1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3// found in the LICENSE file. 4 5// This is a "No Compile Test" suite. 6// http://dev.chromium.org/developers/testing/no-compile-tests 7 8#include <utility> 9 10#include "base/bind.h" 11#include "base/callback.h" 12#include "base/macros.h" 13#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" 14#include "base/test/bind_test_util.h" 15 16namespace base { 17 18// Do not put everything inside an anonymous namespace. If you do, many of the 19// helper function declarations will generate unused definition warnings. 20 21static const int kParentValue = 1; 22static const int kChildValue = 2; 23 24class NoRef { 25 public: 26 void VoidMethod0() {} 27 void VoidConstMethod0() const {} 28 int IntMethod0() { return 1; } 29}; 30 31class HasRef : public NoRef, public base::RefCounted<HasRef> { 32}; 33 34class Parent { 35 public: 36 void AddRef() const {} 37 void Release() const {} 38 virtual void VirtualSet() { value = kParentValue; } 39 void NonVirtualSet() { value = kParentValue; } 40 int value; 41}; 42 43class Child : public Parent { 44 public: 45 virtual void VirtualSet() { value = kChildValue; } 46 void NonVirtualSet() { value = kChildValue; } 47}; 48 49class NoRefParent { 50 public: 51 virtual void VirtualSet() { value = kParentValue; } 52 void NonVirtualSet() { value = kParentValue; } 53 int value; 54}; 55 56class NoRefChild : public NoRefParent { 57 virtual void VirtualSet() { value = kChildValue; } 58 void NonVirtualSet() { value = kChildValue; } 59}; 60 61template <typename T> 62T PolymorphicIdentity(T t) { 63 return t; 64} 65 66int UnwrapParentRef(Parent& p) { 67 return p.value; 68} 69 70template <typename T> 71void VoidPolymorphic1(T t) { 72} 73 74void TakesMoveOnly(std::unique_ptr<int>) { 75} 76 77struct NonEmptyFunctor { 78 int x; 79 void operator()() const {} 80}; 81 82// TODO(hans): Remove .* and update the static_assert expectations once we roll 83// past Clang r313315. https://crbug.com/765692. 84 85#if defined(NCTEST_METHOD_ON_CONST_OBJECT) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"Bound argument \|i\| of type \|Arg\| cannot be forwarded as \|Unwrapped\| to the bound functor, which declares it as \|Param\|\.\""] 86 87// Method bound to const-object. 88// 89// Only const methods should be allowed to work with const objects. 90void WontCompile() { 91 HasRef has_ref; 92 const HasRef* const_has_ref_ptr_ = &has_ref; 93 Callback<void()> method_to_const_cb = 94 Bind(&HasRef::VoidMethod0, const_has_ref_ptr_); 95 method_to_const_cb.Run(); 96} 97 98#elif defined(NCTEST_METHOD_BIND_NEEDS_REFCOUNTED_OBJECT) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed \"Receivers may not be raw pointers\."] 99 100 101// Method bound to non-refcounted object. 102// 103// We require refcounts unless you have Unretained(). 104void WontCompile() { 105 NoRef no_ref; 106 Callback<void()> no_ref_cb = 107 Bind(&NoRef::VoidMethod0, &no_ref); 108 no_ref_cb.Run(); 109} 110 111#elif defined(NCTEST_CONST_METHOD_NEEDS_REFCOUNTED_OBJECT) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed \"Receivers may not be raw pointers\."] 112 113// Const Method bound to non-refcounted object. 114// 115// We require refcounts unless you have Unretained(). 116void WontCompile() { 117 NoRef no_ref; 118 Callback<void()> no_ref_const_cb = 119 Bind(&NoRef::VoidConstMethod0, &no_ref); 120 no_ref_const_cb.Run(); 121} 122 123#elif defined(NCTEST_CONST_POINTER) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"Bound argument \|i\| of type \|Arg\| cannot be forwarded as \|Unwrapped\| to the bound functor, which declares it as \|Param\|\.\""] 124 125// Const argument used with non-const pointer parameter of same type. 126// 127// This is just a const-correctness check. 128void WontCompile() { 129 const NoRef* const_no_ref_ptr; 130 Callback<NoRef*()> pointer_same_cb = 131 Bind(&PolymorphicIdentity<NoRef*>, const_no_ref_ptr); 132 pointer_same_cb.Run(); 133} 134 135#elif defined(NCTEST_CONST_POINTER_SUBTYPE) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"Bound argument \|i\| of type \|Arg\| cannot be forwarded as \|Unwrapped\| to the bound functor, which declares it as \|Param\|\.