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94<h1 class="text-center">ImageMagick</h1>
95<p class="lead magick-description"><a href="../images/wizard.png" title="And Now a Touch of Magick"><img class="img-fluid magick-icon" id="logo" alt="And Now a Touch of Magick" width="265" height="352" src="../images/wizard.jpg" /></a>
96Use ImageMagick<sup><a href="http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&amp;entry=78333969">&#174;</a></sup> to create, edit, compose, or convert digital images.  It can read and write images in a variety of <a href="formats.html">formats</a> (over 200) including PNG, JPEG, GIF, HEIC, TIFF, <a href="motion-picture.html">DPX</a>, <a href="high-dynamic-range.html">EXR</a>, WebP, PDF, and SVG.  ImageMagick can resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.</p>
98<p>ImageMagick is free software delivered as a ready-to-run binary distribution or as source code that you may use, copy, modify, and distribute in both open and proprietary applications. It is distributed under a derived Apache 2.0 <a href="license.html">license</a>.</p>
99<p>ImageMagick utilizes multiple computational threads to increase performance and can read, process, or write mega-, giga-, or tera-pixel image sizes.</p>
101<p>The current release is ImageMagick <a href="download.html">7.0.10-62</a>.  It runs on <a href="download.html#unix">Linux</a>, <a href="download.html#windows">Windows</a>, <a href="download.html#macosx">Mac Os X</a>, <a href="download.html#iOS">iOS</a>, <a href="https://github.com/cherryleafroad/Android-ImageMagick7">Android</a> OS, and others.</p>
103<p>The authoritative ImageMagick web site is <a href="../">https://imagemagick.org</a>. The authoritative source code repository is <a href="https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick" target="_blank">https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick</a>.  We continue to maintain the legacy release of ImageMagick, version 6, at <a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/" target="_blank">https://legacy.imagemagick.org</a>.</p>
105<h2><a class="anchor" id="features"></a>Features and Capabilities</h2>
106<p>Here are just a few <a href="../www/examples.html">examples</a> of what ImageMagick can do for you:</p>
107<div class="table-responsive" style="font-size:87.5% !important;">
108<table class="table table-sm table-hover">
109  <tr>
110    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/anim_basics/">Animation</a></td>
111    <td>create a GIF animation sequence from a group of images.</td>
112  </tr>
113  <tr>
114    <td><a href="command-line-options.html#bilateral-blur">Bilateral blur</a></td>
115    <td>non-linear, edge-preserving, and noise-reducing smoothing filter.</td>
116  </tr>
117  <tr>
118    <td><a href="../www/color-management.html">Color management</a></td>
119    <td>accurate color management with color profiles or in lieu of-- built-in gamma compression or expansion as demanded by the colorspace.</td>
120  </tr>
121  <tr>
122    <td><a href="../www/color-thresholding.html">Color thresholding</a></td>
123    <td>force all pixels in the color range to white otherwise black.</td>
124  </tr>
125  <tr>
126    <td><a href="command-line-processing.html">Command-line processing</a></td>
127    <td>utilize ImageMagick from the command-line.</td>
128  </tr>
129  <tr>
130    <td><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_text_layout">Complex text layout</a></td>
131    <td>bidirectional text support and shaping.</td>
132  </tr>
133  <tr>
134    <td><a href="../www/composite.html">Composite</a></td>
135    <td>overlap one image over another.</td>
136  </tr>
137  <tr>
138    <td><a href="../www/connected-components.html">Connected component labeling</a></td>
139    <td>uniquely label connected regions in an image.</td>
140  </tr>
141  <tr>
142    <td><a href="../www/convex-hull.html">Convex hull</a></td>
143    <td>smallest area convex polygon containing the image foreground objects.  In addition, the minimum bounding box and unrotate angle are also generated.</td>
144  </tr>
145  <tr>
146    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/crop/">Decorate</a></td>
147    <td>add a border or frame to an image.</td>
148  </tr>
149  <tr>
150    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/transform/#vision">Delineate image features</a></td>
151    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/discourse-server~/viewtopic37d8.html?f=4&t=25405">Canny edge detection</a>, <a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/discourse-server~/viewtopic37d8.html?f=4&t=25476">Hough lines</a>.</td>
152  </tr>
153  <tr>
154    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/fourier/">Discrete Fourier transform</a></td>
155    <td>implements the forward and inverse <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Fourier_transform">DFT</a>.</td>
156  </tr>
157  <tr>
158    <td><a href="../www/distribute-pixel-cache.html">Distributed pixel cache</a></td>
159    <td>offload intermediate pixel storage to one or more remote servers.</td>
160  </tr>
161  <tr>
162    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/draw/">Draw</a></td>
163    <td>add shapes or text to an image.</td>
164  </tr>
165  <tr>
166    <td><a href="../www/cipher.html">Encipher or decipher an image</a></td>
167    <td>convert ordinary images into unintelligible gibberish and back again.</td>
