1 // © 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
7 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
11 #include "unicode/parseerr.h"
12 #include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
13 #include "unicode/umisc.h"
14 #include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"
17 /**
18  * \file
19  * \brief C-compatible API for localized number formatting; not recommended for C++.
20  *
21  * This is the C-compatible version of the NumberFormatter API introduced in ICU 60. C++ users should
22  * include unicode/numberformatter.h and use the proper C++ APIs.
23  *
24  * The C API accepts a number skeleton string for specifying the settings for formatting, which covers a
25  * very large subset of all possible number formatting features. For more information on number skeleton
26  * strings, see unicode/numberformatter.h.
27  *
28  * When using UNumberFormatter, which is treated as immutable, the results are exported to a mutable
29  * UFormattedNumber object, which you subsequently use for populating your string buffer or iterating over
30  * the fields.
31  *
32  * Example code:
33  * <pre>
34  * // Setup:
35  * UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
36  * UNumberFormatter* uformatter = unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"precision-integer", -1, "en", &ec);
37  * UFormattedNumber* uresult = unumf_openResult(&ec);
38  * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
39  *
40  * // Format a double:
41  * unumf_formatDouble(uformatter, 5142.3, uresult, &ec);
42  * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
43  *
44  * // Export the string to a malloc'd buffer:
45  * int32_t len = unumf_resultToString(uresult, NULL, 0, &ec);
46  * // at this point, ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
47  * ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
48  * UChar* buffer = (UChar*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(UChar));
49  * unumf_resultToString(uresult, buffer, len+1, &ec);
50  * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
51  * // buffer should equal "5,142"
52  *
53  * // Cleanup:
54  * unumf_close(uformatter);
55  * unumf_closeResult(uresult);
56  * free(buffer);
57  * </pre>
58  *
59  * If you are a C++ user linking against the C libraries, you can use the LocalPointer versions of these
60  * APIs. The following example uses LocalPointer with the decimal number and field position APIs:
61  *
62  * <pre>
63  * // Setup:
64  * LocalUNumberFormatterPointer uformatter(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"percent", -1, "en", &ec));
65  * LocalUFormattedNumberPointer uresult(unumf_openResult(&ec));
66  * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
67  *
68  * // Format a decimal number:
69  * unumf_formatDecimal(uformatter.getAlias(), "9.87E-3", -1, uresult.getAlias(), &ec);
70  * if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
71  *
72  * // Get the location of the percent sign:
73  * UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_PERCENT_FIELD, 0, 0};
74  * unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult.getAlias(), &ufpos, &ec);
75  * // ufpos should contain beginIndex=7 and endIndex=8 since the string is "0.00987%"
76  *
77  * // No need to do any cleanup since we are using LocalPointer.
78  * </pre>
79  */
81 /**
82  * An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies. Example outputs when formatting 123 USD and 123
83  * meters in <em>en-CA</em>:
84  *
85  * <p>
86  * <ul>
87  * <li>NARROW*: "$123.00" and "123 m"
88  * <li>SHORT: "US$ 123.00" and "123 m"
89  * <li>FULL_NAME: "123.00 US dollars" and "123 meters"
90  * <li>ISO_CODE: "USD 123.00" and undefined behavior
91  * <li>HIDDEN: "123.00" and "123"
92  * </ul>
93  *
94  * <p>
95  * This enum is similar to {@link UMeasureFormatWidth}.
96  *
97  * @stable ICU 60
98  */
99 typedef enum UNumberUnitWidth {
100     /**
101      * Print an abbreviated version of the unit name. Similar to SHORT, but always use the shortest available
102      * abbreviation or symbol. This option can be used when the context hints at the identity of the unit. For more
103      * information on the difference between NARROW and SHORT, see SHORT.
104      *
105      * <p>
106      * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Narrow" format for measure units and the "¤¤¤¤¤" placeholder for
107      * currencies.
108      *
109      * @stable ICU 60
110      */
111             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_NARROW,
113     /**
114      * Print an abbreviated version of the unit name. Similar to NARROW, but use a slightly wider abbreviation or
115      * symbol when there may be ambiguity. This is the default behavior.
116      *
117      * <p>
118      * For example, in <em>es-US</em>, the SHORT form for Fahrenheit is "{0} °F", but the NARROW form is "{0}°",
119      * since Fahrenheit is the customary unit for temperature in that locale.
120      *
121      * <p>
122      * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Short" format for measure units and the "¤" placeholder for
123      * currencies.
