dir or --local-image "
323        "/path/to/file")
324    create_parser.add_argument(
325        "--local-system-image",
326        type=str,
327        dest="local_system_image",
328        nargs="?",
329        default="",
330        required=False,
331        help="Use the locally built system images for the AVD. Look for the "
332        "images in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no args value is provided. "
333        "e.g., --local-system-image or --local-system-image /path/to/dir")
334    create_parser.add_argument(
335        "--local-tool",
336        type=str,
337        dest="local_tool",
338        action="append",
339        default=[],
340        required=False,
341        help="Use the tools in the specified directory to create local "
342        "instances. The directory structure follows $ANDROID_HOST_OUT or "
344    create_parser.add_argument(
345        "--image-download-dir",
346        type=str,
347        dest="image_download_dir",
348        required=False,
349        help="Define remote image download directory, e.g. /usr/local/dl.")
350    create_parser.add_argument(
351        "--yes", "-y",
352        action="store_true",
353        dest="no_prompt",
354        required=False,
355        help=("Automatic yes to prompts. Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts "
356              "and run non-interactively."))
357    create_parser.add_argument(
358        "--reuse-gce",
359        type=str,
360        const=constants.SELECT_ONE_GCE_INSTANCE,
361        nargs="?",
362        dest="reuse_gce",
363        required=False,
364        help="'cuttlefish only' This can help users use their own instance. "
365        "Reusing specific gce instance if --reuse-gce [instance_name] is "
366        "provided. Select one gce instance to reuse if --reuse-gce is "
367        "provided.")
368    create_parser.add_argument(
369        "--host",
370        type=str,
371        dest="remote_host",
372        default=None,
373        help="'cuttlefish only' Provide host name to clean up the remote host. "
374        "For example: '--host'")
375    create_parser.add_argument(
376        "--host-user",
377        type=str,
378        dest="host_user",
379        default=constants.GCE_USER,
380        help="'remote host only' Provide host user for logging in to the host. "
381        "The default value is vsoc-01. For example: '--host --host-user "
382        "vsoc-02'")
383    create_parser.add_argument(
384        "--host-ssh-private-key-path",
385        type=str,
386        dest="host_ssh_private_key_path",
387        default=None,
388        help="'remote host only' Provide host key for login on on this host.")
389    # User should not specify --spec and --hw_property at the same time.
390    hw_spec_group = create_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
391    hw_spec_group.add_argument(
392        "--hw-property",
393        type=str,
394        dest="hw_property",
395        required=False,
396        help="Supported HW properties and example values: %s" %
397        constants.HW_PROPERTIES_CMD_EXAMPLE)
398    hw_spec_group.add_argument(
399        "--spec",
400        type=str,
401        dest="spec",
402        required=False,
403        choices=constants.SPEC_NAMES,
404        help="The name of a pre-configured device spec that we are "
405        "going to use.")
406    # Arguments for goldfish type.
407    # TODO(b/118439885): Verify args that are used in wrong avd_type.
408    # e.g. $acloud create --avd-type cuttlefish --emulator-build-id
409    create_parser.add_argument(
410        "--emulator-build-id",
411        type=int,
412        dest="emulator_build_id",
413        required=False,
414        help="'goldfish only' Emulator build used to run the images. "
415        "e.g. 4669466.")
417    # Arguments for cheeps type.
418    create_parser.add_argument(
419        "--stable-cheeps-host-image-name",
420        type=str,
421        dest="stable_cheeps_host_image_name",
422        required=False,
423        default=None,
424        help=("'cheeps only' The Cheeps host image from which instances are "
425              "launched. If specified here, the value set in Acloud config "
426              "file will be overridden."))
427    create_parser.add_argument(
428        "--stable-cheeps-host-image-project",
429        type=str,
430        dest="stable_cheeps_host_image_project",
431        required=False,
432        default=None,
433        help=("'cheeps only' The project hosting the specified Cheeps host "
434              "image. If specified here, the value set in Acloud config file "
435              "will be overridden."))
436    create_parser.add_argument(
437        "--user",
438        type=str,
439        dest="username",
440        required=False,
441        default=None,
442        help="'cheeps only' username to log in to Chrome OS as.")
443    create_parser.add_argument(
444        "--password",
445        type=str,
446        dest="password",
447        required=False,
448        default=None,
449        help="'cheeps only' password to log in to Chrome OS with.")
451    AddCommonCreateArgs(create_parser)
452    return create_parser
455def _VerifyLocalArgs(args):
456    """Verify args starting with --local.
