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7<chapter id="fonts-and-faces">
8  <title>Fonts, faces, and output</title>
9    <para>
10      In the previous chapter, we saw how to set up a buffer and fill
11      it with text as Unicode code points. In order to shape this
12      buffer text with HarfBuzz, you will need also need a font
13      object.
14    </para>
15    <para>
16      HarfBuzz provides abstractions to help you cache and reuse the
17      heavier parts of working with binary fonts, so we will look at
18      how to do that. We will also look at how to work with the
19      FreeType font-rendering library and at how you can customize
20      HarfBuzz to work with other libraries.
21    </para>
22    <para>
23      Finally, we will look at how to work with OpenType variable
24      fonts, the latest update to the OpenType font format, and at
25      some other recent additions to OpenType.
26    </para>
28  <section id="fonts-and-faces-objects">
29    <title>Font and face objects</title>
30    <para>
31      The outcome of shaping a run of text depends on the contents of
32      a specific font file (such as the substitutions and positioning
33      moves in the 'GSUB' and 'GPOS' tables), so HarfBuzz makes
34      accessing those internals fast.
35    </para>
36    <para>
37      An <type>hb_face_t</type> represents a <emphasis>face</emphasis>
38      in HarfBuzz. This data type is a wrapper around an
39      <type>hb_blob_t</type> blob that holds the contents of a binary
40      font file. Since HarfBuzz supports TrueType Collections and
41      OpenType Collections (each of which can include multiple
42      typefaces), a HarfBuzz face also requires an index number
43      specifying which typeface in the file you want to use. Most of
44      the font files you will encounter in the wild include just a
45      single face, however, so most of the time you would pass in
46      <literal>0</literal> as the index when you create a face:
47    </para>
48    <programlisting language="C">
49      hb_blob_t* blob = hb_blob_create_from_file(file);
50      ...
51      hb_face_t* face = hb_face_create(blob, 0);
52    </programlisting>
53    <para>
54      On its own, a face object is not quite ready to use for
55      shaping. The typeface must be set to a specific point size in
56      order for some details (such as hinting) to work. In addition,
57      if the font file in question is an OpenType Variable Font, then
58      you may need to specify one or variation-axis settings (or a
59      named instance) in order to get the output you need.
60    </para>
61    <para>
62      In HarfBuzz, you do this by creating a <emphasis>font</emphasis>
63      object from your face.
64    </para>
65    <para>
66      Font objects also have the advantage of being considerably
67      lighter-weight than face objects (remember that a face contains
68      the contents of a binary font file mapped into memory). As a
69      result, you can cache and reuse a font object, but you could
70      also create a new one for each additional size you needed.
71      Creating new fonts incurs some additional overhead, of course,
72      but whether or not it is excessive is your call in the end. In
73      contrast, face objects are substantially larger, and you really
74      should cache them and reuse them whenever possible.
75    </para>
76    <para>
77      You can create a font object from a face object:
78    </para>
79    <programlisting language="C">
80      hb_font_t* hb_font = hb_font_create(hb_face);
81    </programlisting>
82    <para>
83      After creating a font, there are a few properties you should
84      set. Many fonts enable and disable hints based on the size it
85      is used at, so setting this is important for font
86      objects. <function>hb_font_set_ppem(font, x_ppem,
87      y_ppem)</function> sets the pixels-per-EM value of the font. You
88      can also set the point size of the font with
89      <function>hb_font_set_ptem(font, ptem)</function>. HarfBuzz uses the
90      industry standard 72 points per inch.
91    </para>
92    <para>
93      HarfBuzz lets you specify the degree subpixel precision you want
94      through a scaling factor. You can set horizontal and
95      vertical scaling factors on the
96      font by calling <function>hb_font_set_scale(font, x_scale,
97      y_scale)</function>.
98    </para>
99    <para>
100      There may be times when you are handed a font object and need to
101      access the face object that it comes from. For that, you can call
102    </para>
103    <programlisting language="C">
104      hb_face = hb_font_get_face(hb_font);
105    </programlisting>
106    <para>
107      You can also create a font object from an existing font object
108      using the <function>hb_font_create_sub_font()</function>
109      function. This creates a child font object that is initiated
110      with the same attributes as its parent; it can be used to
111      quickly set up a new font for the purpose of overriding a specific
112      font-functions method.