124      *
125      * @stable ICU 60
126      */
127             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_SHORT,
129     /**
130      * Print the full name of the unit, without any abbreviations.
131      *
132      * <p>
133      * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the default format for measure units and the "¤¤¤" placeholder for
134      * currencies.
135      *
136      * @stable ICU 60
137      */
138             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME,
140     /**
141      * Use the three-digit ISO XXX code in place of the symbol for displaying currencies. The behavior of this
142      * option is currently undefined for use with measure units.
143      *
144      * <p>
145      * In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "¤¤" placeholder for currencies.
146      *
147      * @stable ICU 60
148      */
149             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_ISO_CODE,
151 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
152     /**
153      * Use the formal variant of the currency symbol; for example, "NT$" for the New Taiwan
154      * dollar in zh-TW.
155      *
156      * <p>
157      * Behavior of this option with non-currency units is not defined at this time.
158      *
159      * @draft ICU 68
160      */
161             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FORMAL,
163     /**
164      * Use the alternate variant of the currency symbol; for example, "TL" for the Turkish
165      * lira (TRY).
166      *
167      * <p>
168      * Behavior of this option with non-currency units is not defined at this time.
169      *
170      * @draft ICU 68
171      */
172             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_VARIANT,
173 #endif  // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
175     /**
176      * Format the number according to the specified unit, but do not display the unit. For currencies, apply
177      * monetary symbols and formats as with SHORT, but omit the currency symbol. For measure units, the behavior is
178      * equivalent to not specifying the unit at all.
179      *
180      * @stable ICU 60
181      */
182             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_HIDDEN,
184     /**
185      * One more than the highest UNumberUnitWidth value.
186      *
187      * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
188      */
189             UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_COUNT
190 } UNumberUnitWidth;
192 /**
193  * An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the
194  * separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten). The choices are several
195  * pre-built strategies for different use cases that employ locale data whenever possible. Example
196  * outputs for 1234 and 1234567 in <em>en-IN</em>:
197  *
198  * <ul>
199  * <li>OFF: 1234 and 12345
200  * <li>MIN2: 1234 and 12,34,567
201  * <li>AUTO: 1,234 and 12,34,567
202  * <li>ON_ALIGNED: 1,234 and 12,34,567
203  * <li>THOUSANDS: 1,234 and 1,234,567
204  * </ul>
205  *
206  * <p>
207  * The default is AUTO, which displays grouping separators unless the locale data says that grouping
208  * is not customary. To force grouping for all numbers greater than 1000 consistently across locales,
209  * use ON_ALIGNED. On the other hand, to display grouping less frequently than the default, use MIN2
210  * or OFF. See the docs of each option for details.
211  *
212  * <p>
213  * Note: This enum specifies the strategy for grouping sizes. To set which character to use as the
214  * grouping separator, use the "symbols" setter.
215  *
216  * @stable ICU 63
217  */
218 typedef enum UNumberGroupingStrategy {
219     /**
220      * Do not display grouping separators in any locale.
221      *
222      * @stable ICU 61
223      */
224             UNUM_GROUPING_OFF,
226     /**
227      * Display grouping using locale defaults, except do not show grouping on values smaller than
228      * 10000 (such that there is a <em>minimum of two digits</em> before the first separator).
229      *
230      * <p>
231      * Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or
232      * greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).
233      *
234      * <p>
235      * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
236      * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
237      *
238      * @stable ICU 61
239      */
240             UNUM_GROUPING_MIN2,
242     /**
243      * Display grouping using the default strategy for all locales. This is the default behavior.
244      *
245      * <p>
246      * Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or
247      * greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).
248      *
249      * <p>
250      * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
251      * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
252      *
253      * @stable ICU 61
254      */
255             UNUM_GROUPING_AUTO,
257     /**
258      * Always display the grouping separator on values of at least 1000.
259      *
260      * <p>
261      * This option ignores the locale data that restricts or disables grouping, described in MIN2 and
262      * AUTO. This option may be useful to normalize the alignment of numbers, such as in a
263      * spreadsheet.
264      *
265      * <p>
266      * Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2
267      * (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).
268      *
269      * @stable ICU 61
270      */
273     /**
274      * Use the Western defaults: groups of 3 and enabled for all numbers 1000 or greater. Do not use
275      * locale data for determining the grouping strategy.
276      *
277      * @stable ICU 61
278      */
282     ,
283     /**
284      * One more than the highest UNumberGroupingStrategy value.
