1#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
3#   Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import collections
18import itertools
19import json
20import logging
21import math
22import numpy
23import os
24import statistics
25from acts import asserts
26from acts import base_test
27from acts import context
28from acts import utils
29from acts.controllers.utils_lib import ssh
30from acts.controllers import iperf_server as ipf
31from acts.metrics.loggers.blackbox import BlackboxMappedMetricLogger
32from acts.test_utils.wifi import ota_chamber
33from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_performance_test_utils as wputils
34from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_retail_ap as retail_ap
35from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
36from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
37from functools import partial
41CONST_3dB = 3.01029995664
42RSSI_ERROR_VAL = float('nan')
45class WifiRssiTest(base_test.BaseTestClass):
46    """Class to test WiFi RSSI reporting.
48    This class tests RSSI reporting on android devices. The class tests RSSI
49    accuracy by checking RSSI over a large attenuation range, checks for RSSI
50    stability over time when attenuation is fixed, and checks that RSSI quickly
51    and reacts to changes attenuation by checking RSSI trajectories over
52    configurable attenuation waveforms.For an example config file to run this
53    test class see example_connectivity_performance_ap_sta.json.
54    """
55    def __init__(self, controllers):
56        base_test.BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
57        self.testcase_metric_logger = (
58            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_case())
59        self.testclass_metric_logger = (
60            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_class())
61        self.publish_test_metrics = True
63    def setup_class(self):
64        self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
65        req_params = [
66            'RemoteServer', 'RetailAccessPoints', 'rssi_test_params',
67            'main_network', 'testbed_params'
68        ]
69        self.unpack_userparams(req_params)
70        self.testclass_params = self.rssi_test_params
71        self.num_atten = self.attenuators[0].instrument.num_atten
72        self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0]
73        self.iperf_client = self.iperf_clients[0]
74        self.remote_server = ssh.connection.SshConnection(
75            ssh.settings.from_config(self.RemoteServer[0]['ssh_config']))
76        self.access_point = retail_ap.create(self.RetailAccessPoints)[0]
77        self.log_path = os.path.join(logging.log_path, 'results')
78        os.makedirs(self.log_path, exist_ok=True)
79        self.log.info('Access Point Configuration: {}'.format(
80            self.access_point.ap_settings))
81        if hasattr(self, 'bdf'):
82            self.log.info('Pushing WiFi BDF to DUT.')
83            wputils.push_bdf(self.dut, self.bdf)
84        if hasattr(self, 'firmware'):
85            self.log.info('Pushing WiFi firmware to DUT.')
86            wlanmdsp = [
87                file for file in self.firmware if "wlanmdsp.mbn" in file
88            ][0]
89            data_msc = [file for file in self.firmware
90                        if "Data.msc" in file][0]
91            wputils.push_firmware(self.dut, wlanmdsp, data_msc)
92        self.testclass_results = []
94        # Turn WiFi ON
95        if self.testclass_params.get('airplane_mode', 1):
96            self.log.info('Turning on airplane mode.')
97            asserts.assert_true(utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, True),
98                                "Can not turn on airplane mode.")
99        wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
101    def teardown_test(self):
102        self.iperf_server.stop()
104    def pass_fail_check_rssi_stability(self, testcase_params,
105                                       postprocessed_results):
106        """Check the test result and decide if it passed or failed.
108        Checks the RSSI test result and fails the test if the standard
109        deviation of signal_poll_rssi is beyond the threshold defined in the
110        config file.
112        Args:
113            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
114            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI measurements
115        """
116        # Set Blackbox metric values
117        if self.publish_test_metrics:
118            self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric(
119                'signal_poll_rssi_stdev',
120                max(postprocessed_results['signal_poll_rssi']['stdev']))
121            self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric(
122                'chain_0_rssi_stdev',
123                max(postprocessed_results['chain_0_rssi']['stdev']))
124            self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric(
125                'chain_1_rssi_stdev',
126                max(postprocessed_results['chain_1_rssi']['stdev']))
128        # Evaluate test pass/fail
129        test_failed = any([
130            stdev > self.testclass_params['stdev_tolerance']
131            for stdev in postprocessed_results['signal_poll_rssi']['stdev']
132        ])
133        test_message = (
134            'RSSI stability {0}. Standard deviation was {1} dB '
135            '(limit {2}), per chain standard deviation [{3}, {4}] dB'.format(
136                'failed' * test_failed + 'passed' * (not test_failed), [
137                    float('{:.2f}'.format(x))
138                    for x in postprocessed_results['signal_poll_rssi']['stdev']
139                ], self.testclass_params['stdev_tolerance'], [
140                    float('{:.2f}'.format(x))
141                    for x in postprocessed_results['chain_0_rssi']['stdev']
142                ], [
143                    float('{:.2f}'.format(x))
144                    for x in postprocessed_results['chain_1_rssi']['stdev']
145                ]))
146        if test_failed:
147            asserts.fail(test_message)
148        asserts.explicit_pass(test_message)
150    def pass_fail_check_rssi_accuracy(self, testcase_params,
151                                      postprocessed_results):
152        """Check the test result and decide if it passed or failed.
