1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
16 #include "../../test_common/harness/compat.h"
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
21 #include <sys/stat.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
24 #include "../../test_common/harness/conversions.h"
25 #include "procs.h"
27 static const char *import_after_export_aliased_local_kernel =
28     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
29     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
30     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *exportSrc, __global %s "
31     "*exportDst,\n"
32     "                       const __global %s *importSrc, __global %s "
33     "*importDst,\n"
34     "                       __local %s *localBuffer, /* there isn't another "
35     "__local %s local buffer since export src and import dst are aliased*/\n"
36     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
37     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
38     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
39     "importCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
40     "{\n"
41     "    int i;\n"
42     "    int localImportOffset = exportSrcLocalSize - importSrcLocalSize;\n"
43     // Zero the local storage first
44     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
45     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
46     "(%s)(%s)0;\n"
47     "    }\n"
48     "    // no need to set another local buffer values to (%s)(%s)0 since "
49     "export src and import dst are aliased (use the same buffer)\n"
50     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
51     // try the export and import
52     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
53     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
54     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
55     "exportSrc[ get_global_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
56     "    }\n"
57     // Do this to verify all kernels are done copying to the local buffer before
58     // we try the export and import
59     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
60     "    event_t events;\n"
61     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
62     "%s*)(exportDst+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), (__local const "
63     "%s*)localBuffer, (size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
64     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
65     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local "
66     "%s*)(localBuffer+localImportOffset), (__global const "
67     "%s*)(importSrc+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), "
68     "(size_t)importSrcLocalSize, events );\n"
69     // Wait for the export and import to complete, then verify by manually
70     // copying to the dest
71     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
72     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
73     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
74     "(localBuffer+localImportOffset)[ get_local_id( 0 "
75     ")*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
76     "    }\n"
77     "}\n";
79 static const char *import_after_export_aliased_global_kernel =
80     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
81     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
82     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *exportSrc, __global %s "
83     "*exportDstImportSrc,\n"
84     "                       __global %s *importDst, /* there isn't a dedicated "
85     "__global %s buffer for import src since export dst and import src are "
86     "aliased*/\n"
87     "                       __local %s *exportLocalBuffer, __local %s "
88     "*importLocalBuffer,\n"
89     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
90     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
91     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
92     "importCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
93     "{\n"
94     "    int i;\n"
95     // Zero the local storage first
96     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
97     "        exportLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
98     "= (%s)(%s)0;\n"
99     "    }\n"
100     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
101     "        importLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
102     "= (%s)(%s)0;\n"
103     "    }\n"
104     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
105     // try the export and import
106     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
107     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
108     "        exportLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
109     "= exportSrc[ get_global_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
110     "    }\n"
111     // Do this to verify all kernels are done copying to the local buffer before
112     // we try the export and import
113     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
114     "    event_t events;\n"
115     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
116     "%s*)(exportDstImportSrc+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), (__local "
117     "const %s*)exportLocalBuffer, (size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
118     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
119     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local %s*)importLocalBuffer, "
120     "(__global const "
121     "%s*)(exportDstImportSrc+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0) + "
122     "(exportSrcLocalSize - importSrcLocalSize)), (size_t)importSrcLocalSize, "
123     "events );\n"
124     // Wait for the export and import to complete, then verify by manually
125     // copying to the dest
126     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
127     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