285      *
286      * @internal ICU 62: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
287      */
288             UNUM_GROUPING_COUNT
289 #endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
291 } UNumberGroupingStrategy;
293 /**
294  * An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers. Example outputs when formatting
295  * 123, 0, and -123 in <em>en-US</em>:
296  *
297  * <ul>
298  * <li>AUTO: "123", "0", and "-123"
299  * <li>ALWAYS: "+123", "+0", and "-123"
300  * <li>NEVER: "123", "0", and "123"
301  * <li>ACCOUNTING: "$123", "$0", and "($123)"
302  * <li>ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS: "+$123", "+$0", and "($123)"
303  * <li>EXCEPT_ZERO: "+123", "0", and "-123"
304  * <li>ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO: "+$123", "$0", and "($123)"
305  * </ul>
306  *
307  * <p>
308  * The exact format, including the position and the code point of the sign, differ by locale.
309  *
310  * @stable ICU 60
311  */
312 typedef enum UNumberSignDisplay {
313     /**
314      * Show the minus sign on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers. This is the default
315      * behavior.
316      *
317      * @stable ICU 60
318      */
319             UNUM_SIGN_AUTO,
321     /**
322      * Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers, including zero.
323      * To hide the sign on zero, see {@link UNUM_SIGN_EXCEPT_ZERO}.
324      *
325      * @stable ICU 60
326      */
327             UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS,
329     /**
330      * Do not show the sign on positive or negative numbers.
331      *
332      * @stable ICU 60
333      */
334             UNUM_SIGN_NEVER,
336     /**
337      * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers.
338      *
339      * <p>
340      * The accounting format is defined in CLDR and varies by locale; in many Western locales, the format is a pair
341      * of parentheses around the number.
342      *
343      * <p>
344      * Note: Since CLDR defines the accounting format in the monetary context only, this option falls back to the
345      * AUTO sign display strategy when formatting without a currency unit. This limitation may be lifted in the
346      * future.
347      *
348      * @stable ICU 60
349      */
350             UNUM_SIGN_ACCOUNTING,
352     /**
353      * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on
354      * positive numbers, including zero. For more information on the accounting format, see the
355      * ACCOUNTING sign display strategy. To hide the sign on zero, see
357      *
358      * @stable ICU 60
359      */
362     /**
363      * Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers. Do not show a
364      * sign on zero, numbers that round to zero, or NaN.
365      *
366      * @stable ICU 61
367      */
368             UNUM_SIGN_EXCEPT_ZERO,
370     /**
371      * Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on
372      * positive numbers. Do not show a sign on zero, numbers that round to zero, or NaN. For more
373      * information on the accounting format, see the ACCOUNTING sign display strategy.
374      *
375      * @stable ICU 61
376      */
379     /**
380      * One more than the highest UNumberSignDisplay value.
381      *
382      * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
383      */
384             UNUM_SIGN_COUNT
385 } UNumberSignDisplay;
387 /**
388  * An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator.
389  *
390  * <p>
391  * <ul>
392  * <li>UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_AUTO: "1", "1.1"
393  * <li>UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALWAYS: "1.", "1.1"
394  * </ul>
395  *
396  * @stable ICU 60
397  */
398 typedef enum UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay {
399     /**
400      * Show the decimal separator when there are one or more digits to display after the separator, and do not show
401      * it otherwise. This is the default behavior.
402      *
403      * @stable ICU 60
404      */
407     /**
408      * Always show the decimal separator, even if there are no digits to display after the separator.
409      *
410      * @stable ICU 60
411      */
414     /**
415      * One more than the highest UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay value.
416      *
417      * @internal ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.
418      */
420 } UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay;
422 struct UNumberFormatter;
423 /**
424  * C-compatible version of icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter.
425  *
426  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
427  *
428  * @stable ICU 62
429  */
430 typedef struct UNumberFormatter UNumberFormatter;
432 struct UFormattedNumber;
433 /**
434  * C-compatible version of icu::number::FormattedNumber.
435  *
436  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
437  *
438  * @stable ICU 62
439  */
440 typedef struct UFormattedNumber UFormattedNumber;
443 /**
444  * Creates a new UNumberFormatter for the given skeleton string and locale. This is currently the only
445  * method for creating a new UNumberFormatter.
446  *
447  * Objects of type UNumberFormatter returned by this method are threadsafe.
448  *
449  * For more details on skeleton strings, see the documentation in numberformatter.h. For more details on
450  * the usage of this API, see the documentation at the top of unumberformatter.h.
451  *
452  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
453  *
454  * @param skeleton The skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
455  * @param skeletonLen The number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
456  * @param locale The NUL-terminated locale ID.