113    </para>
114    <para>
115      All face objects and font objects are lifecycle-managed by
116      HarfBuzz. After creating a face, you increase its reference
117      count with <function>hb_face_reference(face)</function> and
118      decrease it with
119      <function>hb_face_destroy(face)</function>. Likewise, you
120      increase the reference count on a font with
121      <function>hb_font_reference(font)</function> and decrease it
122      with <function>hb_font_destroy(font)</function>.
123    </para>
124    <para>
125      You can also attach user data to face objects and font objects.
126    </para>
127  </section>
129 <section id="fonts-and-faces-custom-functions">
130    <title>Customizing font functions</title>
131    <para>
132      During shaping, HarfBuzz frequently needs to query font objects
133      to get at the contents and parameters of the glyphs in a font
134      file. It includes a built-in set of functions that is tailored
135      to working with OpenType fonts. However, as was the case with
136      Unicode functions in the buffers chapter, HarfBuzz also wants to
137      make it easy for you to assign a substitute set of font
138      functions if you are developing a program to work with a library
139      or platform that provides its own font functions.
140    </para>
141    <para>
142      Therefore, the HarfBuzz API defines a set of virtual
143      methods for accessing font-object properties, and you can
144      replace the defaults with your own selections without
145      interfering with the shaping process. Each font object in
146      HarfBuzz includes a structure called
147      <literal>font_funcs</literal> that serves as a vtable for the
148      font object. The virtual methods in
149      <literal>font_funcs</literal> are:
150    </para>
151    <itemizedlist>
152      <listitem>
153    <para>
154      <function>hb_font_get_font_h_extents_func_t</function>: returns
155      the extents of the font for horizontal text.
156    </para>
157      </listitem>
158      <listitem>
159    <para>
160      <function>hb_font_get_font_v_extents_func_t</function>: returns
161      the extents of the font for vertical text.
162    </para>
163      </listitem>
164      <listitem>
165    <para>
166      <function>hb_font_get_nominal_glyph_func_t</function>: returns
167      the font's nominal glyph for a given code point.
168    </para>
169      </listitem>
170      <listitem>
171    <para>
172      <function>hb_font_get_variation_glyph_func_t</function>: returns
173      the font's glyph for a given code point when it is followed by a
174      given Variation Selector.
175    </para>
176      </listitem>
177      <listitem>
178    <para>
179      <function>hb_font_get_nominal_glyphs_func_t</function>: returns
180      the font's nominal glyphs for a series of code points.
181    </para>
182      </listitem>
183      <listitem>
184    <para>
185      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_advance_func_t</function>: returns
186      the advance for a glyph.
187    </para>
188      </listitem>
189      <listitem>
190    <para>
191      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_advance_func_t</function>: returns
192      the advance for a glyph for horizontal text.
193    </para>
194      </listitem>
195      <listitem>
196    <para>
197      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_advance_func_t</function>:returns
198      the advance for a glyph for vertical text.
199    </para>
200      </listitem>
201      <listitem>
202    <para>
203      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_advances_func_t</function>: returns
204      the advances for a series of glyphs.
205    </para>
206      </listitem>
207      <listitem>
208    <para>
209      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_advances_func_t</function>: returns
210      the advances for a series of glyphs for horizontal text .
211    </para>
212      </listitem>
213      <listitem>
214    <para>
215      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_advances_func_t</function>: returns
216      the advances for a series of glyphs for vertical text.
217    </para>
218      </listitem>
219      <listitem>
220    <para>
221      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_origin_func_t</function>: returns
222      the origin coordinates of a glyph.
223    </para>
224      </listitem>
225      <listitem>
226    <para>
227      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_origin_func_t</function>: returns
228      the origin coordinates of a glyph for horizontal text.
229    </para>
230      </listitem>
231      <listitem>
232    <para>
233      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_origin_func_t</function>: returns
234      the origin coordinates of a glyph for vertical text.
235    </para>
236      </listitem>
237      <listitem>
238    <para>
239      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_extents_func_t</function>: returns
240      the extents for a glyph.
