1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3	Name="ANTLR3 Lexer"
4	Version="8.00"
5	>
6	<Rules>
7		<CustomBuildRule
8			Name="Antlr3Lexer"
9			DisplayName="ANTLR 3 Lexer Grammar Translation"
10			CommandLine="[java] [JavaOptions] [ANTLR3Jar] org.antlr.Tool [LibDir] -[Absolute]o [OutputDirectory] -message-format vs2005 [DFA] [NFA] [Report] [Print] [Debug] [Profile] [AST] [TextDFA] [EBNFExits] [CollapseEdges] [DebugNFA] [MaxRules] [MaxDFAEdges] [DFATimeout] [inputs]"
11			Outputs="[OutputDirectory]\$(InputName).c;[OutputDirectory]\$(InputName).h"
12			FileExtensions="*.g3l;*.gl;*.g"
13			ExecutionDescription="Translating to lexer."
14			SupportsFileBatching="true"
15			>
16			<Properties>
17				<StringProperty
18					Name="JavaOptions"
19					DisplayName="Java VM Options"
20					PropertyPageName="Java"
21					Description="Specify any options required to invoke the java VM on this grammar file. Sometimes larger grammars require more memory than the standard allocation and you can specify this here."
22					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
23					Switch="[value]"
24					Delimited="true"
25					Inheritable="true"
26				/>
27				<BooleanProperty
28					Name="DFA"
29					DisplayName="Generate DFA dots"
30					PropertyPageName="DOT"
31					Category="DOT Ouputs"
32					Description="When set to True ANTLR3 will produce a number of .dot files that can be used with dot/graphviz to genreate pictorial representations of the DFAs gnerated for this grammar."
33					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
34					Switch="-dfa"
35				/>
36				<BooleanProperty
37					Name="NFA"
38					DisplayName="Generate NFA DOTs"
39					Category="DOT Outputs"
40					Description="When set to True ANTLR3 will produce a number of .dot files that can be used with dot/graphviz to genreate pictorial representations of the NFAs generated for this grammar."
41					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
42					Switch="-nfa"
43				/>
44				<BooleanProperty
45					Name="Report"
46					DisplayName="Generate Report"
47					PropertyPageName="Reporting"
48					Category="Reporting"
49					Description="If set to True then ANTLR3 will generate reports about the grammar file(s) it processes."
50					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
51					Switch="-report"
52				/>
53				<BooleanProperty
54					Name="Print"
55					DisplayName="Print grammar"
56					PropertyPageName="Reporting"
57					Category="Reporting"
58					Description="If set to True ANTLR3 will print out the grammar without the associated actions"
59					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
60					Switch="-print"
61				/>
62				<BooleanProperty
63					Name="Debug"
64					DisplayName="Debug mode"
65					PropertyPageName="Code Generation"
66					Category="Output"
67					Description="If set to True ANTLR3 will generate code that fires debugging events. [JI - Not yet implemented]"
68					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
69					Switch="-debug"
70				/>
71				<BooleanProperty
72					Name="Profile"
73					DisplayName="Generate profile"
74					Category="Output"
75					Description="If set to True ANTLR3 will generate code that computes profiling information [JI - not yet implemented]"
76					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
77					Switch="-profile"
78				/>
79				<BooleanProperty
80					Name="AST"
81					DisplayName="Show AST"
82					PropertyPageName="Extended"
83					Category="Extended"
84					Description="If True ANTLR3 will print out the grammar AST"
85					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
86					Switch="-Xgrtree"
87				/>
88				<StringProperty
89					Name="LibDir"
90					DisplayName="Token directory"
91					PropertyPageName="Code Generation"
92					Category="General"
93					Description="In which directory can ANTLR3 locate grammar token files if not in the same directory as the grammar file."
94					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
95					Switch="-lib [value]"
96					DefaultValue="$(InputDir)"
97				/>
98				<BooleanProperty
99					Name="TextDFA"
100					DisplayName="Text DFA"
101					PropertyPageName="Extended"
102					Category="Extended"
103					Description="If True ANTLR3 will generate a text version of the DFAsfor this grammar."
104					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
105					Switch="-Xdfa"
106				/>
107				<BooleanProperty
108					Name="EBNFExits"
109					DisplayName="EBNF Exits"
110					PropertyPageName="Extended"
111					Category="Extended"
112					Description="If True ANTLR3 will not test EBNF exit branches."
113					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
114					Switch="-Xnoprune"
115				/>
116				<StringProperty
117					Name="OutputDirectory"
118					DisplayName="Output Directory"
119					PropertyPageName="Code Generation"
120					Description="Which directory the generated output files be sent to if not the same directory as the grammar file."
121					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
122					Switch="[value]"
123					DefaultValue="$(InputDir)"
124				/>
125				<BooleanProperty
126					Name="CollapseEdges"
127					DisplayName="Collapse Edges"
128					PropertyPageName="Extended"
129					Category="Extended"
130					Description="Collapse incident edges into DFA states"
131					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
132					Switch="-Xnocollapse"
133				/>
134				<BooleanProperty
135					Name="DebugNFA"
136					DisplayName="Debug NFA"
137					Category="Reporting"
138					Description="If True, ANTLR3 will dump lots of information to the screen during NFA conversion."
139					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
140					Switch="-Xdbgconversion "
141				/>
142				<StringProperty
143					Name="ANTLR3Jar"
144					DisplayName="ANTLR3 Jar"
145					Category="JavaVM"
146					Description="Specifies the absolute location of the ANTLR3 jar file if it is not in a location covered by %CLASSPATH%. Specify using UNIX directory delimiters to minimize problems."
147					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
148					Switch="-jar &quot;[value]&quot;"
149				/>
150				<StringProperty
151					Name="Java"
152					DisplayName="Java command"
153					Description="Specifies the command that invokes the java VM. Usually java, but could be something else such as jikes"
154					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
155					Switch="[value]"
156					DefaultValue="java"
157				/>
158				<IntegerProperty
159					Name="MaxRules"
160					DisplayName="Max rule call"
161					PropertyPageName="Extended"
162					Category="Analysis"
163					Description="Maximum number of rule invocations during conversion"
164					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
165					Switch="-Xm [value]"
166					DefaultValue="4"
167				/>
168				<IntegerProperty
169					Name="MaxDFAEdges"
170					DisplayName="Max DFA Edges"
171					PropertyPageName="Extended"
172					Category="Extended"
173					Description="Maximum &quot;comfortable&quot; number of edges for single DFA state"
174					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
175					Switch="-Xmaxdfaedges [value]"
176					DefaultValue="65534"
177				/>
178				<IntegerProperty
179					Name="DFATimeout"
180					DisplayName="DFA Timeout"
181					PropertyPageName="Extended"
182					Category="Extended"
183					Description="DFA conversion timeout period for each decision."
184					HelpURL="http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Command+line+options"
185					Switch="-Xconversiontimeout [value]"
186					DefaultValue="1000"
187				/>
188				<BooleanProperty
189					Name="Absolute"
190					DisplayName="Absolute Directories"
191					PropertyPageName="Code Generation"
192					Description="If true, causes ANTLR to assume output directory is always the absolute output path and not to use relative paths as per the intput spec. For visual studio, this should usually be set to true."
193					Switch="f"
194					DefaultValue="true"
195				/>
196			</Properties>
197		</CustomBuildRule>
198	</Rules>