128     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
129     "importLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
130     "    }\n"
131     "}\n";
133 static const char *import_after_export_aliased_global_and_local_kernel =
134     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
135     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
136     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *exportSrc, __global %s "
137     "*exportDstImportSrc,\n"
138     "                       __global %s *importDst, /* there isn't a dedicated "
139     "__global %s buffer for import src since export dst and import src are "
140     "aliased*/\n"
141     "                       __local %s *localBuffer, /* there isn't another "
142     "__local %s local buffer since export src and import dst are aliased*/\n"
143     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
144     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
145     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
146     "importCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
147     "{\n"
148     "    int i;\n"
149     "    int localImportOffset = exportSrcLocalSize - importSrcLocalSize;\n"
150     // Zero the local storage first
151     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
152     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
153     "(%s)(%s)0;\n"
154     "    }\n"
155     "    // no need to set another local buffer values to (%s)(%s)0 since "
156     "export src and import dst are aliased (use the same buffer)\n"
157     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
158     // try the export and import
159     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
160     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
161     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
162     "exportSrc[ get_global_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
163     "    }\n"
164     // Do this to verify all kernels are done copying to the local buffer before
165     // we try the export and import
166     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
167     "    event_t events;\n"
168     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
169     "%s*)(exportDstImportSrc+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), (__local "
170     "const %s*)localBuffer, (size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
171     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE | "
172     "CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
173     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local "
174     "%s*)(localBuffer+localImportOffset), (__global const "
175     "%s*)(exportDstImportSrc+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0) + "
176     "(exportSrcLocalSize - importSrcLocalSize)), (size_t)importSrcLocalSize, "
177     "events );\n"
178     // Wait for the export and import to complete, then verify by manually
179     // copying to the dest
180     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
181     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
182     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
183     "(localBuffer+localImportOffset)[ get_local_id( 0 "
184     ")*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
185     "    }\n"
186     "}\n";
188 static const char *export_after_import_aliased_local_kernel =
189     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
190     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
191     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *importSrc, __global %s "
192     "*importDst,\n"
193     "                       const __global %s *exportDst, /* there isn't a "
194     "dedicated __global %s buffer for export src since the local memory is "
195     "aliased, so the export src is taken from it */\n"
196     "                       __local %s *localBuffer, /* there isn't another "
197     "__local %s local buffer since import dst and export src are aliased*/\n"
198     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
199     "importCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
200     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
201     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
202     "{\n"
203     "    int i;\n"
204     // Zero the local storage first
205     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
206     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
207     "(%s)(%s)0;\n"
208     "    }\n"
209     "    // no need to set another local buffer values to (%s)(%s)0 since "
210     "import dst and export src are aliased (use the same buffer)\n"
211     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
212     // try the import and export
213     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
214     "    event_t events;\n"
215     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local %s*)localBuffer, (__global "
216     "const %s*)(importSrc+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), "
217     "(size_t)importSrcLocalSize, events );\n"
218     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
219     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
220     "%s*)(exportDst+exportSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), (__local const "
221     "%s*)(localBuffer + (importSrcLocalSize - exportSrcLocalSize)), "
222     "(size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
223     // Wait for the import and export to complete, then verify by manually
224     // copying to the dest
225     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
226     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
227     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
228     "localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
229     "    }\n"
230     "}\n";
232 static const char *export_after_import_aliased_global_kernel =
233     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
