1# Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import logging
16import math
17import os.path
18import textwrap
19from matplotlib import pylab
20import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
21from mobly import test_runner
22import numpy as np
23import scipy.signal
24import scipy.stats
26import its_base_test
27import capture_request_utils
28import image_processing_utils
29import its_session_utils
32_BAYER_LIST = ('R', 'GR', 'GB', 'B')
33_BRACKET_MAX = 8  # Exposure bracketing range in stops
35_PLOT_COLORS = 'rygcbm'  # Colors used for plotting the data for each exposure.
37_MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE = 0.25  # Maximum value to allow mean of the tiles to go.
38_NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
39_RTOL_EXP_GAIN = 0.97
40_STEPS_PER_STOP = 3  # How many sensitivities per stop to sample.
41_TILE_SIZE = 32  # Tile size to compute mean/variance. Large tiles may have
42                 # their variance corrupted by low freq image changes.
43_TILE_CROP_N = 0  # Number of tiles to crop from edge of image. Usually 0.
46def check_auto_exposure_targets(auto_e, sens_min, sens_max, props):
47  """Checks if AE too bright for highest gain & too dark for lowest gain."""
49  min_exposure_ns, max_exposure_ns = props[
50      'android.sensor.info.exposureTimeRange']
51  if auto_e < min_exposure_ns*sens_max:
52    raise AssertionError('Scene is too bright to properly expose at highest '
53                         f'sensitivity: {sens_max}')
54  if auto_e*_BRACKET_FACTOR > max_exposure_ns*sens_min:
55    raise AssertionError('Scene is too dark to properly expose at lowest '
56                         f'sensitivity: {sens_min}')
59def create_noise_model_code(noise_model_a, noise_model_b,
60                            noise_model_c, noise_model_d,
61                            sens_min, sens_max, digital_gain_cdef, log_path):
62  """Creates the c file for the noise model."""
64  noise_model_a_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_a])
65  noise_model_b_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_b])
66  noise_model_c_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_c])
67  noise_model_d_array = ','.join([str(i) for i in noise_model_d])
68  code = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
69          /* Generated test code to dump a table of data for external validation
70           * of the noise model parameters.
71           */
72          #include <stdio.h>
73          #include <assert.h>
74          double compute_noise_model_entry_S(int plane, int sens);
75          double compute_noise_model_entry_O(int plane, int sens);
76          int main(void) {{
77              for (int plane = 0; plane < {len(noise_model_a)}; plane++) {{
78                  for (int sens = {sens_min}; sens <= {sens_max}; sens += 100) {{
79                      double o = compute_noise_model_entry_O(plane, sens);
80                      double s = compute_noise_model_entry_S(plane, sens);
81                      printf("%d,%d,%lf,%lf\\n", plane, sens, o, s);
82                  }}
83              }}
84              return 0;
85          }}
87          /* Generated functions to map a given sensitivity to the O and S noise
88           * model parameters in the DNG noise model. The planes are in
89           * R, Gr, Gb, B order.
90           */
91          double compute_noise_model_entry_S(int plane, int sens) {{
92              static double noise_model_A[] = {{ {noise_model_a_array:s} }};
93              static double noise_model_B[] = {{ {noise_model_b_array:s} }};
94              double A = noise_model_A[plane];
95              double B = noise_model_B[plane];
96              double s = A * sens + B;
97              return s < 0.0 ? 0.0 : s;
98          }}
100          double compute_noise_model_entry_O(int plane, int sens) {{
101              static double noise_model_C[] = {{ {noise_model_c_array:s} }};
102              static double noise_model_D[] = {{ {noise_model_d_array:s} }};
103              double digital_gain = {digital_gain_cdef:s};
104              double C = noise_model_C[plane];
105              double D = noise_model_D[plane];
106              double o = C * sens * sens + D * digital_gain * digital_gain;
107              return o < 0.0 ? 0.0 : o;
108          }}
109          """)
110  text_file = open(os.path.join(log_path, 'noise_model.c'), 'w')
111  text_file.write('%s' % code)
112  text_file.close()
114  # Creates the noise profile C++ file
115  code = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
116          /* noise_profile.cc
117             Note: gradient_slope --> gradient of API slope parameter
118                   offset_slope --> offset of API slope parameter
119                   gradient_intercept--> gradient of API intercept parameter
120                   offset_intercept --> offset of API intercept parameter
121             Note: SENSOR_NOISE_PROFILE in Android Developers doc uses
122                   N(x) = sqrt(Sx + O), where 'S' is 'slope' & 'O' is 'intercept'
123          */
124          .noise_profile =
125              {{.noise_coefficients_r = {{.gradient_slope = {noise_model_a[0]},
126                                        .offset_slope = {noise_model_b[0]},
127                                        .gradient_intercept = {noise_model_c[0]},
128                                        .offset_intercept = {noise_model_d[0]}}},
129               .noise_coefficients_gr = {{.gradient_slope = {noise_model_a[1]},
130                                         .offset_slope = {noise_model_b[1]},
131                                         .gradient_intercept = {noise_model_c[1]},
132                                         .offset_intercept = {noise_model_d[1]}}},
133               .noise_coefficients_gb = {{.gradient_slope = {noise_model_a[2]},
134                                         .offset_slope = {noise_model_b[2]},
135                                         .gradient_intercept = {noise_model_c[2]},
136                                         .offset_intercept = {noise_model_d[2]}}},
137               .noise_coefficients_b = {{.gradient_slope = {noise_model_a[3]},
138                                        .offset_slope = {noise_model_b[3]},
139                                        .gradient_intercept = {noise_model_c[3]},
140                                        .offset_intercept = {noise_model_d[3]}}}}},
141          """)
142  text_file = open(os.path.join(log_path, 'noise_profile.cc'), 'w')
143  text_file.write('%s' % code)
144  text_file.close()
147class DngNoiseModel(its_base_test.ItsBaseTest):
148  """Create DNG noise model.
