1 /*
<lambda>null2  * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3  */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines
7 import org.junit.*
8 import org.junit.Test
9 import java.util.concurrent.*
10 import kotlin.test.*
12 class JobChildStressTest : TestBase() {
13     private val N_ITERATIONS = 10_000 * stressTestMultiplier
14     private val pool = newFixedThreadPoolContext(3, "JobChildStressTest")
16     @After
17     fun tearDown() {
18         pool.close()
19     }
21     /**
22      * Perform concurrent launch of a child job & cancellation of the explicit parent job
23      */
24     @Test
26     fun testChild() = runTest {
27         val barrier = CyclicBarrier(3)
28         repeat(N_ITERATIONS) {
29             var wasLaunched = false
30             var unhandledException: Throwable? = null
31             val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, ex ->
32                 unhandledException = ex
33             }
34             val scope = CoroutineScope(pool + handler)
35             val parent = CompletableDeferred<Unit>()
36             // concurrent child launcher
37             val launcher = scope.launch {
38                 barrier.await()
39                 // A: launch child for a parent job
40                 launch(parent) {
41                     wasLaunched = true
42                     throw TestException()
43                 }
44             }
45             // concurrent cancel
46             val canceller = scope.launch {
47                 barrier.await()
48                 // B: cancel parent job of a child
49                 parent.cancel()
50             }
51             barrier.await()
52             joinAll(launcher, canceller, parent)
53             assertNull(unhandledException)
54             if (wasLaunched) {
55                 val exception = parent.getCompletionExceptionOrNull()
56                 assertTrue(exception is TestException, "exception=$exception")
57             }
58         }
59     }
60 }