154        Checks the RSSI test result and compares and compute its deviation from
155        the predicted RSSI. This computation is done for all reported RSSI
156        values. The test fails if any of the RSSI values specified in
157        rssi_under_test have an average error beyond what is specified in the
158        configuration file.
160        Args:
161            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI measurements
162            testcase_params: dict containing params such as list of RSSIs under
163            test, i.e., can cause test to fail and boolean indicating whether
164            to look at absolute RSSI accuracy, or centered RSSI accuracy.
165            Centered accuracy is computed after systematic RSSI shifts are
166            removed.
167        """
168        test_failed = False
169        test_message = ''
170        if testcase_params['absolute_accuracy']:
171            error_type = 'absolute'
172        else:
173            error_type = 'centered'
175        for key, val in postprocessed_results.items():
176            # Compute the error metrics ignoring invalid RSSI readings
177            # If all readings invalid, set error to RSSI_ERROR_VAL
178            if 'rssi' in key and 'predicted' not in key:
179                filtered_error = [x for x in val['error'] if not math.isnan(x)]
180                if filtered_error:
181                    avg_shift = statistics.mean(filtered_error)
182                    if testcase_params['absolute_accuracy']:
183                        avg_error = statistics.mean(
184                            [abs(x) for x in filtered_error])
185                    else:
186                        avg_error = statistics.mean(
187                            [abs(x - avg_shift) for x in filtered_error])
188                else:
189                    avg_error = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
190                    avg_shift = RSSI_ERROR_VAL
191                # Set Blackbox metric values
192                if self.publish_test_metrics:
193                    self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric(
194                        '{}_error'.format(key), avg_error)
195                    self.testcase_metric_logger.add_metric(
196                        '{}_shift'.format(key), avg_shift)
197                # Evaluate test pass/fail
198                rssi_failure = (avg_error >
199                                self.testclass_params['abs_tolerance']
200                                ) or math.isnan(avg_error)
201                if rssi_failure and key in testcase_params['rssi_under_test']:
202                    test_message = test_message + (
203                        '{} failed ({} error = {:.2f} dB, '
204                        'shift = {:.2f} dB)\n').format(key, error_type,
205                                                       avg_error, avg_shift)
206                    test_failed = True
207                elif rssi_failure:
208                    test_message = test_message + (
209                        '{} failed (ignored) ({} error = {:.2f} dB, '
210                        'shift = {:.2f} dB)\n').format(key, error_type,
211                                                       avg_error, avg_shift)
212                else:
213                    test_message = test_message + (
214                        '{} passed ({} error = {:.2f} dB, '
215                        'shift = {:.2f} dB)\n').format(key, error_type,
216                                                       avg_error, avg_shift)
217        if test_failed:
218            asserts.fail(test_message)
219        asserts.explicit_pass(test_message)
221    def post_process_rssi_sweep(self, rssi_result):
222        """Postprocesses and saves JSON formatted results.
224        Args:
225            rssi_result: dict containing attenuation, rssi and other meta
226            data
227        Returns:
228            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI data used in
229            pass/fail check
230        """
231        # Save output as text file
232        results_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.current_test_name)
233        with open(results_file_path, 'w') as results_file:
234            json.dump(rssi_result, results_file, indent=4)
235        # Compile results into arrays of RSSIs suitable for plotting
236        # yapf: disable
237        postprocessed_results = collections.OrderedDict(
238            [('signal_poll_rssi', {}),
239             ('signal_poll_avg_rssi', {}),
240             ('scan_rssi', {}),
241             ('chain_0_rssi', {}),
242             ('chain_1_rssi', {}),
243             ('total_attenuation', []),
244             ('predicted_rssi', [])])
245        # yapf: enable
246        for key, val in postprocessed_results.items():
247            if 'scan_rssi' in key:
248                postprocessed_results[key]['data'] = [
249                    x for data_point in rssi_result['rssi_result'] for x in
250                    data_point[key][rssi_result['connected_bssid']]['data']
251                ]
252                postprocessed_results[key]['mean'] = [
253                    x[key][rssi_result['connected_bssid']]['mean']
254                    for x in rssi_result['rssi_result']
255                ]
256                postprocessed_results[key]['stdev'] = [
257                    x[key][rssi_result['connected_bssid']]['stdev']
258                    for x in rssi_result['rssi_result']
259                ]
260            elif 'predicted_rssi' in key:
261                postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'] = [
262                    att + rssi_result['fixed_attenuation'] +
263                    rssi_result['dut_front_end_loss']
264                    for att in rssi_result['attenuation']
265                ]
266                postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi'] = [
267                    rssi_result['ap_tx_power'] - att
268                    for att in postprocessed_results['total_attenuation']
269                ]
270            elif 'rssi' in key:
271                postprocessed_results[key]['data'] = [
272                    x for data_point in rssi_result['rssi_result']
273                    for x in data_point[key]['data']
274                ]
275                postprocessed_results[key]['mean'] = [
276                    x[key]['mean'] for x in rssi_result['rssi_result']
277                ]
278                postprocessed_results[key]['stdev'] = [
279                    x[key]['stdev'] for x in rssi_result['rssi_result']
280                ]
281        # Compute RSSI errors
282        for key, val in postprocessed_results.items():
283            if 'chain' in key:
284                postprocessed_results[key]['error'] = [
285                    postprocessed_results[key]['mean'][idx] + CONST_3dB -
286                    postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi'][idx]
287                    for idx in range(
288                        len(postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi']))
289                ]
290            elif 'rssi' in key and 'predicted' not in key:
291                postprocessed_results[key]['error'] = [
292                    postprocessed_results[key]['mean'][idx] -
293                    postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi'][idx]
294                    for idx in range(
295                        len(postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi']))
296                ]
297        return postprocessed_results
299    def plot_rssi_vs_attenuation(self, postprocessed_results):
300        """Function to plot RSSI vs attenuation sweeps
302        Args:
303            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI data.
