get(environmentType, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the catalog of supported test environments.
get(environmentType, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)
Gets the catalog of supported test environments. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the environment type does not exist - INTERNAL - if an internal error occurred Args: environmentType: string, Required. The type of environment that should be listed. (required) projectId: string, For authorization, the cloud project requesting the TestEnvironmentCatalog. x__xgafv: string, V1 error format. Allowed values 1 - v1 error format 2 - v2 error format Returns: An object of the form: { # A description of a test environment. "networkConfigurationCatalog": { # Supported network configurations. "configurations": [ { "id": "A String", # The unique opaque id for this network traffic configuration. "downRule": { # Network emulation parameters. # The emulation rule applying to the download traffic. "delay": "A String", # Packet delay, must be >= 0. "packetLossRatio": 3.14, # Packet loss ratio (0.0 - 1.0). "bandwidth": 3.14, # Bandwidth in kbits/second. "packetDuplicationRatio": 3.14, # Packet duplication ratio (0.0 - 1.0). "burst": 3.14, # Burst size in kbits. }, "upRule": { # Network emulation parameters. # The emulation rule applying to the upload traffic. "delay": "A String", # Packet delay, must be >= 0. "packetLossRatio": 3.14, # Packet loss ratio (0.0 - 1.0). "bandwidth": 3.14, # Bandwidth in kbits/second. "packetDuplicationRatio": 3.14, # Packet duplication ratio (0.0 - 1.0). "burst": 3.14, # Burst size in kbits. }, }, ], }, "androidDeviceCatalog": { # The currently supported Android devices. # Supported Android devices. "models": [ # The set of supported Android device models. { # A description of an Android device tests may be run on. "formFactor": "A String", # Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc. "name": "A String", # The human-readable marketing name for this device model. # Examples: "Nexus 5", "Galaxy S5". "form": "A String", # Whether this device is virtual or physical. "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated". "A String", ], "lowFpsVideoRecording": True or False, # True if and only if tests with this model are recorded by stitching # together screenshots. See use_low_spec_video_recording in device config. "brand": "A String", # The company that this device is branded with. # Example: "Google", "Samsung". "supportedVersionIds": [ # The set of Android versions this device supports. "A String", ], "id": "A String", # The unique opaque id for this model. # Use this for invoking the TestExecutionService. "supportedAbis": [ # The list of supported ABIs for this device. # This corresponds to either android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS (for API level # 21 and above) or android.os.Build.CPU_ABI/CPU_ABI2. # The most preferred ABI is the first element in the list. # # Elements are optionally prefixed by "version_id:" (where version_id is # the id of an AndroidVersion), denoting an ABI that is supported only on # a particular version. "A String", ], "screenDensity": 42, # Screen density in DPI. # This corresponds to ro.sf.lcd_density "screenY": 42, # Screen size in the vertical (Y) dimension measured in pixels. "screenX": 42, # Screen size in the horizontal (X) dimension measured in pixels. "codename": "A String", # The name of the industrial design. # This corresponds to android.os.Build.DEVICE. "manufacturer": "A String", # The manufacturer of this device. }, ], "runtimeConfiguration": { # Android configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run. # The set of supported runtime configurations. "orientations": [ # The set of available orientations. { # Screen orientation of the device. "id": "A String", # The id for this orientation. # Example: "portrait". "name": "A String", # A human-friendly name for this orientation. # Example: "portrait". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Example: "default". "A String", ], }, ], "locales": [ # The set of available locales. { # A location/region designation for language. "region": "A String", # A human-friendly string representing the region for this # locale. Example: "United States". Not present for every locale. "id": "A String", # The id for this locale. # Example: "en_US". "name": "A String", # A human-friendly name for this language/locale. # Example: "English". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Example: "default". "A String", ], }, ], }, "versions": [ # The set of supported Android OS versions. { # A version of the Android OS. "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated". "A String", ], "distribution": { # Data about the relative number of devices running a # Market share for this version. # given configuration of the Android platform. "measurementTime": "A String", # Output only. The time this distribution was measured. "marketShare": 3.14, # Output only. The estimated fraction (0-1) of the total market with this # configuration. }, "releaseDate": { # Represents a whole or partial calendar date, e.g. a birthday. The time of day # The date this Android version became available in the market. # and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date # is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. This can represent: # # * A full date, with non-zero year, month and day values # * A month and day value, with a zero year, e.g. an anniversary # * A year on its own, with zero month and day values # * A year and month value, with a zero day, e.g. a credit card expiration date # # Related types are google.type.TimeOfDay and `google.protobuf.Timestamp`. "month": 42, # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 if specifying a year without a # month and day. "day": 42, # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 # if specifying a year by itself or a year and month where the day is not # significant. "year": 42, # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without # a year. }, "versionString": "A String", # A string representing this version of the Android OS. # Examples: "4.3", "4.4". "apiLevel": 42, # The API level for this Android version. # Examples: 18, 19. "codeName": "A String", # The code name for this Android version. # Examples: "JellyBean", "KitKat". "id": "A String", # An opaque id for this Android version. # Use this id to invoke the TestExecutionService. }, ], }, "iosDeviceCatalog": { # The currently supported iOS devices. # Supported iOS devices. "models": [ # The set of supported iOS device models. { # A description of an iOS device tests may be run on. "formFactor": "A String", # Whether this device is a phone, tablet, wearable, etc. "name": "A String", # The human-readable name for this device model. # Examples: "iPhone 4s", "iPad Mini 2". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated". "A String", ], "supportedVersionIds": [ # The set of iOS major software versions this device supports. "A String", ], "id": "A String", # The unique opaque id for this model. # Use this for invoking the TestExecutionService. "deviceCapabilities": [ # Device capabilities. # Copied from # "A String", ], }, ], "xcodeVersions": [ # The set of supported Xcode versions. { # An Xcode version that an iOS version is compatible with. "version": "A String", # The id for this version. # Example: "9.2". "tags": [ # Tags for this Xcode version. # Example: "default". "A String", ], }, ], "runtimeConfiguration": { # iOS configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run. # The set of supported runtime configurations. "orientations": [ # The set of available orientations. { # Screen orientation of the device. "id": "A String", # The id for this orientation. # Example: "portrait". "name": "A String", # A human-friendly name for this orientation. # Example: "portrait". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Example: "default". "A String", ], }, ], "locales": [ # The set of available locales. { # A location/region designation for language. "region": "A String", # A human-friendly string representing the region for this # locale. Example: "United States". Not present for every locale. "id": "A String", # The id for this locale. # Example: "en_US". "name": "A String", # A human-friendly name for this language/locale. # Example: "English". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Example: "default". "A String", ], }, ], }, "versions": [ # The set of supported iOS software versions. { # An iOS version. "majorVersion": 42, # An integer representing the major iOS version. # Examples: "8", "9". "tags": [ # Tags for this dimension. # Examples: "default", "preview", "deprecated". "A String", ], "supportedXcodeVersionIds": [ # The available Xcode versions for this version. "A String", ], "id": "A String", # An opaque id for this iOS version. # Use this id to invoke the TestExecutionService. "minorVersion": 42, # An integer representing the minor iOS version. # Examples: "1", "2". }, ], }, "softwareCatalog": { # The currently provided software environment on the devices under test. # The software test environment provided by TestExecutionService. "orchestratorVersion": "A String", # A string representing the current version of Android Test # Orchestrator that is provided by TestExecutionService. # Example: "1.0.2 beta". }, }