1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE keyboard SYSTEM "../dtd/ldmlKeyboard.dtd">
3<keyboard locale="chr-t-k0-windows-phonetic">
4	<version platform="10" number="$Revision$"/>
5	<names>
6		<name value="Cherokee Phonetic"/>
7	</names>
8	<settings fallback="omit" transformPartial="hide"/>
9	<keyMap>
10		<map iso="E00" to="`"/>
11		<map iso="E01" to="1"/>
12		<map iso="E02" to="2"/>
13		<map iso="E03" to="3"/>
14		<map iso="E04" to="4"/>
15		<map iso="E05" to="5"/>
16		<map iso="E06" to="6"/>
17		<map iso="E07" to="7"/>
18		<map iso="E08" to="8"/>
19		<map iso="E09" to="9"/>
20		<map iso="E10" to="0"/>
21		<map iso="E11" to="-"/>
22		<map iso="E12" to="="/>
23		<map iso="D01" to="q"/>
24		<map iso="D02" to="w"/>
25		<map iso="D03" to="Ꭱ"/> <!-- E -->
26		<map iso="D05" to="t"/>
27		<map iso="D06" to="y"/>
28		<map iso="D07" to="Ꭴ"/> <!-- U -->
29		<map iso="D08" to="Ꭲ"/> <!-- I -->
30		<map iso="D09" to="Ꭳ"/> <!-- O -->
31		<map iso="D11" to="["/>
32		<map iso="D12" to="]"/>
33		<map iso="C01" to="Ꭰ"/> <!-- A -->
34		<map iso="C02" to="s"/>
35		<map iso="C03" to="d"/>
36		<map iso="C05" to="g"/>
37		<map iso="C06" to="h"/>
38		<map iso="C07" to="j"/>
39		<map iso="C08" to="k"/>
40		<map iso="C09" to="l"/>
41		<map iso="C10" to=";"/>
42		<map iso="C11" to="&apos;"/>
43		<map iso="C12" to="\"/> <!-- (key to right of ') -->
44		<map iso="B00" to="\"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) -->
45		<map iso="B02" to="x"/>
46		<map iso="B03" to="c"/>
47		<map iso="B04" to="Ꭵ"/> <!-- V -->
48		<map iso="B06" to="n"/>
49		<map iso="B07" to="m"/>
50		<map iso="B08" to=","/>
51		<map iso="B09" to="."/>
52		<map iso="B10" to="/"/>
53		<map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space -->
54	</keyMap>
55	<keyMap modifiers="shift+caps?">
56		<map iso="E00" to="~"/> <!-- ` -->
57		<map iso="E01" to="!"/> <!-- 1 -->
58		<map iso="E02" to="@"/> <!-- 2 -->
59		<map iso="E03" to="#"/> <!-- 3 -->
60		<map iso="E04" to="$"/> <!-- 4 -->
61		<map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 -->
62		<map iso="E06" to="^"/> <!-- 6 -->
63		<map iso="E07" to="&amp;"/> <!-- 7 -->
64		<map iso="E08" to="*"/> <!-- 8 -->
65		<map iso="E09" to="("/> <!-- 9 -->
66		<map iso="E10" to=")"/> <!-- 0 -->
67		<map iso="E11" to="_"/> <!-- - -->
68		<map iso="E12" to="+"/> <!-- = -->
69		<map iso="D01" to="Q"/>
70		<map iso="D02" to="W"/>
71		<map iso="D03" to="Ꭱ"/> <!-- E -->
72		<map iso="D05" to="T"/>
73		<map iso="D06" to="Y"/>
74		<map iso="D07" to="Ꭴ"/> <!-- U -->
75		<map iso="D08" to="Ꭲ"/> <!-- I -->
76		<map iso="D09" to="Ꭳ"/> <!-- O -->
77		<map iso="D11" to="{"/> <!-- [ -->
78		<map iso="D12" to="}"/> <!-- ] -->
79		<map iso="C01" to="Ꭰ"/> <!-- A -->
80		<map iso="C02" to="S"/>
81		<map iso="C03" to="D"/>
82		<map iso="C05" to="G"/>
83		<map iso="C06" to="H"/>
84		<map iso="C07" to="J"/>
85		<map iso="C08" to="K"/>
86		<map iso="C09" to="L"/>