304        """
305        figure = wputils.BokehFigure(self.current_test_name,
306                                     x_label='Attenuation (dB)',
307                                     primary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)')
308        figure.add_line(postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'],
309                        postprocessed_results['signal_poll_rssi']['mean'],
310                        'Signal Poll RSSI',
311                        marker='circle')
312        figure.add_line(postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'],
313                        postprocessed_results['scan_rssi']['mean'],
314                        'Scan RSSI',
315                        marker='circle')
316        figure.add_line(postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'],
317                        postprocessed_results['chain_0_rssi']['mean'],
318                        'Chain 0 RSSI',
319                        marker='circle')
320        figure.add_line(postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'],
321                        postprocessed_results['chain_1_rssi']['mean'],
322                        'Chain 1 RSSI',
323                        marker='circle')
324        figure.add_line(postprocessed_results['total_attenuation'],
325                        postprocessed_results['predicted_rssi'],
326                        'Predicted RSSI',
327                        marker='circle')
329        output_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path,
330                                        self.current_test_name + '.html')
331        figure.generate_figure(output_file_path)
333    def plot_rssi_vs_time(self, rssi_result, postprocessed_results,
334                          center_curves):
335        """Function to plot RSSI vs time.
337        Args:
338            rssi_result: dict containing raw RSSI data
339            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI data
340            center_curvers: boolean indicating whether to shift curves to align
341            them with predicted RSSIs
342        """
343        figure = wputils.BokehFigure(
344            self.current_test_name,
345            x_label='Time (s)',
346            primary_y_label=center_curves * 'Centered' + 'RSSI (dBm)',
347        )
349        # yapf: disable
350        rssi_time_series = collections.OrderedDict(
351            [('signal_poll_rssi', []),
352             ('signal_poll_avg_rssi', []),
353             ('scan_rssi', []),
354             ('chain_0_rssi', []),
355             ('chain_1_rssi', []),
356             ('predicted_rssi', [])])
357        # yapf: enable
358        for key, val in rssi_time_series.items():
359            if 'predicted_rssi' in key:
360                rssi_time_series[key] = [
361                    x for x in postprocessed_results[key] for copies in range(
362                        len(rssi_result['rssi_result'][0]['signal_poll_rssi']
363                            ['data']))
364                ]
365            elif 'rssi' in key:
366                if center_curves:
367                    filtered_error = [
368                        x for x in postprocessed_results[key]['error']
369                        if not math.isnan(x)
370                    ]
371                    if filtered_error:
372                        avg_shift = statistics.mean(filtered_error)
373                    else:
374                        avg_shift = 0
375                    rssi_time_series[key] = [
376                        x - avg_shift
377                        for x in postprocessed_results[key]['data']
378                    ]
379                else:
380                    rssi_time_series[key] = postprocessed_results[key]['data']
381            time_vec = [
382                self.testclass_params['polling_frequency'] * x
383                for x in range(len(rssi_time_series[key]))
384            ]
385            if len(rssi_time_series[key]) > 0:
386                figure.add_line(time_vec, rssi_time_series[key], key)
388        output_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path,
389                                        self.current_test_name + '.html')
390        figure.generate_figure(output_file_path)
392    def plot_rssi_distribution(self, postprocessed_results):
393        """Function to plot RSSI distributions.
395        Args:
396            postprocessed_results: compiled arrays of RSSI data
397        """
398        monitored_rssis = ['signal_poll_rssi', 'chain_0_rssi', 'chain_1_rssi']
400        rssi_dist = collections.OrderedDict()
401        for rssi_key in monitored_rssis:
402            rssi_data = postprocessed_results[rssi_key]
403            rssi_dist[rssi_key] = collections.OrderedDict()
404            unique_rssi = sorted(set(rssi_data['data']))
405            rssi_counts = []
406            for value in unique_rssi:
407                rssi_counts.append(rssi_data['data'].count(value))
408            total_count = sum(rssi_counts)
409            rssi_dist[rssi_key]['rssi_values'] = unique_rssi
410            rssi_dist[rssi_key]['rssi_pdf'] = [
411                x / total_count for x in rssi_counts
412            ]
413            rssi_dist[rssi_key]['rssi_cdf'] = []
414            cum_prob = 0
415            for prob in rssi_dist[rssi_key]['rssi_pdf']:
416                cum_prob += prob
417                rssi_dist[rssi_key]['rssi_cdf'].append(cum_prob)
419        figure = wputils.BokehFigure(self.current_test_name,
420                                     x_label='RSSI (dBm)',
421                                     primary_y_label='p(RSSI = x)',
422                                     secondary_y_label='p(RSSI <= x)')
423        for rssi_key, rssi_data in rssi_dist.items():
424            figure.add_line(x_data=rssi_data['rssi_values'],
425                            y_data=rssi_data['rssi_pdf'],
426                            legend='{} PDF'.format(rssi_key),
427                            y_axis='default')
428            figure.add_line(x_data=rssi_data['rssi_values'],
429                            y_data=rssi_data['rssi_cdf'],
430                            legend='{} CDF'.format(rssi_key),
431                            y_axis='secondary')
432        output_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path,
433                                        self.current_test_name + '_dist.html')
434        figure.generate_figure(output_file_path)
436    def run_rssi_test(self, testcase_params):
437        """Test function to run RSSI tests.