234     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
235     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *importSrcExportDst, __global %s "
236     "*importDst,\n"
237     "                       const __global %s *exportSrc,\n"
238     "                       /* there isn't a dedicated __global %s buffer for "
239     "export dst since import src and export dst are aliased */\n"
240     "                       __local %s *importLocalBuffer, __local %s "
241     "*exportLocalBuffer,\n"
242     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
243     "importCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
244     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
245     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
246     "{\n"
247     "    int i;\n"
248     // Zero the local storage first
249     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
250     "        importLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
251     "= (%s)(%s)0;\n"
252     "    }\n"
253     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
254     "        exportLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
255     "= (%s)(%s)0;\n"
256     "    }\n"
257     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
258     // try the import and export
259     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
260     "    for(i=0; i<exportCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
261     "        exportLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] "
262     "= exportSrc[ get_global_id( 0 )*exportCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
263     "    }\n"
264     // Do this to verify all kernels are done copying to the local buffer before
265     // we try the import and export
266     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
267     "    event_t events;\n"
268     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local %s*)importLocalBuffer, "
269     "(__global const "
270     "%s*)(importSrcExportDst+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), "
271     "(size_t)importSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
272     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
273     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
274     "%s*)(importSrcExportDst+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0) + "
275     "(importSrcLocalSize - exportSrcLocalSize)), (__local const "
276     "%s*)exportLocalBuffer, (size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, events );\n"
277     // Wait for the import and export to complete, then verify by manually
278     // copying to the dest
279     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
280     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
281     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
282     "importLocalBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
283     "    }\n"
284     "}\n";
286 static const char *export_after_import_aliased_global_and_local_kernel =
287     "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence : enable\n"
288     "%s\n" // optional pragma string
289     "__kernel void test_fn( const __global %s *importSrcExportDst, __global %s "
290     "*importDst,\n"
291     "                       /* there isn't a dedicated __global %s buffer for "
292     "export src since the local memory is aliased, so the export src is taken "
293     "from it */\n"
294     "                       /* there isn't a dedicated __global %s buffer for "
295     "export dst since import src and export dst are aliased */\n"
296     "                       __local %s *localBuffer, /* there isn't another "
297     "__local %s local buffer since import dst and export src are aliased*/\n"
298     "                       int importSrcLocalSize, int "
299     "importCopiesPerWorkItem,\n"
300     "                       int exportSrcLocalSize, int "
301     "exportCopiesPerWorkItem )\n"
302     "{\n"
303     "    int i;\n"
304     // Zero the local storage first
305     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
306     "        localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
307     "(%s)(%s)0;\n"
308     "    }\n"
309     "    // no need to set another local buffer values to (%s)(%s)0 since "
310     "import dst and export src are aliased (use the same buffer)\n"
311     // Do this to verify all kernels are done zeroing the local buffer before we
312     // try the import and export
313     "    barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
314     "    event_t events;\n"
315     "    events = async_work_group_copy( (__local %s*)localBuffer, (__global "
316     "const %s*)(importSrcExportDst+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0)), "
317     "(size_t)importSrcLocalSize, 0 );\n"
318     "    async_work_group_copy_fence( CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE | "
319     "CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE );\n"
320     "    events = async_work_group_copy((__global "
321     "%s*)(importSrcExportDst+importSrcLocalSize*get_group_id(0) + "
322     "(importSrcLocalSize - exportSrcLocalSize)), (__local const "
323     "%s*)(localBuffer + (importSrcLocalSize - exportSrcLocalSize)), "
324     "(size_t)exportSrcLocalSize, events );\n"
325     // Wait for the import and export to complete, then verify by manually
326     // copying to the dest
327     "    wait_group_events( 2, &events );\n"
328     "    for(i=0; i<importCopiesPerWorkItem; i++) {\n"
329     "        importDst[ get_global_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ] = "
330     "localBuffer[ get_local_id( 0 )*importCopiesPerWorkItem+i ];\n"
331     "    }\n"
332     "}\n";
test_copy_fence(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,const char * kernelCode,ExplicitType vecType,int vecSize,bool export_after_import,bool aliased_local_mem,bool aliased_global_mem)334 int test_copy_fence(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context,