87		<map iso="C10" to=":"/> <!-- ; -->
88		<map iso="C11" to="\u{22}"/> <!-- '  to= "  -->
89		<map iso="C12" to="|"/> <!-- (key to right of ')  base=\ -->
90		<map iso="B00" to="|"/> <!-- (key to left of Z)  base=\ -->
91		<map iso="B02" to="X"/>
92		<map iso="B03" to="C"/>
93		<map iso="B04" to="Ꭵ"/> <!-- V -->
94		<map iso="B06" to="N"/>
95		<map iso="B07" to="M"/>
96		<map iso="B08" to="&lt;"/> <!-- , -->
97		<map iso="B09" to="&gt;"/> <!-- . -->
98		<map iso="B10" to="?"/> <!-- / -->
99		<map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space -->
100	</keyMap>
101	<keyMap modifiers="ctrl+caps?">
102		<map iso="D11" to="\u{1B}"/> <!-- [ -->
103		<map iso="D12" to="\u{1D}"/> <!-- ] -->
104		<map iso="C12" to="\u{1C}"/> <!-- (key to right of ')  base=\ -->
105		<map iso="B00" to="\u{1C}"/> <!-- (key to left of Z)  base=\ -->
106	</keyMap>
107	<transforms type="simple">
108		<transform from="c " to="Ꭷ"/>
109		<transform from="C " to="Ꭷ"/>
110		<transform from="cᎠ" to="Ꭷ"/>
111		<transform from="CᎠ" to="Ꭷ"/>
112		<transform from="d " to="Ꮣ"/>
113		<transform from="D " to="Ꮣ"/>
114		<transform from="d," to=","/>
115		<transform from="D," to=","/>
116		<transform from="d;" to=";"/>
117		<transform from="D;" to=";"/>
118		<transform from="d:" to=":"/>
119		<transform from="D:" to=":"/>
120		<transform from="d[" to="["/>
121		<transform from="D[" to="["/>
122		<transform from="d{" to="{"/>
123		<transform from="D{" to="{"/>
124		<transform from="d&lt;" to="&lt;"/>
125		<transform from="D&lt;" to="&lt;"/>
126		<transform from="d|" to="|"/>
127		<transform from="D|" to="|"/>
128		<transform from="dᎠ" to="Ꮣ"/>
129		<transform from="DᎠ" to="Ꮣ"/>
130		<transform from="dᎡ" to="Ꮥ"/>
131		<transform from="DᎡ" to="Ꮥ"/>
132		<transform from="dᎢ" to="Ꮧ"/>
133		<transform from="DᎢ" to="Ꮧ"/>
134		<transform from="dᎣ" to="Ꮩ"/>
135		<transform from="DᎣ" to="Ꮩ"/>
136		<transform from="dᎤ" to="Ꮪ"/>
137		<transform from="DᎤ" to="Ꮪ"/>
138		<transform from="dᎥ" to="Ꮫ"/>
139		<transform from="DᎥ" to="Ꮫ"/>
140		<transform from="dd" to="d"/>
141		<transform from="dD" to="D"/>
142		<transform from="Dd" to="d"/>
143		<transform from="DD" to="D"/>
144		<transform from="dn" to="n"/>
145		<transform from="dN" to="N"/>
146		<transform from="Dn" to="n"/>
147		<transform from="DN" to="N"/>
148		<transform from="g " to="Ꭶ"/>
149		<transform from="G " to="Ꭶ"/>
150		<transform from="gᎠ" to="Ꭶ"/>
151		<transform from="GᎠ" to="Ꭶ"/>
152		<transform from="gᎡ" to="Ꭸ"/>
153		<transform from="GᎡ" to="Ꭸ"/>
154		<transform from="gᎢ" to="Ꭹ"/>
155		<transform from="GᎢ" to="Ꭹ"/>
156		<transform from="gᎣ" to="Ꭺ"/>
157		<transform from="GᎣ" to="Ꭺ"/>
158		<transform from="gᎤ" to="Ꭻ"/>
159		<transform from="GᎤ" to="Ꭻ"/>
160		<transform from="gᎥ" to="Ꭼ"/>
161		<transform from="GᎥ" to="Ꭼ"/>
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163		<transform from="H " to="Ꭽ"/>
164		<transform from="hᎠ" to="Ꭽ"/>
