Searched +full:invoke +full:- +full:webrequest (Results 1 – 10 of 10) sorted by relevance
3 # for libxslt, that's why we need git and libgcrypt-dev.7 # RUN apt-get update && \8 # apt-get upgrade -y && \9 # apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \10 # curl git ca-certificates \11 # autoconf automake libtool pkg-config \13 # zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libgcrypt-dev \14 # python-dev python3-dev \20 - |21 ln -s /tests/xmlconf[all …]
4 Set-StrictMode -Version 27 # avoid "Unknown error on a send" in Invoke-WebRequest10 $InstallScriptUrl = ''11 $InstallScriptPath = Join-Path "$env:TEMP" 'dotnet-install.ps1'12 $GlobalJsonPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..' | Join-Path -ChildPath 'global.json'15 $GlobalJson = Get-Content -Raw $GlobalJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json19 Write-Host "Downloading install script: $InstallScriptUrl => $InstallScriptPath"20 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $InstallScriptUrl -OutFile $InstallScriptPath21 &$InstallScriptPath -Version $SDKVersion
5 - main7 - 'ChangeLog'12 name: 'Windows ${{matrix.quantum}}${{matrix.hdri_flag}}-${{matrix.platform}} (${{matrix.type}})'13 runs-on: windows-latest16 fail-fast: false23 - quantum: Q826 - platform: x6429 - platform: x8632 - type: dll34 - type: static[all …]
11 runs-on: ubuntu-18.0416 - uses: actions/checkout@v217 - uses: actions/setup-python@v119 python-version: '3.7'20 - name: Install dependencies22 python -m pip install --upgrade pip meson23 sudo apt update -y24 sudo env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y \25 doxygen libxcb-xkb-dev valgrind ninja-build \26 libwayland-dev wayland-protocols bison graphviz[all …]
1 # This dockerfile is taken from go/rbe-windows-user-guide2 # (including the fix --compilation_mode=dbg)5 # - Has the correct MTU setting for networking from inside the container to work.6 # - Has Visual Studio 2015 Build Tools installed.7 # - Has msys2 + git, curl, zip, unzip installed.8 # - Has Python 2.7 installed.9 …ODO(jsharpe): Consider replacing "ADD $URI $DEST" with "Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $URI -O…15 # is on a slow release cadence and is the Long-Term Servicing Channel.18 # ``) is the Semi-Annual Channel.23 # Start a temporary container in which we install 7-Zip to extract msys2[all …]
1 Get-Date2 Write-Host "Installing Chocolatey"3 Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('…4 Import-Module "$env:ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"5 Update-SessionEnvironment6 Write-Host "Installing Chocolatey packages"9 # loop of its own - so we give it a helping hand here10 For ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {11 choco install -y python3 --params="/InstallDir:C:\python3"13 …choco install --allow-empty-checksums -y cmake git git-lfs ninja pkgconfiglite winflexbison --inst…[all …]
4 Set-StrictMode -Version 29 Write-Error $_16 function Install-Python { in Install-Python()27 Write-Host "Downloading the Python installer: $PythonInstallerUrl => $PythonInstallerPath" in Install-Python()28 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PythonInstallerUrl -OutFile $PythonInstallerPath in Install-Python()31 $HashFromDownload = Get-FileHash -Path $PythonInstallerPath -Algorithm MD5 in Install-Python()32 if ($HashFromDownload.Hash -ne $PythonInstallerHash) { in Install-Python()35 Write-Host "Python installer $PythonInstallerPath validated." in Install-Python()39 if (-Not $?) { in Install-Python()50 Wait-Process -Name $PythonInstaller -Timeout 300 in Install-Python()[all …]
13 @rem parse the next if statement - incorrect quoting in the multi-arg34 @if NOT "%HOST_PYTHON%"=="" @%HOST_PYTHON% -c "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)" >…37 @py -3.6 -V >nul 2>&1 && (set PYTHON=py -3.6) && (set _Py_Python_Source=found with py.exe) && goto …51 @powershell.exe -Command Invoke-WebRequest %_Py_NUGET_URL% -OutFile '%_Py_NUGET%'57 @"%_Py_NUGET%" install pythonx86 -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%"58 @rem Quote it here; it's not quoted later because "py -3.6" wouldn't work
13 @rem parse the next if statement - incorrect quoting in the multi-arg37 @if NOT "%HOST_PYTHON%"=="" @%HOST_PYTHON% -Ec "import sys; assert sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6)" …40 @for %%p in (3.8 3.7 3.6) do @py -%%p -EV >nul 2>&1 && (set PYTHON=py -%%p) && (set _Py_Python_Sour…54 @powershell.exe -Command Invoke-WebRequest %_Py_NUGET_URL% -OutFile '%_Py_NUGET%'56 @%_Py_HOST_PYTHON% -E "%~dp0\" "%_Py_NUGET_URL%" "%_Py_NUGET%"60 @"%_Py_NUGET%" install pythonx86 -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory "%_Py_EXTERNALS_DIR%"61 @rem Quote it here; it's not quoted later because "py -x.y" wouldn't work
8 echo of python-source-deps clone of libffi branch13 echo Tested with cygwin-x86 from echo. -x64 enable x64 build26 echo. -x86 enable x86 build27 echo. -arm32 enable arm32 build28 echo. -arm64 enable arm64 build29 echo. -? this help30 echo. --install-cygwin install cygwin to c:\cygwin45 if /I "%1"=="-x64" (set BUILD_X64=1) & shift & goto :CheckOpts46 if /I "%1"=="-x86" (set BUILD_X86=1) & shift & goto :CheckOpts[all …]