lpr man page for CUPS.
Copyright © 2007-2019 by Apple Inc.
Copyright © 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products.
Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
5 -E Forces encryption when connecting to the server.
5 -H server[:port] Specifies an alternate server.
5 -C "name"
5 -J "name"
5 -T "name" Sets the job name/title.
5 -P destination[/instance] Prints files to the named printer.
5 -U username Specifies an alternate username.
5 -# copies Sets the number of copies to print.
5 -h Disables banner printing. This option is equivalent to -o job-sheets=none.
5 -l Specifies that the print file is already formatted for the destination and should be sent without filtering. This option is equivalent to -o raw.
5 -m Send an email on job completion.
5 -o option[=value] Sets a job option. See "COMMON JOB OPTIONS" below.
5 -p Specifies that the print file should be formatted with a shaded header with the date, time, job name, and page number. This option is equivalent to -o prettyprint and is only useful when printing text files.
5 -q Hold job for printing.
5 -r Specifies that the named print files should be deleted after submitting them.
5 -o job-sheets=name Prints a cover page (banner) with the document. The "name" can be "classified", "confidential", "secret", "standard", "topsecret", or "unclassified".
5 -o media=size Sets the page size to size. Most printers support at least the size names "a4", "letter", and "legal".
5 -o number-up={2|4|6|9|16} Prints 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 document (input) pages on each output page.
5 -o orientation-requested=4 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise).
5 -o orientation-requested=5 Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees clockwise).
5 -o orientation-requested=6 Prints the job in reverse portrait (rotated 180 degrees).
5 -o print-quality=3
5 -o print-quality=4
5 -o print-quality=5 Specifies the output quality - draft (3), normal (4), or best (5).
5 -o sides=one-sided Prints on one side of the paper.
5 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for portrait output.
5 -o sides=two-sided-short-edge Prints on both sides of the paper for landscape output.
lpr -# 2 filenamePrint a double-sided legal document to a printer called "foo":
lpr -P foo -o media=legal -o sides=two-sided-long-edge filenamePrint a presentation document 2-up to a printer called "foo":
lpr -P foo -o number-up=2 filename