241    </para>
242      </listitem>
243      <listitem>
244    <para>
245      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_contour_point_func_t</function>:
246      returns the coordinates of a specific contour point from a glyph.
247    </para>
248      </listitem>
249      <listitem>
250    <para>
251      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_name_func_t</function>: returns the
252      name of a glyph (from its glyph index).
253    </para>
254      </listitem>
255      <listitem>
256    <para>
257      <function>hb_font_get_glyph_from_name_func_t</function>: returns
258      the glyph index that corresponds to a given glyph name.
259    </para>
260      </listitem>
261    </itemizedlist>
262    <para>
263      You can fetch the font-functions configuration for a font object
264      by calling <function>hb_font_get_font_funcs()</function>:
265    </para>
266    <programlisting language="C">
267      hb_font_funcs_t *ffunctions;
268      ffunctions = hb_font_get_font_funcs (font);
269    </programlisting>
270    <para>
271      The individual methods can each be replaced with their own setter
272      function, such as
273      <function>hb_font_funcs_set_nominal_glyph_func(*ffunctions,
274      func, *user_data, destroy)</function>.
275    </para>
276    <para>
277      Font-functions structures can be reused for multiple font
278      objects, and can be reference counted with
279      <function>hb_font_funcs_reference()</function> and
280      <function>hb_font_funcs_destroy()</function>. Just like other
281      objects in HarfBuzz, you can set user-data for each
282      font-functions structure and assign a destroy callback for
283      it.
284    </para>
285    <para>
286      You can also mark a font-functions structure as immutable,
287      with <function>hb_font_funcs_make_immutable()</function>. This
288      is especially useful if your code is a library or framework that
289      will have its own client programs. By marking your
290      font-functions structures as immutable, you prevent your client
291      programs from changing the configuration and introducing
292      inconsistencies and errors downstream.
293    </para>
294  </section>
296  <section id="fonts-and-faces-native-opentype">
297    <title>Font objects and HarfBuzz's native OpenType implementation</title>
298    <para>
299      By default, whenever HarfBuzz creates a font object, it will
300      configure the font to use a built-in set of font functions that
301      supports contemporary OpenType font internals. If you want to
302      work with OpenType or TrueType fonts, you should be able to use
303      these functions without difficulty.
304    </para>
305    <para>
306      Many of the methods in the font-functions structure deal with
307      the fundamental properties of glyphs that are required for
308      shaping text: extents (the maximums and minimums on each axis),
309      origins (the <literal>(0,0)</literal> coordinate point which
310      glyphs are drawn in reference to), and advances (the amount that
311      the cursor needs to be moved after drawing each glyph, including
312      any empty space for the glyph's side bearings).
313    </para>
314    <para>
315      As you can see in the list of functions, there are separate "horizontal"
316      and "vertical" variants depending on whether the text is set in
317      the horizontal or vertical direction. For some scripts, fonts
318      that are designed to support text set horizontally or vertically (for
319      example, in Japanese) may include metrics for both text
320      directions. When fonts don't include this information, HarfBuzz
321      does its best to transform what the font provides.
322    </para>
323    <para>
324      In addition to the direction-specific functions, HarfBuzz
325      provides some higher-level functions for fetching information
326      like extents and advances for a glyph. If you call
327    </para>
328    <programlisting language="C">
329      hb_font_get_glyph_advance_for_direction(font, direction, extents);
330    </programlisting>
331    <para>
332      then you can provide any <type>hb_direction_t</type> as the
333      <parameter>direction</parameter> parameter, and HarfBuzz will
334      use the correct function variant for the text direction. There
335      are similar higher-level versions of the functions for fetching
336      extents, origin coordinates, and contour-point
337      coordinates. There are also addition and subtraction functions
338      for moving points with respect to the origin.
339    </para>
340    <para>
341      There are also methods for fetching the glyph ID that
342      corresponds to a Unicode code point (possibly when followed by a
343      variation-selector code point), fetching the glyph name from the
344      font, and fetching the glyph ID that corresponds to a glyph name
345      you already have.