457  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
458  * @stable ICU 62
459  */
460 U_CAPI UNumberFormatter* U_EXPORT2
461 unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(const UChar* skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char* locale,
462                                UErrorCode* ec);
465 /**
466  * Like unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale, but accepts a UParseError, which will be populated with the
467  * location of a skeleton syntax error if such a syntax error exists.
468  *
469  * @param skeleton The skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
470  * @param skeletonLen The number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
471  * @param locale The NUL-terminated locale ID.
472  * @param perror A parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing. Can be NULL.
473  *               If no error occurs, perror->offset will be set to -1.
474  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
475  * @stable ICU 64
476  */
477 U_CAPI UNumberFormatter* U_EXPORT2
478 unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError(
479        const UChar* skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char* locale, UParseError* perror, UErrorCode* ec);
482 /**
483  * Creates an object to hold the result of a UNumberFormatter
484  * operation. The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever
485  * passed to a format function.
486  *
487  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
488  * @stable ICU 62
489  */
490 U_CAPI UFormattedNumber* U_EXPORT2
491 unumf_openResult(UErrorCode* ec);
494 /**
495  * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format an integer to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and other
496  * information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
497  *
498  * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
499  * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
500  *
501  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
502  *
503  * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
504  * @param value The number to be formatted.
505  * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
506  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
507  * @stable ICU 62
508  */
509 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
510 unumf_formatInt(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, int64_t value, UFormattedNumber* uresult,
511                 UErrorCode* ec);
514 /**
515  * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a double to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and other
516  * information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
517  *
518  * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
519  * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
520  *
521  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
522  *
523  * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
524  * @param value The number to be formatted.
525  * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
526  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
527  * @stable ICU 62
528  */
529 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
530 unumf_formatDouble(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, double value, UFormattedNumber* uresult,
531                    UErrorCode* ec);
534 /**
535  * Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a decimal number to a UFormattedNumber. A string, field position, and
536  * other information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.
537  *
538  * The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local
539  * UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.
540  *
541  * The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string" as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic
542  * Specification, available at http://speleotrove.com/decimal
543  *
544  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
545  *
546  * @param uformatter A formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
547  * @param value The numeric string to be formatted.
548  * @param valueLen The length of the numeric string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
549  * @param uresult The object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
550  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
551  * @stable ICU 62
552  */
553 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
554 unumf_formatDecimal(const UNumberFormatter* uformatter, const char* value, int32_t valueLen,
555                     UFormattedNumber* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
557 /**
558  * Returns a representation of a UFormattedNumber as a UFormattedValue,
559  * which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.
560  *
561  * The returned object is owned by the UFormattedNumber and is valid
562  * only as long as the UFormattedNumber is present and unchanged in memory.
563  *
564  * You can think of this method as a cast between types.
565  *
566  * @param uresult The object containing the formatted string.
567  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
568  * @return A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
569  * @stable ICU 64
570  */
571 U_CAPI const UFormattedValue* U_EXPORT2
572 unumf_resultAsValue(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UErrorCode* ec);
575 /**
576  * Extracts the result number string out of a UFormattedNumber to a UChar buffer if possible.
577  * If bufferCapacity is greater than the required length, a terminating NUL is written.
578  * If bufferCapacity is less than the required length, an error code is set.
579  *
580  * Also see ufmtval_getString, which returns a NUL-terminated string:
581  *
582  *     int32_t len;
583  *     const UChar* str = ufmtval_getString(unumf_resultAsValue(uresult, &ec), &len, &ec);
584  *
585  * NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.
586  *
587  * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
588  * @param buffer Where to save the string output.
589  * @param bufferCapacity The number of UChars available in the buffer.
590  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
591  * @return The required length.
592  * @stable ICU 62
593  */
594 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
595 unumf_resultToString(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UChar* buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity,
596                      UErrorCode* ec);
599 /**
600  * Determines the start and end indices of the next occurrence of the given <em>field</em> in the
601  * output string. This allows you to determine the locations of, for example, the integer part,
602  * fraction part, or symbols.
603  *
604  * This is a simpler but less powerful alternative to {@link ufmtval_nextPosition}.
605  *
606  * If a field occurs just once, calling this method will find that occurrence and return it. If a
607  * field occurs multiple times, this method may be called repeatedly with the following pattern:
608  *
609  * <pre>
610  * UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD, 0, 0};
611  * while (unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult, ufpos, &ec)) {
612  *   // do something with ufpos.
613  * }
614  * </pre>
615  *
616  * This method is useful if you know which field to query. If you want all available field position
617  * information, use unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions().