335                     cl_command_queue queue, const char *kernelCode,
336                     ExplicitType vecType, int vecSize, bool export_after_import,
337                     bool aliased_local_mem, bool aliased_global_mem)
338 {
339     int error;
340     clProgramWrapper program;
341     clKernelWrapper kernel;
342     clMemWrapper streams[4];
343     size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
344     void *transaction1InBuffer, *transaction1OutBuffer, *transaction2InBuffer,
345         *transaction2OutBuffer;
346     MTdata d;
347     bool transaction1DstIsTransaction2Src =
348         (aliased_global_mem && !export_after_import)
349         || (aliased_local_mem && export_after_import);
350     bool transaction1SrcIsTransaction2Dst =
351         aliased_global_mem && export_after_import;
352     char vecNameString[64];
353     vecNameString[0] = 0;
354     if (vecSize == 1)
355         sprintf(vecNameString, "%s", get_explicit_type_name(vecType));
356     else
357         sprintf(vecNameString, "%s%d", get_explicit_type_name(vecType),
358                 vecSize);
360     size_t elementSize = get_explicit_type_size(vecType) * vecSize;
361     log_info("Testing %s\n", vecNameString);
363     cl_long max_local_mem_size;
364     error =
365         clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE,
366                         sizeof(max_local_mem_size), &max_local_mem_size, NULL);
367     test_error(error, "clGetDeviceInfo for CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE failed.");
369     unsigned int num_of_compute_devices;
370     error = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS,
371                             sizeof(num_of_compute_devices),
372                             &num_of_compute_devices, NULL);
373     test_error(error,
374                "clGetDeviceInfo for CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS failed.");
376     char programSource[4096];
377     programSource[0] = 0;
378     char *programPtr;
380     sprintf(programSource, kernelCode,
381             vecType == kDouble ? "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable"
382                                : "",
383             vecNameString, vecNameString, vecNameString, vecNameString,
384             vecNameString, vecNameString, vecNameString,
385             get_explicit_type_name(vecType), vecNameString,
386             get_explicit_type_name(vecType), vecNameString, vecNameString,
387             vecNameString, vecNameString);
388     // log_info("program: %s\n", programSource);
389     programPtr = programSource;
391     error = create_single_kernel_helper(context, &program, &kernel, 1,
392                                         (const char **)&programPtr, "test_fn");
393     test_error(error, "Unable to create testing kernel");
395     size_t max_workgroup_size;
396     error = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(
397         kernel, deviceID, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(max_workgroup_size),
398         &max_workgroup_size, NULL);
399     test_error(
400         error,
401         "clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo failed for CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE.");
403     size_t max_local_workgroup_size[3];
404     error = clGetDeviceInfo(deviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES,
405                             sizeof(max_local_workgroup_size),
406                             max_local_workgroup_size, NULL);
407     test_error(error,
408                "clGetDeviceInfo failed for CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES");
410     // Pick the minimum of the device and the kernel
411     if (max_workgroup_size > max_local_workgroup_size[0])
412         max_workgroup_size = max_local_workgroup_size[0];
414     size_t transaction1NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem = 13;
415     size_t transaction2NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem = 2;
416     elementSize =
417         get_explicit_type_size(vecType) * ((vecSize == 3) ? 4 : vecSize);
418     size_t localStorageSpacePerWorkitem =
419         transaction1NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem * elementSize
420         + (aliased_local_mem
421                ? 0
422                : transaction2NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem * elementSize);
423     size_t maxLocalWorkgroupSize =
424         (((int)max_local_mem_size / 2) / localStorageSpacePerWorkitem);
426     // Calculation can return 0 on embedded devices due to 1KB local mem limit
427     if (maxLocalWorkgroupSize == 0)
428     {
429         maxLocalWorkgroupSize = 1;
430     }
432     size_t localWorkgroupSize = maxLocalWorkgroupSize;
433     if (maxLocalWorkgroupSize > max_workgroup_size)
434         localWorkgroupSize = max_workgroup_size;
436     size_t transaction1LocalBufferSize = localWorkgroupSize * elementSize
437         * transaction1NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem;
438     size_t transaction2LocalBufferSize = localWorkgroupSize * elementSize
439         * transaction2NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem; // irrelevant if
440                                                  // aliased_local_mem
441     size_t numberOfLocalWorkgroups = 1111;
442     size_t transaction1GlobalBufferSize =
443         numberOfLocalWorkgroups * transaction1LocalBufferSize;
444     size_t transaction2GlobalBufferSize =
445         numberOfLocalWorkgroups * transaction2LocalBufferSize;
446     size_t globalWorkgroupSize = numberOfLocalWorkgroups * localWorkgroupSize;
448     transaction1InBuffer = (void *)malloc(transaction1GlobalBufferSize);
449     transaction1OutBuffer = (void *)malloc(transaction1GlobalBufferSize);
450     transaction2InBuffer = (void *)malloc(transaction2GlobalBufferSize);
451     transaction2OutBuffer = (void *)malloc(transaction2GlobalBufferSize);
