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13  <head>
15    <title>paper-tabs demo</title>
17    <meta charset="utf-8">
18    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
20    <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
22    <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-pages-shared-styles.html">
23    <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-snippet.html">
24    <link rel="import" href="../../iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html">
25    <link rel="import" href="../../iron-pages/iron-pages.html">
26    <link rel="import" href="../../paper-toolbar/paper-toolbar.html">
27    <link rel="import" href="../paper-tab.html">
28    <link rel="import" href="../paper-tabs.html">
30    <style is="custom-style" include="demo-pages-shared-styles">
31      #container {
32        max-width: 600px;
33      }
35      paper-tabs, paper-toolbar {
36        background-color: var(--paper-blue-900);
37        color: #fff;
38      }
39    </style>
41  </head>
42  <body unresolved>
44    <div id="container" class="vertical-section-container centered">
46      <h3>Plain <code>paper-tabs</code>.</h3>
47      <demo-snippet>
48        <template>
49          <paper-tabs selected="0">
50            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
51            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
52            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
53          </paper-tabs>
54        </template>
55      </demo-snippet>
57      <h3>The <code>no-bar</code> attribute disables the selection bar.</h3>
58      <demo-snippet>
59        <template>
60          <style is="custom-style">
61            paper-tabs[no-bar] paper-tab.iron-selected {
62              color: #ffff8d;
63            }
64          </style>
66          <paper-tabs id="plain-tabs" selected="0" no-bar>
67            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
68            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
69            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
70          </paper-tabs>
71        </template>
72      </demo-snippet>
74      <h3>
75        The <code>no-slide</code> attribute prevents the selection bar from
76        animating when the selection changes.
77      </h3>
78      <demo-snippet>
79        <template>
80          <paper-tabs selected="0" no-slide>
81            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
82            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
83            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
84          </paper-tabs>
85        </template>
86      </demo-snippet>
88      <h3>
89        The <code>noink</code> attribute disables the ink ripple animation seen
90        when the user activates a tab (by clicking, tapping, etc.).
91      </h3>
92      <demo-snippet>
93        <template>
94          <paper-tabs selected="0" noink>
95            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
96            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
97            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
98          </paper-tabs>
99        </template>
100      </demo-snippet>
102      <h3>
103        The <code>scrollable</code> attribute causes the tabs to scroll, rather
104        than compress, when there is not enough space. Arrow buttons appear when
105        any of the tabs are not completely visible.
106      </h3>
107      <demo-snippet>
108        <template>
109          <paper-tabs selected="0" scrollable>
110            <paper-tab>NUMBER ONE ITEM</paper-tab>
111            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
112            <paper-tab>THE THIRD ITEM</paper-tab>
113            <paper-tab>THE ITEM FOUR</paper-tab>
114            <paper-tab>FIFTH</paper-tab>
115            <paper-tab>THE SIXTH TAB</paper-tab>
116            <paper-tab>NUMBER SEVEN</paper-tab>
117            <paper-tab>EIGHT</paper-tab>
118            <paper-tab>NUMBER NINE</paper-tab>
119            <paper-tab>THE TENTH</paper-tab>
120            <paper-tab>THE ITEM ELEVEN</paper-tab>
121            <paper-tab>TWELFTH ITEM</paper-tab>
122          </paper-tabs>
123        </template>
124      </demo-snippet>
126      <h3>
127        The <code>fit-container</code> attribute causes scrollable tabs to
128        stretch to fit their container if the tabs don't need to scroll.
129      </h3>
130      <demo-snippet>
131        <template>
132          <paper-tabs selected="0" scrollable fit-container>
133            <paper-tab>NUMBER ONE ITEM</paper-tab>
134            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
135            <paper-tab>THE THIRD ITEM</paper-tab>
136          </paper-tabs>
137          <br>
138          <paper-tabs selected="0" scrollable fit-container style="width: 50%;">
139            <paper-tab>NUMBER ONE ITEM</paper-tab>
140            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
141            <paper-tab>THE THIRD ITEM</paper-tab>
142          </paper-tabs>
143        </template>
144      </demo-snippet>
146      <h3>
147        Tab layout is affected by the writing direction of the surrounding area.
148      </h3>
149      <demo-snippet>
150        <template>
151          <div dir="rtl">
152            <paper-tabs selected="0">
153              <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
154              <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
155              <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
156            </paper-tabs>
157            &nbsp;
158            <paper-tabs selected="0" scrollable>
159              <paper-tab>NUMBER ONE ITEM</paper-tab>
160              <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
161              <paper-tab>THE THIRD ITEM</paper-tab>
162              <paper-tab>THE ITEM FOUR</paper-tab>
163              <paper-tab>FIFTH</paper-tab>
164              <paper-tab>THE SIXTH TAB</paper-tab>
165              <paper-tab>NUMBER SEVEN</paper-tab>
166              <paper-tab>EIGHT</paper-tab>
167              <paper-tab>NUMBER NINE</paper-tab>
168              <paper-tab>THE TENTH</paper-tab>
169              <paper-tab>THE ITEM ELEVEN</paper-tab>
170              <paper-tab>TWELFTH ITEM</paper-tab>
171            </paper-tabs>
172          </div>
173        </template>
174      </demo-snippet>
176      <h3>
177        Use the <code>align-bottom</code> attribute when your tabs are
178        positioned below the content they control. The selection bar will be
179        shown at the top of the tabs.