150  Captures RAW images with increasing analog gains to create the model.
151  def requires 'test' in name to actually run.
152  """
154  def test_dng_noise_model_generation(self):
155    with its_session_utils.ItsSession(
156        device_id=self.dut.serial,
157        camera_id=self.camera_id,
158        hidden_physical_id=self.hidden_physical_id) as cam:
159      props = cam.get_camera_properties()
160      props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
161      log_path = self.log_path
162      name_with_log_path = os.path.join(log_path, _NAME)
163      if self.hidden_physical_id:
164        camera_name = f'{self.camera_id}.{self.hidden_physical_id}'
165      else:
166        camera_name = self.camera_id
167      logging.info('Starting %s for camera %s', _NAME, camera_name)
169      # Get basic properties we need.
170      sens_min, sens_max = props['android.sensor.info.sensitivityRange']
171      sens_max_analog = props['android.sensor.maxAnalogSensitivity']
172      sens_max_meas = sens_max_analog
173      white_level = props['android.sensor.info.whiteLevel']
175      logging.info('Sensitivity range: [%d, %d]', sens_min, sens_max)
176      logging.info('Max analog sensitivity: %d', sens_max_analog)
178      # Do AE to get a rough idea of where we are.
179      iso_ae, exp_ae, _, _, _ = cam.do_3a(
180          get_results=True, do_awb=False, do_af=False)
182      # Underexpose to get more data for low signal levels.
183      auto_e = iso_ae * exp_ae / _BRACKET_FACTOR
184      check_auto_exposure_targets(auto_e, sens_min, sens_max_meas, props)
186      # Focus at zero to intentionally blur the scene as much as possible.
187      f_dist = 0.0
189      # Start the sensitivities at the minimum.
190      iso = sens_min
191      samples = [[], [], [], []]
192      plots = []
193      measured_models = [[], [], [], []]
194      color_plane_plots = {}
195      isos = []
196      while int(round(iso)) <= sens_max_meas:
197        iso_int = int(round(iso))
198        isos.append(iso_int)
199        logging.info('ISO %d', iso_int)
200        fig, [[plt_r, plt_gr], [plt_gb, plt_b]] = plt.subplots(
201            2, 2, figsize=(11, 11))
202        fig.gca()
203        color_plane_plots[iso_int] = [plt_r, plt_gr, plt_gb, plt_b]
204        fig.suptitle('ISO %d' % iso_int, x=0.54, y=0.99)
205        for i, plot in enumerate(color_plane_plots[iso_int]):
206          plot.set_title('%s' % _BAYER_LIST[i])
207          plot.set_xlabel('Mean signal level')
208          plot.set_ylabel('Variance')
210        samples_s = [[], [], [], []]
211        for b in range(_BRACKET_MAX):
212          # Get the exposure for this sensitivity and exposure time.