452     memset(transaction1OutBuffer, 0, transaction1GlobalBufferSize);
453     memset(transaction2OutBuffer, 0, transaction2GlobalBufferSize);
455     cl_int transaction1CopiesPerWorkitemInt, transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup,
456         transaction2CopiesPerWorkitemInt, transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup;
457     transaction1CopiesPerWorkitemInt =
458         (int)transaction1NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem;
459     transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup =
460         (int)(transaction1NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem * localWorkgroupSize);
461     transaction2CopiesPerWorkitemInt =
462         (int)transaction2NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem;
463     transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup =
464         (int)(transaction2NumberOfCopiesPerWorkitem * localWorkgroupSize);
466     log_info(
467         "Global: %d, local %d. 1st Transaction: local buffer %db, global "
468         "buffer %db, each work group will copy %d elements and each work "
469         "item item will copy %d elements. 2nd Transaction: local buffer "
470         "%db, global buffer %db, each work group will copy %d elements and "
471         "each work item will copy %d elements\n",
472         (int)globalWorkgroupSize, (int)localWorkgroupSize,
473         (int)transaction1LocalBufferSize, (int)transaction1GlobalBufferSize,
474         transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup, transaction1CopiesPerWorkitemInt,
475         (int)transaction2LocalBufferSize, (int)transaction2GlobalBufferSize,
476         transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup, transaction2CopiesPerWorkitemInt);
478     threads[0] = globalWorkgroupSize;
479     localThreads[0] = localWorkgroupSize;
481     d = init_genrand(gRandomSeed);
482     generate_random_data(
483         vecType, transaction1GlobalBufferSize / get_explicit_type_size(vecType),
484         d, transaction1InBuffer);
485     if (!transaction1DstIsTransaction2Src)
486     {
487         generate_random_data(vecType,
488                              transaction2GlobalBufferSize
489                                  / get_explicit_type_size(vecType),
490                              d, transaction2InBuffer);
491     }
492     free_mtdata(d);
493     d = NULL;
495     streams[0] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
496                                 transaction1GlobalBufferSize,
497                                 transaction1InBuffer, &error);
498     test_error(error, "Unable to create input buffer");
499     streams[1] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
500                                 transaction1GlobalBufferSize,
501                                 transaction1OutBuffer, &error);
502     test_error(error, "Unable to create output buffer");
503     if (!transaction1DstIsTransaction2Src)
504     {
505         streams[2] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
506                                     transaction2GlobalBufferSize,
507                                     transaction2InBuffer, &error);
508         test_error(error, "Unable to create input buffer");
509     }
510     if (!transaction1SrcIsTransaction2Dst)
511     {
512         streams[3] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
513                                     transaction2GlobalBufferSize,
514                                     transaction2OutBuffer, &error);
515         test_error(error, "Unable to create output buffer");
516     }
518     cl_uint argIndex = 0;
519     error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(streams[0]), &streams[0]);
520     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
521     ++argIndex;
522     error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(streams[1]), &streams[1]);
523     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
524     ++argIndex;
525     if (!transaction1DstIsTransaction2Src)
526     {
527         error =
528             clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(streams[2]), &streams[2]);
529         test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
530         ++argIndex;
531     }
532     if (!transaction1SrcIsTransaction2Dst)
533     {
534         error =
535             clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(streams[3]), &streams[3]);
536         test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
537         ++argIndex;
538     }
539     error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, transaction1LocalBufferSize, NULL);
540     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
541     ++argIndex;
542     if (!aliased_local_mem)
543     {
544         error =
545             clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, transaction2LocalBufferSize, NULL);
546         test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
547         ++argIndex;
548     }
549     error =
550         clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup),
551                        &transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup);
552     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
553     ++argIndex;
554     error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex,
555                            sizeof(transaction1CopiesPerWorkitemInt),
556                            &transaction1CopiesPerWorkitemInt);
557     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
558     ++argIndex;
559     error =
560         clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex, sizeof(transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup),
561                        &transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup);
562     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
563     ++argIndex;
564     error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, argIndex,