439        The function runs an RSSI test in the current device/AP configuration.
440        Function is called from another wrapper function that sets up the
441        testbed for the RvR test
443        Args:
444            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
445        Returns:
446            rssi_result: dict containing rssi_result and meta data
447        """
448        # Run test and log result
449        rssi_result = collections.OrderedDict()
450        rssi_result['test_name'] = self.current_test_name
451        rssi_result['testcase_params'] = testcase_params
452        rssi_result['ap_settings'] = self.access_point.ap_settings.copy()
453        rssi_result['attenuation'] = list(testcase_params['rssi_atten_range'])
454        rssi_result['connected_bssid'] = self.main_network[
455            testcase_params['band']].get('BSSID', '00:00:00:00')
456        channel_mode_combo = '{}_{}'.format(str(testcase_params['channel']),
457                                            testcase_params['mode'])
458        channel_str = str(testcase_params['channel'])
459        if channel_mode_combo in self.testbed_params['ap_tx_power']:
460            rssi_result['ap_tx_power'] = self.testbed_params['ap_tx_power'][
461                channel_mode_combo]
462        else:
463            rssi_result['ap_tx_power'] = self.testbed_params['ap_tx_power'][
464                str(testcase_params['channel'])]
465        rssi_result['fixed_attenuation'] = self.testbed_params[
466            'fixed_attenuation'][channel_str]
467        rssi_result['dut_front_end_loss'] = self.testbed_params[
468            'dut_front_end_loss'][channel_str]
470        self.log.info('Start running RSSI test.')
471        rssi_result['rssi_result'] = []
472        rssi_result['llstats'] = []
473        llstats_obj = wputils.LinkLayerStats(self.dut)
474        # Start iperf traffic if required by test
475        if testcase_params['active_traffic'] and testcase_params[
476                'traffic_type'] == 'iperf':
477            self.iperf_server.start(tag=0)
478            if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
479                iperf_server_address = self.dut_ip
480            else:
481                iperf_server_address = wputils.get_server_address(
482                    self.remote_server, self.dut_ip, '')
483            executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
484            thread_future = executor.submit(
485                self.iperf_client.start, iperf_server_address,
486                testcase_params['iperf_args'], 0,
487                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'] + SHORT_SLEEP)
488            executor.shutdown(wait=False)
489        elif testcase_params['active_traffic'] and testcase_params[
490                'traffic_type'] == 'ping':
491            thread_future = wputils.get_ping_stats_nb(
492                self.remote_server, self.dut_ip,
493                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'], 0.02, 64)
494        for atten in testcase_params['rssi_atten_range']:
495            # Set Attenuation
496            self.log.info('Setting attenuation to {} dB'.format(atten))
497            for attenuator in self.attenuators:
498                attenuator.set_atten(atten)
499            llstats_obj.update_stats()
500            current_rssi = collections.OrderedDict()
501            current_rssi = wputils.get_connected_rssi(
502                self.dut, testcase_params['connected_measurements'],
503                self.testclass_params['polling_frequency'],
504                testcase_params['first_measurement_delay'])
505            current_rssi['scan_rssi'] = wputils.get_scan_rssi(
506                self.dut, testcase_params['tracked_bssid'],
507                testcase_params['scan_measurements'])
508            rssi_result['rssi_result'].append(current_rssi)
509            llstats_obj.update_stats()
510            curr_llstats = llstats_obj.llstats_incremental.copy()
511            rssi_result['llstats'].append(curr_llstats)
512            self.log.info(
513                'Connected RSSI at {0:.2f} dB is {1:.2f} [{2:.2f}, {3:.2f}] dB'
514                .format(atten, current_rssi['signal_poll_rssi']['mean'],
515                        current_rssi['chain_0_rssi']['mean'],
516                        current_rssi['chain_1_rssi']['mean']))
517        # Stop iperf traffic if needed
518        for attenuator in self.attenuators:
519            attenuator.set_atten(0)
520        if testcase_params['active_traffic']:
521            thread_future.result()
522            if testcase_params['traffic_type'] == 'iperf':
523                self.iperf_server.stop()
524        return rssi_result
526    def setup_ap(self, testcase_params):
527        """Function that gets devices ready for the test.
