1! RUN: %S/test_symbols.sh %s %t %f18 -fopenmp
3! 2.15.2 threadprivate Directive
4! The threadprivate directive specifies that variables are replicated,
5! with each thread having its own copy. When threadprivate variables are
6! referenced in the OpenMP region, we know they are already private to
7! their threads, so no new symbol needs to be created.
9!DEF: /mm Module
10module mm
11  !$omp threadprivate (i)
13  !DEF: /mm/foo PUBLIC (Subroutine) Subprogram
14  subroutine foo
15    !DEF: /mm/foo/a ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
16    integer :: a = 3
17    !$omp parallel
18    !REF: /mm/foo/a
19    a = 1
20    !DEF: /mm/i PUBLIC (Implicit, OmpThreadprivate) ObjectEntity INTEGER(4)
21    !REF: /mm/foo/a
22    i = a
23    !$omp end parallel
24    !REF: /mm/foo/a
25    print *, a
26    block
27      !DEF: /mm/foo/Block2/i ObjectEntity REAL(4)
28      real i
29      !REF: /mm/foo/Block2/i
30      i = 3.14
31    end block
32  end subroutine foo
33end module mm
34!DEF: /tt MainProgram
35program tt
36  !REF: /mm
37  use :: mm
38  !DEF: /tt/foo (Subroutine) Use
39  call foo
40end program tt