565                            sizeof(transaction2CopiesPerWorkitemInt),
566                            &transaction2CopiesPerWorkitemInt);
567     test_error(error, "Unable to set kernel argument");
569     // Enqueue
570     error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads,
571                                    localThreads, 0, NULL, NULL);
572     test_error(error, "Unable to queue kernel");
574     // Read
575     error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, streams[1], CL_TRUE, 0,
576                                 transaction1GlobalBufferSize,
577                                 transaction1OutBuffer, 0, NULL, NULL);
578     test_error(error, "Unable to read results");
579     if (transaction1DstIsTransaction2Src)
580     {
581         for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numberOfLocalWorkgroups; idx++)
582         {
583             memcpy(
584                 (void *)((unsigned char *)transaction2InBuffer
585                          + idx * transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup * elementSize),
586                 (const void *)((unsigned char *)transaction1OutBuffer
587                                + (idx * transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup
588                                   + (transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup
589                                      - transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup))
590                                    * elementSize),
591                 (size_t)transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup * elementSize);
592         }
593     }
594     if (transaction1SrcIsTransaction2Dst)
595     {
596         void *transaction1SrcBuffer =
597             (void *)malloc(transaction1GlobalBufferSize);
598         error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, streams[0], CL_TRUE, 0,
599                                     transaction1GlobalBufferSize,
600                                     transaction1SrcBuffer, 0, NULL, NULL);
601         test_error(error, "Unable to read results");
602         for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numberOfLocalWorkgroups; idx++)
603         {
604             memcpy(
605                 (void *)((unsigned char *)transaction2OutBuffer
606                          + idx * transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup * elementSize),
607                 (const void *)((unsigned char *)transaction1SrcBuffer
608                                + (idx * transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup
609                                   + (transaction1CopiesPerWorkgroup
610                                      - transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup))
611                                    * elementSize),
612                 (size_t)transaction2CopiesPerWorkgroup * elementSize);
613         }
614         free(transaction1SrcBuffer);
615     }
616     else
617     {
618         error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, streams[3], CL_TRUE, 0,
619                                     transaction2GlobalBufferSize,
620                                     transaction2OutBuffer, 0, NULL, NULL);
621         test_error(error, "Unable to read results");
622     }
624     // Verify
625     int failuresPrinted = 0;
626     if (memcmp(transaction1InBuffer, transaction1OutBuffer,
627                transaction1GlobalBufferSize)
628         != 0)
629     {
630         size_t typeSize = get_explicit_type_size(vecType) * vecSize;
631         unsigned char *inchar = (unsigned char *)transaction1InBuffer;
632         unsigned char *outchar = (unsigned char *)transaction1OutBuffer;
633         for (int i = 0; i < (int)transaction1GlobalBufferSize;
634              i += (int)elementSize)
635         {
636             if (memcmp(((char *)inchar) + i, ((char *)outchar) + i, typeSize)
637                 != 0)
638             {
639                 char values[4096];
640                 values[0] = 0;
641                 if (failuresPrinted == 0)
642                 {
643                     // Print first failure message
644                     log_error("ERROR: Results of 1st transaction did not "
645                               "validate!\n");
646                 }
647                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%d -> [", i);
648                 for (int j = 0; j < (int)elementSize; j++)
649                     sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%2x ", inchar[i + j]);
650                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "] != [");
651                 for (int j = 0; j < (int)elementSize; j++)
652                     sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%2x ", outchar[i + j]);
653                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "]");
654                 log_error("%s\n", values);
655                 failuresPrinted++;
656             }
658             if (failuresPrinted > 5)
659             {
660                 log_error("Not printing further failures...\n");
661                 break;
662             }
663         }
664     }
665     if (memcmp(transaction2InBuffer, transaction2OutBuffer,
666                transaction2GlobalBufferSize)
667         != 0)
668     {
669         size_t typeSize = get_explicit_type_size(vecType) * vecSize;
670         unsigned char *inchar = (unsigned char *)transaction2InBuffer;
671         unsigned char *outchar = (unsigned char *)transaction2OutBuffer;
672         for (int i = 0; i < (int)transaction2GlobalBufferSize;
673              i += (int)elementSize)
674         {
675             if (memcmp(((char *)inchar) + i, ((char *)outchar) + i, typeSize)
676                 != 0)
677             {
678                 char values[4096];
679                 values[0] = 0;
680                 if (failuresPrinted == 0)
681                 {
682                     // Print first failure message
