1; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 -x86-asm-syntax=intel -mcpu=i486 | FileCheck %s 2; Test that the load of the constant is folded into the operation. 3 4 5define double @foo_add(double %P) { 6 %tmp.1 = fadd double %P, 1.230000e+02 ; <double> [#uses=1] 7 ret double %tmp.1 8} 9; CHECK-LABEL: foo_add: 10; CHECK: fadd dword ptr 11 12define double @foo_mul(double %P) { 13 %tmp.1 = fmul double %P, 1.230000e+02 ; <double> [#uses=1] 14 ret double %tmp.1 15} 16; CHECK-LABEL: foo_mul: 17; CHECK: fmul dword ptr 18 19define double @foo_sub(double %P) { 20 %tmp.1 = fsub double %P, 1.230000e+02 ; <double> [#uses=1] 21 ret double %tmp.1 22} 23; CHECK-LABEL: foo_sub: 24; CHECK: fadd dword ptr 25 26define double @foo_subr(double %P) { 27 %tmp.1 = fsub double 1.230000e+02, %P ; <double> [#uses=1] 28 ret double %tmp.1 29} 30; CHECK-LABEL: foo_subr: 31; CHECK: fsub qword ptr 32 33define double @foo_div(double %P) { 34 %tmp.1 = fdiv double %P, 1.230000e+02 ; <double> [#uses=1] 35 ret double %tmp.1 36} 37; CHECK-LABEL: foo_div: 38; CHECK: fdiv dword ptr 39 40define double @foo_divr(double %P) { 41 %tmp.1 = fdiv double 1.230000e+02, %P ; <double> [#uses=1] 42 ret double %tmp.1 43} 44; CHECK-LABEL: foo_divr: 45; CHECK: fdiv qword ptr 46 47