1hlsl.wavequery.comp 2Shader version: 500 3local_size = (32, 16, 1) 40:? Sequence 50:5 Function Definition: @CSMain( ( temp void) 60:5 Function Parameters: 70:? Sequence 80:6 move second child to first child ( temp uint) 90:6 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint) 100:6 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint) 110:6 'data' (layout( row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data}) 120:6 Constant: 130:6 0 (const uint) 140:6 '@gl_SubgroupInvocationID' ( in uint SubgroupInvocationID) 150:6 Test condition and select ( temp uint): no shortcircuit 160:6 Condition 170:6 subgroupElect ( temp bool) 180:6 true case 190:6 '@gl_SubgroupSize' ( in uint SubgroupSize) 200:6 false case 210:6 Constant: 220:6 0 (const uint) 230:5 Function Definition: CSMain( ( temp void) 240:5 Function Parameters: 250:? Sequence 260:5 Function Call: @CSMain( ( temp void) 270:? Linker Objects 280:? 'data' (layout( row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data}) 29 30 31Linked compute stage: 32 33 34Shader version: 500 35local_size = (32, 16, 1) 360:? Sequence 370:5 Function Definition: @CSMain( ( temp void) 380:5 Function Parameters: 390:? Sequence 400:6 move second child to first child ( temp uint) 410:6 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint) 420:6 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint) 430:6 'data' (layout( row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data}) 440:6 Constant: 450:6 0 (const uint) 460:6 '@gl_SubgroupInvocationID' ( in uint SubgroupInvocationID) 470:6 Test condition and select ( temp uint): no shortcircuit 480:6 Condition 490:6 subgroupElect ( temp bool) 500:6 true case 510:6 '@gl_SubgroupSize' ( in uint SubgroupSize) 520:6 false case 530:6 Constant: 540:6 0 (const uint) 550:5 Function Definition: CSMain( ( temp void) 560:5 Function Parameters: 570:? Sequence 580:5 Function Call: @CSMain( ( temp void) 590:? Linker Objects 600:? 'data' (layout( row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data}) 61 62// Module Version 10300 63// Generated by (magic number): 8000a 64// Id's are bound by 28 65 66 Capability Shader 67 Capability GroupNonUniform 68 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" 69 MemoryModel Logical GLSL450 70 EntryPoint GLCompute 4 "CSMain" 16 21 71 ExecutionMode 4 LocalSize 32 16 1 72 Source HLSL 500 73 Name 4 "CSMain" 74 Name 6 "@CSMain(" 75 Name 10 "data" 76 MemberName 10(data) 0 "@data" 77 Name 12 "data" 78 Name 16 "@gl_SubgroupInvocationID" 79 Name 21 "@gl_SubgroupSize" 80 Decorate 9 ArrayStride 4 81 MemberDecorate 10(data) 0 Offset 0 82 Decorate 10(data) BufferBlock 83 Decorate 12(data) DescriptorSet 0 84 Decorate 12(data) Binding 0 85 Decorate 16(@gl_SubgroupInvocationID) BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId 86 Decorate 21(@gl_SubgroupSize) BuiltIn SubgroupSize 87 2: TypeVoid 88 3: TypeFunction 2 89 8: TypeInt 32 0 90 9: TypeRuntimeArray 8(int) 91 10(data): TypeStruct 9 92 11: TypePointer Uniform 10(data) 93 12(data): 11(ptr) Variable Uniform 94 13: TypeInt 32 1 95 14: 13(int) Constant 0 96 15: TypePointer Input 8(int) 9716(@gl_SubgroupInvocationID): 15(ptr) Variable Input 98 18: TypeBool 99 19: 8(int) Constant 3 10021(@gl_SubgroupSize): 15(ptr) Variable Input 101 23: 8(int) Constant 0 102 25: TypePointer Uniform 8(int) 103 4(CSMain): 2 Function None 3 104 5: Label 105 27: 2 FunctionCall 6(@CSMain() 106 Return 107 FunctionEnd 108 6(@CSMain(): 2 Function None 3 109 7: Label 110 17: 8(int) Load 16(@gl_SubgroupInvocationID) 111 20: 18(bool) GroupNonUniformElect 19 112 22: 8(int) Load 21(@gl_SubgroupSize) 113 24: 8(int) Select 20 22 23 114 26: 25(ptr) AccessChain 12(data) 14 17 115 Store 26 24 116 Return 117 FunctionEnd 118