1errors.frag 2ERROR: 0:1: 'main' : function cannot take any parameter(s) 3ERROR: 0:1: 'int' : entry point cannot return a value 4ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated. 5 6 7Shader version: 100 8ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 90:1 Function Definition: main(i1; ( global mediump int) 100:1 Function Parameters: 110:1 'foo' ( in mediump int) 120:3 Sequence 130:3 Branch: Return with expression 140:3 Constant: 150:3 1 (const int) 160:? Linker Objects 17 18 19Linked fragment stage: 20 21 22Shader version: 100 23ERROR: node is still EOpNull! 240:1 Function Definition: main(i1; ( global mediump int) 250:1 Function Parameters: 260:1 'foo' ( in mediump int) 270:3 Sequence 280:3 Branch: Return with expression 290:3 Constant: 300:3 1 (const int) 310:? Linker Objects 32 33