1# This module provides function for joining paths
2# known from from most languages
4# Original license:
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT OR CC0-1.0)
6# Explicit permission given to distribute this module under
7# the terms of the project as described in /LICENSE.rst.
8# Copyright 2020 Jan Tojnar
9# https://github.com/jtojnar/cmake-snips
11# Modelled after Python’s os.path.join
12# https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/os.path.html#os.path.join
13# Windows not supported
14function(join_paths joined_path first_path_segment)
15    set(temp_path "${first_path_segment}")
16    foreach(current_segment IN LISTS ARGN)
17        if(NOT ("${current_segment}" STREQUAL ""))
18            if(IS_ABSOLUTE "${current_segment}")
19                set(temp_path "${current_segment}")
20            else()
21                set(temp_path "${temp_path}/${current_segment}")
22            endif()
23        endif()
24    endforeach()
25    set(${joined_path} "${temp_path}" PARENT_SCOPE)