180      </h3>
181      <demo-snippet>
182        <template>
183          <paper-tabs selected="0" align-bottom>
184            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
185            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
186            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
187          </paper-tabs>
188        </template>
189      </demo-snippet>
191      <h3>
192        Use the <code>link</code> attribute when a <code>paper-tab</code>
193        contains a link. The link will fill the entire tab. <code>paper-tabs</code>
194        implements its own tabindexing and keyboard focus patterns so an anchor
195        placed inside should set <code>tabindex="-1"</code>.
196      </h3>
197      <demo-snippet>
198        <template>
199          <style is="custom-style">
200            paper-tab[link] a {
201              /* These mixins (from iron-flex-layout) center the link text. */
202              @apply(--layout-horizontal);
203              @apply(--layout-center-center);
204              color: #fff;
205              text-decoration: none;
206            }
207          </style>
209          <paper-tabs selected="0">
210            <paper-tab link>
211              <a href="#item1" tabindex="-1">ITEM ONE</a>
212            </paper-tab>
213            <paper-tab link>
214              <a href="#item2" tabindex="-1">ITEM TWO</a>
215            </paper-tab>
216            <paper-tab link>
217              <a href="#item3" tabindex="-1">ITEM THREE</a>
218            </paper-tab>
219          </paper-tabs>
220        </template>
221      </demo-snippet>
223      <h3>
224        Tabs can be used in a <code>paper-toolbar</code>.
225      </h3>
226      <demo-snippet>
227        <template>
228          <style is="custom-style">
229            paper-toolbar {
230              --paper-toolbar-background: var(--paper-blue-900);
231            }
233            .self-end {
234              /* This mixin (from iron-flex-layout) aligns the tabs to the
235                 bottom of the toolbar. */
236              @apply(--layout-self-end);
237            }
238          </style>
240          <paper-toolbar class="tall">
241            <paper-tabs selected="0" class="bottom self-end" style="width: 300px;">
242              <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
243              <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
244            </paper-tabs>
245          </paper-toolbar>
246        </template>
247      </demo-snippet>
249      <h3>
250        Use <code>autoselect</code> to enable automatic tab selection.
251      </h3>
252      <demo-snippet>
253        <template>
254          <paper-tabs selected="0" autoselect>
255            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
256            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
257            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
258          </paper-tabs>
259        </template>
260      </demo-snippet>
262      <h3>
263        Use <code>autoselect-delay</code> to adjust the delay between the last
264        keyup event and when the tab is automatically selected (when
265        <code>autoselect</code> is true).
266      </h3>
267      <demo-snippet>
268        <template>
269          <h4>
270            <code>autoselect-delay="0"</code>
271          </h4>
272          <paper-tabs selected="0" no-slide autoselect autoselect-delay="0">
273            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
274            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
275            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
276          </paper-tabs>
278          <h4>
279            <code>autoselect-delay="1000"</code>
280          </h4>
281          <paper-tabs selected="0" autoselect autoselect-delay="1000">
282            <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
283            <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
284            <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
285          </paper-tabs>
286        </template>
287      </demo-snippet>
289      <!--
290      Nested templates are not supported in IE, meaning they can't be used in a
291      demo-snippet. See Polymer/polymer#2495 for more details.
292      -->
293      <!--
294      <h3>J. Bound Selection</h3>
295      <demo-snippet>
296        <template>
297          <template is="dom-bind">
298            <h2>Current Tab: <span>[[selected]]</span></h2>
299            <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}">
300              <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
301              <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
302              <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
303            </paper-tabs>
304          </template>
305        </template>
306      </demo-snippet>
308      <h3>K. Controlling content</h3>
309      <demo-snippet>
310        <template>
311          <style is="custom-style">
312            iron-pages {
313              border: 1px solid #ccc;
314              border-top: none;
315              padding: 8px;
316            }
317          </style>
319          <template is="dom-bind">
320            <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}">
321              <paper-tab>ITEM ONE</paper-tab>
322              <paper-tab>ITEM TWO</paper-tab>
323              <paper-tab>ITEM THREE</paper-tab>
324            </paper-tabs>
325            <iron-pages selected="{{selected}}">
326              <div>CONTENT ONE</div>
327              <div>CONTENT TWO</div>
328              <div>CONTENT THREE</div>
329            </iron-pages>
330          </template>
331        </template>
332      </demo-snippet>
333      -->
335    </div>
337  </body>