1<!doctype html> 2 3<!-- 4 @license 5 Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. 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32 background-size: 100% 4px; 33 } 34 35 .paragraph { 36 margin-bottom: 20px; 37 } 38 </style> 39 <style is="custom-style"> 40 .paper-font-display4 { 41 @apply(--paper-font-display4); 42 } 43 44 .paper-font-display3 { 45 @apply(--paper-font-display3); 46 } 47 48 .paper-font-display2 { 49 @apply(--paper-font-display2); 50 } 51 52 .paper-font-display1 { 53 @apply(--paper-font-display1); 54 } 55 56 .paper-font-headline { 57 @apply(--paper-font-headline); 58 } 59 60 .paper-font-title { 61 @apply(--paper-font-title); 62 } 63 64 .paper-font-subhead { 65 @apply(--paper-font-subhead); 66 } 67 68 .paper-font-body2 { 69 @apply(--paper-font-body2); 70 } 71 72 .paper-font-body1 { 73 @apply(--paper-font-body1); 74 } 75 76 .paper-font-caption { 77 @apply(--paper-font-caption); 78 } 79 80 .paper-font-menu { 81 @apply(--paper-font-menu); 82 } 83 84 .paper-font-button { 85 @apply(--paper-font-button); 86 } 87 88 .mobile-app { 89 max-width: 320px; 90 } 91 92 .toolbar { 93 height: 144px; 94 padding: 16px; 95 96 background: var(--default-primary-color); 97 color: var(--text-primary-color); 98 @apply(--paper-font-display1); 99 } 100 101 .item, .disabled-item { 102 position: relative; 103 padding: 8px; 104 border: 1px solid; 105 border-color: var(--divider-color); 106 border-top: 0; 107 } 108 109 .item .primary { 110 color: var(--primary-text-color); 111 112 @apply(--paper-font-body2); 113 } 114 115 .item .secondary { 116 color: var(--secondary-text-color); 117 118 @apply(--paper-font-body1); 119 } 120 121 .disabled-item { 122 color: var(--disabled-text-color); 123 124 @apply(--paper-font-body2); 125 } 126 127 .fab { 128 position: absolute; 129 box-sizing: border-box; 130 padding: 8px; 131 width: 56px; 132 height: 56px; 133 right: 16px; 134 top: -28px; 135 border-radius: 50%; 136 text-align: center; 137 138 background: var(--accent-color); 139 color: var(--text-primary-color); 140 @apply(--paper-font-display1); 141 } 142 143 .shadow { 144 display: inline-block; 145 padding: 8px; 146 margin: 16px; 147 height: 50px; 148 width: 50px; 149 } 150 151 .shadow-2dp { 152 @apply(--shadow-elevation-2dp); 153 } 154 155 .shadow-3dp { 156 @apply(--shadow-elevation-3dp); 157 } 158 159 .shadow-4dp { 160 @apply(--shadow-elevation-4dp); 161 } 162 163 .shadow-6dp { 164 @apply(--shadow-elevation-6dp); 165 } 166 167 .shadow-8dp { 168 @apply(--shadow-elevation-8dp); 169 } 170 171 .shadow-12dp { 172 @apply(--shadow-elevation-12dp); 173 } 174 175 .shadow-16dp { 176 @apply(--shadow-elevation-16dp); 177 } 178 </style> 179 180 <body unresolved> 181 <h1>paper-styles</h1> 182 183 <section id="default-theme"> 184 <h2>default-theme.html</h2> 185 186 <section class="mobile-app"> 187 <div class="toolbar"> 188 Title 189 </div> 190 <div class="item"> 191 <div class="fab">+</div> 192 <div class="primary">Primary text</div> 193 <div class="secondary">Secondary text</div> 194 </div> 195 <div class="disabled-item"> 196 Disabled 197 </div> 198 </section> 199 </section> 200 201 <section id="typography"> 202 <h2>typography.html</h2> 203 <p> 204 Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. 