1 // RUN: rm -rf %t 2 // RUN: mkdir -p %t 3 // RUN: sed -e "s@TEST_DIR@%{/S:regex_replacement}@g" -e "s@OUT_DIR@%{/t:regex_replacement}@g" %S/Inputs/vfsroot.yaml > %t.yaml 4 // RUN: not %clang_cc1 -Werror -ivfsoverlay %t.yaml -I %S/Inputs -I /direct-vfs-root-files -fsyntax-only /tests/vfsroot-include.c 2>&1 | FileCheck %s 5 // The line above tests that the compiler input file is looked up through VFS. 6 7 // Test successful include through the VFS. 8 #include "not_real.h" 9 10 // Test that a file missing from the VFS root is not found, even if it is 11 // discoverable through the real file system. Fatal error should be the last 12 // in the file as it hides other errors. 13 #include "actual_header.h" 14 // CHECK: fatal error: 'actual_header.h' file not found 15 // CHECK: 1 error generated. 16 // CHECK-NOT: error 17