529        Args:
530            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
531        """
532        if '2G' in testcase_params['band']:
533            frequency = wutils.WifiEnums.channel_2G_to_freq[
534                testcase_params['channel']]
535        else:
536            frequency = wutils.WifiEnums.channel_5G_to_freq[
537                testcase_params['channel']]
538        if frequency in wutils.WifiEnums.DFS_5G_FREQUENCIES:
539            self.access_point.set_region(self.testbed_params['DFS_region'])
540        else:
541            self.access_point.set_region(self.testbed_params['default_region'])
542        self.access_point.set_channel(testcase_params['band'],
543                                      testcase_params['channel'])
544        self.access_point.set_bandwidth(testcase_params['band'],
545                                        testcase_params['mode'])
546        self.log.info('Access Point Configuration: {}'.format(
547            self.access_point.ap_settings))
549    def setup_dut(self, testcase_params):
550        """Sets up the DUT in the configuration required by the test."""
551        # Check battery level before test
552        if not wputils.health_check(self.dut, 10):
553            asserts.skip('Battery level too low. Skipping test.')
554        # Turn screen off to preserve battery
555        self.dut.go_to_sleep()
556        if wputils.validate_network(self.dut,
557                                    testcase_params['test_network']['SSID']):
558            self.log.info('Already connected to desired network')
559        else:
560            wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
561            wutils.reset_wifi(self.dut)
562            self.main_network[testcase_params['band']][
563                'channel'] = testcase_params['channel']
564            wutils.set_wifi_country_code(self.dut,
565                self.testclass_params['country_code'])
566            wutils.wifi_connect(self.dut,
567                                self.main_network[testcase_params['band']],
568                                num_of_tries=5)
569        self.dut_ip = self.dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0]
571    def setup_rssi_test(self, testcase_params):
572        """Main function to test RSSI.
574        The function sets up the AP in the correct channel and mode
575        configuration and called rssi_test to sweep attenuation and measure
576        RSSI
578        Args:
579            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
580        Returns:
581            rssi_result: dict containing rssi_results and meta data
582        """
583        # Configure AP
584        self.setup_ap(testcase_params)
585        # Initialize attenuators
586        for attenuator in self.attenuators:
587            attenuator.set_atten(testcase_params['rssi_atten_range'][0])
588        # Connect DUT to Network
589        self.setup_dut(testcase_params)
591    def get_traffic_timeout(self, testcase_params):
592        """Function to comput iperf session length required in RSSI test.
594        Args:
595            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
596        Returns:
597            traffic_timeout: length of iperf session required in rssi test
598        """
599        atten_step_duration = testcase_params['first_measurement_delay'] + (
600            testcase_params['connected_measurements'] *
601            self.testclass_params['polling_frequency']
602        ) + testcase_params['scan_measurements'] * MED_SLEEP
603        timeout = len(testcase_params['rssi_atten_range']
604                      ) * atten_step_duration + MED_SLEEP
605        return timeout
607    def compile_rssi_vs_atten_test_params(self, testcase_params):
608        """Function to complete compiling test-specific parameters
610        Args:
611            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
612        """
613        testcase_params.update(
614            connected_measurements=self.
615            testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_connected_measurements'],
616            scan_measurements=self.
617            testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_scan_measurements'],
618            first_measurement_delay=MED_SLEEP,
619            rssi_under_test=self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_metrics'],
620            absolute_accuracy=1)
622        testcase_params['band'] = self.access_point.band_lookup_by_channel(
623            testcase_params['channel'])
624        testcase_params['test_network'] = self.main_network[
625            testcase_params['band']]
626        testcase_params['tracked_bssid'] = [
627            self.main_network[testcase_params['band']].get(
628                'BSSID', '00:00:00:00')
629        ]
631        num_atten_steps = int((self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_stop'] -
632                               self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_start']) /
633                              self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_step'])
634        testcase_params['rssi_atten_range'] = [
635            self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_start'] +
636            x * self.testclass_params['rssi_vs_atten_step']
637            for x in range(0, num_atten_steps)
638        ]
639        testcase_params['traffic_timeout'] = self.get_traffic_timeout(
640            testcase_params)
642        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
643            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J'.format(
644                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
645        else:
646            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J -R'.format(
647                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
648        return testcase_params
650    def compile_rssi_stability_test_params(self, testcase_params):
651        """Function to complete compiling test-specific parameters
653        Args:
654            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
655        """
656        testcase_params.update(
657            connected_measurements=int(
658                self.testclass_params['rssi_stability_duration'] /
659                self.testclass_params['polling_frequency']),
660            scan_measurements=0,
661            first_measurement_delay=MED_SLEEP,
662            rssi_atten_range=self.testclass_params['rssi_stability_atten'])
