1! RUN: %S/test_symbols.sh %s %t %f18 -fopenmp
3! 1.4.1 Structure of the OpenMP Memory Model
5! Test implicit declaration in the OpenMP directive enclosing scope
6! through clause; also test to avoid creating multiple symbols for
7! the same variable
9  !DEF: /MainProgram1/b (Implicit) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
10  b = 2
11  !DEF: /MainProgram1/c (Implicit) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
12  c = 0
13  !$omp parallel  private(a,b) shared(c,d)
14  !DEF: /MainProgram1/Block1/a (OmpPrivate) HostAssoc REAL(4)
15  a = 3.
16  !DEF: /MainProgram1/Block1/b (OmpPrivate) HostAssoc REAL(4)
17  b = 4
18  !REF: /MainProgram1/c
19  c = 5
20  !DEF: /MainProgram1/d (Implicit) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
21  d = 6
22  !$omp end parallel
23  !DEF: /MainProgram1/a (Implicit) ObjectEntity REAL(4)
24  print *, a
25end program