213          exposure = int(math.pow(2, b)*auto_e/iso)
214          logging.info('exp %.3fms', round(exposure*1.0E-6, 3))
215          req = capture_request_utils.manual_capture_request(iso_int, exposure,
216                                                             f_dist)
217          fmt_raw = {'format': 'rawStats',
218                     'gridWidth': _TILE_SIZE,
219                     'gridHeight': _TILE_SIZE}
220          cap = cam.do_capture(req, fmt_raw)
221          if self.debug_mode:
222            img = image_processing_utils.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(
223                cap, props=props)
224            image_processing_utils.write_image(
225                img, f'{name_with_log_path}_{iso_int}_{exposure}ns.jpg', True)
227          mean_img, var_img = image_processing_utils.unpack_rawstats_capture(
228              cap)
229          idxs = image_processing_utils.get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
230          raw_stats_size = mean_img.shape
231          means = [mean_img[_TILE_CROP_N:raw_stats_size[0]-_TILE_CROP_N,
232                            _TILE_CROP_N:raw_stats_size[1]-_TILE_CROP_N, i]
233                   for i in idxs]
234          vars_ = [var_img[_TILE_CROP_N:raw_stats_size[0]-_TILE_CROP_N,
235                           _TILE_CROP_N:raw_stats_size[1]-_TILE_CROP_N, i]
236                   for i in idxs]
237          if self.debug_mode:
238            logging.info('rawStats image size: %s', str(raw_stats_size))
239            logging.info('R planes means image size: %s', str(means[0].shape))
240            logging.info('means min: %.3f, median: %.3f, max: %.3f',
241                         np.min(means), np.median(means), np.max(means))
242            logging.info('vars_ min: %.4f, median: %.4f, max: %.4f',
243                         np.min(vars_), np.median(vars_), np.max(vars_))
245          s_read = cap['metadata']['android.sensor.sensitivity']
246          if not 1.0 >= s_read/float(iso_int) >= _RTOL_EXP_GAIN:
247            raise AssertionError(
248                f's_write: {iso}, s_read: {s_read}, RTOL: {_RTOL_EXP_GAIN}')
249          logging.info('ISO_write: %d, ISO_read: %d', iso_int, s_read)
251          for pidx in range(len(means)):
252            plot = color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx]
254            # convert_capture_to_planes normalizes the range to [0, 1], but
255            # without subtracting the black level.
256            black_level = image_processing_utils.get_black_level(
257                pidx, props, cap['metadata'])
258            means_p = (means[pidx] - black_level)/(white_level - black_level)
259            vars_p = vars_[pidx]/((white_level - black_level)**2)
261            # TODO(dsharlet): It should be possible to account for low
262            # frequency variation by looking at neighboring means, but I
263            # have not been able to make this work.
265            means_p = np.asarray(means_p).flatten()
266            vars_p = np.asarray(vars_p).flatten()
268            samples_e = []
269            for (mean, var) in zip(means_p, vars_p):
270              # Don't include the tile if it has samples that might be clipped.
271              if mean + 2*math.sqrt(max(var, 0)) < _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE:
272                samples_e.append([mean, var])
274            if samples_e:
275              means_e, vars_e = zip(*samples_e)
276              color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].plot(
277                  means_e, vars_e, _PLOT_COLORS[b%len(_PLOT_COLORS)] + '.',
278                  alpha=0.5, markersize=1)
279              samples_s[pidx].extend(samples_e)
281        for (pidx, p) in enumerate(samples_s):
282          [slope, intercept, rvalue, _, _] = scipy.stats.linregress(
283              samples_s[pidx])
284          measured_models[pidx].append([iso_int, slope, intercept])
285          logging.info('%s sensitivity %d: %e*y + %e (R=%f)',
286                       'RGKB'[pidx], iso_int, slope, intercept, rvalue)
288          # Add the samples for this sensitivity to the global samples list.
289          samples[pidx].extend(
290              [(iso_int, mean, var) for (mean, var) in samples_s[pidx]])
292          # Add the linear fit to subplot for this sensitivity.
293          color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].plot(
294              [0, _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
295              [intercept, intercept + slope * _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
296              'rgkb'[pidx] + '--',
297              label='Linear fit')
299          xmax = max([max([x for (x, _) in p]) for p in samples_s
300                     ]) * _MAX_SCALE_FUDGE
301          ymax = (intercept + slope * xmax) * _MAX_SCALE_FUDGE
302          color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=xmax)
303          color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=ymax)
304          color_plane_plots[iso_int][pidx].legend()
305          pylab.tight_layout()
307        fig.savefig(f'{name_with_log_path}_samples_iso{iso_int:04d}.png')
308        plots.append([iso_int, fig])
310        # Move to the next sensitivity.
311        iso *= math.pow(2, 1.0/_STEPS_PER_STOP)
313    # Do model plots
314    (fig, (plt_s, plt_o)) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(11, 8.5))
315    plt_s.set_title('Noise model: N(x) = sqrt(Sx + O)')
316    plt_s.set_ylabel('S')
317    plt_o.set_xlabel('ISO')
318    plt_o.set_ylabel('O')
320    noise_model = []
321    for (pidx, p) in enumerate(measured_models):
322      # Grab the sensitivities and line parameters from each sensitivity.