683                     log_error("ERROR: Results of 2nd transaction did not "
684                               "validate!\n");
685                 }
686                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%d -> [", i);
687                 for (int j = 0; j < (int)elementSize; j++)
688                     sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%2x ", inchar[i + j]);
689                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "] != [");
690                 for (int j = 0; j < (int)elementSize; j++)
691                     sprintf(values + strlen(values), "%2x ", outchar[i + j]);
692                 sprintf(values + strlen(values), "]");
693                 log_error("%s\n", values);
694                 failuresPrinted++;
695             }
697             if (failuresPrinted > 5)
698             {
699                 log_error("Not printing further failures...\n");
700                 break;
701             }
702         }
703     }
705     free(transaction1InBuffer);
706     free(transaction1OutBuffer);
707     free(transaction2InBuffer);
708     free(transaction2OutBuffer);
710     return failuresPrinted ? -1 : 0;
711 }
test_copy_fence_all_types(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,const char * kernelCode,bool export_after_import,bool aliased_local_mem,bool aliased_global_mem)713 int test_copy_fence_all_types(cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context,
714                               cl_command_queue queue, const char *kernelCode,
715                               bool export_after_import, bool aliased_local_mem,
716                               bool aliased_global_mem)
717 {
718     ExplicitType vecType[] = {
719         kChar,  kUChar, kShort,  kUShort,          kInt, kUInt, kLong,
720         kULong, kFloat, kDouble, kNumExplicitTypes
721     };
722     unsigned int vecSizes[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 0 };
723     unsigned int size, typeIndex;
725     int errors = 0;
727     if (!is_extension_available(deviceID, "cl_khr_async_work_group_copy_fence"))
728     {
729         log_info(
730             "Device does not support extended async copies fence. Skipping "
731             "test.\n");
732         return 0;
733     }
735     for (typeIndex = 0; vecType[typeIndex] != kNumExplicitTypes; typeIndex++)
736     {
737         if (vecType[typeIndex] == kDouble
738             && !is_extension_available(deviceID, "cl_khr_fp64"))
739             continue;
741         if ((vecType[typeIndex] == kLong || vecType[typeIndex] == kULong)
742             && !gHasLong)
743             continue;
745         for (size = 0; vecSizes[size] != 0; size++)
746         {
747             if (test_copy_fence(deviceID, context, queue, kernelCode,
748                                 vecType[typeIndex], vecSizes[size],
749                                 export_after_import, aliased_local_mem,
750                                 aliased_global_mem))
751             {
752                 errors++;
753             }
754         }
755     }
756     if (errors) return -1;
757     return 0;
758 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_local(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)760 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_local(
761     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
762     int num_elements)
763 {
764     return test_copy_fence_all_types(deviceID, context, queue,
765                                      import_after_export_aliased_local_kernel,
766                                      false, true, false);
767 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)769 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global(
770     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
771     int num_elements)
772 {
773     return test_copy_fence_all_types(deviceID, context, queue,
774                                      import_after_export_aliased_global_kernel,
775                                      false, false, true);
776 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global_and_local(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)778 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_import_after_export_aliased_global_and_local(
779     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
780     int num_elements)
781 {
782     return test_copy_fence_all_types(
783         deviceID, context, queue,
784         import_after_export_aliased_global_and_local_kernel, false, true, true);
785 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_local(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)787 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_local(
788     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
789     int num_elements)
790 {
791     return test_copy_fence_all_types(deviceID, context, queue,
792                                      export_after_import_aliased_local_kernel,
793                                      true, true, false);
794 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)796 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global(
797     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
798     int num_elements)
799 {
800     return test_copy_fence_all_types(deviceID, context, queue,
801                                      export_after_import_aliased_global_kernel,
802                                      true, false, true);
803 }
test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global_and_local(cl_device_id deviceID,cl_context context,cl_command_queue queue,int num_elements)805 int test_async_work_group_copy_fence_export_after_import_aliased_global_and_local(
806     cl_device_id deviceID, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
807     int num_elements)
808 {
809     return test_copy_fence_all_types(
810         deviceID, context, queue,
811         export_after_import_aliased_global_and_local_kernel, true, true, true);
812 }