\""] 136 137// Const argument used with non-const pointer parameter of super type. 138// 139// This is just a const-correctness check. 140void WontCompile() { 141 const NoRefChild* const_child_ptr; 142 Callback<NoRefParent*()> pointer_super_cb = 143 Bind(&PolymorphicIdentity<NoRefParent*>, const_child_ptr); 144 pointer_super_cb.Run(); 145} 146 147#elif defined(DISABLED_NCTEST_DISALLOW_NON_CONST_REF_PARAM) // [r"fatal error: no member named 'AddRef' in 'base::NoRef'"] 148// TODO(dcheng): I think there's a type safety promotion issue here where we can 149// pass a const ref to a non const-ref function, or vice versa accidentally. Or 150// we make a copy accidentally. Check. 151 152// Functions with reference parameters, unsupported. 153// 154// First, non-const reference parameters are disallowed by the Google 155// style guide. Second, since we are doing argument forwarding it becomes 156// very tricky to avoid copies, maintain const correctness, and not 157// accidentally have the function be modifying a temporary, or a copy. 158void WontCompile() { 159 Parent p; 160 Callback<int(Parent&)> ref_arg_cb = Bind(&UnwrapParentRef); 161 ref_arg_cb.Run(p); 162} 163 164#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_BIND_TO_NON_CONST_REF_PARAM) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"Bound argument \|i\| of type \|Arg\| cannot be forwarded as \|Unwrapped\| to the bound functor, which declares it as \|Param\|\.\""] 165 166// Binding functions with reference parameters, unsupported. 167// 168// See comment in NCTEST_DISALLOW_NON_CONST_REF_PARAM 169void WontCompile() { 170 Parent p; 171 Callback<int()> ref_cb = Bind(&UnwrapParentRef, p); 172 ref_cb.Run(); 173} 174 175#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_IMPLICIT_ARRAY_PTR_CONVERSION) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"First bound argument to a method cannot be an array\.\""] 176 177// A method should not be bindable with an array of objects. 178// 179// This is likely not wanted behavior. We specifically check for it though 180// because it is possible, depending on how you implement prebinding, to 181// implicitly convert an array type to a pointer type. 182void WontCompile() { 183 HasRef p[10]; 184 Callback<void()> method_bound_to_array_cb = 185 Bind(&HasRef::VoidMethod0, p); 186 method_bound_to_array_cb.Run(); 187} 188 189#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_RVALUE_RAW_PTR_FOR_REFCOUNTED_TYPES) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr\.\""] 190 191// Refcounted types should not be bound as a raw pointer. 192void WontCompile() { 193 HasRef for_raw_ptr; 194 int a; 195 Callback<void()> ref_count_as_raw_ptr_a = 196 Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<int*>, &a); 197 Callback<void()> ref_count_as_raw_ptr = 198 Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<HasRef*>, &for_raw_ptr); 199} 200 201#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_LVALUE_RAW_PTR_FOR_REFCOUNTED_TYPES) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr\.\""] 202 203// Refcounted types should not be bound as a raw pointer. 204void WontCompile() { 205 HasRef* for_raw_ptr = nullptr; 206 Callback<void()> ref_count_as_raw_ptr = 207 Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<HasRef*>, for_raw_ptr); 208} 209 210#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_RVALUE_CONST_RAW_PTR_FOR_REFCOUNTED_TYPES) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr\.\""] 211 212// Refcounted types should not be bound as a raw pointer. 213void WontCompile() { 214 const HasRef for_raw_ptr; 215 Callback<void()> ref_count_as_raw_ptr = 216 Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<const HasRef*>, &for_raw_ptr); 217} 218 219#elif defined(NCTEST_NO_LVALUE_CONST_RAW_PTR_FOR_REFCOUNTED_TYPES) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"A parameter is a refcounted type and needs scoped_refptr\.\""] 220 221// Refcounted types should not be bound as a raw pointer. 222void WontCompile() { 223 const HasRef* for_raw_ptr = nullptr; 224 Callback<void()> ref_count_as_raw_ptr = 225 Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<const HasRef*>, for_raw_ptr); 226} 227 228#elif defined(NCTEST_WEAKPTR_BIND_MUST_RETURN_VOID) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"weak_ptrs can only bind to methods without return values\""] 229 230// WeakPtrs cannot be bound to methods with return types. 