165		<transform from="HᎠ" to="Ꭽ"/>
166		<transform from="hᎡ" to="Ꭾ"/>
167		<transform from="HᎡ" to="Ꭾ"/>
168		<transform from="hᎢ" to="Ꭿ"/>
169		<transform from="HᎢ" to="Ꭿ"/>
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171		<transform from="HᎣ" to="Ꮀ"/>
172		<transform from="hᎤ" to="Ꮁ"/>
173		<transform from="HᎤ" to="Ꮁ"/>
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175		<transform from="HᎥ" to="Ꮂ"/>
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177		<transform from="J " to="Ꮳ"/>
178		<transform from="jᎠ" to="Ꮳ"/>
179		<transform from="JᎠ" to="Ꮳ"/>
180		<transform from="jᎡ" to="Ꮴ"/>
181		<transform from="JᎡ" to="Ꮴ"/>
182		<transform from="jᎢ" to="Ꮵ"/>
183		<transform from="JᎢ" to="Ꮵ"/>
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185		<transform from="JᎣ" to="Ꮶ"/>
186		<transform from="jᎤ" to="Ꮷ"/>
187		<transform from="JᎤ" to="Ꮷ"/>
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189		<transform from="JᎥ" to="Ꮸ"/>
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191		<transform from="K " to="Ꭷ"/>
192		<transform from="kᎠ" to="Ꭷ"/>
193		<transform from="KᎠ" to="Ꭷ"/>
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195		<transform from="KᎣ" to="Ꭺ"/>
196		<transform from="l " to="Ꮃ"/>
197		<transform from="L " to="Ꮃ"/>
198		<transform from="lᎠ" to="Ꮃ"/>
199		<transform from="LᎠ" to="Ꮃ"/>
200		<transform from="lᎡ" to="Ꮄ"/>
201		<transform from="LᎡ" to="Ꮄ"/>
202		<transform from="lᎢ" to="Ꮅ"/>
203		<transform from="LᎢ" to="Ꮅ"/>
204		<transform from="lᎣ" to="Ꮆ"/>
205		<transform from="LᎣ" to="Ꮆ"/>
206		<transform from="lᎤ" to="Ꮇ"/>
207		<transform from="LᎤ" to="Ꮇ"/>
208		<transform from="lᎥ" to="Ꮈ"/>
209		<transform from="LᎥ" to="Ꮈ"/>
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211		<transform from="M " to="Ꮉ"/>
212		<transform from="mᎠ" to="Ꮉ"/>
213		<transform from="MᎠ" to="Ꮉ"/>
214		<transform from="mᎡ" to="Ꮊ"/>
215		<transform from="MᎡ" to="Ꮊ"/>
216		<transform from="mᎢ" to="Ꮋ"/>
217		<transform from="MᎢ" to="Ꮋ"/>
218		<transform from="mᎣ" to="Ꮌ"/>
219		<transform from="MᎣ" to="Ꮌ"/>
220		<transform from="mᎤ" to="Ꮍ"/>
221		<transform from="MᎤ" to="Ꮍ"/>
222		<transform from="n " to="Ꮎ"/>
223		<transform from="N " to="Ꮎ"/>
224		<transform from="nᎠ" to="Ꮎ"/>
225		<transform from="NᎠ" to="Ꮎ"/>
226		<transform from="nᎡ" to="Ꮑ"/>
227		<transform from="NᎡ" to="Ꮑ"/>
228		<transform from="nᎢ" to="Ꮒ"/>
229		<transform from="NᎢ" to="Ꮒ"/>
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231		<transform from="NᎣ" to="Ꮓ"/>
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233		<transform from="NᎤ" to="Ꮔ"/>
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235		<transform from="NᎥ" to="Ꮕ"/>
236		<transform from="nh" to="Ꮐ"/>
237		<transform from="nH" to="Ꮐ"/>
238		<transform from="Nh" to="Ꮐ"/>
239		<transform from="NH" to="Ꮐ"/>
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241		<transform from="Q " to="Ꮚ"/>