323      s_measured = [e[1] for e in measured_models[pidx]]
324      o_measured = [e[2] for e in measured_models[pidx]]
325      sens = np.asarray([e[0] for e in measured_models[pidx]])
326      sens_sq = np.square(sens)
328      # Use a global linear optimization to fit the noise model.
329      gains = np.asarray([s[0] for s in samples[pidx]])
330      means = np.asarray([s[1] for s in samples[pidx]])
331      vars_ = np.asarray([s[2] for s in samples[pidx]])
332      gains = gains.flatten()
333      means = means.flatten()
334      vars_ = vars_.flatten()
336      # Define digital gain as the gain above the max analog gain
337      # per the Camera2 spec. Also, define a corresponding C
338      # expression snippet to use in the generated model code.
339      digital_gains = np.maximum(gains/sens_max_analog, 1)
340      if not np.all(digital_gains == 1):
341        raise AssertionError(f'Digital gain! gains: {gains}, '
342                             f'Max analog gain: {sens_max_analog}.')
343      digital_gain_cdef = '(sens / %d.0) < 1.0 ? 1.0 : (sens / %d.0)' % (
344          sens_max_analog, sens_max_analog)
346      # Divide the whole system by gains*means.
347      f = lambda x, a, b, c, d: (c*(x[0]**2)+d+(x[1])*a*x[0]+(x[1])*b)/(x[0])
348      result, _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f, (gains, means), vars_/(gains))
349      # result[0:4] = s_gradient, s_offset, o_gradient, o_offset
350      # Note 'S' and 'O' are the API terms for the 2 model params.
351      # The noise_profile.cc uses 'slope' for 'S' and 'intercept' for 'O'.
352      # 'gradient' and 'offset' are used to describe the linear fit
353      # parameters for 'S' and 'O'.
354      noise_model.append(result[0:4])
356      # Plot noise model components with the values predicted by the model.
357      s_model = result[0]*sens + result[1]
358      o_model = result[2]*sens_sq + result[3]*np.square(np.maximum(
359          sens/sens_max_analog, 1))
361      plt_s.loglog(sens, s_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', base=10,
362                   label='Measured')
363      plt_s.loglog(sens, s_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'o', base=10,
364                   label='Model', alpha=0.3)
365      plt_o.loglog(sens, o_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', base=10,
366                   label='Measured')
367      plt_o.loglog(sens, o_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'o', base=10,
368                   label='Model', alpha=0.3)
369    plt_s.legend()
370    plt_s.set_xticks(isos)
371    plt_s.set_xticklabels(isos)
373    plt_o.set_xticks([])
374    plt_o.set_xticks(isos)
375    plt_o.set_xticklabels(isos)
376    plt_o.legend()
377    fig.savefig(f'{name_with_log_path}.png')
379    # Generate individual noise model components
380    noise_model_a, noise_model_b, noise_model_c, noise_model_d = zip(
381        *noise_model)
383    # Add models to subplots and re-save
384    for [iso, fig] in plots:  # re-step through figs...
385      dig_gain = max(iso/sens_max_analog, 1)
386      fig.gca()
387      for (pidx, p) in enumerate(measured_models):
388        s = noise_model_a[pidx]*iso + noise_model_b[pidx]
389        o = noise_model_c[pidx]*iso**2 + noise_model_d[pidx]*dig_gain**2
390        color_plane_plots[iso][pidx].plot(
391            [0, _MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE], [o, o+s*_MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
392            'rgkb'[pidx]+'-', label='Model', alpha=0.5)
393        color_plane_plots[iso][pidx].legend(loc='upper left')
394      fig.savefig(f'{name_with_log_path}_samples_iso{iso:04d}.png')
396    # Validity checks on model: read noise > 0, positive intercept gradient.
397    for i, _ in enumerate(_BAYER_LIST):
398      read_noise = noise_model_c[i] * sens_min * sens_min + noise_model_d[i]
399      if read_noise <= 0:
400        raise AssertionError(f'{_BAYER_LIST[i]} model min ISO noise < 0! '
401                             f'API intercept gradient: {noise_model_c[i]:.4e}, '
402                             f'API intercept offset: {noise_model_d[i]:.4e}, '
403                             f'read_noise: {read_noise:.4e}')
404      if noise_model_c[i] <= 0:
405        raise AssertionError(f'{_BAYER_LIST[i]} model API intercept gradient '
406                             f'is negative: {noise_model_c[i]:.4e}')
408    # Generate the noise model file.
409    create_noise_model_code(
410        noise_model_a, noise_model_b, noise_model_c, noise_model_d,
411        sens_min, sens_max, digital_gain_cdef, log_path)
413if __name__ == '__main__':
414  test_runner.main()