663        testcase_params['band'] = self.access_point.band_lookup_by_channel(
664            testcase_params['channel'])
665        testcase_params['test_network'] = self.main_network[
666            testcase_params['band']]
667        testcase_params['tracked_bssid'] = [
668            self.main_network[testcase_params['band']].get(
669                'BSSID', '00:00:00:00')
670        ]
672        testcase_params['traffic_timeout'] = self.get_traffic_timeout(
673            testcase_params)
674        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
675            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J'.format(
676                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
677        else:
678            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J -R'.format(
679                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
680        return testcase_params
682    def compile_rssi_tracking_test_params(self, testcase_params):
683        """Function to complete compiling test-specific parameters
685        Args:
686            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
687        """
688        testcase_params.update(connected_measurements=int(
689            1 / self.testclass_params['polling_frequency']),
690                               scan_measurements=0,
691                               first_measurement_delay=0,
692                               rssi_under_test=['signal_poll_rssi'],
693                               absolute_accuracy=0)
694        testcase_params['band'] = self.access_point.band_lookup_by_channel(
695            testcase_params['channel'])
696        testcase_params['test_network'] = self.main_network[
697            testcase_params['band']]
698        testcase_params['tracked_bssid'] = [
699            self.main_network[testcase_params['band']].get(
700                'BSSID', '00:00:00:00')
701        ]
703        rssi_atten_range = []
704        for waveform in self.testclass_params['rssi_tracking_waveforms']:
705            waveform_vector = []
706            for section in range(len(waveform['atten_levels']) - 1):
707                section_limits = waveform['atten_levels'][section:section + 2]
708                up_down = (1 - 2 * (section_limits[1] < section_limits[0]))
709                temp_section = list(
710                    range(section_limits[0], section_limits[1] + up_down,
711                          up_down * waveform['step_size']))
712                temp_section = [
713                    temp_section[idx] for idx in range(len(temp_section))
714                    for n in range(waveform['step_duration'])
715                ]
716                waveform_vector += temp_section
717            waveform_vector = waveform_vector * waveform['repetitions']
718            rssi_atten_range = rssi_atten_range + waveform_vector
719        testcase_params['rssi_atten_range'] = rssi_atten_range
720        testcase_params['traffic_timeout'] = self.get_traffic_timeout(
721            testcase_params)
723        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
724            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J'.format(
725                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
726        else:
727            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J -R'.format(
728                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
729        return testcase_params
731    def _test_rssi_vs_atten(self, testcase_params):
732        """Function that gets called for each test case of rssi_vs_atten
734        The function gets called in each rssi test case. The function
735        customizes the test based on the test name of the test that called it
737        Args:
738            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
739        """
740        testcase_params = self.compile_rssi_vs_atten_test_params(
741            testcase_params)
743        self.setup_rssi_test(testcase_params)
744        rssi_result = self.run_rssi_test(testcase_params)
745        rssi_result['postprocessed_results'] = self.post_process_rssi_sweep(
746            rssi_result)
747        self.testclass_results.append(rssi_result)
748        self.plot_rssi_vs_attenuation(rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
749        self.pass_fail_check_rssi_accuracy(
750            testcase_params, rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
752    def _test_rssi_stability(self, testcase_params):
753        """ Function that gets called for each test case of rssi_stability
755        The function gets called in each stability test case. The function
756        customizes test based on the test name of the test that called it
757        """
758        testcase_params = self.compile_rssi_stability_test_params(
759            testcase_params)
761        self.setup_rssi_test(testcase_params)
762        rssi_result = self.run_rssi_test(testcase_params)
763        rssi_result['postprocessed_results'] = self.post_process_rssi_sweep(
764            rssi_result)
765        self.testclass_results.append(rssi_result)
766        self.plot_rssi_vs_time(rssi_result,
767                               rssi_result['postprocessed_results'], 1)
768        self.plot_rssi_distribution(rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
769        self.pass_fail_check_rssi_stability(
770            testcase_params, rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
772    def _test_rssi_tracking(self, testcase_params):
773        """ Function that gets called for each test case of rssi_tracking
775        The function gets called in each rssi test case. The function
776        customizes the test based on the test name of the test that called it
777        """
778        testcase_params = self.compile_rssi_tracking_test_params(
779            testcase_params)
781        self.setup_rssi_test(testcase_params)
782        rssi_result = self.run_rssi_test(testcase_params)
783        rssi_result['postprocessed_results'] = self.post_process_rssi_sweep(
784            rssi_result)
785        self.testclass_results.append(rssi_result)
786        self.plot_rssi_vs_time(rssi_result,
787                               rssi_result['postprocessed_results'], 1)
788        self.pass_fail_check_rssi_accuracy(
789            testcase_params, rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
791    def generate_test_cases(self, test_types, channels, modes, traffic_modes):
792        """Function that auto-generates test cases for a test class."""
