1# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15require 'spec_helper'
16require 'grpc/health/v1/health_pb'
17require 'grpc/health/checker'
18require 'open3'
19require 'tmpdir'
21def can_run_codegen_check
22  system('which grpc_ruby_plugin') && system('which protoc')
25describe 'Health protobuf code generation' do
26  context 'the health service file used by grpc/health/checker' do
27    if !can_run_codegen_check
28      skip 'protoc || grpc_ruby_plugin missing, cannot verify health code-gen'
29    else
30      it 'should already be loaded indirectly i.e, used by the other specs' do
31        expect(require('grpc/health/v1/health_services_pb')).to be(false)
32      end
34      it 'should have the same content as created by code generation' do
35        root_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', '..')
36        pb_dir = File.join(root_dir, 'proto')
38        # Get the current content
39        service_path = File.join(root_dir, 'ruby', 'pb', 'grpc',
40                                 'health', 'v1', 'health_services_pb.rb')
41        want = nil
42        File.open(service_path) { |f| want = f.read }
44        # Regenerate it
45        plugin, = Open3.capture2('which', 'grpc_ruby_plugin')
46        plugin = plugin.strip
47        got = nil
48        Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir|
49          gen_out = File.join(tmp_dir, 'grpc', 'health', 'v1',
50                              'health_services_pb.rb')
51          pid = spawn(
52            'protoc',
53            '-I.',
54            'grpc/health/v1/health.proto',
55            "--grpc_out=#{tmp_dir}",
56            "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=#{plugin}",
57            chdir: pb_dir)
58          Process.wait(pid)
59          File.open(gen_out) { |f| got = f.read }
60        end
61        expect(got).to eq(want)
62      end
63    end
64  end
67describe Grpc::Health::Checker do
68  StatusCodes = GRPC::Core::StatusCodes
69  ServingStatus = Grpc::Health::V1::HealthCheckResponse::ServingStatus
70  HCResp = Grpc::Health::V1::HealthCheckResponse
71  HCReq = Grpc::Health::V1::HealthCheckRequest
72  success_tests =
73    [
74      {
75        desc: 'the service is not specified',
76        service: ''
77      }, {
78        desc: 'the service is specified',
79        service: 'fake-service-1'
80      }
81    ]
83  context 'initialization' do
84    it 'can be constructed with no args' do
85      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
86      expect(checker).to_not be(nil)
87    end
88  end
90  context 'method `add_status` and `check`' do
91    success_tests.each do |t|
92      it "should succeed when #{t[:desc]}" do
93        checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
94        checker.add_status(t[:service], ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
95        got = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
96        want = HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
97        expect(got).to eq(want)
98      end
99    end
100  end
102  context 'method `add_statuses`' do
103    it 'should add status to each service' do
104      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
105      checker.add_statuses(
106        'service1' => ServingStatus::SERVING,
107        'service2' => ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING
108      )
109      service1_health = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: 'service1'), nil)
110      service2_health = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: 'service2'), nil)
111      expect(service1_health).to eq(HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::SERVING))
112      expect(service2_health).to eq(HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING))
113    end
114  end
116  context 'method `set_status_for_services`' do
117    it 'should add given status to all given services' do
118      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
119      checker.set_status_for_services(
120        ServingStatus::SERVING,
121        'service1',
122        'service2'
123      )
124      service1_health = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: 'service1'), nil)
125      service2_health = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: 'service2'), nil)
126      expect(service1_health).to eq(HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::SERVING))
127      expect(service2_health).to eq(HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::SERVING))
128    end
129  end
131  context 'method `check`' do
132    success_tests.each do |t|
133      it "should fail with NOT_FOUND when #{t[:desc]}" do
134        checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
135        blk = proc do
136          checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
137        end
138        expected_msg = /#{StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND}/
139        expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::NotFound, expected_msg
140      end
141    end
142  end
144  context 'method `clear_status`' do
145    success_tests.each do |t|
146      it "should fail after clearing status when #{t[:desc]}" do
147        checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
148        checker.add_status(t[:service], ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
149        got = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
150        want = HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
151        expect(got).to eq(want)
153        checker.clear_status(t[:service])
154        blk = proc do
155          checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
156        end
157        expected_msg = /#{StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND}/
158        expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::NotFound, expected_msg
159      end
160    end
161  end
163  context 'method `clear_all`' do
164    it 'should return NOT_FOUND after being invoked' do
165      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
166      success_tests.each do |t|
167        checker.add_status(t[:service], ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
168        got = checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
169        want = HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
170        expect(got).to eq(want)
171      end
173      checker.clear_all
175      success_tests.each do |t|
176        blk = proc do
177          checker.check(HCReq.new(service: t[:service]), nil)
178        end
179        expected_msg = /#{StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND}/
180        expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::NotFound, expected_msg
181      end
182    end
183  end
185  describe 'running on RpcServer' do
186    RpcServer = GRPC::RpcServer
187    CheckerStub = Grpc::Health::Checker.rpc_stub_class
189    before(:each) do
190      server_host = ''
191      @client_opts = { channel_override: @ch }
192      server_opts = {
193        poll_period: 1
194      }
195      @srv = new_rpc_server_for_testing(**server_opts)
196      server_port = @srv.add_http2_port(server_host, :this_port_is_insecure)
197      @host = "localhost:#{server_port}"
198      @ch = GRPC::Core::Channel.new(@host, nil, :this_channel_is_insecure)
199    end
201    after(:each) do
202      @srv.stop
203    end
205    it 'should receive the correct status', server: true do
206      Thread.abort_on_exception = true
207      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
208      @srv.handle(checker)
209      checker.add_status('', ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
210      t = Thread.new { @srv.run }
211      @srv.wait_till_running
213      stub = CheckerStub.new(@host, :this_channel_is_insecure, **@client_opts)
214      got = stub.check(HCReq.new)
215      want = HCResp.new(status: ServingStatus::NOT_SERVING)
216      expect(got).to eq(want)
217      @srv.stop
218      t.join
219    end
221    it 'should fail on unknown services', server: true do
222      checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
223      @srv.handle(checker)
224      t = Thread.new { @srv.run }
225      @srv.wait_till_running
226      blk = proc do
227        stub = CheckerStub.new(@host, :this_channel_is_insecure, **@client_opts)
228        stub.check(HCReq.new(service: 'unknown'))
229      end
230      expected_msg = /#{StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND}/
231      expect(&blk).to raise_error GRPC::NotFound, expected_msg
232      @srv.stop
233      t.join
234    end
235  end