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243		<transform from="QᎠ" to="Ꮖ"/>
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245		<transform from="QᎡ" to="Ꮗ"/>
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247		<transform from="QᎢ" to="Ꮘ"/>
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249		<transform from="QᎣ" to="Ꮙ"/>
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251		<transform from="QᎥ" to="Ꮛ"/>
252		<transform from="s " to="Ꮝ"/>
253		<transform from="S " to="Ꮝ"/>
254		<transform from="s`" to="Ꮝ"/>
255		<transform from="S`" to="Ꮝ"/>
256		<transform from="sᎠ" to="Ꮜ"/>
257		<transform from="SᎠ" to="Ꮜ"/>
258		<transform from="sᎡ" to="Ꮞ"/>
259		<transform from="SᎡ" to="Ꮞ"/>
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261		<transform from="SᎢ" to="Ꮟ"/>
262		<transform from="sᎣ" to="Ꮠ"/>
263		<transform from="SᎣ" to="Ꮠ"/>
264		<transform from="sᎤ" to="Ꮡ"/>
265		<transform from="SᎤ" to="Ꮡ"/>
266		<transform from="sᎥ" to="Ꮢ"/>
267		<transform from="SᎥ" to="Ꮢ"/>
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269		<transform from="sX" to="Ꮝ"/>
270		<transform from="Sx" to="Ꮝ"/>
271		<transform from="SX" to="Ꮝ"/>
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273		<transform from="T " to="Ꮤ"/>
274		<transform from="tᎠ" to="Ꮤ"/>
275		<transform from="TᎠ" to="Ꮤ"/>
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277		<transform from="TᎡ" to="Ꮦ"/>
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279		<transform from="TᎢ" to="Ꮨ"/>
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281		<transform from="TᎤ" to="Ꮪ"/>
282		<transform from="tᎥ" to="Ꮫ"/>
283		<transform from="TᎥ" to="Ꮫ"/>
284		<transform from="w " to="Ꮹ"/>
285		<transform from="W " to="Ꮹ"/>
286		<transform from="wᎠ" to="Ꮹ"/>
287		<transform from="WᎠ" to="Ꮹ"/>
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289		<transform from="WᎡ" to="Ꮺ"/>
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291		<transform from="WᎢ" to="Ꮻ"/>
292		<transform from="wᎣ" to="Ꮼ"/>
293		<transform from="WᎣ" to="Ꮼ"/>
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295		<transform from="WᎤ" to="Ꮽ"/>
296		<transform from="wᎥ" to="Ꮾ"/>
297		<transform from="WᎥ" to="Ꮾ"/>
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299		<transform from="X " to="X"/>
300		<transform from="y " to="Ꮿ"/>
301		<transform from="Y " to="Ꮿ"/>
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303		<transform from="YᎠ" to="Ꮿ"/>
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305		<transform from="YᎡ" to="Ᏸ"/>
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307		<transform from="YᎢ" to="Ᏹ"/>
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309		<transform from="YᎣ" to="Ᏺ"/>
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311		<transform from="YᎤ" to="Ᏻ"/>
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313		<transform from="YᎥ" to="Ᏼ"/>
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