793        test_cases = []
794        allowed_configs = {
795            'VHT20': [
796                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153,
797                157, 161
798            ],
799            'VHT40': [36, 44, 149, 157],
800            'VHT80': [36, 149]
801        }
803        for channel, mode, traffic_mode, test_type in itertools.product(
804                channels, modes, traffic_modes, test_types):
805            if channel not in allowed_configs[mode]:
806                continue
807            test_name = test_type + '_ch{}_{}_{}'.format(
808                channel, mode, traffic_mode)
809            testcase_params = collections.OrderedDict(
810                channel=channel,
811                mode=mode,
812                active_traffic=(traffic_mode == 'ActiveTraffic'),
813                traffic_type=self.user_params['rssi_test_params']
814                ['traffic_type'],
815            )
816            test_function = getattr(self, '_{}'.format(test_type))
817            setattr(self, test_name, partial(test_function, testcase_params))
818            test_cases.append(test_name)
819        return test_cases
822class WifiRssi_2GHz_ActiveTraffic_Test(WifiRssiTest):
823    def __init__(self, controllers):
824        super().__init__(controllers)
825        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(
826            ['test_rssi_stability', 'test_rssi_vs_atten'], [1, 2, 6, 10, 11],
827            ['VHT20'], ['ActiveTraffic'])
830class WifiRssi_5GHz_ActiveTraffic_Test(WifiRssiTest):
831    def __init__(self, controllers):
832        super().__init__(controllers)
833        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(
834            ['test_rssi_stability', 'test_rssi_vs_atten'],
835            [36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161], ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'],
836            ['ActiveTraffic'])
839class WifiRssi_AllChannels_ActiveTraffic_Test(WifiRssiTest):
840    def __init__(self, controllers):
841        super().__init__(controllers)
842        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(
843            ['test_rssi_stability', 'test_rssi_vs_atten'],
844            [1, 6, 11, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161],
845            ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'], ['ActiveTraffic'])
848class WifiRssi_SampleChannels_NoTraffic_Test(WifiRssiTest):
849    def __init__(self, controllers):
850        super().__init__(controllers)
851        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(
852            ['test_rssi_stability', 'test_rssi_vs_atten'], [6, 36, 149],
853            ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'], ['NoTraffic'])
856class WifiRssiTrackingTest(WifiRssiTest):
857    def __init__(self, controllers):
858        super().__init__(controllers)
859        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(['test_rssi_tracking'],
860                                              [6, 36, 149],
861                                              ['VHT20', 'VHT40', 'VHT80'],
862                                              ['ActiveTraffic', 'NoTraffic'])
865# Over-the air version of RSSI tests
866class WifiOtaRssiTest(WifiRssiTest):
867    """Class to test over-the-air rssi tests.
869    This class implements measures WiFi RSSI tests in an OTA chamber.
870    It allows setting orientation and other chamber parameters to study
871    performance in varying channel conditions
872    """
873    def __init__(self, controllers):
874        base_test.BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
875        self.testcase_metric_logger = (
876            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_case())
877        self.testclass_metric_logger = (
878            BlackboxMappedMetricLogger.for_test_class())
879        self.publish_test_metrics = False
881    def setup_class(self):
882        WifiRssiTest.setup_class(self)
883        self.ota_chamber = ota_chamber.create(
884            self.user_params['OTAChamber'])[0]
886    def teardown_class(self):
887        self.ota_chamber.reset_chamber()
888        self.process_testclass_results()
890    def teardown_test(self):
891        if self.ota_chamber.current_mode == 'continuous':
892            self.ota_chamber.reset_chamber()
894    def extract_test_id(self, testcase_params, id_fields):
895        test_id = collections.OrderedDict(
896            (param, testcase_params[param]) for param in id_fields)
897        return test_id
899    def process_testclass_results(self):
900        """Saves all test results to enable comparison."""
901        testclass_data = collections.OrderedDict()
902        for test_result in self.testclass_results:
903            current_params = test_result['testcase_params']
905            channel = current_params['channel']
906            channel_data = testclass_data.setdefault(
907                channel,
908                collections.OrderedDict(orientation=[],
909                                        rssi=collections.OrderedDict(
910                                            signal_poll_rssi=[],
911                                            chain_0_rssi=[],
912                                            chain_1_rssi=[])))
914            channel_data['orientation'].append(current_params['orientation'])
915            channel_data['rssi']['signal_poll_rssi'].append(
916                test_result['postprocessed_results']['signal_poll_rssi']
917                ['mean'][0])
918            channel_data['rssi']['chain_0_rssi'].append(
919                test_result['postprocessed_results']['chain_0_rssi']['mean']
920                [0])
921            channel_data['rssi']['chain_1_rssi'].append(
922                test_result['postprocessed_results']['chain_1_rssi']['mean']
923                [0])
925        chamber_mode = self.testclass_results[0]['testcase_params'][
926            'chamber_mode']
927        if chamber_mode == 'orientation':
928            x_label = 'Angle (deg)'
929        elif chamber_mode == 'stepped stirrers':
930            x_label = 'Position Index'
932        # Publish test class metrics
933        for channel, channel_data in testclass_data.items():
934            for rssi_metric, rssi_metric_value in channel_data['rssi'].items():
935                metric_name = 'ota_summary_ch{}.avg_{}'.format(
936                    channel, rssi_metric)
937                metric_value = numpy.mean(rssi_metric_value)
938                self.testclass_metric_logger.add_metric(
939                    metric_name, metric_value)
941        # Plot test class results
942        plots = []
943        for channel, channel_data in testclass_data.items():
