1*                                          text=auto
2*.sln                                      eol=crlf
3*.vcxproj                                  eol=crlf
4*.vcxproj.filters                          eol=crlf
5*.bat                                      eol=crlf
6*.rc                                       eol=crlf
7**/compiled/*.h                            eol=crlf
8**/shaders/gen/*.inc                       eol=lf
9*.sh                                       eol=lf
10*.gn                                       eol=lf
11*.gni                                      eol=lf
12src/compiler/preprocessor/preprocessor_*.* eol=lf
13src/compiler/translator/glslang_*.*        eol=lf
15# Git conflict markers in the json file break the code generator.
16# Using a binary merge strategy forces conflicts without changing file contents.
17scripts/code_generation_hashes/*.json merge=binary