1Changes with version 1.0.5 2 3 *) Added support for pypy 2.2 4 5 *) Updated benchmarks 6 7 *) Relint with newer pylint 8 9 *) Fix locale problem with the setup script on python3. 10 Submitted by https://github.com/svenstaro 11 12 13Changes with version 1.0.4 14 15 *) Documentation and benchmark updates 16 17 18Changes with version 1.0.3 19 20 *) Added support for the following grouping @-rules: 21 @supports, @document, @keyframes 22 23 *) Added support for Python 3.4 and Jython 2.7 24 25 26Changes with version 1.0.2 27 28 *) Added compat option to setup.py supporting the pip installer 29 30 *) Added support for pypy (1.9, 2.0) 31 32 *) Added support for jython (2.5) 33 34 35Changes with version 1.0.1 36 37 *) Added support for Python 3.3 38 39 40Changes with version 1.0.0 41 42 *) First stable release. 43