944            current_plot = wputils.BokehFigure(
945                title='Channel {} - Rssi vs. Position'.format(channel),
946                x_label=x_label,
947                primary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)',
948            )
949            for rssi_metric, rssi_metric_value in channel_data['rssi'].items():
950                legend = rssi_metric
951                current_plot.add_line(channel_data['orientation'],
952                                      rssi_metric_value, legend)
953            current_plot.generate_figure()
954            plots.append(current_plot)
955        current_context = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path()
956        plot_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, 'results.html')
957        wputils.BokehFigure.save_figures(plots, plot_file_path)
959    def setup_rssi_test(self, testcase_params):
960        # Test setup
961        WifiRssiTest.setup_rssi_test(self, testcase_params)
962        if testcase_params['chamber_mode'] == 'StirrersOn':
963            self.ota_chamber.start_continuous_stirrers()
964        else:
965            self.ota_chamber.set_orientation(testcase_params['orientation'])
967    def compile_ota_rssi_test_params(self, testcase_params):
968        """Function to complete compiling test-specific parameters
970        Args:
971            testcase_params: dict containing test-specific parameters
972        """
973        if "rssi_over_orientation" in self.test_name:
974            rssi_test_duration = self.testclass_params[
975                'rssi_over_orientation_duration']
976        elif "rssi_variation" in self.test_name:
977            rssi_test_duration = self.testclass_params[
978                'rssi_variation_duration']
980        testcase_params.update(
981            connected_measurements=int(
982                rssi_test_duration /
983                self.testclass_params['polling_frequency']),
984            scan_measurements=0,
985            first_measurement_delay=MED_SLEEP,
986            rssi_atten_range=[
987                self.testclass_params['rssi_ota_test_attenuation']
988            ])
989        testcase_params['band'] = self.access_point.band_lookup_by_channel(
990            testcase_params['channel'])
991        testcase_params['test_network'] = self.main_network[
992            testcase_params['band']]
993        testcase_params['tracked_bssid'] = [
994            self.main_network[testcase_params['band']].get(
995                'BSSID', '00:00:00:00')
996        ]
998        testcase_params['traffic_timeout'] = self.get_traffic_timeout(
999            testcase_params)
1000        if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb):
1001            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J'.format(
1002                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
1003        else:
1004            testcase_params['iperf_args'] = '-i 1 -t {} -J -R'.format(
1005                testcase_params['traffic_timeout'])
1006        return testcase_params
1008    def _test_ota_rssi(self, testcase_params):
1009        testcase_params = self.compile_ota_rssi_test_params(testcase_params)
1011        self.setup_rssi_test(testcase_params)
1012        rssi_result = self.run_rssi_test(testcase_params)
1013        rssi_result['postprocessed_results'] = self.post_process_rssi_sweep(
1014            rssi_result)
1015        self.testclass_results.append(rssi_result)
1016        self.plot_rssi_vs_time(rssi_result,
1017                               rssi_result['postprocessed_results'], 1)
1018        self.plot_rssi_distribution(rssi_result['postprocessed_results'])
1020    def generate_test_cases(self, test_types, channels, modes, traffic_modes,
1021                            chamber_modes, orientations):
1022        test_cases = []
1023        allowed_configs = {
1024            'VHT20': [
1025                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153,
1026                157, 161
1027            ],
1028            'VHT40': [36, 44, 149, 157],
1029            'VHT80': [36, 149]
1030        }
1032        for (channel, mode, traffic, chamber_mode, orientation,
1033             test_type) in itertools.product(channels, modes, traffic_modes,
1034                                             chamber_modes, orientations,
1035                                             test_types):
1036            if channel not in allowed_configs[mode]:
1037                continue
1038            test_name = test_type + '_ch{}_{}_{}_{}deg'.format(
1039                channel, mode, traffic, orientation)
1040            testcase_params = collections.OrderedDict(
1041                channel=channel,
1042                mode=mode,
1043                active_traffic=(traffic == 'ActiveTraffic'),
1044                traffic_type=self.user_params['rssi_test_params']
1045                ['traffic_type'],
1046                chamber_mode=chamber_mode,
1047                orientation=orientation)
1048            test_function = self._test_ota_rssi
1049            setattr(self, test_name, partial(test_function, testcase_params))
1050            test_cases.append(test_name)
1051        return test_cases
1054class WifiOtaRssi_Accuracy_Test(WifiOtaRssiTest):
1055    def __init__(self, controllers):
1056        super().__init__(controllers)
1057        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(['test_rssi_vs_atten'],
1058                                              [6, 36, 149], ['VHT20'],
1059                                              ['ActiveTraffic'],
1060                                              ['orientation'],
1061                                              list(range(0, 360, 45)))
1064class WifiOtaRssi_StirrerVariation_Test(WifiOtaRssiTest):
1065    def __init__(self, controllers):
1066        WifiRssiTest.__init__(self, controllers)
1067        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(['test_rssi_variation'],
1068                                              [6, 36, 149], ['VHT20'],
1069                                              ['ActiveTraffic'],
1070                                              ['StirrersOn'], [0])
1073class WifiOtaRssi_TenDegree_Test(WifiOtaRssiTest):
1074    def __init__(self, controllers):
1075        WifiRssiTest.__init__(self, controllers)
1076        self.tests = self.generate_test_cases(['test_rssi_over_orientation'],
1077                                              [6, 36, 149], ['VHT20'],
1078                                              ['ActiveTraffic'],
1079                                              ['orientation'],
1080                                              list(range(0, 360, 10)))