168  </tr>
169  <tr>
170    <td><a href="../www/convert.html">Format conversion</a></td>
171    <td>convert an image from one <a href="formats.html">format </a> to another (e.g. PNG to JPEG).</td>
172  </tr>
173  <tr>
174    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/distorts/">Generalized pixel distortion</a></td>
175    <td>correct for, or induce image distortions including perspective.</td>
176  </tr>
177  <tr>
178    <td><a href="../www/architecture.html#distributed">Heterogeneous distributed processing</a></td>
179    <td>certain algorithms are <a href="../www/opencl.html">OpenCL</a>-enabled to take advantage of speed-ups offered by executing in concert across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.</td>
180  </tr>
181  <tr>
182    <td><a href="high-dynamic-range.html">High dynamic-range images</a></td>
183    <td>accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from the brightest direct sunlight to the deepest darkest shadows.</td>
184  </tr>
185  <tr>
186    <td><a href="../www/clahe.html">Histogram Equalization</a></td>
187    <td>Use adaptive histogram equalization to improve contrast in images.</td>
188  </tr>
189  <tr>
190    <td><a href="../www/fx.html">Image calculator</a></td>
191    <td>apply a mathematical expression to an image, image sequence, or image channels.</td>
192  </tr>
193  <tr>
194    <td><a href="gradient.html">Image gradients</a></td>
195    <td>create a gradual blend of two colors whose shape is horizontal, vertical, circular, or elliptical.</td>
196  </tr>
197  <tr>
198    <td><a href="../www/identify.html">Image identification</a></td>
199    <td>describe the format and attributes of an image.</td>
200  </tr>
201  <tr>
202    <td><a href="download.html#iOS">ImageMagick on the iPhone</a></td>
203    <td>convert, edit, or compose images on your <a href="https://www.apple.com/ios/">iOS</a> device such as the iPhone or iPad.</td>
204  </tr>
205  <tr>
206    <td><a href="../www/architecture.html#tera-pixel">Large image support</a></td>
207    <td>read, process, or write mega-, giga-, or tera-pixel image sizes.</td>
208  </tr>
209  <tr>
210    <td><a href="montage.html">Montage</a></td>
211    <td>juxtapose image thumbnails on an image canvas.</td>
212  </tr>
213  <tr>
214    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/morphology/">Morphology of shapes</a></td>
215    <td>extract features, describe shapes, and recognize patterns in images.</td>
216  </tr>
217  <tr>
218    <td><a href="motion-picture.html">Motion picture support</a></td>
219    <td>read and write the common image formats used in digital film work.</td>
220  </tr>
221  <tr>
222    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/transform/#vision">Noise and color reduction</a></td>
223    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/discourse-server~/viewtopic6519.html?f=4&t=26480">Kuwahara Filter</a>, <a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/discourse-server~/viewtopic6519.html?f=4&t=25504">mean-shift</a>.</td>
224  </tr>
225  <tr>
226    <td><a href="http://www.fmwconcepts.com/misc_tests/perceptual_hash_test_results_510/index.html">Perceptual hash</a></td>
227    <td>map visually identical images to the same or similar hash-- useful in image retrieval, authentication, indexing, or copy detection as well as digital watermarking.</td>
228  </tr>
229  <tr>
230    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/blur/">Special effects</a></td>
231    <td>blur, sharpen, threshold, or tint an image.</td>
232  </tr>
233  <tr>
234    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/text/">Text &amp; comments</a></td>
235    <td>insert descriptive or artistic text in an image.</td>
236  </tr>
237  <tr>
238    <td><a href="../www/architecture.html#threads">Threads of execution support</a></td>
239    <td>ImageMagick is thread safe and most internal algorithms execute in <a href="../www/openmp.html">parallel</a> to take advantage of speed-ups offered by multicore processor chips.</td>
240  </tr>
241  <tr>
242    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/">Transform</a></td>
243    <td>resize, rotate, deskew, crop, flip or trim an image.</td>
244  </tr>
245  <tr>
246    <td><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/masking/">Transparency</a></td>
247    <td>render portions of an image invisible.</td>
248  </tr>
249  <tr>
250    <td><a href="../www/architecture.html#virtual-pixels">Virtual pixel support</a></td>
251    <td>convenient access to pixels outside the image boundaries.</td>
252  </tr>
256<p><a href="https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/" target="_blank">Examples of ImageMagick Usage</a> shows how to use ImageMagick from the <a href="command-line-processing.html">command-line</a> to accomplish any of these tasks and much more. Also, see <a href="http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/" target="_blank">Fred's ImageMagick Scripts</a>:  a plethora of command-line scripts that perform geometric transforms, blurs, sharpens, edging, noise removal, and color manipulations. With <a href="https://github.com/dlemstra/Magick.NET">Magick.NET</a>, use ImageMagick without having to install ImageMagick on your server or desktop. Finally, see <a href="http://im.snibgo.com/">Snibgo's ImageMagick Cookbook</a> for Windows-based ImageMagick scripting.</p>
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