458    Args:
459        args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args.
461    Raises:
462        errors.CheckPathError: Image path doesn't exist.
463        errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: The specified avd type does not support
464                                      --local-system-image.
465        errors.UnsupportedLocalInstanceId: Local instance ID is invalid.
466    """
467    if args.local_image and not os.path.exists(args.local_image):
468        raise errors.CheckPathError(
469            "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % args.local_image)
471    # TODO(b/133211308): Support TYPE_CF.
472    if args.local_system_image != "" and args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_GF:
473        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs("%s instance does not support "
474                                           "--local-system-image" %
475                                           args.avd_type)
477    if (args.local_system_image and
478            not os.path.exists(args.local_system_image)):
479        raise errors.CheckPathError(
480            "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % args.local_system_image)
482    if args.local_instance is not None and args.local_instance < 1:
483        raise errors.UnsupportedLocalInstanceId("Local instance id can not be "
484                                                "less than 1. Actually passed:%d"
485                                                % args.local_instance)
487    for tool_dir in args.local_tool:
488        if not os.path.exists(tool_dir):
489            raise errors.CheckPathError(
490                "Specified path doesn't exist: %s" % tool_dir)
492    if args.autoconnect == constants.INS_KEY_WEBRTC:
493        if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CF:
494            raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
495                "'--autoconnect webrtc' only support cuttlefish.")
498def _VerifyHostArgs(args):
499    """Verify args starting with --host.
501    Args:
502        args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args.
504    Raises:
505        errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: When a create arg is specified but
506                                      unsupported for remote host mode.
507    """
508    if args.remote_host and args.local_instance is not None:
509        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
510            "--host is not supported for local instance.")
512    if args.remote_host and args.num > 1:
513        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
514            "--num is not supported for remote host.")
516    if args.host_user != constants.GCE_USER and args.remote_host is None:
517        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
518            "--host-user only support for remote host.")
520    if args.host_ssh_private_key_path and args.remote_host is None:
521        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
522            "--host-ssh-private-key-path only support for remote host.")
525def VerifyArgs(args):
526    """Verify args.
528    Args:
529        args: Namespace object from argparse.parse_args.
531    Raises:
532        errors.UnsupportedFlavor: Flavor doesn't support.
533        errors.UnsupportedMultiAdbPort: multi adb port doesn't support.
534        errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs: When a create arg is specified but
535                                      unsupported for a particular avd type.
536                                      (e.g. --system-build-id for gf)
537    """
538    # Verify that user specified flavor name is in support list.
539    # We don't use argparse's builtin validation because we need to be able to
540    # tell when a user doesn't specify a flavor.
541    if args.flavor and args.flavor not in constants.ALL_FLAVORS:
542        raise errors.UnsupportedFlavor(
543            "Flavor[%s] isn't in support list: %s" % (args.flavor,
544                                                      constants.ALL_FLAVORS))
545    if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CF:
546        if args.system_branch or args.system_build_id or args.system_build_target:
547            raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
548                "--system-* args are not supported for AVD type: %s"
549                % args.avd_type)
551    if args.num > 1 and args.adb_port:
552        raise errors.UnsupportedMultiAdbPort(
553            "--adb-port is not supported for multi-devices.")
555    if args.num > 1 and args.local_instance is not None:
556        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
557            "--num is not supported for local instance.")
559    if args.adb_port:
560        utils.CheckPortFree(args.adb_port)
562    hw_properties = create_common.ParseHWPropertyArgs(args.hw_property)
563    for key in hw_properties:
564        if key not in constants.HW_PROPERTIES:
565            raise errors.InvalidHWPropertyError(
566                "[%s] is an invalid hw property, supported values are:%s. "
567                % (key, constants.HW_PROPERTIES))
569    if args.avd_type != constants.TYPE_CHEEPS and (
570            args.stable_cheeps_host_image_name or
571            args.stable_cheeps_host_image_project or
572            args.username or args.password):
573        raise errors.UnsupportedCreateArgs(
574            "--stable-cheeps-*, --username and --password are only valid with "
575            "avd_type == %s" % constants.TYPE_CHEEPS)
576    if (args.username or args.password) and not (args.username and args.password):
577        raise ValueError("--username and --password must both be set")
578    if not args.autoconnect and args.unlock_screen:
579        raise ValueError("--no-autoconnect and --unlock couldn't be "
580                         "passed in together.")
582    _VerifyLocalArgs(args)
583    _VerifyHostArgs(args)