2 // Generated by gen_builtin_symbols.py using data from builtin_variables.json and
3 // builtin_function_declarations.txt.
4 //
5 // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
6 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
7 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 //
9 // SymbolTable_autogen.h:
10 //   Autogenerated member variables of TSymbolTable.
15 namespace sh
16 {
18 class TSymbolTableBase
19 {
20   public:
21     TSymbolTableBase()                                       = default;
22     TSymbol *m_gl_DepthRangeParameters                       = nullptr;
23     TSymbol *m_gl_DepthRange                                 = nullptr;
24     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexAttribs                           = nullptr;
25     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors                    = nullptr;
26     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits                 = nullptr;
27     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits               = nullptr;
28     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTextureImageUnits                       = nullptr;
29     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors                  = nullptr;
30     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVaryingVectors                          = nullptr;
31     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxDrawBuffers                             = nullptr;
32     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxDualSourceDrawBuffersEXT                = nullptr;
33     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexOutputVectors                     = nullptr;
34     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxFragmentInputVectors                    = nullptr;
35     TSymbol *m_gl_MinProgramTexelOffset                      = nullptr;
36     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset                      = nullptr;
37     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxImageUnits                              = nullptr;
38     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexImageUniforms                     = nullptr;
39     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxFragmentImageUniforms                   = nullptr;
40     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeImageUniforms                    = nullptr;
41     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedImageUniforms                   = nullptr;
42     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedShaderOutputResources           = nullptr;
43     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupCount                   = nullptr;
44     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeWorkGroupSize                    = nullptr;
45     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeUniformComponents                = nullptr;
46     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeTextureImageUnits                = nullptr;
47     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounters                   = nullptr;
48     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxComputeAtomicCounterBuffers             = nullptr;
49     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounters                    = nullptr;
50     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounters                  = nullptr;
51     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounters                  = nullptr;
52     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings                   = nullptr;
53     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers              = nullptr;
54     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers            = nullptr;
55     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers            = nullptr;
56     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize                 = nullptr;
57     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryInputComponents                 = nullptr;
58     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryInputComponentsES3_2            = nullptr;
59     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents                = nullptr;
60     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponentsES3_2           = nullptr;
61     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryImageUniforms                   = nullptr;
62     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryImageUniformsES3_2              = nullptr;
63     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits               = nullptr;
64     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnitsES3_2          = nullptr;
65     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices                  = nullptr;
66     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryOutputVerticesES3_2             = nullptr;
67     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents           = nullptr;
68     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponentsES3_2      = nullptr;
69     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents               = nullptr;
70     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponentsES3_2          = nullptr;
71     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounters                  = nullptr;
72     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCountersES3_2             = nullptr;
73     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers            = nullptr;
74     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffersES3_2       = nullptr;
75     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents              = nullptr;
76     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlInputComponentsES3_2         = nullptr;
77     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents             = nullptr;
78     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponentsES3_2        = nullptr;
79     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits            = nullptr;
80     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnitsES3_2       = nullptr;
81     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents            = nullptr;
82     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponentsES3_2       = nullptr;
83     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents        = nullptr;
84     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponentsES3_2   = nullptr;
85     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlImageUniforms                = nullptr;
86     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlImageUniformsES3_2           = nullptr;
87     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounters               = nullptr;
88     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCountersES3_2          = nullptr;
89     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers         = nullptr;
90     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffersES3_2    = nullptr;
91     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessPatchComponents                     = nullptr;
92     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessPatchComponentsES3_2                = nullptr;
93     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxPatchVertices                           = nullptr;
94     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxPatchVerticesES3_2                      = nullptr;
95     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessGenLevel                            = nullptr;
96     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessGenLevelES3_2                       = nullptr;
97     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents           = nullptr;
98     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponentsES3_2      = nullptr;
99     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents          = nullptr;
100     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponentsES3_2     = nullptr;
101     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits         = nullptr;
102     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnitsES3_2    = nullptr;
103     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents         = nullptr;
104     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponentsES3_2    = nullptr;
105     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms             = nullptr;
106     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniformsES3_2        = nullptr;
107     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters            = nullptr;
108     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCountersES3_2       = nullptr;
109     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers      = nullptr;
110     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffersES3_2 = nullptr;
111     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxSamples                                 = nullptr;
112     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxSamplesES3_2                            = nullptr;
113     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxClipDistancesAPPLE                      = nullptr;
114     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCullDistancesEXT                        = nullptr;
115     TSymbol *m_gl_MaxCombinedClipAndCullDistancesEXT         = nullptr;
116     TSymbol *m_gl_FragData                                   = nullptr;
117     TSymbol *m_gl_SecondaryFragDataEXT                       = nullptr;
118     TSymbol *m_gl_FragDepthEXT                               = nullptr;
119     TSymbol *m_gl_LastFragData                               = nullptr;
120     TSymbol *m_gl_LastFragDataNonCoherent                    = nullptr;
121     TSymbol *m_gl_LastFragDataNV                             = nullptr;
122     TSymbol *m_gl_SampleMaskIn                               = nullptr;
123     TSymbol *m_gl_SampleMaskInES3_2                          = nullptr;
124     TSymbol *m_gl_SampleMask                                 = nullptr;
125     TSymbol *m_gl_SampleMaskES3_2                            = nullptr;
126     TSymbol *m_gl_CullDistance                               = nullptr;
127     TSymbol *m_gl_ClipDistance                               = nullptr;
128     TSymbol *m_gl_ClipDistanceAPPLE                          = nullptr;
129     TSymbol *m_gl_CullDistanceEXT                            = nullptr;
130     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertex                                  = nullptr;
131     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertexES3_2                             = nullptr;
132     TSymbol *m_gl_in                                         = nullptr;
133     TSymbol *m_gl_inES3_2                                    = nullptr;
134     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionGS                                 = nullptr;
135     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionGSES3_2                            = nullptr;
136     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelOuterTCS                          = nullptr;
137     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelOuterTCSES3_2                     = nullptr;
138     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelInnerTCS                          = nullptr;
139     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelInnerTCSES3_2                     = nullptr;
140     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertexTCS                               = nullptr;
141     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertexTCSES3_2                          = nullptr;
142     TSymbol *m_gl_inTCS                                      = nullptr;
143     TSymbol *m_gl_inTCSES3_2                                 = nullptr;
144     TSymbol *m_gl_outTCS                                     = nullptr;
145     TSymbol *m_gl_outTCSES3_2                                = nullptr;
146     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionTCS                                = nullptr;
147     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionTCSES3_2                           = nullptr;
148     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelOuterTES                          = nullptr;
149     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelOuterTESES3_2                     = nullptr;
150     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelInnerTES                          = nullptr;
151     TSymbol *m_gl_TessLevelInnerTESES3_2                     = nullptr;
152     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertexTES                               = nullptr;
153     TSymbol *m_gl_PerVertexTESES3_2                          = nullptr;
154     TSymbol *m_gl_inTES                                      = nullptr;
155     TSymbol *m_gl_inTESES3_2                                 = nullptr;
156     TSymbol *m_gl_outTES                                     = nullptr;
157     TSymbol *m_gl_outTESES3_2                                = nullptr;
158     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionTES                                = nullptr;
159     TSymbol *m_gl_PositionTESES3_2                           = nullptr;
160 };
162 }  // namespace sh