1; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=OPT %s 2; RUN: llc -O0 -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -o - %s | FileCheck %s 3 4; Parameter with swiftself should be allocated to r13. 5; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_param: 6; CHECK: movq %r13, %rax 7define i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0) { 8 ret i8 *%addr0 9} 10 11; Check that r13 is used to pass a swiftself argument. 12; CHECK-LABEL: call_swiftself: 13; CHECK: movq %rdi, %r13 14; CHECK: callq {{_?}}swiftself_param 15define i8 *@call_swiftself(i8* %arg) { 16 %res = call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %arg) 17 ret i8 *%res 18} 19 20; r13 should be saved by the callee even if used for swiftself 21; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_clobber: 22; CHECK: pushq %r13 23; ... 24; CHECK: popq %r13 25define i8 *@swiftself_clobber(i8* swiftself %addr0) { 26 call void asm sideeffect "nop", "~{r13}"() 27 ret i8 *%addr0 28} 29 30; Demonstrate that we do not need any movs when calling multiple functions 31; with swiftself argument. 32; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_passthrough: 33; OPT-NOT: mov{{.*}}r13 34; OPT: callq {{_?}}swiftself_param 35; OPT-NOT: mov{{.*}}r13 36; OPT-NEXT: callq {{_?}}swiftself_param 37define void @swiftself_passthrough(i8* swiftself %addr0) { 38 call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0) 39 call i8 *@swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0) 40 ret void 41} 42 43; We can use a tail call if the callee swiftself is the same as the caller one. 44; This should also work with fast-isel. 45; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_tail: 46; CHECK: jmp {{_?}}swiftself_param 47; CHECK-NOT: ret 48define i8* @swiftself_tail(i8* swiftself %addr0) { 49 call void asm sideeffect "", "~{r13}"() 50 %res = tail call i8* @swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr0) 51 ret i8* %res 52} 53 54; We can not use a tail call if the callee swiftself is not the same as the 55; caller one. 56; CHECK-LABEL: swiftself_notail: 57; CHECK: movq %rdi, %r13 58; CHECK: callq {{_?}}swiftself_param 59; CHECK: retq 60define i8* @swiftself_notail(i8* swiftself %addr0, i8* %addr1) nounwind { 61 %res = tail call i8* @swiftself_param(i8* swiftself %addr1) 62 ret i8* %res 63} 64