1# Adds version control information to the variable VERS. For
2# determining the Version Control System used (if any) it inspects the
3# existence of certain subdirectories under SOURCE_DIR (if provided as an
4# extra argument, otherwise uses CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR).
6function(get_source_info path revision repository)
7  find_package(Git QUIET)
8  if(GIT_FOUND)
9    execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --git-dir
10      WORKING_DIRECTORY ${path}
11      RESULT_VARIABLE git_result
12      OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_output
13      ERROR_QUIET)
14    if(git_result EQUAL 0)
15      string(STRIP "${git_output}" git_output)
16      get_filename_component(git_dir ${git_output} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${path})
17      execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse HEAD
18        WORKING_DIRECTORY ${path}
19        RESULT_VARIABLE git_result
20        OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_output)
21      if(git_result EQUAL 0)
22        string(STRIP "${git_output}" git_output)
23        set(${revision} ${git_output} PARENT_SCOPE)
24      endif()
25      execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{upstream}
26        WORKING_DIRECTORY ${path}
27        RESULT_VARIABLE git_result
28        OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_output
29        ERROR_QUIET)
30      if(git_result EQUAL 0)
31        string(REPLACE "/" ";" branch ${git_output})
32        list(GET branch 0 remote)
33      else()
34        set(remote "origin")
35      endif()
36      execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} remote get-url ${remote}
37        WORKING_DIRECTORY ${path}
38        RESULT_VARIABLE git_result
39        OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_output
40        ERROR_QUIET)
41      if(git_result EQUAL 0)
42        string(STRIP "${git_output}" git_output)
43        set(${repository} ${git_output} PARENT_SCOPE)
44      else()
45        set(${repository} ${path} PARENT_SCOPE)
46      endif()
47    endif()
48  else()
49    message(WARNING "Git not found. Version cannot be determined.")
50  endif()