1; This testcase makes sure that size is taken to account when alias analysis
2; is performed.  It is not legal to delete the second load instruction because
3; the value computed by the first load instruction is changed by the store.
5; RUN: opt < %s -basic-aa -gvn -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
7define i32 @test() {
8; CHECK: %Y.DONOTREMOVE = load i32, i32* %A
9; CHECK: %Z = sub i32 0, %Y.DONOTREMOVE
10  %A = alloca i32
11  store i32 0, i32* %A
12  %X = load i32, i32* %A
13  %B = bitcast i32* %A to i8*
14  %C = getelementptr i8, i8* %B, i64 1
15  store i8 1, i8* %C    ; Aliases %A
16  %Y.DONOTREMOVE = load i32, i32* %A
17  %Z = sub i32 %X, %Y.DONOTREMOVE
18  ret i32 %Z