205 </p> 206 <section class="redlines paragraph"> 207 <div class="paper-font-display4">Display 4</div> 208 <div class="paper-font-display3">Display 3</div> 209 <div class="paper-font-display2">Display 2</div> 210 <div class="paper-font-display1">Display 1</div> 211 <div class="paper-font-headline">Headline</div> 212 <div class="paper-font-title">Title</div> 213 <div class="paper-font-subhead">Subhead</div> 214 <div class="paper-font-body2">Body 2</div> 215 <div class="paper-font-body1">Body 1</div> 216 <div class="paper-font-caption">Caption</div> 217 <div class="paper-font-menu">Menu</div> 218 <div class="paper-font-button">Button</div> 219 </section> 220 221 <h3>Paragraphs</h3> 222 223 <h4>body2</h4> 224 <section class="paper-font-body2 redlines"> 225 <p> 226 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi 227 tincidunt dui sit amet mi auctor, ac gravida magna aliquam. Fusce quis 228 purus elementum, tempus nisi vel, volutpat nulla. Vestibulum mollis 229 dictum tellus, vulputate porttitor arcu. Curabitur imperdiet risus id 230 egestas accumsan. Donec lectus felis, dignissim id iaculis sit amet, 231 faucibus in leo. 232 </p> 233 <p> 234 Mauris id urna ac ante ultrices commodo a imperdiet elit. Vivamus 235 interdum neque magna, eget dapibus est auctor et. Donec accumsan 236 libero nec augue scelerisque, ac egestas ante tincidunt. Proin 237 sollicitudin, mi eget sagittis mollis, arcu orci scelerisque turpis, a 238 sollicitudin tellus quam non sapien. 239 </p> 240 </section> 241 242 <h4>body1</h4> 243 <section class="paper-font-body1 redlines"> 244 <p> 245 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi 246 tincidunt dui sit amet mi auctor, ac gravida magna aliquam. Fusce quis 247 purus elementum, tempus nisi vel, volutpat nulla. Vestibulum mollis 248 dictum tellus, vulputate porttitor arcu. Curabitur imperdiet risus id 249 egestas accumsan. Donec lectus felis, dignissim id iaculis sit amet, 250 faucibus in leo. 251 </p> 252 <p> 253 Mauris id urna ac ante ultrices commodo a imperdiet elit. Vivamus 254 interdum neque magna, eget dapibus est auctor et. Donec accumsan 255 libero nec augue scelerisque, ac egestas ante tincidunt. Proin 256 sollicitudin, mi eget sagittis mollis, arcu orci scelerisque turpis, a 257 sollicitudin tellus quam non sapien. 258 </p> 259 </section> 260 </section> 261 262 <section id="shadow"> 263 <h2>shadow.html</h2> 264 <div class="shadow shadow-2dp">2dp</div> 265 <div class="shadow shadow-3dp">3dp</div> 266 <div class="shadow shadow-4dp">4dp</div> 267 <div class="shadow shadow-6dp">6dp</div> 268 <div class="shadow shadow-8dp">8dp</div> 269 <div class="shadow shadow-12dp">12dp</div> 270 <div class="shadow shadow-16dp">16dp</div> 271 </section> 272 273 <section id="demo-page"> 274 <h2>demo-pages.html</h2> 275 276 <h3>Horizontal sections</h3> 277 <div class="horizontal-section-container"> 278 <div> 279 <h4>Column 1</h4> 280 <div class="horizontal-section"> 281 <div>Oxygen</div> 282 <div>Carbon</div> 283 <div>Hydrogen</div> 284 <div>Nitrogen</div> 285 <div>Calcium</div> 286 </div> 287 </div> 288 289 <div> 290 <h4>Column 2</h4> 291 <div class="horizontal-section"> 292 <div>Oxygen</div> 293 <div>Carbon</div> 294 <div>Hydrogen</div> 295 <div>Nitrogen</div> 296 <div>Calcium</div> 297 </div> 298 </div> 299 300 <div> 301 <h4>Column 3</h4> 302 <div class="horizontal-section"> 303 <div>Oxygen</div> 304 <div>Carbon</div> 305 <div>Hydrogen</div> 306 <div>Nitrogen</div> 307 <div>Calcium</div> 308 </div> 309 </div> 310 </div> 311 312 <h3>Vertical sections</h3> 313 <div class="vertical-section-container"> 314 <div> 315 <h4>Section 1</h4> 316 <div class="vertical-section"> 317 <div>Oxygen</div> 318 <div>Carbon</div> 319 <div>Hydrogen</div> 320 <div>Nitrogen</div> 321 <div>Calcium</div> 322 </div> 323 </div> 324 </div> 325 326 <div class="vertical-section-container centered"> 327 <h4>Section 2 (centered)</h4> 328 <div class="vertical-section"> 329 <div>Oxygen</div> 330 <div>Carbon</div> 331 <div>Hydrogen</div> 332 <div>Nitrogen</div> 333 <div>Calcium</div> 334 </div> 335 </div> 336 </section> 337 338 </body> 339</html> 340