1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
3// Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml
5    Languages{
6        de{"ꄓꇩꉙ"}
7        en{"ꑱꇩꉙ"}
8        es{"ꑭꀠꑸꉙ"}
9        fr{"ꃔꇩꉙ"}
10        ii{"ꆈꌠꉙ"}
11        it{"ꑴꄊꆺꉙ"}
12        ja{"ꏝꀪꉙ"}
13        pt{"ꁍꄨꑸꉙ"}
14        pt_BR{"ꀠꑟꁍꄨꑸꉙ"}
15        ru{"ꊉꇩꉙ"}
16        und{"ꅉꀋꌠꅇꂷ"}
17        zh{"ꍏꇩꉙ"}
18        zh_Hans{"ꈝꐯꍏꇩꉙ"}
19        zh_Hant{"ꀎꋏꍏꇩꉙ"}
20    }
21    Scripts{
22        Arab{"ꀊꇁꀨꁱꂷ"}
23        Cyrl{"ꀊꆨꌦꇁꃚꁱꂷ"}
24        Hans{"ꈝꐯꉌꈲꁱꂷ"}
25        Hant{"ꀎꋏꉌꈲꁱꂷ"}
26        Latn{"ꇁꄀꁱꂷ"}
27        Yiii{"ꆈꌠꁱꂷ"}
28        Zxxx{"ꁱꀋꉆꌠ"}
29        Zzzz{"ꅉꀋꐚꌠꁱꂷ"}
30    }
31    Types{
32        calendar{
33            gregorian{"ꄉꉻꃅꑍ"}
34            islamic{"ꑳꌦꇂꑍꉖ"}
35        }
36    }
37    codePatterns{
38        language{"ꅇꉙ: {0}"}
39        script{"ꇇꁱ: {0}"}
40        territory{"ꃅꄷ: {0}"}
41    }