346    </para>
347    <para>
348      HarfBuzz also provides functions for converting between glyph
349      names and string
350      variables. <function>hb_font_glyph_to_string(font, glyph, s,
351      size)</function> retrieves the name for the glyph ID
352      <parameter>glyph</parameter> from the font object. It generates a
353      generic name of the form <literal>gidDDD</literal> (where DDD is
354      the glyph index) if there is no name for the glyph in the
355      font. The <function>hb_font_glyph_from_string(font, s, len,
356      glyph)</function> takes an input string <parameter>s</parameter>
357      and looks for a glyph with that name in the font, returning its
358      glyph ID in the <parameter>glyph</parameter>
359      output parameter. It automatically parses
360      <literal>gidDDD</literal> and <literal>uniUUUU</literal> strings.
361    </para>
362  </section>
365  <!-- Commenting out FreeType integration section-holder for now. May move
366       to the full-blown Integration Chapter. -->
368  <!--   <section id="fonts-and-faces-freetype">
369    <title>Using FreeType</title>
370    <para>
372    </para>
373    <para>
375    </para>
376  </section> -->
378  <section id="fonts-and-faces-variable">
379    <title>Working with OpenType Variable Fonts</title>
380    <para>
381      If you are working with OpenType Variable Fonts, there are a few
382      additional functions you should use to specify the
383      variation-axis settings of your font object. Without doing so,
384      your variable font's font object can still be used, but only at
385      the default setting for every axis (which, of course, is
386      sometimes what you want, but does not cover general usage).
387    </para>
388    <para>
389      HarfBuzz manages variation settings in the
390      <type>hb_variation_t</type> data type, which holds a <property>tag</property> for the
391      variation-axis identifier tag and a <property>value</property> for its
392      setting. You can retrieve the list of variation axes in a font
393      binary from the face object (not from a font object, notably) by
394      calling <function>hb_ot_var_get_axis_count(face)</function> to
395      find the number of axes, then using
396      <function>hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos()</function> to collect the
397      axis structures:
398    </para>
399    <programlisting language="C">
400      axes = hb_ot_var_get_axis_count(face);
401      ...
402      hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos(face, 0, axes, axes_array);
403    </programlisting>
404    <para>
405      For each axis returned in the array, you can can access the
406      identifier in its <property>tag</property>. HarfBuzz also has
407      tag definitions predefined for the five standard axes specified
408      in OpenType (<literal>ital</literal> for italic,
409      <literal>opsz</literal> for optical size,
410      <literal>slnt</literal> for slant, <literal>wdth</literal> for
411      width, and <literal>wght</literal> for weight). Each axis also
412      has a <property>min_value</property>, a
413      <property>default_value</property>, and a <property>max_value</property>.
414    </para>
415    <para>
416      To set your font object's variation settings, you call the
417      <function>hb_font_set_variations()</function> function with an
418      array of <type>hb_variation_t</type> variation settings. Let's
419      say our font has weight and width axes. We need to specify each
420      of the axes by tag and assign a value on the axis:
421    </para>
422    <programlisting language="C">
423      unsigned int variation_count = 2;
424      hb_variation_t variation_data[variation_count];
425      variation_data[0].tag = HB_OT_TAG_VAR_AXIS_WIDTH;
426      variation_data[1].tag = HB_OT_TAG_VAR_AXIS_WEIGHT;
427      variation_data[0].value = 80;
428      variation_data[1].value = 750;
429      ...
430      hb_font_set_variations(font, variation_data, variation_count);
431    </programlisting>
432    <para>
433      That should give us a slightly condensed font ("normal" on the
434      <literal>wdth</literal> axis is 100) at a noticeably bolder
435      weight ("regular" is 400 on the <literal>wght</literal> axis).
436    </para>
437    <para>
438      In practice, though, you should always check that the value you
439      want to set on the axis is within the
440      [<property>min_value</property>,<property>max_value</property>]
441      range actually implemented in the font's variation axis. After
442      all, a font might only provide lighter-than-regular weights, and
443      setting a heavier value on the <literal>wght</literal> axis will
444      not change that.
445    </para>
446    <para>
447      Once your variation settings are specified on your font object,
448      however, shaping with a variable font is just like shaping a
449      static font.
450    </para>
451  </section>
453 </chapter>