1! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18
2! Error tests for structure constructors.
3! Errors caught by expression resolution are tested elsewhere; these are the
4! errors meant to be caught by name resolution, as well as acceptable use
5! cases.
6! Type parameters are used to make the parses unambiguous.
8module module1
9  type :: type1(j)
10    integer, kind :: j
11    integer :: n = 1
12  end type type1
13  type, extends(type1) :: type2(k)
14    integer, kind :: k
15    integer :: m
16  end type type2
17  type :: privaten(j)
18    integer, kind :: j
19    integer, private :: n
20  end type privaten
21 contains
22  subroutine type1arg(x)
23    type(type1(0)), intent(in) :: x
24  end subroutine type1arg
25  subroutine type2arg(x)
26    type(type2(0,0)), intent(in) :: x
27  end subroutine type2arg
28  subroutine errors
29    call type1arg(type1(0)())
30    call type1arg(type1(0)(1))
31    call type1arg(type1(0)(n=1))
32    !ERROR: Keyword 'bad=' does not name a component of derived type 'type1'
33    call type1arg(type1(0)(bad=1))
34    call type2arg(type2(0,0)(n=1,m=2))
35    call type2arg(type2(0,0)(m=2))
36    call type2arg(type2(0,0)(type1=type1(0)(n=1),m=2))
37    call type2arg(type2(0,0)(type1=type1(0)(),m=2))
38  end subroutine errors
39end module module1
41module module2
42  !ERROR: No definition found for type parameter 'k'
43  type :: type1(k)
44  end type
45  type(type1):: x
46end module