1 /*
<lambda>null2  * Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3  */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines
7 import org.junit.Test
8 import kotlin.concurrent.thread
10 /**
11  * Tests concurrent cancel & dispose of the jobs.
12  */
13 class JobDisposeStressTest: TestBase() {
14     private val TEST_DURATION = 3 * stressTestMultiplier // seconds
16     @Volatile
17     private var done = false
18     @Volatile
19     private var job: TestJob? = null
20     @Volatile
21     private var handle: DisposableHandle? = null
23     @Volatile
24     private var exception: Throwable? = null
26     private fun testThread(name: String, block: () -> Unit): Thread =
27         thread(start = false, name = name, block = block).apply {
28             setUncaughtExceptionHandler { t, e ->
29                 exception = e
30                 println("Exception in ${t.name}: $e")
31                 e.printStackTrace()
32             }
33         }
35     @Test
36     fun testConcurrentDispose() {
37         // create threads
38         val threads = mutableListOf<Thread>()
39         threads += testThread("creator") {
40             while (!done) {
41                 val job = TestJob()
42                 val handle = job.invokeOnCompletion(onCancelling = true) { /* nothing */ }
43                 this.job = job // post job to cancelling thread
44                 this.handle = handle // post handle to concurrent disposer thread
45                 handle.dispose() // dispose of handle from this thread (concurrently with other disposer)
46             }
47         }
49         threads += testThread("canceller") {
50             while (!done) {
51                 val job = this.job ?: continue
52                 job.cancel()
53                 // Always returns true, TestJob never completes
54             }
55         }
57         threads += testThread("disposer") {
58             while (!done) {
59                 handle?.dispose()
60             }
61         }
63         // start threads
64         threads.forEach { it.start() }
65         // wait
66         for (i in 1..TEST_DURATION) {
67             println("$i: Running")
68             Thread.sleep(1000)
69             if (exception != null) break
70         }
71         // done
72         done = true
73         // join threads
74         threads.forEach { it.join() }
75         // rethrow exception if any
76     }
78     @Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR")
79     private class TestJob : JobSupport(active = true)
80 }