231void WontCompile() { 232 NoRef no_ref; 233 WeakPtrFactory<NoRef> weak_factory(&no_ref); 234 Callback<int()> weak_ptr_with_non_void_return_type = 235 Bind(&NoRef::IntMethod0, weak_factory.GetWeakPtr()); 236 weak_ptr_with_non_void_return_type.Run(); 237} 238 239#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_DIFFERENT_TYPES) // [r"fatal error: no viable conversion from 'Callback<MakeUnboundRunType<void \(\*\)\(int\)>>' to 'Callback<void \(\)>'"] 240 241// Bind result cannot be assigned to Callbacks with a mismatching type. 242void WontCompile() { 243 Closure callback_mismatches_bind_type = Bind(&VoidPolymorphic1<int>); 244} 245 246#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_CAPTURING_LAMBDA) // [r"fatal error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'base::internal::FunctorTraits<\(lambda at (\.\./)+base/bind_unittest.nc:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\), void>'"] 247 248void WontCompile() { 249 int i = 0, j = 0; 250 Bind([i,&j]() {j = i;}); 251} 252 253#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_ONCECALLBACK_RUN_ON_LVALUE) // [r"static_assert failed .*\"OnceCallback::Run\(\) may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i\.e\. std::move\(callback\)\.Run\(\)\.\""] 254 255void WontCompile() { 256 OnceClosure cb = Bind([] {}); 257 cb.Run(); 258} 259 260#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_ONCECALLBACK_RUN_ON_CONST_LVALUE) // [r"static_assert failed .*\"OnceCallback::Run\(\) may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i\.e\. std::move\(callback\)\.Run\(\)\.\""] 261 262void WontCompile() { 263 const OnceClosure cb = Bind([] {}); 264 cb.Run(); 265} 266 267#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_ONCECALLBACK_RUN_ON_CONST_RVALUE) // [r"static_assert failed .*\"OnceCallback::Run\(\) may only be invoked on a non-const rvalue, i\.e\. std::move\(callback\)\.Run\(\)\.\""] 268 269void WontCompile() { 270 const OnceClosure cb = Bind([] {}); 271 std::move(cb).Run(); 272} 273 274#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_BIND_ONCECALLBACK) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"BindRepeating cannot bind OnceCallback. Use BindOnce with std::move\(\)\.\""] 275 276void WontCompile() { 277 Bind(BindOnce([](int) {}), 42); 278} 279 280#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_BINDONCE_LVALUE_ONCECALLBACK) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"BindOnce requires non-const rvalue for OnceCallback binding\."] 281void WontCompile() { 282 auto cb = BindOnce([](int) {}); 283 BindOnce(cb, 42); 284} 285 286#elif defined(NCTEST_DISALLOW_BINDONCE_RVALUE_CONST_ONCECALLBACK) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"BindOnce requires non-const rvalue for OnceCallback binding\."] 287 288void WontCompile() { 289 const auto cb = BindOnce([](int) {}); 290 BindOnce(std::move(cb), 42); 291} 292 293#elif defined(NCTEST_BINDONCE_MOVEONLY_TYPE_BY_VALUE) // [r"fatal error: static_assert failed .*\"Bound argument \|i\| is move-only but will be bound by copy\. Ensure \|Arg\| is mutable and bound using std::move\(\)\.\""] 294 295void WontCompile() { 296 std::unique_ptr<int> x; 297 BindOnce(&TakesMoveOnly, x); 298} 299 300#elif defined(NCTEST_BIND_MOVEONLY_TYPE_BY_VALUE) // [r"Bound argument \|i\| is move-only but will be forwarded by copy\. Ensure \|Arg\| is bound using base::Passed\(\), not std::move\(\)."] 301 302void WontCompile() { 303 std::unique_ptr<int> x; 304 Bind(&TakesMoveOnly, x); 305} 306 307#elif defined(NCTEST_BIND_MOVEONLY_TYPE_WITH_STDMOVE) // [r"Bound argument \|i\| is move-only but will be forwarded by copy\. Ensure \|Arg\| is bound using base::Passed\(\), not std::move\(\)."] 308 309void WontCompile() { 310 std::unique_ptr<int> x; 311 Bind(&TakesMoveOnly, std::move(x)); 312} 313 314#elif defined(NCTEST_BIND_NON_EMPTY_FUNCTOR) // [r"fatal error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'base::internal::FunctorTraits<base::NonEmptyFunctor, void>'"] 315 316void WontCompile() { 317 Bind(NonEmptyFunctor()); 318} 319 320#endif 321 322} // namespace base 323