1; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -wasm-keep-registers | FileCheck %s 2 3; Test that constant offsets can be folded into global addresses. 4 5target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128" 6target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown" 7 8@x = external dso_local global [0 x i32] 9@y = global [50 x i32] zeroinitializer 10 11; Test basic constant offsets of both defined and external symbols. 12 13; CHECK-LABEL: test0: 14; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test0 () -> (i32){{$}} 15; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, x+188{{$}} 16; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 17define i32* @test0() { 18 ret i32* getelementptr ([0 x i32], [0 x i32]* @x, i32 0, i32 47) 19} 20 21; CHECK-LABEL: test1: 22; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test1 () -> (i32){{$}} 23; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, y+188{{$}} 24; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 25define i32* @test1() { 26 ret i32* getelementptr ([50 x i32], [50 x i32]* @y, i32 0, i32 47) 27} 28 29; Test zero offsets. 30 31; CHECK-LABEL: test2: 32; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test2 () -> (i32){{$}} 33; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, x{{$}} 34; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 35define i32* @test2() { 36 ret i32* getelementptr ([0 x i32], [0 x i32]* @x, i32 0, i32 0) 37} 38 39; CHECK-LABEL: test3: 40; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test3 () -> (i32){{$}} 41; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, y{{$}} 42; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 43define i32* @test3() { 44 ret i32* getelementptr ([50 x i32], [50 x i32]* @y, i32 0, i32 0) 45} 46 47; Test negative offsets. 48 49; CHECK-LABEL: test4: 50; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test4 () -> (i32){{$}} 51; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, x-188{{$}} 52; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 53define i32* @test4() { 54 ret i32* getelementptr ([0 x i32], [0 x i32]* @x, i32 0, i32 -47) 55} 56 57; CHECK-LABEL: test5: 58; CHECK-NEXT: .functype test5 () -> (i32){{$}} 59; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, y-188{{$}} 60; CHECK=NEXT: return $pop0{{$}} 61define i32* @test5() { 62 ret i32* getelementptr ([50 x i32], [50 x i32]* @y, i32 0, i32 -47) 63} 64