1sample.vert 2Shader version: 110 30:? Sequence 40:38 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 50:38 Function Parameters: 60:40 Sequence 70:40 move second child to first child ( temp 3-component vector of float) 80:40 'color' ( smooth out 3-component vector of float) 90:40 Constant: 100:40 1.000000 110:40 1.000000 120:40 1.000000 130:42 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float) 140:42 'gl_Position' ( gl_Position 4-component vector of float Position) 150:42 matrix-times-vector ( temp 4-component vector of float) 160:42 'gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' ( uniform 4X4 matrix of float) 170:42 'gl_Vertex' ( in 4-component vector of float Vertex) 180:? Linker Objects 190:? 'color' ( smooth out 3-component vector of float) 20 21 22Linked vertex stage: 23 24 25Shader version: 110 260:? Sequence 270:38 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 280:38 Function Parameters: 290:40 Sequence 300:40 move second child to first child ( temp 3-component vector of float) 310:40 'color' ( smooth out 3-component vector of float) 320:40 Constant: 330:40 1.000000 340:40 1.000000 350:40 1.000000 360:42 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float) 370:42 'gl_Position' ( gl_Position 4-component vector of float Position) 380:42 matrix-times-vector ( temp 4-component vector of float) 390:42 'gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix' ( uniform 4X4 matrix of float) 400:42 'gl_Vertex' ( in 4-component vector of float Vertex) 410:? Linker Objects 420:? 'color' ( smooth out 3-component vector of float) 43 44