618  *
619  * NOTE: All fields of the UFieldPosition must be initialized before calling this method.
620  *
621  * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
622  * @param ufpos
623  *            Input+output variable. On input, the "field" property determines which field to look up,
624  *            and the "endIndex" property determines where to begin the search. On output, the
625  *            "beginIndex" field is set to the beginning of the first occurrence of the field after the
626  *            input "endIndex", and "endIndex" is set to the end of that occurrence of the field
627  *            (exclusive index). If a field position is not found, the FieldPosition is not changed and
628  *            the method returns false.
629  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
630  * @stable ICU 62
631  */
633 unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UFieldPosition* ufpos, UErrorCode* ec);
636 /**
637  * Populates the given iterator with all fields in the formatted output string. This allows you to
638  * determine the locations of the integer part, fraction part, and sign.
639  *
640  * This is an alternative to the more powerful {@link ufmtval_nextPosition} API.
641  *
642  * If you need information on only one field, use {@link ufmtval_nextPosition} or
643  * {@link unumf_resultNextFieldPosition}.
644  *
645  * @param uresult The object containing the formatted number.
646  * @param ufpositer
647  *         A pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by {@link #ufieldpositer_open}. Iteration
648  *         information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator is deleted, and the iterator is reset
649  *         to apply to the fields in the formatted string created by this function call. The field values
650  *         and indexes returned by {@link #ufieldpositer_next} represent fields denoted by
651  *         the UNumberFormatFields enum. Fields are not returned in a guaranteed order. Fields cannot
652  *         overlap, but they may nest. For example, 1234 could format as "1,234" which might consist of a
653  *         grouping separator field for ',' and an integer field encompassing the entire string.
654  * @param ec Set if an error occurs.
655  * @stable ICU 62
656  */
657 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
658 unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions(const UFormattedNumber* uresult, UFieldPositionIterator* ufpositer,
659                                  UErrorCode* ec);
662 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
663 /**
664  * Extracts the formatted number as a "numeric string" conforming to the
665  * syntax defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
666  * http://speleotrove.com/decimal
667  *
668  * This endpoint is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed
669  * after scaling and rounding have been applied by the number formatter.
670  *
671  * @param uresult        The input object containing the formatted number.
672  * @param  dest          the 8-bit char buffer into which the decimal number is placed
673  * @param  destCapacity  The size, in chars, of the destination buffer.  May be zero
674  *                       for precomputing the required size.
675  * @param  ec            receives any error status.
676  *                       If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of chars for
677  *                       preflighting.
678  * @return Number of chars in the data.  Does not include a trailing NUL.
679  * @draft ICU 68
680  */
681 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
682 unumf_resultToDecimalNumber(
683        const UFormattedNumber* uresult,
684        char* dest,
685        int32_t destCapacity,
686        UErrorCode* ec);
687 #endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
690 /**
691  * Releases the UNumberFormatter created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().
692  *
693  * @param uformatter An object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().
694  * @stable ICU 62
695  */
696 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
697 unumf_close(UNumberFormatter* uformatter);
700 /**
701  * Releases the UFormattedNumber created by unumf_openResult().
702  *
703  * @param uresult An object created by unumf_openResult().
704  * @stable ICU 62
705  */
706 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
707 unumf_closeResult(UFormattedNumber* uresult);
713 /**
714  * \class LocalUNumberFormatterPointer
715  * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UNumberFormatter via unumf_close().
716  * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
717  *
718  * Usage:
719  * <pre>
720  * LocalUNumberFormatterPointer uformatter(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(...));
721  * // no need to explicitly call unumf_close()
722  * </pre>
723  *
724  * @see LocalPointerBase
725  * @see LocalPointer
726  * @stable ICU 62
727  */
728 U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUNumberFormatterPointer, UNumberFormatter, unumf_close);
730 /**
731  * \class LocalUFormattedNumberPointer
732  * "Smart pointer" class; closes a UFormattedNumber via unumf_closeResult().
733  * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
734  *
735  * Usage:
736  * <pre>
737  * LocalUFormattedNumberPointer uformatter(unumf_openResult(...));
738  * // no need to explicitly call unumf_closeResult()
739  * </pre>
740  *
741  * @see LocalPointerBase
742  * @see LocalPointer
743  * @stable ICU 62
744  */
745 U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUFormattedNumberPointer, UFormattedNumber, unumf_closeResult);
748 #endif // U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API
750 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
751 #endif //__UNUMBERFORMATTER_H__